Posts Tagged ‘lifestyle’

How to Avoid Late-Night Eating

Friday, January 11th, 2013

No Rest for the Wicked or for the Wicked Busy

Late Night SnackingWhether you’re burning the midnight oil to cram for a test, you’re enjoying your precious moments of freedom with friends by partying until dawn, or you’re one of those 24 hour-a-day computer programmers (yeah, we don’t sleep) you may find yourself wolfing down high-calorie snacks that give you the fuel needed to power through your fatigue. Unfortunately, this can have a slew of unfortunate side effects, from simple digestive discomfort and heartburn to weight gain and all of the problems associated with it.

If you’ve gotten in the habit of staying up late, eating into the wee hours of the morning may have become routine. However, you can get back on a normal schedule where your diet is concerned and avoid late-night binges without too much trouble so long as you follow a few simple guidelines.


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Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle is Important for Optimal Vision

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

Your Lifestyle WILL Affect The Health of Your Eyes

Sexy EyesEveryone knows how important it is for all of us to have a healthy vision. It is equally important to identify ways through which we can keep our vision healthy all our life. The eye specialists’ training in most countries is becoming more comprehensive and this particular medical field has experienced major advancements in eye diseases treatments and laser surgeries to correct farsightedness, nearsightedness and astigmatism. However, the underlying problem that initiates or causes the problem is not yet addressed to.

The type of degenerative change that occurs in our eyes in older age is known as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is one of the most prominent reasons vision impairment occurs in aging population, affecting 1 in every 4 people who are 65 or older. Macular degeneration occurs as your retina degenerates as a result of aging, causing you to face visibility problems, especially during night.

Fortunately, today measures can be taken to prevent such changes from taking place. Preventing macular degeneration related with aging is basically a science known as anti-aging. The common knowledge of this science is that we must adopt a healthy lifestyle in order to improve our health condition. But to your amazement, adopting a healthy lifestyle can even have a positive impact on your vision too.


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Strategies to Avoid the College Freshman 15

Thursday, December 20th, 2012

The Dreaded Freshman 15 is Real!

Fit Freshman

You might think that the notorious freshman fifteen is nothing more than a fairy tale, but consider for a moment the contributing factors. For one thing, most college students are away from home (and the watchful gaze of mom and dad) for the first time in their lives. And without parents around to make sure you’re getting three square meals a day, you might fall into bad habits like scarfing pizza and burgers at the cafeteria for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, skipping fruits and veggies, and snacking from vending machines the rest of the time.

Pile on top of that plenty of stress, a distinct lack of sleep, a lot of high-calorie alcoholic beverages, and likely, little to no exercise. The true surprise is that the standard fifteen pounds are not double that. So if you’d like to avoid the unwanted extra pounds that plague the average student, here are just a few strategies to maintain your weight, keep your energy levels high, and ultimately look and feel as good exiting your freshman year as you did going in.


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5 Healthy Helpful Tips to Lose Your Belly

Monday, January 12th, 2009
Lose Your Belly
Lose Your Belly

If you are reading this then you clearly want to lose some weight. You have probably tried several different ways, and let’s face it; there are thousands of pages of information about it on the World Wide Web.

Which methods work?

Which are actually effective and am I wasting my time?

Here are 5 seriously helpful tips, no rubbish and no lies.


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10 Ways You Can Stop Dieting and Change Your Lifestyle Eating Habits

Friday, June 6th, 2008

Red AppleWhen you look into the mirror what do you see? Perhaps you see a cupcake. Perhaps you see a pear that can talk. An apple maybe? A watermelon? Or perhaps you see walking toothpick. No matter your aesthetic malady, if it can be fixed with diet and exercise.

So often I’ve seen folks try to diet by immersing themselves in fad diet strategies. They use Atkins, Weight Watchers, South Beach, The Zone, Hollywood diets, Low-Carb, Low-Fat, the list goes on and on. Read some reviews of a couple fad diets. The problem is that when dieters go off fad diets, 90% of them gain back whatever they lost and sometimes more! I want to address that issue and provide some tips on how you can generally eat healthier for the rest of your life, rather than abusing fad diet after fad diet.

Starting a new diet or exercise program should not be taken lightly. If you are severely overweight, severely underweight, and/or have any medical conditions, you should always consult your physician prior to drastically changing your eating habits and performing significant weight bearing tasks. Now I would like to outline a number of basic rules for building the foundation of your new dietary plan.

Rule #1 – Permanent Changes

I avoided using “The Diet” as a subtitle of this section for a reason; this is not a diet. I repeat, we are NOT starting a new diet here. These are the permanent changes that need to be made to your lifestyle eating habits. From now on when I use the word “diet” I am referring to your lifestyle eating habits. For example, right now you might say that your diet consists of Coca-Cola, donuts, cheeseburgers, and ice cream. In the future you will say that your diet consists of Crystal Lite, beef jerky, lean beef and chicken, and a protein bar.

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