Posts Tagged ‘sport’

How Badminton Can Take Your Conditioning To The Next Level

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020
badminton athletes

If you’re bored of interval training, running on the treadmill or riding the bike, badminton might be something for you.

Though many people know badminton as a fun backyard game, it is an intense olympic sport with roots dating as far back as far as Ancient Greece and Egypt 2.000 years ago.

Just like with other types of cardio, you can play at any intensity you like, starting from a low-intensity equivalent of a brisk walk, all the way up to your VO? max.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the pros and cons of playing badminton for cardio, when your main goal is getting stronger in the gym.


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How to Recover from a Golf Injury in the Gym

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

golf injuries

Suffering from an injury can be extremely frustrating. Whether it is a niggling, constant pain that indefinitely seems to hamper your swing or a debilitating muscle strain, there are a number of steps you can take to, firstly, prevent them from happening in the first place, and, secondly, recover from them as quickly as possible. As back strains and golfer’s elbow are two of the most common golf injuries, we have decided to focus our attention on these two in the hope of being able to alleviate injury concerns for as many of you as possible. (more…)

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