There are numerous considerations when planning an exercise routine; what type of exercises will you partake in? What clothes should you wear during said activities? How hard you want to push yourself and for how long, among other factors. One concern many people may overlook is the importance of how long to wait to exercise after eating or snacking.
Eating too much beforehand can make physical efforts seem unbearable, leading to pain and potential health hazards such as cramps or constipation.
So, how long should you wait after eating before exercising? Will exercising make it harder for your body to digest food? What are the benefits of waiting before taking a workout break?
This guide will discuss how much time you need to wait between meals and working out.
A lot of Americans and honestly most civilized people happen to have really unhealthy lifestyles. These unhealthy habits may or may not include regularly eating out or ordering in food, making instant meals, and regularly indulging in different kinds of junk and processed foods. Now, the problem with this lifestyle is that it not only makes us gain unhealthy weight, but it also affects our overall wellbeing too, since you we usually end up feeling sluggish and lazy after eating these kinds of meals.
This is why you will find a lot of people are slowly beginning to improve their diets and trying to cut out as much unhealthy food as they can so that they can reclaim and improve their health once again. One of the ways people are doing that is by switching over to different fad diets and dieting strategies, which in the case of this article, is a gluten-free diet. To help with meal planning there are services that will literally deliver the correct food directly to your door. You can click for more info on getting started with a gluten-free meal delivery service. Keep reading below to learn how and why to start a gluten-free meal plan and begin to configure your own gluten-free diet.
Living a healthy life is something most people strive to do. Trying to stay on an exercise regimen and a moderate diet can be challenging to say the least. Finding ways to make the process of getting fit easier is something you should view as a priority.
One of the best ways to keep your diet on track is by creating a meal prep plan. By meal prepping, you can avoid eating fast food throughout the course of your week. Taking the time to research the internet will allow you to read more about this process and the benefits associated with meal prepping.
The following are some of the things you can do to make meal prepping easier.
A healthy lifestyle starts right from what you consume. Lucky enough, people are more conscious than ever about healthy living nowadays. They have greatly embraced the idea of food management for the purpose of saving money, losing weight, and healthy eating.
However, this comes at a cost, and many of them can no longer eat the cheap, low-quality food on offer in most restaurants. They have to pack their food in containers and tag them along, maybe to work in order to eat their favorite meal every few hours. With this in mind, several companies are solving this problem by manufacturing excellent meal preparation bags. So…
A couple days ago I posted the first 5 reasons you are not losing weight. Here are 5 more reasons you are not losing weight. Check out the first article if you missed it: 10 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight Part 1
Peep these second 5 five items in my list of 10 possible ways you could be sabotaging your diet. (more…)
Everyone likes a good diet post once in a while. Something to remind us about those small dietary habits that ultimately sabotage our efforts to look good naked. This is one of those posts.
You want to drop a couple dozen stubborn pounds of fat. You know what to do and how to do it. You figure in about 2 months you can complete your transformation by eating healthy foods but fewer calories, and adding an extra hour of exercise each week. On paper and in your brain it all makes sense. But how’s that working for you?
Typical Diet Progress
Let me guess. After two months of eating fruits and veggies, and hitting the treadmill with fierce dedication, you step on the scale and find that you’ve lost a whopping… 2 pounds. What could possibly have happened? Would could have gone wrong?
Why You Can’t Stay Lean When You Get Off Your Structured Diet
We have all heard of The Atkins diet, The Warrior Diet, The Paleo Diet and every other nutritional plan that promises to burn fat, build muscle, and allow you to achieve your physique related goals with minimal effort.
They make big promises, sound good in practice, but fail to deliver. Even if you do reach your goal, after you discontinue the diet, the fat piles right back on and you are back where you started.
What a waste of time.
Why does this happen?
It’s really simple. The proverb “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” comes to mind…
Should Bodybuilders Restrict Their Intake of Dietary Fat?
We all know sugar is bad. It is fun to eat but it is bad for your body. It belongs on the bodybuilding blacklist, I’ve got no qualms there. We all know protein is good for bodybuilding. That is a simple and obvious discussion. But what about fat?
Possibly left over from the 1980’s war on fat, a common myth is that fat calories have no place in a healthy diet, let alone a bodybuilding diet. Around that time fat was demonized and carbohydrates were praised. The myth still lingers, but isn’t it time to let that battle go?
The Myth
A bodybuilding diet consists of lean meats like turkey, chicken, fish, egg whites, and fat free dairy products. Bodybuilding newbies learn this practice almost immediately. We must keep calories low, so we must keep fat consumption low. (more…)
There are the hard-gainers, the obese slackers, the off-season bodybuilders, the weekend warriors, the overweight housewives, and a million other kinds of aspiring athletes. Everyone has a goal. Some goals are simply to lose weight, while others are mainly to build muscle, but for most people fat loss goes along with muscle gain for a variety of reasons – everything from general health, building a beach body, sports performance, competition prep, and even to combat aging.
The most popular fitness newbie belief is that you can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. Every personal trainer in the world then tries to convince the newbie that he or she simply can’t try to accomplish both goals at the same time. Why? Because gaining muscle and losing fat seem to be mutually exclusive. (more…)
5 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Sticking to a Strict Diet
Your research is complete. You have a blank food log ready to go. You know exactly how many carbs, proteins, fats, and calories to eat each day. You even have an alarm set to go off every 3 hours to remind you to eat a snack or drink a protein shake. You’ve got anywhere from 10-20 weeks to reach your target body fat, but you know full well that cheating can be disastrous.
You know from experience that after 2 weeks your body is going to demand that you feed it some of your favorite tasty treats. But this time is going to be different. This time you are going to stick it out. So how are you going to stick to your diet for the required time? How are you going to hit your goals?
It is far from impossible. In fact thousands of bodybuilders do it every day, and you can too.
Here are 5 strategies to help you stay disciplined on a strict diet. (more…)