Posts Tagged ‘sarcopenia’

Does Creatine Help Prevent and Reverse Muscle Wastage?

Thursday, November 17th, 2016

Muscle AtrophyCreatine is the most researched and well understood training supplement.  Creatine is also one of the most widely used, and trusted, sports nutrition supplements for weight trainers wanting to maximize muscle mass.

Creatine helps increase the speed and force of muscle fibres and helps them repair more quickly and scientific studies have found that taking a regular creatine supplement increases the reserves of creatine in muscle fibres. This means that the benefits of creatine supplements could be further reaching than just being used as a sports supplement.

Catabolic muscle wastage, cachexia and sarcopenia

If you’re suffering from a catabolic wasting condition where your muscles are starting to decrease considerably in size (muscle atrophy), then creatine supplements could help you. The term ‘catabolic’ refers to the breakdown of muscle tissue, and is the opposite of the term ‘anabolic’ which means the building up of muscle tissue.

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