It’s easy to simply tell people that your product is worth trying. It’s not always so easy earning the approval of those in the industry and letting them tell people for you. So it’s no small thing that Herbalife netted several awards and accolades throughout 2020, including the following:
(more…)Posts Tagged ‘Product Reviews’
Herbalife Reviews and Awards From 2020
Tuesday, March 2nd, 2021Flexoplex Review: The #1 Choice to Relieve Joint Pain!?
Thursday, February 1st, 2018
Just Look at What Flexoplex Will Do for You!
Usually, many people suffer in silence. Perhaps, like Susan, you have found long distance walking a pain rather than pleasure or like Winks, you feel like your joint is going to go off the next minute, worry no more.
Does Kayla Itsines Workout BBG Program Work?
Monday, October 10th, 2016Who is Kayla Itsines and what is her BBG workout program all about? Read on to learn more about the Kayla Itsines workout!
With over 5.7 million followers on Instagram and an active and enthusiastic community of fitness-minded women across social media and around the world, you have probably heard of her Bikini Body Guide workout program.
Kayla is a certified personal trainer hailing from Australia and has created the largest exercise community for women in the world, and it’s easy to see why.
The Kayla Itsines workout BBG program makes it easy for any woman, of any fitness level, to reach her goals and achieve the bikini body she has been dreaming of. (more…)
Staying Motivated to Lose Weight with P90X
Saturday, March 12th, 2011With so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.
Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!
Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!
Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.
How to Lose Weight with P90X
PX90 suggests that a ninety-day weight loss regime jumped into with both feet will start you on your weight loss journey. The program implies that shocking yourself with the first 30 days of their system will get your metabolism going, and because of the results you see, you will be gung-ho for the rest of their ninety-day program.
What is the P90X Home Workout System?
Tuesday, March 8th, 2011With so many at-home cookie-cutter workout routines out there, I figured it would be a great idea to discuss one of the best: P90X. After all, P90X is pretty cheap compared to paying a gym membership and hiring a personal trainer.
Will P90X turn you into a bodybuilder, a powerlifter, an Olympic gymnast, a marathon runner, or a sport-specific athlete? Oh, hell no!
Could P90X possibly get you in the best shape of your life with a minimal initial investment? Could P90X strengthen your body, improve your cardiovascular fitness, help heal nagging injuries, and dial in your 6-pack abs for summer? Oh, hell yes!
Click here to check out all of the Project Swole P90X articles, tips, tricks, hints, and reviews.
What is P90X?
You may already of heard of P90X (other names: Power 90X, X90 Workout, and PX90) either by way of TV and radio commercials or word of mouth. And you may be intrigued by the numerous reports of success enjoyed by people who have shed unwanted pounds, and by the images of people who have used the P90X program to work their way to a toned and attractive physique.
The collection of articles I will be presenting delves into the potential of the P90X program and whatit has to offer you as an individual. I consider it my job to provide sufficient information in this series to answer any and all questions you might have about P90X.
Free Giveaway: Bob Greene’s Total Body Makeover DVD
Monday, February 8th, 2010So apparently Bob Greene is Oprah’s personal trainer. He is credited with giving Oprah an exercise and nutrition plan that has actually helped her maintain a healthy weight.
** Comment on this post to qualify to win a free copy of this DVD. **
Obviously you must know by now that Oprah started off huge, lost a ton of weight, ballooned back up again, lost it again, gained it all back, etc… But from what I understand, thanks to Bob Greene’s workout plan and nutrition tips, she is finally maintaining a healthy weight.
Free Product Alert!
Allow me to announce Project Swole’s most recent free giveaway: Bob Greene’s Total Body Makeover DVD.
I haven’t watch this, nor will I, but I can tell you what it says on the DVD package.
- An 8-Week Program for Maximum Results in Minimum Time
- 8 Express Workouts on 1 DVD – Customized for Every Level
- Nutrition and Diet Advice
- Motivational Tools
- Bonus: A 24 Page Makeover Plan
Hardcore Circuit Training for Men
Friday, January 8th, 2010Hardcore Circuit Training for Men (and Women)
![]() Hardcore Circuit Training for Men |
Chohwora Udu & Jim McHale are the Authors of Hardcore Circuit Training for Men, which is available at and bookstores nationwide.
Special Project Swole discount:
Use coupon code HCCT to get 15% off the cover price!
Click here to order.
My Review
I posted an article written by the authors of the book Hardcore Circuit Training for Men the other day, called Losing Weight with Circuit Training. Since then I found my copy of the book and finished looking through it.
Here is what I think:
First and foremost, despite the book’s title, this is not just a book for men. These circuits can be used and adapted by women and even kids. It can be used by weightlifters, triathlon athletes, regular athletes, MMA fighters, boxers, and pretty much anyone else who is looking to develop their conditioning.
UFEC I – Ab Lounge Sport vs. The Ab Wheel
Monday, November 16th, 2009Welcome to the very first Ultimate Fitness Equipment Championship battle. This will be a lowdown showdown between 2 pieces of fitness equipment that I have used. I’ll break down the good and the bad, then I’ll make my recommendation for best piece of equipment. Ready?
Let’s get it on!
UFEC I – Ab Lounge Sport vs. The Ab Wheel
![]() Ab Lounge Sport | VS. | ![]() Ab Wheel |
This weekend my friend bought an Ab Lounge Sport from Target. He set it up in my living room, which essentially forced me to try it out. For a comparison, I used the results from my handy ab wheel to gauge the effectiveness of this Smurf-blue chair-like contraption.
Zola Acai Juice
Wednesday, November 11th, 2009Zola Acai Juice
![]() Acai Smoothie |
I recently had the opportunity to try 7 of Zola’s products: 3 acai juice blends and 4 acai smoothies. To skip the background on Zola, click here to go straight to the product reviews. By the way, I get nothing out of reviewing these products, not even if you follow my links to buy some. This is just for Project Swole readers’ information.
The philosophy of Zola is to bring highly delicious and nutritious Brazilian superfruits to consumers, and that is what they do best.
Zola has an agreement with certain Brazilian communities which allow them full access to the best, freshest acai that Brazil has to offer. Because of this agreement they never have to buy acai on the open market, and they are able to give directly back to their partner communities in an effort to reduce poverty and preserve the habitat.
A recent article in Forbes magazine noted Rio de Janeiro, Brazil as one of the world’s happiest cities. It just so happens that Rio de Janeiro is one of the top producers of acai berries, and the people that live there have daily, cheap access to acai foods.
Could acai = happiness? 😛
Zero Calorie Sobe Lifewater
Sunday, March 8th, 2009Water is so good for you that you should be drinking at least 64 ounces a day. But try as we may, sometimes water gets boring and the 64 ounces don’t always make it down the hatch.
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Some of us turn to diet soda, some turn to coffee, while others turn to Crystal Lite or other 0 calorie drink mixes.
Relative to living a healthy lifestyle, those products are good in some ways and bad in some ways. Diet soda and Crystal Lite have nasty sweeteners and dyes. Coffee has caffeine and turns your teeth brown.
The point is to find a tasty 0 calorie beverage with added vitamins and minerals that not only tastes good but also has additional benefits. If you are interested you should read my review below.
What Kind of Product Reviews do You Want to See on Project Swole?
Saturday, March 7th, 2009![]() Thumbs Up! |
I have received many inquiries lately about reviewing products on Project Swole.
I have turned a couple products down because I have no interest in them, such as all natural Viagra alternatives, which I just don’t need.
Many other products I have said yes to and will be reviewing them in the coming weeks.
Here is an example of some of the products I have tried: