Posts Tagged ‘mobility’

How to Choose the Best Exercises at the Gym

Wednesday, June 12th, 2024
examples of the best exercises at the gym

Exercise is a great way to improve your health and overall fitness.  There are a wide variety of workouts to choose from and these will vary depending on your age, health status, and fitness levels. Not only is there an overwhelming choice of equipment, there is the question of which are the best exercises at the gym, and which exercise modalities will properly help you reach your goals.

Check out these different workout strategies to help you choose the best exercises at the gym.


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Why Mobility Matters for Strength Training

Thursday, March 1st, 2018

It takes a lot of commitment to strength training to see consistent muscle growth. To be able to fit training into their schedule, people often cut corners. While some neglect to properly warm up before slamming the weight plates on a barbell, most decide to skip their post-workout mobility session when pressed for time.

mobility training

While mobility training can be time-consuming, tedious, and uncomfortable, it is also extremely important to incorporate into your strength training routine. When it comes to hitting the weights, here are a few reasons why mobility matters.


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4 Expert Tips for Weightlifters to Get Rid of Shoulder Pain For Good

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011
Rick Kaselj
Rick Kaselj

Rick Kaselj is a personal trainer that focuses on helping clients overcome their injuries. Rick’s specialization is the shoulder and did his Masters’ degree project on designing effective exercises for the rotator cuff. He shares with rotator cuff injury suffers and fitness professionals what he has learned in school and from his clients and has put it all into the Shoulder Pain Solved Program.

If You Don’t Want Shoulder Pain When You Lift, Do This

Thanks for all the feedback and voting in the last post.
Now I got a better idea of how I can help you.
Lets get to what you can do to get rid of shoulder pain during your lifts.


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If Your Goal is to Build Muscle or Gain Strength, Then Prehab is a Necessity

Tuesday, July 26th, 2011
Rick Kaselj
Rick Kaselj

Rick Kaselj is a personal trainer that focuses on helping clients overcome their injuries. Rick’s specialization is the shoulder and did his Masters’ degree project on designing effective exercises for the rotator cuff. He shares with rotator cuff injury suffers and fitness professionals what he has learned in school and from his clients and has put it all into the Effective Rotator Cuff Exercise Program.

Exercises for Injuries Feedback

This is the first of what will hopefully be a series of posts by Rick about injury prevention and rehabilitation. Although you won’t learn about the finer details of effective rotator cuff exercises or knee injury prevention in this post, I do hope it will encourage you to think about your own aches and pains.

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