Posts Tagged ‘nutrition’

Halloween Recipes – Protein Pus Pockets

Tuesday, October 11th, 2022
Protein Pus Pockets

Another great gross-out Halloween snack for you and the kiddies. Looks like someone just squeezed a zit! Arrange these Protein Pus Pockets on an hors d’oeuvres platter as the recipe says, and you will have a fun and healthy treat for a Halloween get-together.

You could also make a handful of these and keep them in the fridge for a quick snack or a small meal. They are also easily taken to work for lunch because they are small and very portable.

So, how do we make them?


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What is Fructose – Can it Make or Break Your Dream Body?

Thursday, September 29th, 2022
man eats apple, wonders what is fructose?

There’s lots of sugar out there. Some are just plain unhealthy to consume, others, like fructose, should have a place in your diet, even if sparingly. So what is fructose?

Fructose is one of the three foundation sugars that are found in our foods. Fructose combines with glucose and galactose to form the sugars that we see on the ingredient lists. When fructose is combined with glucose you get traditional sugar which means that sugar is 50% fructose.

Fructose, aka fruit sugar, is what makes fruit taste sweet and helps to intensify the flavor of the fruit. However, the fructose in fruit varies depending on the fruit. The fruit with the most fructose is the common apple, though some people mistakening believe it to be the banana.


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How Long Should I Wait to Exercise After Eating?

Tuesday, September 20th, 2022
athletes waiting to exercise after eating

There are numerous considerations when planning an exercise routine; what type of exercises will you partake in? What clothes should you wear during said activities? How hard you want to push yourself and for how long, among other factors. One concern many people may overlook is the importance of how long to wait to exercise after eating or snacking. 

Eating too much beforehand can make physical efforts seem unbearable, leading to pain and potential health hazards such as cramps or constipation.

So, how long should you wait after eating before exercising? Will exercising make it harder for your body to digest food? What are the benefits of waiting before taking a workout break? 

This guide will discuss how much time you need to wait between meals and working out.


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How Do I Start a Vegan Diet Plan?

Sunday, August 7th, 2022
start a vegan diet

There are several reasons to start a vegan diet, but each person’s motivation will be unique. Some people may choose to be vegan because they feel there is a connection between a vegan diet and chronic degenerative illnesses. Other people choose to be vegan because they care about animals. Other factors may include the environment, religion, weight reduction, and so on.

Whatever goals you have currently to motivate you, you will end up broadening the circle of compassion in this world and raising your mind and body to new heights! Being vegan, as they usually say, is like drinking a truth serum, because living an honest, healthy, clean life alters your mindset.

Let’s take a moment to think about the essential aspects you’ll need to start a vegan diet plan for weight loss and general good health.


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A Protein Powder That Tastes Great Mixed with Water

Friday, August 5th, 2022

Official Update for 2022

This original post was all about the Shakeology product. Let it be known I no longer use Shakeology and instead, I use Muscle Milk, which is a far better and less expensive product that also tastes better. Muscle Milk is a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water.

If you are looking for a pure protein powder, check out Muscle Milk. Muscle Milk protein powder comes in about 20 different flavors, and is available in 1 lb, 2 lb, 5 lb, and 10 lb containers. Learn more about Muscle Milk. Finally, a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water!

Maybe you prefer all-natural whole-food protein bars. Visit RX Bars for awesome tasting bars. My favorite is Maple Sea Salt.

“Like eating 3 egg whites, 2 dates, and 6 almonds. With no B.S.”

This guy is hungry for a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water

The Healthiest Meal of the Day

Please note: you’re about to read my original story from 2011.

So I was hungry the other day at work and didn’t have many meal choices. The cafeteria was closed, I didn’t have any money for the vending machine, no protein bars, and only a couple of packets of Sweet & Spicy Tuna in my desk drawer. I’d already eaten tuna earlier that day, so I wasn’t in the mood for more.

What to do? What to do?


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Follow These 10 Rules to Get Shredded

Friday, July 1st, 2022
male deadlifting wants to get shredded

When you need to drop fat quickly to get shredded, you might have to say, “screw healthy lifestyle eating habits”, and take a more aggressive approach. It’s great to eat healthily and maintain low body fat. But what if you only have 2 months to lose 20 lbs? What if you are trying to get from a decent 12% bodyfat to a ripped 6% bodyfat? Well, now it’s time to talk about jumping on a hardcore diet to melt off the fat and show those hard-earned abs.


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20 Unhealthy Foods You Mistakenly Think Are Healthy

Wednesday, June 15th, 2022

Updated: 6/15/2022

the rock eating unhealthy foods

Let me preface this post by saying: “I eat these foods.” Yes, it is true, I do eat about 50% of the foods listed. Especially peanuts, Smartfood, and some of the carbohydrate foods listed at the bottom. Despite calling them all out as unhealthy foods, they aren’t all technically that bad for you, it’s just good to examine the nutritional details and figure out where we can make the best decisions.

