Nicotine is not good for you and it is just another expense to empty out your wallet. No one here at Project Swole smokes, but we sure do know an awful lot of folks who do. For those who are not ready to quit but are at least looking for a healthier alternative to smoking, and even for those who are ready to take that first step towards quitting, vaping might be for you.
As an added benefit, people who work out, specifically with resistance training, have a higher chance of kicking the habit than people who don’t exercise. Might as well make the most of both worlds and take that first step today.
Exploring The Benefits Of Vaping As Opposed To Tobacco
You could spend thousands of hours educating yourself about the dangers of smoking cigarettes. One single cigarette contains over hundreds of thousands of chemicals and with each puff you introduce all those toxins in your body. However, what you probably do not know is that there is a new safer alternative to smoking that is taking the market by storm. This new alternative is known as e-cigarettes and it offers a myriad of health benefits as opposed to smoking. (more…)