If you once were very active and now have to deal with constant knee pain, it can be difficult to re-adjust your lifestyle to this new reality. However, having bad knees shouldn’t completely stop you from engaging in physical activity. There are tons of great sports out there that can not only be practiced by people with knee problems but could actually improve their condition. Here are a few of them.
Posts Tagged ‘Sports’
The 4 Best Sports for People Suffering from Knee Pain
Friday, April 13th, 2018A Brief Look at the John Cena Workout Routine
Wednesday, March 28th, 2018For around 1.5 decades, John Cena was the face of the WWE.
Although he is now slowly stepping back and taking on more of a part-time role for the company, he is still a very prominent figure in the squared circle.
If rumours are true, at this upcoming Wrestlemania event, he will be taking on The Undertaker, in one of the biggest matches of his career.
One thing that is instantly recognizable about John, is his amazing physique. At 6ft 2 and over 240 pounds of solid muscle, he is a physical specimen.
That’s why we’ll be taking a quick look at the John Cena workout routine, to help you train like a multiple-time WWE champ with one of the best physiques in the business.
Why Study the John Cena Workout Routine?
Those that have seen John Cena, will know how big and jacked he is. Cena is vascular, he is ripped, he is always in shape, and he’s a very, very big dude.
If you’ve seen him in the ring, or watched his workout vids online, you’ll also know that he’s very strong. In the ring, he throws 200, 300, even 400+ pound men around like rag dolls. He has lifted wrestlers like The Big Show, on his shoulders countless times before, which, considering at the time The Big Show was a legit 500 pounder, that’s pretty amazing. Who wouldn’t want that strength?! (more…)
How to Choose MMA Gloves
Wednesday, March 28th, 2018MMA is one of the toughest contact sports and having the right gear is extremely important for both your safety and the people you train with. In mixed martial arts, the main piece of equipment is your gloves. The type of glove you want to buy is dependant on the type of training you want to do since there are many different aspects to mixed martial arts.
In this article we are going to cover some tips and information to pick the best mma gloves for the type of martial arts training you want to do.
#1 – Style
There are a few different types of mma gloves that serve different purposes.
Bag gloves – These gloves as the name suggests are meant for bag training. They are tough and lightweight and are primarily designed for training with the speed bag.
They have a thin knuckle padding and therefore are used with hand wraps. These gloves can be used for hitting either a speed bag or heavy bag.
Training gloves – As the name implies these gloves are used for training and they are quite similar to boxing gloves. Their designs is much like that used for boxing though slightly different. (more…)
5 Most Effective Exercises To Prevent a Hernia
Saturday, October 7th, 2017Hernia: The protrusion of an organ or other bodily structure through the wall that normally contains it; a rupture. In today’s post we are mostly going to talk about abdominal hernia, how to help prevent it, and how to attempt to cure it when possible.
Your abdomen is the main concern when it comes to a hernia. You need to tighten up, as well as reduce the outward pressure that prevents sagging of the internal organs. One of the leading causes of hernia is the weakening of your muscles which happens when you over pressurize the organs relative to the strength of the abdominal wall. In most cases, surgery is the only solution for a hernia, therefore you need to be a bit cautious.
How to get rid of a hernia without requiring to undergo surgery?
Is this the question that is haunting you? If yes, then you are reading the appropriate article. Here in this article we will let you know the effective exercises to prevent and attempt to get rid of a hernia. All of these are simple to perform and very effective. (more…)
Importance of Quality Sleep for Athletes
Thursday, August 31st, 2017A lot of people are sleep deprived… Everything from last minute travel to anxiety prevents people from getting a good night’s rest on a regular occasion. While sleep deprivation is nothing uncommon, you’d be surprised to know just how many people don’t get enough sleep…
Last year, Pegasus Capital Advisors teamed up with ResMed and Dr. Oz to from SleepScore Labs, an organization that aims to enables us to understand our sleep and deliver the first clinically proven standard for measuring sleep in our homes.