If you take this list literally, it will just aggravate you, so take it with a grain of salt… or maybe a grain of whole wheat.

There are many terms that are misleading in the food advertising industry today. Think of how many times you see healthy phrases plastered all over food containers. Don’t allow yourself to be swayed by these words of trickery, none of these catchphrases mean ‘healthy food’ inherently – you have to read the labels.

Let’s take a look at some of the most common attempts to convince consumers a food is healthy when perhaps it’s really not.


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How To Eat a Balanced Diet

Saturday, June 4th, 2022
balanced diet power bowl

Eating a balanced diet may sound cliché. Who doesn’t know that every meal should have carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins? Even the laziest of people can whip up a healthy balanced meal. 

Here are 5 tips you can use today to start transitioning your lifestyle to a healthier balanced diet.


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How Do I Start a Paleo Diet?

Thursday, April 28th, 2022
healthy foods to start a paleo diet

The Paleo diet is intended to be similar to what our ancestors and forefathers ate thousands of years in the past. When you start a paleo diet you can be assured you are eating like your ancestors, even if you don’t know exactly who they are. Although it is hard to know exactly what our predecessors ate in various regions of the world, scholars assume their diets were mostly up of complete foods.

The hunter-gatherers apparently had a considerably lower incidence of lifestyle illnesses such as obesity, and heart diseases because they followed a whole-food-based diet and lived physically active lifestyles. As a matter of fact, multiple studies demonstrate that this diet can result in considerable weight loss (without calorie tracking) and significant health advantages.

We provide you with a basic introduction to the paleo diet, including a meal plan and other important information.


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Body Builder Diet: 7 Secrets to a Successful Bodybuilding Diet

Monday, April 25th, 2022
Benefits of Bodybuilding

If you think that lighting heavy weights on its own is enough to build muscle and maintain progress, you couldn’t be more wrong! A successful body builder diet is crucial, some would say 75% responsible, for gaining/maintaining muscle while also losing fat.

Building muscle is hard, and maintaining your progress is even harder.

It’s not enough to just go to the gym a few times a week. You also need to make sure you have the right body builder diet if you want to see results.

But don’t worry. Keep reading because this article will teach you everything you need to know about bodybuilding nutrition so that you can finally achieve the physique you’ve always wanted.


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How Do I Start a Vegetarian Diet Plan?

Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
Start a Vegetarian Diet like this athlete

Vegetarian diets are becoming increasingly popular. The reasons to start a vegetarian diet vary, but they all have health benefits, such as lowering your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several cancers. Research studies estimate that vegetarians account for up to 18% of the world population.

However, some vegans eat far too many processed meals, which can be heavy in calories, fat, sugar, and salt. Furthermore, they may not consume enough fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and calcium-rich meals, depriving themselves of the minerals they supply.

A vegetarian diet, on the other hand, may suit the needs of individuals of all ages, including toddlers, teens, and pregnant or breastfeeding women, with a little preparation. The goal is to be aware of your nutritional requirements so that you can develop a diet to satisfy them.


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Top 10 Best Juices For Health and Fitness

Thursday, April 7th, 2022
Best Juices For Health and Fitness

In today’s world recovering from the devastating effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare and wellbeing is a priority for everyone now. There’s been a sharp rise in awareness of our mental health and physical goodness. And therefore, we are doing our best to shift from an unhealthy lifestyle through small but significant steps. Nutrition is a huge part of staying healthy, we can use some of these best juices for health and fitness to add vitamins and minerals to our daily routine. Just be careful not to overdo it due to all of the sugars typically found in fruit and veggie juices.


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Top 5 Most Popular Intermittent Fasting Methods

Monday, March 14th, 2022
Popular Intermittent Fasting Methods to get you ripped

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a highly popular health trend. It’s claimed to reduce weight, improve metabolism, and even boost lifespan. Each of the most popular intermittent fasting methods involves a way of eating using regular short-term fasts. These fasts help you consume fewer calories and optimize hormones related to weight management. If your goal is to improve your eating habits this type of diet strategy could help you significantly.

Let’s take a look at 5 popular intermittent fasting methods and the benefits to your weight loss and your health.


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Top 10 YouTube Female Fitness Influencers of 2022

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022
YouTube Female Fitness Influencers

When you can’t go to the gym, you can watch videos on Youtube. Every year, the Youtube community grows, with creators sharing their fitness experiences, ideas, and tactics with their fans in order to inspire them to live better and happier lives. Viewers from all around the world are flocking to Youtube to work out their favorite YouTube Female Fitness Influencers. Fitness superstars with millions of followers are reaching out to audiences all over social media with customized experiences and diet plans.

