Posts Tagged ‘shakes’

5 Post Workout Nutrition Tips

Thursday, July 9th, 2020

To Make Optimal Gains, Never Neglect Post Workout Nutrition

Strongman Mariusz

Knowing what to eat after a workout is a big question mark for many active adults, even those who have been exercising for years. Over time you’ll no doubt figure out your own system of food consumption that helps you to stave off fatigue and other symptoms following a workout, but did you know that there are proven methods you might be missing out on?

If you think that there may be a better way to get nutrition and optimize your workouts by pairing them with an appropriate diet, here are 5 post-workout tips that could prove useful.


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Isagenix Shakes vs Shakeology

Saturday, June 23rd, 2018

protein girl

As the story goes… you are fit in your early twenties, but then you are slowly getting lazy, forget about your exercises, eat whatever you want. Sometimes it’s your studying, sometimes it’s your job that prevents you from keeping yourself in shape, the outcomes is always the same – you are gaining those extra pounds that are extremely hard to get rid of.

Did it occur to you that you could supplement one or two of your meals each day with a healthy protein shake? We’ve tried a couple products and we figured our readers would be interested in learning more. 


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To Drink Or Not To Drink

Sunday, July 28th, 2013

When it comes to consuming our calories on a daily basis, one forgotten area is in the beverage area. The amount of calories that we drink on a daily basis might shock most. In fact, this was a rather hot topic recently in the media after a poll that was done in jolly ol’ England.

In one can of Coke Classic, your looking at 143 calories. 108 calories in a tall non-fat latte at your favorite coffee shop. These are just a couple of examples of modest size drinks.

Now lets talk meal replacement shakes. I just do not get the concept of these. You drink a shake that has 300+ calories in order to skip a meal. Why not just have a proper meal/snack of roughly the same calories. You will feel fuller because you have actual food in your stomach.

Of course there is a time and a place for a well-constructed protein shake made with either water or skim milk. Usually a shake like this will net you 20+ grams of protein, some vitamins and other nutrients, and usually can be kept around 200 calories. A nice shot of aminos in this way, will aid in recovery and help keep excess calories off your mid-section.

Then there is the whole argument that it is far better to get your nutrients from real, whole foods than from a drink. Anything that is in that shake was put there by a person. That is usually a clue that you want to avoid it. On the flip side, the nutrients in a proper meal were put there by Mother Nature. How did that old commercial go? “Don’t fool with Mother Nature.”

So there you go; a few good reasons to try to get your calories in your food, and not so much in your drink. That is unless you’re into blending together multiple fruits and veggies into a whole-foods smoothie. Now there’s a drink I can fully support.


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Coconut Chai Energy Elixir

Monday, February 18th, 2013

Energy Chick
You want to have enough energy to do dumbbell handstand push ups? Try this frosty shake on for size.


  • 6-8 raw blanched almonds
  • 3-4 tbsp. raw sunflower seeds or flax seeds
  • 1-2 cup filtered water
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
  • 1-2 square inches fresh coconut
  • 1/2 tsp. vanilla
  • 3-5 pitted dates or 1/2 banana


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