Here are 105 different protein shake recipes compiled by experience as well as some of the greatest fitness and nutrition resources online!
Protein Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain
Utilize all kinds of fruits, vegetables, spices, and fun ingredients like peanut and almond butter, honey, oatmeal, and flavor extracts. Whatever you have lying around probably can be used in one of these protein shakes.
Whether or not you are lactose intolerant, we highly recommend you check out Muscle Milk protein powder, which comes in several flavors and sizes. The taste is amazing, it mixes well in any beverage including hot coffee, and it plays well with lactose sensitivity. When I found Muscle Milk I could finally start mixing my protein shake recipes again!
Need protein powder?
Optimum Nutrition is nutritionally the healthiest and highest quality protein powder I’ve found at a reasonable price. It comes in over 20 different flavors and is available in 1 lb, 2 lb, 5 lb, and 10 lb containers. Click here to order or learn more.
Muscle Milk is an equally great product and is also great for lactose intolerance. That’s right, if whey protein usually makes you sick give Muscle Milk a try. It comes in at least 10 flavors and in 2.5 and 5 lb jugs. Click here to order or learn more.
Without further adieu, here’s the list of protein shake recipes.
When it comes to weight loss, sauces and dressings can often be the hidden culprits behind excess calories and unwanted fats. While they enhance the flavor of our meals, traditional sauces are frequently packed with sugar, oils, and preservatives that can sabotage healthy eating goals. But what if you didn’t have to sacrifice taste for health? With the right ingredients and a few simple recipes, you can create healthy sauces that are both delicious and waistline-friendly.
Delicate, spicy, fruity – our healthy sauces will make your dishes extremely delicious and healthy. In this article, we’ll explore 10 healthy sauces that not only complement your meals but also support your weight loss journey.
This is a recipe for Oven-Roasted Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges that you will want to eat with every meal. Sweet potatoes are readily available starting in the autumn and all through the winter, but they are tasty all year round.
Also known as yams, sweet potatoes are packed full of vitamins and minerals such as including vitamin C, beta-carotene, fiber, copper, potassium, and iron, and best of all they won’t cause your blood sugar to spike as rapidly as white potatoes. There is also no need to add sugar to make them taste good because they are naturally sweet.
These orange-fleshed root vegetables are most often seen in a marshmallow-topped casserole around Thanksgiving, but why not try a recipe that adds savory and spicy flavors, such as these Oven-Roasted Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges?
This is a recipe for Zombie Brain Pate, a creamy seafood pate, or dip, which you can put on crackers, vegetables, or bread wedges. You will need to get a brain mold, or some other kind of mold, to use to shape your pate. Makes a nice shrimp or crab-flavored dip, which can be spooky as long as you use a spooky mold.
I found the brain mold linked below for sale on Amazon. You can pick one up and do some additional Christmas shopping for the kids while you are at it.
Halloween is here and we are going to need some healthy recipes to go with the fall season. From September through the New Year, this is a go-to recipe for friends and family gatherings. As always at Project Swole we prefer to focus on recipes that can help us either gain muscle or lose fat. This high protein, high fiber black bean recipe will go a long way in satisfying your craving for chips and dip.
Black bean dip is quick and easy and tastes great with yellow or blue corn tortilla chips. Look for baked versions of your favorite tortilla chips to save additional fat.
Now let’s take a look at why black beans are so good for you, and how you can make a delectable batch of black bean dip for Halloween, game day, or an after-dinner snack.
We recently talked about the sweet Omega 3 and antioxidant benefits of pumpkin seeds. Since autumn is upon us and Halloween fast approaches, you are going to want to cook pumpkin seeds, so I thought it appropriate to discuss some Pumpkin Seed Recipes.
Every time you carve a jack-o-lantern you end up with a Halloween decoration and a bowl full of stringy, slimy, pumpkin guts that don’t look the least bit appetizing. To make them appetizing, follow these instructions, and you’ll end up with a healthy Halloween snack that everyone can enjoy.
Once considered to be trashcan fodder, we now know you can roast them, toast them, or nuke them; and you can season pumpkin seeds with a wide variety of flavors. Check it out!
High Protein Kitty Litter Cake Recipe for Halloween
This is one of the more disgusting Halloween recipes I’ve found. It is also not the healthiest recipe on Project Swole, but it is definitely fun for the kids. Just don’t let Fluffy near the final product or you might end up with more ‘Tootsie Rolls’ than you thought.
In an attempt to get as much protein into this recipe as possible, I am literally adding scoops of protein powder to everything and substituting protein bars for candy whenever possible. The recipe might not come out that great if you use every one of my substitutions, but you can pick and choose which substitutions to use based on personal preference.
I’ve also listed several substitutions for the cake recipes. If you use them all, the cake might not be that great, but using applesauce in place of oil never seems to ruin any recipe that I have ever tried.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was a tank. He instinctively knew how to eat and how to train. His philosophy on whole food meals and snacks is accepted today as the best way to construct a weight gain diet, a fat loss diet, or even a regular healthy diet for a non-athlete. The famous Arnold Schwarzenegger protein shake will be sure to put muscle on anyone’s back.
If you are looking for a pure protein powder, check out Optimum Nutrition. Optimum Nutrition protein powder comes in about 20 different flavors, and is available in 1 lb, 2 lb, 5 lb, and 10 lb containers.
Another great gross-out Halloween snack for you and the kiddies. Looks like someone just squeezed a zit! Arrange these Protein Pus Pockets on an hors d’oeuvres platter as the recipe says, and you will have a fun and healthy treat for a Halloween get-together.
You could also make a handful of these and keep them in the fridge for a quick snack or a small meal. They are also easily taken to work for lunch because they are small and very portable.
It’s high time to bust out a couple of new Halloween recipes since October is my favorite time of year and Halloween is my favorite holiday. These nice high-protein pumpkin cookies are perfect for breakfast, brunch, post-workout, or any time you might need a snack.
Down below I mention a couple of ways you can make the recipe healthier or tastier; for example, swapping applesauce for oil and egg whites for eggs.
Generally, though, this is a pretty healthy recipe without changing anything.
The original recipe called for 1/2 cup of soy flour instead of protein powder, so if you find the protein powder ruins the recipe, you can back out and just use the soy flour. Of course, that will decrease the protein content in each cookie. 🙁
If you’re hosting a Halloween party this year, chances are, you’re serving your guests a few Halloween inspired treats. Typically, the quality of the appetizers gets sacrificed in the name of this fun filled holiday. Why not try something different this year, and opt for a healthier, more refined gourmet foods hors d’oeuvres table.
With domestic prices on gourmet goods at an all time low, you can achieve this without breaking the bank and with these tips, you won’t have to worry about having to skip on any the fun ghoul and goblin spooky flair. Instead of the endless amount of sugar cookies caked with sugar and frosting, why not invite your guests to partake in delicious puff pastries or blinis topped with crème fraîche and orange Salmon roe and black caviar to look like pumpkins. This way, your guests will feel guilt free because they are eating a high protein snack, rather than a fatty cookie.
Keeping with your Halloween gourmet theme, substitute your bagged chips for tasty Crescent Moon inspired toast topped with sour cream or a low fat aioli spread and then topped with black caviar. The caviar will give your moons just the right amount of that Halloween feel.
Justin Woltering of writes today’s guest post. Justin has years of experience perfecting his exercise and nutrition program. He has spent countless hours mastering training flexibility, core strength, power and speed, cardiovascular fitness, and meditation. Having trained, and trained with, powerlifters, martial artists, bodybuilders, and various athletes, Justin knows what it takes to gain muscle, lose fat, or get into peak physical condition.
I just finished a cleansing program, and I am feeling better than ever!
The meals were delicious, and these supplements allowed me to do this as naturally and efficiently as possible. This seven-day plan will cleanse your body so that you can more easily shred unwanted body fat and increase lean muscle mass.
If you are feeling lethargic, slow, bloated, or ill; or if you are experiencing problems with your digestive system, then a 7-day detox might be just what you need.
Josie Maurer of writes today’s guest post. Josie is a woman who eats and then talks about it. She and her “Greedy Taste Testers” tell us all about the different kinds of foods they eat in an attempt to find a way of life that balances fitness and a taste for great cuisine.
Josie wants you to ditch the weight loss gimmicks, deprivation of so-called “forbidden foods”, and severe calorie deprivation, in favor of Moderation, Discipline, Portion Control, and Commitment to exercising and eating healthy.