Check out the top 10 Youtube Female Fitness Influencers that might serve as your personal trainers, online or offline.


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How Do I Start a Ketogenic Diet?

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
start a ketogenic diet with salad and tomatoes

A ketogenic diet, often known as a keto diet, is a low-carb and high-fat diet. It has been shown in several studies to be useful for weight loss and certain health concerns. The hardest part about it is knowing how to start a ketogenic diet with food, and nutritional and lifestyle changes.

A keto diet is very beneficial for shedding extra body fat while remaining hungry, as well as treating type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndromes according to researchers. The benefits of a keto diet include shedding extra body fat while remaining hungry, as well as treating type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome. The primary focus of the ketogenic diet is to restrict carbohydrates (carbs) in order to burn fat for fuel.

In this article, you’ll discover all you need to know about how to start a ketogenic diet, including safety concerns and nutritional efficiency. There is a great resource in the book, The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners: Your Essential Guide to Living the Keto Lifestyle, so certainly once we examine this initial strategy, it could be worth your effort to check out the book.


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5 Reasons to Hydrate Before a Workout

Tuesday, February 15th, 2022
fit guy's reasons to hydrate

No matter how you work out or for how long, taking a water bottle with you and remembering to drink is important. You may wonder what exactly the health benefits are to staying hydrated. Learning more about the reasons to hydrate and the role water plays in your bodily health can help you remember to eat foods with water in them and drink after an intense workout.


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How Much Water Should You Drink?

Monday, February 14th, 2022
Dr. John Berardi

Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition-related conferences; and published countless articles online.

His first articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago provided me with the basis for everything I knew about nutrition in my early years as a personal trainer. Now I will turn some of that knowledge over to you in the form of Nutrition Tips written by Dr. Berardi himself.

Today’s Topic – How Much Water You Should Drink

Water is important for maintaining proper health.

Drink Water

I have always advocated drinking at least a gallon of water a day, but then some media outlets over-hype the fact that drinking too much water can make you sick, so people sometimes dismiss the importance of drinking water. So whatever you believe, the all-important question must still be answered, how much water should you drink?

I think it all had to do with some radio contest to see who could drink the most water in the shortest amount of time. The fact is that you would have to drink many gallons of water in a short time frame to make yourself sick.

Let’s take a look at a few reasons why you should basically drink as much water as possible each day.


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5 Best Diets To Try in 2022

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022
diets to try in 2022 - the cheeseburger diet?

You’ve finally decided that you want to take on the challenge to eat healthier. There are plenty of diets to try in 2022. Lots of research and experimenting with all different diet strategies means lots of different possibilities that can better suit your body and your lifestyle. 

Keep in mind when we talk about ‘diet’ we are not necessarily talking about a temporary fad diet. Diet strategies such as plant-based, ketogenic, and paleo can be the basis of a dieting phase, but it is recommended to take what works for you to incorporate into your overall nutritional strategy and lifestyle habits.

Here’s a great list of a handful of the best diets to try in 2022 to kickstart a healthier lifestyle.


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Top 5 Post-Workout Foods

Friday, February 4th, 2022

Eating immediately following a workout isn’t always the first thing on your mind, but it’s important to replenish fluids and at least some nutrients soon after working out. You certainly shouldn’t sit down to a big meal of post-workout foods, but a small to moderately-sized meal is essential to your body’s recovery process. Without sufficient replenishment, you can dip down into low energy, moodiness, and compromise muscle recovery.

post-workout foods

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How Much Fat Should I Eat in a Day?

Thursday, January 13th, 2022
How Much Fat Should I Eat

Almost all nutritious food has fat in it. Fats are used for a variety of purposes including transporting vital nutrients to cells, assisting in the digestion of certain foods, and providing us with energy in times of nutrient depletion. To be healthy you can’t, and shouldn’t, stay away from fat. Still, we find ourselves asking: how much fat should I eat in a day? What are the pros and cons of eating low-fat or fat-free? What kind of fat should I be eating most? Which foods provide healthy fats and which foods will kill me quickly?

As with my other articles how many carbs to eat in a day and how much protein to eat in a day, all depends on a couple of factors:

  • current bodyweight
  • dietary goals
  • cholesterol profile
  • activity level
  • lifestyle
  • time of day

The American Heart Association recommends limiting dietary fat to 30% of total calories. Take into consideration, however, if you are overweight, need to lower blood cholesterol, or have another medical concern, you may need less than the recommended 30%.

Let’s stop to consider all of the factors that go into determining how much fat we should eat.


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