Finding the right pair of running shoes is more than going to the nearest shoe store and picking up the first pair you find. It requires you to study its features that will help you to run smoothly. You can’t just wear a pair of your old sneakers; running shoes, as opposed to regular sneakers, need to provide you comfort and avoid any foot or back pain.
Consider the features below before you buy, so you can choose the perfect pair of running shoes.
As soon as the number of runners increased, minimalist exercise shoes and barefoot running movement gained momentum over the last few years. But still, the question among the runners remains unanswered which one is best – shoes or shoeless – remains a hotly contested topic.
In recent research, we found that the percentage of running efficiency increased by 4% when people started running barefoot. But when we think about minimalist shoes running is complete with support and cushion, and there is no chance of injury for runners. So runners are always recommended to buy nice pair of minimalist shoes to take the perks of a comfortable walk.
Therefore to offer you proper support, The Athletes Foot come around the people. Their fantastic collection of weightless and comfortable shoes makes runners happy. All the shoes you find at this marketplace come under a deal price if you click The Athletes Foot Discount Code while shopping online.
When you seriously set out to lose belly fat it’s a lot of hard work and requires optimizations to your lifestyle habits. Although regular exercise can trim and tone other parts of the body, for many individuals, an excess stomach can be very stubborn. Fortunately, one of the best types of exercise for losing belly fat is running. There are also some small tweaks that can be made to your regular running regimen to provide a sustained boost of fat burning.
If you are a runner, a goal you likely have is to improve running endurance. While this may seem like a seemingly impossible process, it doesn’t have to be. Running improvements are usually less complicated than you think.
An effective strategy is to implement products and supplements, such as D Gary Young‘s ‘Young Living’ essential oils. However, there are other steps you can take, as well. Keep reading to learn some tips and steps on how to increase your running endurance.
Professional runners always aspire to get better, with new goals for distance, speed, and time. But running faster and longer requires more than just sprinting. It is as much about building your endurance base and maintaining your motivation levels. If you can manage both fronts, it will be easy to push your limits and level up your stamina. Here are some strategies that professional trainers recommend for runners who want to go faster and longer.
Sprinting is the foundation of High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), and will make your legs big, strong, fast, and powerful. Sprints are great for developing endurance, but also for developing lean muscle mass and speed strength. If you want to develop your writing skills you can visit services like, but for sprinting these tips will teach you how to sprint faster.
Ever seen a skinny sprinter? I didn’t think so.
Sure, squats are the almighty kings of the Gym Exercise Kingdom; but sprints are like the kings of the Functional Exercise Kingdom whose jacked-up, super-lean army of massive wheels is constantly trying to overthrow the squat as the #1 top leg exercise.
You think you know how to sprint right, but do you?
So you want to run long distances. Perhaps a friend talked you into signing up for a race, or you’ve decided to exercise more, and running doesn’t require a gym or special equipment beyond a good pair of shoes. Whatever the reason you’re here, David Reagan – personal trainer and avid runner from Atlanta, shares the basic principles of long-distance running that could be useful regardless of the race and your long-term running goals.
The first (and essential) step to safe training is building a base. For a beginning runner, building a base can take around three months. The good news is that it’s not complicated: you go out and run, and work your way up in mileage. Run three to four times a week, and start with whatever goal works for you. If you start at a mile, do that for a week or so before moving up to two miles. Slowly build up to about four miles per run. These miles are often called easy miles because the only goal is to keep running, it doesn’t matter how fast. They probably won’t feel easy, though, and that’s okay! The first part of running is the hardest; once you get into shape (and the routine) it will be a lot easier.
Once you have a base built up, it’s time to make a training plan. Each plan will depend on your goals. Training for a marathon is different than training for a half-marathon, but the basic concepts are the same. Plans will differ based on your time goals, as well. For the first big run, many people choose not to make a time goal, which can make building a plan easier as it’s about distance instead of time. There are three main components of a training plan.
All of these things are important elements and rituals for runners to perform. They all support a healthy, safe, and productive workout where you can push your pace and strengthen your craft. But the rituals you perform after your runs and on your rest days are equally as important as what you do on the road. Active recovery is an essential part of any runners training program. Not only does active recovery give your body and muscles the time it needs to heal and strengthen, but it helps prevent injury.
Depending on your pace, distance, and terrain, running is considered a moderate to high-impact exercise. That’s because running places strain on your feet, ankles, knees, hips, and back. When done correctly, running is a full-body workout that incorporates core strength and upper body stability. Working your body and all its muscles at the same intensity every day isn’t always best. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t exercise at all on your “rest” days”. In fact, you should perform some type of active movement 7 days a week. But knowing which type of exercise to do on your day “off” will help improve your performance the next time you lace up your running shoes.
Cannabis could be the edge you need to take your running to the next level!
Endurance Training
Adrian Landini is not only a long-time runner, but he’s also a long-time cannabis user. Not only does he enjoy smoking cannabis, but he also enjoys smoking it before a run and sometimes during a run. What may have begun as a one-off, has now become an integral part of Adrian’s endurance training. “I just kind of Zen out, I pay attention to my movements and what’s around me and whatnot, and just bring it in with good form,” the Toronto resident says about why he smokes cannabis.
Adrian believes that cannabis is what helps him with focusing his sense of awareness and also with the pain associated with endurance running and training. Often during long endurance runs, the pain from sore toes and feet, while minor, can often become overwhelming if a runner can’t lock it out and power through it.