Editor’s Note: if you want to skip down to Josie’s great recipe for No-Bake Raw Oat Bars, click here.
If foods filled with sugary sludge aren’t quite your thing, beware the death grip of Halloween! This one day, in particular, is extra fueled with the kind of zombie power that just might be strong enough to slap the protein bar out of your mouth in favor of a Snickers. Just maybe?
Your co-workers are bringing candy to the office, your kid is getting sweets from the teacher, and the snot nosed neighbor-child expects you to have some candy when they bang on your door in their gorilla costume.
So you see that. The sugary fright fest is all around you. But if you want an escape hatch for Halloween done healthy, try these anti-sugar sludge tips. (more…)
I was reading some food blogs today and I was reminded of a meal I used to eat all the time in my early 20s. I call it Spicy Tuna Cottage Cheese and it can be eaten plain, on whole wheat crackers, on avocado slices, on tomato slices, or on whole grain sandwich thins.
This is a high protein snack that offers quickly digesting protein in the form of tuna, and slowly digesting protein in the form of cottage cheese. The salsa offers us some additional flavor and all of the great benefits of tomatoes.
If you are looking for a pure protein powder, check out Optimum Nutrition. Optimum Nutrition protein powder comes in about 20 different flavors, and is available in 1 lb, 2 lb, 5 lb, and 10 lb containers.
Here are a couple recipes that I’ve been using either for breakfast or for a post workout meal.
Keep the portions small and limit the fats for a tasty, low calorie, high protein meal replacement. The Good Morning Protein Shake is good for as small meal or a snack.
Crank up the healthy fats from flax oil and peanut butter if you are a skinny person trying to bulk up. Drink a couple of these The Good Morning Weight Gainer Shakes a day to really pack on the pounds, but you best be lifting HARD or you will get fat.
Meet halfway in the middle to blend yourself a super healthy, moderate calorie protein shake. Perfect for replacing a whole meal whether you are dieting or just trying to eat healthy. You can choose The Good Morning Peanut Butter Cup or The Good Morning with Flax.
Be sure to add in the cinnamon, since cinnamon helps regulate your blood sugar.
Pizza is so good. I don’t care who you are or what kind of diet you are on, right now you want to eat pizza. I do too. That’s why I am showing you today, a super-tight recipe for protein fortified deep dish pizza quiche.
There is a ton of protein in this recipe and quite a bit of fat if you choose to use the original ingredients. I have suggested ways to eliminate fat by substituting lower fat versions of cream (milk), eggs, cream cheese, and cheese. You can use the full fat versions for a fattier, tastier, greasier pizza quiche.
You are encouraged to experiment with toppings as well. Meat and vegetables are great toppings for pizza quiche!
This healthy recipe is provided by, which will inevitably be your source for information about healthy restaurant foods.
Currently they are Alpha testing and the website is not available for login, but you can sign up with your e-mail address to give it a try. I’m told they plan to go live with a Beta release this summer, at which time you will be sent all the proper login information.
Looking for something to take with you on the road, or a snack to munch at your desk? Forget about those awful Powerbars and other various soy bars. Granola bars are OK, but they don’t have much protein. High quality protein bars are available at the store, but for $5 a pop! We are looking for something cheap and easy, and here it is. Do-it-yourself, homemade protein bars.
The Recipe
3 1/2 cups rolled oats 1 1/2 cups dried milk 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1 cup lite syrup 2 scoops protein powder 2 large egg whites or 1 egg 1 1/4 cup orange juice 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup raisins or dried fruit
Start by preheating the oven to 325 degrees. Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper, or spray on some non-stick butter flavored Pam spray. In a large metal bowl, mix all the ingredients until the oats are well coated. Spread the mix onto the cookie sheet and press down to make 10 cutting lines so you can separate them into 10 protein bars later. Bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown. While still warm, cut them apart and allow to cool before wrapping. The bars can be stored airtight at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.
Optional Upgrades
Nutty Bars – use 1 cup chopped nuts instead of dried fruit or raisins.
Fruity Bars – experiment with various extracts other than vanilla to change up the flavor.
The Protein Bar Diet – make a whole bunch of these bars with various fruits and nuts, and various flavors of protein powder. Eat the bars for 3 out of 5 meals each day and make the other two meals small. Do this for a month and see if you don’t drop a couple pounds.