Back in January, they organization conducted the largest sleep study in the history of the United States, which looked at sleep information from more than 20,000 people and a collective 1.5 million nights’ worth of sleep. And they discovered that sleep is chronically neglected by most Americans.
Just check this out – according to data from the study, almost 80% of US citizens aren’t getting the recommended amount of sleep each night. Moreover, men in the US average only 5 hours and 45 minutes of sleep each night, while women are slightly better, with 6 hours and 9 minutes. (more…)
5 Things I Wish Everyone Knew about Women’s Pre Workout Supplements
Monday, August 28th, 2017I started taking pre workout supplements for women after a job change. The only time I could make it to the gym was 5:30am. I’m not a morning person! It was hard to find energy to work out to my full capacity.
For real gains, you’ve got to train hard! Pre workouts helped me do that.
Despite how popular they are, not every woman should take pre supplements. And if you do decide to give yourself that extra boost, you need to make sure you are taking it correctly. To get the best results, make sure you know these 5 facts about pre workouts for women first.
1. Start with Basics First
Weightlifting for Equestrians
Wednesday, June 21st, 2017Some of you might have raised a few eyebrows when you read the title of this article, after all, who associates horse riding with weight lifting? Well, you should have a real think about that – can you imagine the strength it requires to not only mount a horse, but stay on one and control it as it gallops away? Here are a few key pointers to consider when strength training as an equestrian.
Strength Training for Rugby Players
Thursday, April 27th, 2017When training to build strength, far too many rugby players fall into the trap of simply trying to increase bulk. While I’m not suggesting that you spend all your time outdoors using rugby equipment, I do think it is important to train your body to repeat rugby-specific movements in the gym.
You’ll want to focus not just on strength, but also on power, conditioning, and injury prevention. It’s always best for athletes to focus on sport specific movements and strengthening the weakest links in the chain.
Using weights to replicate rugby-specific movements at a higher intensity, trains your body to become more adept at the skills that actually make you a better rugby player. By following these exercises you should notice marked improvements, not only in your physique, but also your playing ability. (more…)
How to Recover from a Golf Injury in the Gym
Thursday, March 23rd, 2017Suffering from an injury can be extremely frustrating. Whether it is a niggling, constant pain that indefinitely seems to hamper your swing or a debilitating muscle strain, there are a number of steps you can take to, firstly, prevent them from happening in the first place, and, secondly, recover from them as quickly as possible. As back strains and golfer’s elbow are two of the most common golf injuries, we have decided to focus our attention on these two in the hope of being able to alleviate injury concerns for as many of you as possible. (more…)
It’s Hard to be Swole if You’re Drunk
Wednesday, December 21st, 2016Athletes drink. A survey that followed 6,000 teens into their mid-twenties found that while young athletes use fewer drugs than non-athletes, they drink far more alcohol.
Fitness buffs, why is this so dumb?
In addition to the obvious short-term health risks — like drunk driving — alcohol impairs muscle growth and prevents muscle recovery. In fact, according to research conducted by Matt Barnes of New Zealand’s Massey University, muscle performance loss was doubled in participants who drank alcohol.
That wouldn’t be a huge deal for a non-exerciser, but it could be a game-ender for an athlete whose future relies on physical fitness. (more…)
Mountain Biking is Good For You
Friday, December 16th, 2016Riding is Fun and Good for Conditioning

Yesterday I went for a serious bike ride and it was good. I jumped on my mountain bike with my buddy Kevin and we hit the trails. After all, bike riding is a great cardio and I am in constant need of exercise. Now don’t get me wrong, this isn’t the best mountain bike in the world – it’s a $200 Walmart special – but it works for me!
The Great Ride
Now, I am not a hardcore mountain biker by any means. In fact, I haven’t been riding at all lately and quite frankly I am out of shape when it comes to my bike. One might say I’m a novice bike rider but sometimes I just like to get out there and act like a warrior.
I sort of knew what I was in store for but refused to admit it, gazing at my bike with a somewhat incredulous stare. The bike held my stare, as it so often does, with its cold, hard, metallic callousness.
