Posts Tagged ‘sports performance’

Top Supplements to Boost Athletic Performance

Monday, January 31st, 2022
Boost Athletic Performance

You may be well aware of the importance of a solid diet and adequate hydration if you are an athlete, there are also many nutritional supplements that could be beneficial. Here are some of the top supplements that may be able to boost athletic performance in the right combination, used at the right time.

Disclaimer: it is important to speak with a medical professional before adding any supplements to your daily routine, so make sure you talk to your doctor first.


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5 Unusual Ways To Boost Your Workout Performance

Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
workout performance

If you are an avid fitness enthusiast, you will always look for ways to pack more punch into your workouts. Eating the right diet, staying hydrated, and taking enough rest between sessions to get you on track, but these healthy habits aren’t always enough to boost your workout performance.

You can rely on health supplements to fuel your body with greater energy and power. But these measures may still fall short of your expectations. Thankfully, there is much more you can do to go the extra mile with your workout performance. While these measures may be offbeat, they are tried-and-tested, and you can rely on them for effective results. Here are the ones you can try for your next session. 


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How Badminton Can Take Your Conditioning To The Next Level

Wednesday, December 30th, 2020
badminton athletes

If you’re bored of interval training, running on the treadmill or riding the bike, badminton might be something for you.

Though many people know badminton as a fun backyard game, it is an intense olympic sport with roots dating as far back as far as Ancient Greece and Egypt 2.000 years ago.

Just like with other types of cardio, you can play at any intensity you like, starting from a low-intensity equivalent of a brisk walk, all the way up to your VO? max.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the pros and cons of playing badminton for cardio, when your main goal is getting stronger in the gym.


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Strength Training for Rugby Players

Thursday, April 27th, 2017

Rugby bench pressWhen training to build strength, far too many rugby players fall into the trap of simply trying to increase bulk. While I’m not suggesting that you spend all your time outdoors using rugby equipment, I do think it is important to train your body to repeat rugby-specific movements in the gym.

You’ll want to focus not just on strength, but also on power, conditioning, and injury prevention. It’s always best for athletes to focus on sport specific movements and strengthening the weakest links in the chain.

Using weights to replicate rugby-specific movements at a higher intensity, trains your body to become more adept at the skills that actually make you a better rugby player. By following these exercises you should notice marked improvements, not only in your physique, but also your playing ability. (more…)

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