Posts Tagged ‘runners’

Run To Lose Belly Fat

Monday, July 18th, 2022
these runners don't need to lose belly fat

When you seriously set out to lose belly fat it’s a lot of hard work and requires optimizations to your lifestyle habits. Although regular exercise can trim and tone other parts of the body, for many individuals, an excess stomach can be very stubborn. Fortunately, one of the best types of exercise for losing belly fat is running. There are also some small tweaks that can be made to your regular running regimen to provide a sustained boost of fat burning. 


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Faster And Longer – Professional Runners, Here’s How You Can Level Up Your Stamina

Wednesday, April 14th, 2021
level up your stamina

Professional runners always aspire to get better, with new goals for distance, speed, and time. But running faster and longer requires more than just sprinting. It is as much about building your endurance base and maintaining your motivation levels. If you can manage both fronts, it will be easy to push your limits and level up your stamina. Here are some strategies that professional trainers recommend for runners who want to go faster and longer.  


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How Runners Should Care for Their Feet

Monday, July 22nd, 2019
Spartan athletes who are going to need to care for their feet after this race

Project Swole has signed up for a Spartan Race! It will be a 5k spring with multiple obstacles to break up the run. While preparing for this, we’ve been running more than usual, and the wear and tear on the old piggies add up after even just a few runs. Therefore we’ve decided to seek out and publish some of the best tips we can find to help runners care for their feet.

Today we will be sharing 7 solid strategies to help you alleviate the pain and soreness in your feet, and also help to prevent foot injuries that might sideline you from being able to follow your running regimen.


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The Important of Active Recovery for Runners

Saturday, November 24th, 2018

All of these things are important elements and rituals for runners to perform. They all support a healthy, safe, and productive workout where you can push your pace and strengthen your craft. But the rituals you perform after your runs and on your rest days are equally as important as what you do on the road. Active recovery is an essential part of any runners training program. Not only does active recovery give your body and muscles the time it needs to heal and strengthen, but it helps prevent injury.

active recovery runners

Depending on your pace, distance, and terrain, running is considered a moderate to high-impact exercise. That’s because running places strain on your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. When done correctly, running is a full-body workout that incorporates core strength and upper body stability. Working your body and all its muscles at the same intensity every day isn’t always best. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise at all on your “rest” days”. In fact, you should perform some type of active movement 7 days a week. But knowing which type of exercise to do on your day “off” will help improve your performance the next time you lace up your running shoes.


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Post Exercise Nutrition for Runners

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

Hot Chicks RunningThough proper nutrition is vital for high energy levels and performance, the right nutrition is also vital for proper recovery.

What you ingest right after a workout determines, for the most part, how you’re going to feel the next day and your enjoyment and performance levels during your upcoming workout.

Proper post workout nutrition helps you replenish energy tanks and rebuild muscle tissue damage. On the other hand, skipping on recovery nutrition will leave you more susceptible to infections, low energy levels, high frequency of aches and pains and a loss of motivation for the training itself.

Therefore, here are some of the best nutrition guidelines that can help you recover faster and become a better athlete as a result.


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