Working out without music would be miserable. Workout playlists make time pass faster and help you pump yourself up for the next rep! If you’ve ever tried to workout with the wrong pair of headphones, you know just how frustrating it can be. Whether you hate dealing with a cord in your face or you sweat all over bulky over-the-ear headphones, you know you need something that can handle your level of workout.
It turns out not all headphones are created equal! Some headphones are best used for certain types of workouts, and that’s why you need to learn more about what kind is right for you. Here is a guide to the best headphones for every type of workout! Take your workout to the next level with these tips.
Everyone knows that they should be exercising, yet most people dread the very idea. The sweating and strain aside, working out is just boring. Think about the people you see running or at the gym, they look bored of their skulls. If you are going to keep at any exercise routine, you will need to find some way to combat the mind-numbing madness that comes with it.
Running can help achieve that fit body you’re aiming for. Today, we will explain to you how running can be good in the battle for weight loss!
Many people strive to have a body that will impress. However, the path going there isn’t a simple battle. Many challenges will hinder you from making progress. The first thing that you should ask yourself is, are you up to the challenge?
Although running sounds like a simple exercise, its benefits will amaze you. Running has many advantages including better health, uplifted emotions, weight loss, and improved focus. (more…)
Being healthy is not a goal; it is a way of living. Health is crucial for any person and to maintain the health, most of us look towards different kinds of physical exercises. Some of us go to the gym every day, and some perform yoga, but the most common exercise that most people opt for is running.
Running is an excellent exercise to maintain your health as it gives you more cardio. Running might seem very simple, and it may look that it has no harm, but it is not that way. If you are a runner and you are running on a regular basis you need to be careful about it and you need to take some precautions as well.
It is not like that running is dangerous and it can destroy your knees because there is no such proof of that running regularly can make your knees weak. But it is still important that a runner must be careful because there are several injuries that can happen in result from running. So a runner must be aware of the injuries that can occur while running.
In this article, we will mention five most common running injuries that a runner needs to know about. Here below are the five most common running injuries:(more…)
In cold weather climates, many runners log a large number of kilometers on the treadmill, and most of them complain that treadmill workout is rather boring. If you have the same problem and want to beat boredom while running on a treadmill, try the following tips. They will certainly make your treadmill running more fun.
Run with friends
If you have a friend who also trains on the treadmill in the same gym, you need to get her/him next to you. This way you will likely motivate each other as well as provide distraction in order to make your workout more efficient and faster. You do not have to run at the same pace with your friend(s).
Whether you’re trying to lose those 20 pounds or just looking to fit into your old jeans, steering clear of weight loss mistake is of upmost importance for long term success. Let’s face it, we all make the odd mistake—and when it comes to burning the flab, it’s all too easy.
Without further ado, here are the 3 most common weight loss mistakes and how to avoid them.
Mistake 1: the Fat Burning Zone
Though when exercising at lower intensity level, the body relies heavily on fat as the main source of energy than when doing high intensity exercise, the total calorie burn at the end of the training will be lower, thus leading to more weight loss plateaus and setbacks.
Though proper nutrition is vital for high energy levels and performance, the right nutrition is also vital for proper recovery.
What you ingest right after a workout determines, for the most part, how you’re going to feel the next day and your enjoyment and performance levels during your upcoming workout.
Proper post workout nutrition helps you replenish energy tanks and rebuild muscle tissue damage. On the other hand, skipping on recovery nutrition will leave you more susceptible to infections, low energy levels, high frequency of aches and pains and a loss of motivation for the training itself.
Therefore, here are some of the best nutrition guidelines that can help you recover faster and become a better athlete as a result.
Aside from getting out there and running some serious interval sprints, losing weight is a matter of calories in versus calories out.
When it comes to the burning side, running is one of the best training programs out there for burning the extra pounds and keeping them off for good. Not only that, running is cardiovascular exercise per excellence, thus doing it a regular basis will boost your endurance levels, help you ward off heart related problems, and get you in the best shape of your life.
Nonetheless, backing up your running program with a proper diet is the surest way for permanent weight loss results. For that, here are the diet guidelines you’ll need to lose the weight without sacrificing performance and energy for the workout.
I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form.
Generally I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.
From now on I want to take a more proactive approach to answering Your Health Questions by posting them separately in the blog. This way we can be sure that everyone benefits from the Q & A.
Kalee wrote:
I have shin splints right now so I can’t run or bike or anything but lift weights while sitting and do core exercises… unless you can think of anything that I could do for cardio that wouldn’t require me to use my legs. What exercises [should I use] until my shin splints heal? Thanks!
If you haven’t managed to avoid shin splints, then it is obvious that you haven’t read and understood my article about How to Avoid Shins Splints, but first, if you haven’t already, you should take a couple minutes to understand What Are Shin Splints. Once you’ve become well versed on shin splints, you can now read about how heal or treat shin splints. Let’s get this problem under control so you can get back to training.
“Shin splints” is a term used to describe the pain felt between the knee and the ankle after athletic activity, and are considered a cumulative stress disorder rather than an acute injury. This painful condition occurs when muscles and tendons in the lower legs pull on the tibia bone along the shin.
There are several reasons why athletes develop shin splints, but ultimately we can say they develop when the constant stress placed on the joints, bones, and muscles of the lower leg overwhelms the body’s natural ability to recover from trauma.
The most common cause is inflammation of the periostium, the sheath that surrounds the tibia. Traction forces on the periostium from the muscles of the lower leg cause shin pain and inflammation.