Do you often wonder exactly what is creatine? We see this supplement everywhere. Millions of athletes use it since it is a safe and legal performance enhancer. But where does creatine come from? What does it do?
Creatine is made up of the amino acids arginine, glycine, and L-methionine, which are synthesized in the liver and kidneys. Some creatine is obtained naturally from meat and fish in the diet, particularly those containing high levels such as beef, tuna, and herring though some are destroyed when meat is cooked.
An average human has approximately 120 grams of creatine in the body at any one time and this is broken down into creatinine at the rate of 2 grams a day and excreted by the kidneys.
At the most, athletes usually use doses of 3-5 grams of creatine supplements a day. This seems to be the most effective, maintainable regimen. Now let’s take a look at what creatine is and why you might consider using it.