Posts Tagged ‘performance’

The Integral Role Of Sports Physiotherapy in Amplifying Athletic Performance

Sunday, January 12th, 2025
doctor and athlete working on sports physiotherapy together

Have you ever wondered what secret sauces elite athletes are fed to propel them to top performance? Perhaps you might be imagining a rigorous training routine, concoctions of health supplements, or cutting-edge sports technology. But let’s not tread down the fantastical route and instead seek out the reality. What if we told you that good old sports physiotherapy is an integral element in enhancing an athlete’s performance? 

As surprising as it may seem, this hands-on healthcare profession has been silently altering the sports field, pushing athletes to exceed their limits, and even assisting them to bounce back from debilitating injuries. But how exactly does this profession operate? How does it prepare men and women to not just participate in a sport but to excel in it?

If these questions pique your interest, you’re in for a treat as we explore the role of sports physiotherapy in enhancing athletic performance.


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5 Ways Acupuncture Improves Performance

Friday, August 19th, 2022
Acupuncture Improves Performance for this fit man

Do you have problems with your daily tasks? Are you having trouble getting to sleep or waking up in the morning? If these or any other symptoms affect your productivity, you may want to learn how acupuncture improves performance. These are 5 of the best ways based on studies and feedback from both coaches and athletes.

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to treat all ailments, from anxiety and pain to addiction and stress. In today’s world of hectic schedules and stressful lifestyles, it’s no wonder that so many people turn to acupuncture to improve their daily performance. Here are ways acupuncture can help you achieve your goals.


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How Does Tylenol Enhance Athletic Performance?

Tuesday, May 10th, 2022
male athlete Tylenol enhance athletic performance runner

For many runners, acetaminophen (Tylenol as a brand name) is a very popular choice for pain treatment before and after runs and strenuous workouts. Those athletes have an ongoing question that needs answers, they should know how does Tylenol enhance athletic performance. For many years, experts questioned whether or not the pain reliever had an ergogenic impact, but a new meta-analysis found that acetaminophen can boost performance when given 45 minutes to an hour before a significant effort or exertion.

Let’s discuss a few of the ways Tylenol affects athletic performance.


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Top Supplements to Boost Athletic Performance

Monday, January 31st, 2022
Boost Athletic Performance

You may be well aware of the importance of a solid diet and adequate hydration if you are an athlete, there are also many nutritional supplements that could be beneficial. Here are some of the top supplements that may be able to boost athletic performance in the right combination, used at the right time.

Disclaimer: it is important to speak with a medical professional before adding any supplements to your daily routine, so make sure you talk to your doctor first.


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Supplement Your Workouts the Right Way

Tuesday, November 16th, 2021
supplement your workouts

The way you design your exercise, diet, and supplement routines will ultimately shape the type of results you see. For instance, young men who want to add bulky muscle will have needs quite different from older women who want to slim down. Knowing which nutritional building blocks to supplement your workouts can help you create a more solid foundation for your health and wellness goals.


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Why PEMF Therapy Can Help Athletes

Tuesday, September 7th, 2021

The major goal of athletes is to give their best. To attain this goal, they have to put in lots of hard work. Athletes have to keep their bodies strong and active; for this, they do tons of training. Intense training can result in muscle stiffness and injuries. However, the PEMF technology is here for timely rescue. It is a non-invasive therapy that uses an electromagnetic field to treat body injuries and other conditions. Athletes can use this therapy for speedy recovery and improvement in performance. The portable devices allow the gymnasts to get therapy anywhere and anytime. Healthyline Outlet offers a wide range of devices from which you can select.

In this article, you will read more about the usage of pulsed electromagnetic therapy for athletes.


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Herbalife Reviews: Athletes Train & Recover Faster With Performance Nutrition Line Herbalife24

Wednesday, July 28th, 2021
train & recover faster

All Herbalife Nutrition products are intentionally crafted to support an individual’s proactive management of his health and wellness. As an added benefit, they also help athletes to train & recover faster. Product reviews on confirm that the Performance Nutrition Line Herbalife24 is effective and provides results.

With 24 grams of whey and casein proteins and a proprietary amino acid blend that aids muscle recovery, Herbalife24 (H24) delivers vital nourishment for athletes in training. Recently, a group of LA Galaxy players made a video describing how the products have improved their performance on the soccer field. 

Daniel Steres, a Galaxy defender, said that nutrition is very important to him. He went on the say that chocolate, his favorite flavor, “just makes me feel better. I feel like I’m a little more recovered. And, I’m getting the fuel I need right afterward.”


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5 Unusual Ways To Boost Your Workout Performance

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
workout performance

If you are an avid fitness enthusiast, you will always look for ways to pack more punch into your workouts. Eating the right diet, staying hydrated, and taking enough rest between sessions to get you on track, but these healthy habits aren’t always enough to boost your workout performance.

You can rely on health supplements to fuel your body with greater energy and power. But these measures may still fall short of your expectations. Thankfully, there is much more you can do to go the extra mile with your workout performance. While these measures may be offbeat, they are tried-and-tested, and you can rely on them for effective results. Here are the ones you can try for your next session. 


