Non-Fitness Jobs that Require Lots of Fitness
You might have browsed a recent post of mine about the top 5 fitness careers or maybe you just want to work in the fitness industry. Here is a list of physical jobs, mostly not in the fitness industry, but still require a high level of fitness.
Many people strive to find jobs that are the least physically demanding. Whether you’re sitting behind a desk all day or filling coffee orders at break-neck speeds, you have enough stress to deal with. You don’t want to heap physical exertion on top of it.
However, there are those people who would rather toil all day than wear a suit and be confined to a cubicle, and for these people, the thought of being paid for physical activity is preferable. That said, there are plenty of physical jobs that demand a high level of fitness, and they will likely appeal to different segments of the working class.
Here are a few careers that require workers to be in peak physical condition.