Posts Tagged ‘knee injury’

Tips to Protect Your Knees While Working Out

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024
powerlifter shows how to protect your knees with proper form

Are you experiencing unpleasant pain in the knee while training your legs? In this article, we are going to tell you how to protect your knees from any unpleasant injuries as they are very common.

Your legs are one of the most important parts of your body. As athletes and/or gym rats, we must train our legs regularly, even though it can be quite unpleasant at times. Training legs is not always fun, and is sometimes a bit painful, causing many beginners and even novice athletes to neglect them. Personally, I love deadlift day, I don’t care much for squat day, and I abhor lunge day for the reasons mentioned above.

Today we will share some tips and tricks of the workout trade, used by coaches and athletes that you can use to protect your knees from inflammation and injury.


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The 4 Best Sports for People Suffering from Knee Pain

Friday, April 13th, 2018

If you once were very active and now have to deal with constant knee pain, it can be difficult to re-adjust your lifestyle to this new reality. However, having bad knees shouldn’t completely stop you from engaging in physical activity. There are tons of great sports out there that can not only be practiced by people with knee problems but could actually improve their condition. Here are a few of them.

excercise for knee pain (more…)

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