Posts Tagged ‘preworkout’

Exploring The Key Ingredients Used In Pre-Workouts

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021

Whether you are in the gym day in and day out or just a few times a week, there are days when it can be extremely difficult to muster up the strength and energy needed to complete the most intense workouts. This is exactly where pre-workout supplements can come in handy. However, if you have done any research on the topic whatsoever, you have probably discovered that there are tons of people out there saying that these supplements contain dangerous carbs and fillers that just cause bloating and severe fatigue. Sure, this might be true in some sense, but there are healthier alternatives on the market. Below are the ingredients that you need to focus on the most.


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Is Fruit Juice A Good Pre-Workout Drink?

Monday, May 6th, 2019
fruit juice for inflammation

Quite a good number of people believe that one should refrain from taking food a few hours before a workout. However, the body requires fuel to provide adequate energy, whether one is going for weightlifting or cardio. It is, however, imperative to choose foods that are easily digested by the body. For example, foods like whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and pasta are good sources of energy, they take at least two hours to be fully digested.

Ideally, individuals should equip their kitchen with a juicer that is reliable for making instant energy boosting juices. Such blends should include strawberries, apples, pineapple, and avocado among other energy giving fruits. These drinks will not only help the user to maintain endurance and stamina but also reduce the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer. Furthermore, fruits are readily available, easy to transform into juices and take only a few minutes to digest. Here are more compelling reasons for taking fruit juice before a workout.


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How important is pre-workout?

Saturday, February 24th, 2018

By definition, a pre-workout is a form of supplement that you consume before you start working out, sports competition or training practice. It is designed to help you perform better during workout and also helps to keep your body stable after the session, especially if the exercise involves intense workout. In any sports nutrition, a pre-workout is included as important addition to enhance the athlete and improve performance.

Woman pre workout

But many don’t understand why it is always necessary to have a pre-workout as some of us believe it is still possible to have successful workout sessions even without a pre-workout. So, how important is a pre-workout? (more…)

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How Can Nootropics Enhance Your Workouts?

Sunday, September 10th, 2017

Why are Nootropics so Good for Your Fitness?Fun brain

Nootropic, or “brain booster supplements”, are gaining more and more popularity these days. As we have realized over the last decade, caffeine included in pre-workouts, or taken in the form of coffee or energy drinks have a profound benefit on our workouts. We notice greater focus, drive, intensity and endurance where we should be feeling fatigue and defeat. Caffeine is just one of many “brain boosting” supplements that will help to make you into a machine in the gym.

These nootropics have tremendous benefits both in and out of the gym. By enhancing your cognitive function you will experience greater mental performance, memory, have increased focus and superior energy. While you may not think that mental function is important for lifting weights, just remember that most lifters will tell you that creating the mind-to-muscle connection is crucial to busting through plateaus and pushing it to the next level.  (more…)

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