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Gym injuries: how supplements can aid recovery and boost performance

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

How’s your fitness regime going? In summer, most of us take our workouts a bit more seriously. But did you know that taking the right vitamins and minerals can help strengthen bone, build muscle, prevent injury, and aid recovery — ideal whether you’re into cardio or resistance training?  

workout performance

If you’re a regular at the gym, you need to ensure that your body takes in what it needs to perform. Don’t underestimate the importance of nutrition — check out how vitamins and minerals can help you push harder in your next work-out session. (more…)

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Importance of Quality Sleep for Athletes

Thursday, August 31st, 2017

Fatigue makes cowards of us all

A lot of people are sleep deprived… Everything from last minute travel to anxiety prevents people from getting a good night’s rest on a regular occasion. While sleep deprivation is nothing uncommon, you’d be surprised to know just how many people don’t get enough sleep…

Last year, Pegasus Capital Advisors teamed up with ResMed and Dr. Oz to from SleepScore Labs, an organization that aims to enables us to understand our sleep and deliver the first clinically proven standard for measuring sleep in our homes.

Back in January, they organization conducted the largest sleep study in the history of the United States, which looked at sleep information from more than 20,000 people and a collective 1.5 million nights’ worth of sleep. And they discovered that sleep is chronically neglected by most Americans.

Just check this out – according to data from the study, almost 80% of US citizens aren’t getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Moreover, men in the US average only 5 hours and 45 minutes of sleep each night, while women are slightly better, with 6 hours and 9 minutes. (more…)

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It’s Hard to be Swole if You’re Drunk

Wednesday, December 21st, 2016

Athletes drink. A survey that followed 6,000 teens into their mid-twenties found that while young athletes use fewer drugs than non-athletes, they drink far more alcohol.  Beer steins

Fitness buffs, why is this so dumb?

In addition to the obvious short-term health risks — like drunk driving — alcohol impairs muscle growth and prevents muscle recovery. In fact, according to research conducted by Matt Barnes of New Zealand’s Massey University, muscle performance loss was doubled in participants who drank alcohol.

That wouldn’t be a huge deal for a non-exerciser, but it could be a game-ender for an athlete whose future relies on physical fitness. (more…)

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The Top 5 Benefits of Weight Training for Athletes

Wednesday, February 13th, 2013

Enhance Sports Performance with Resistance Training

Female Deadlifting
Most athletes do whatever exercises are most beneficial for their sport of choice. Often, the focus of a workout regimen is geared towards the demands of the sport in question.

For example, marathon runners train by running, while cyclists – you guessed it – train by riding their bikes. But whether you play soccer or basketball, you’re big on Parkour, or your idea of a good time includes a kayak and white-water rapids, you may find, at some point that your training sessions are not delivering the results that they used to. Or perhaps you’ve found that you can’t seem to get over a personal plateau with a pure cardio routine.

Whatever the case, you may eventually come to the realization that adding weight training to your efforts could be beneficial to your overall health and fitness, taking you to the next level with whatever form of athletics you prefer. And here are just a few benefits that should help convince you to take the leap and lift some weights.


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Meals to Maximize Performance

Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Meals That Maximize Your Performance

Performance Meals

Willpower is not enough. Food is what fuels your training and performance. Athletes make eating meals a conscious process, and they put knowledge of nutrition and planning into it.

I have found that performance outcomes can differ by seconds, which means the right muscle didn’t get the right fuel. Every bite that you eat counts. In working with athletes and their nutrition needs, I’ve found a few simple rules that help you keep food as fuel at the forefront of your mind and help ensure that you get the proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals and fluids.

Here we go:


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Never Chase Fatigue, Chase Performance

Thursday, October 6th, 2011

For those who still don’t believe Werewolf Muscle Training works, here is more support of my theory that increased frequency combined with stopping short of fatigue, produces equal if not better results that training a muscle once a week for an hour, with a ton of volume, going to failure on most sets.

The central nervous system is extremely important for performance, and should be stimulated aggressively and frequently, but should not often be fatigued. This also helps explain why you can train muscles when they’re sore… it works just as long as the CNS has recovered.

In this video you will find Christian Thibaudeau from T-Nation. He is way stronger than you or I, and he is just about as ripped as I could ever hope to be. A true inspiration.

“Never Chase Fatigue, Chase Performance”


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Young Athletes: 7 Tips for Achieving Peak Performance

Friday, August 26th, 2011
Young Athletes
Young Athletes

Today’s society is keener on converting young athletes into peak performers overnight by just winning competitions. The people behind these young athletes i.e. parents and coaches, fail to understand that there is much more than just winning.

Peak performance is not only about winning a competition or two. The athletes should be able to perform well for a long while in their field of interest.

The training program thus, should comprise of a comprehensive plan that combines various elements pertaining to the body, mind and spirit, so as to improve the performance of the athletes both on and off the court. What are the factors to consider while devising such a training program?

Here are some tips for young athletes to achieve peak performance:


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