Posts Tagged ‘losing weight’

What Can You Do If You’re Still Not Losing Weight On Your Regular Diet

Monday, March 3rd, 2025

The frustration of dieting and losing weight is already quite intense. However, there’s nothing quite comparable to that disappointment of preventing yourself from eating the things you love most and following a strict diet, only to step on the scale and realize you haven’t lost a single ounce! It could be the nutrient density of your food choices (high fat, high sugar), the quantity of your food consumption, or the problem that might indeed exist within your lifestyle habits.

Stop! Before you give up and head to the fridge to gorge on everything you find inside, here are a few bad habits that could be affecting your weight loss along with some tips to help fix them.


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Back to Basics: The Fundamentals of Keeping Lost Weight Off

Thursday, October 6th, 2016

The Basic Fundamentals Of Losing Weight And Keeping It Off

Over the years, more and more consumers have discovered the paramount importance of losing weight and getting into shape. An abundance of health complications can be directly linked to obesity. This includes diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure. Unfortunately, losing weight can seem hopeless for a large quantity of the population. It is undeniably much more difficult than the majority of people will ever know and keeping the weight off can be even more difficult. Below, you will discover the fundamentals of losing weight and keeping it off for good.

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Calories In vs Calories Burned

First and foremost, it is pertinent to follow the basics. The concept of losing weight is actually very simple. Individuals only need to consume less calories than they burn each and every day. By following this basic formula, you’ll eventually lose weight. Unfortunately, putting this simple plan into action can be very difficult. Hunger, lack of control, and other factors can get in the way and lead the individual astray. (more…)

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