The Advantages of Playing Sports
Monday, December 12th, 2016Everybody Should Know About the Advantages of Playing Sports
The average person today does not participate in even 10% of the physical activities that his grandparents were “obligated” to perform. Chopping wood, building and tending a garden, walking to destinations, even washing clothes by hand, where daily habits for folks in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Nowadays, modern men and women spend far too much of their time sitting in the office, in their vehicle or in front of the TV. The gestures of everyday life are limited to pressing buttons to generate heat or cool the air, to wash clothes, to go up or down the floors, to cook food. Long live progress and innovation! (more…)
Nutrition Guidelines for Basketball Players-The Only Guide You Need
Wednesday, November 30th, 2016If you are an athlete like most others, you never feel like you’ve maximized your potential, no matter your skill level. That is basically true for all athletes in all sports, including basketball. More practice means more skill, which in turn means better performance.
Probably you work hard practicing indoors and outdoors, shooting hoops at all angles and distances. With your basketball in-hand you probably travel great distances to play and practice with other skilled athletes who can help you improve your own skills. You’ve likely improved your ball handling skills, developed your shooting and passing ability, and you’re still working hard on the court to become a better rebounder.
But did you think about maintaining a diet plan to improve your performance by enhancing training, speeding recovery and decreasing illness?
Think about it again. Food and diet have huge impact on your body. Balanced diet is what you need to influence your health and athletic performance – including stamina and endurance. (more…)
The Youngest and Oldest Olympic Gold Medalists
Thursday, August 4th, 2016Getting to the Olympic podium isn’t easy – but these athletes will give you the inspiration you need to achieve your athletic or fitness goals.
Athletic Edge Sports Medicine in Toronto created this interactive web page by pulling data from the Olympic website and the individual Wikipedia pages for these athletes. The infographic takes a look at the youngest and oldest ages of summer Olympic gold winners.
The infographic covers everything from the Olympic 100M and golf to fencing and beach volleyball. Another neat feature of this web page is it’s interactive set up: Clicking on an athlete will show you the year they competed in and their country. Origin countries and olympic dates across the world from Bulgaria in 1976 to Italy in 1912 to Canada in 1904 are covered.
Two athletes that stand out are Marjorie Gestring and George Seymour Lyon. Gestring is the youngest to win at age 13 in 1932 for the United States, her oldest counterpart being Chantelle Newbery who won at age 27 in 2004 for Australia. Lyon won a gold medal in golf at age 46 in 1904 for Canada, his youngest counterpart being Warren Kenneth Wood who won at age 17 in 1904 for the United States.
These athletes didn’t let their age define their athletic goals – and neither should you. Check out the infographic below for some inspiration:
Five Keys to A Killer Golf Swing
Friday, August 2nd, 2013Golf – Real Life Fitness
The sun was starting to burn off the clouds that had been lingering all morning, and was going to make itself known.
Two Pintail ducks land in the lake to the west, no doubt looking for a meal and to cool off. Green grass, lined with some old trees. Overall, it’s a quite early afternoon.
This was my experience at a recent company golf tournament.
I don’t play a lot of golf, even though I have a good time when I do. Recently I was invited to play in this tournament, and they’re usually a ton of fun.
Golf, in and of itself, isn’t exactly intense exercise. However, consider that we played 18 holes, and even while we were using carts, I still logged 18,000 steps on my pedometer.
Throw in the “explosive” nature of your basic golf swing, and you have some muscles being activated.
Because I don’t play on a regular basis, my lower back, and oddly, my left hamstring were soar for a couple of days after.
Golf requires flexibility, core rotation, and explosive strength. Without these, your basic swing goes to pot.
Is Jiu Jitsu Effective for Weight Loss?
Friday, April 5th, 2013Are Martial Arts Good Exercise?
If you know anything about martial arts, you are probably aware that they often require intensive training to master, which can make them an excellent form of exercise. But you may also know that there are several different disciplines under the umbrella of martial arts and that they differ in both goals and practice.
Jiujitsu is a form of martial art that focuses on grappling, striking, throws, joint locks, and even some weapons mastery. As such, you might wonder if it can offer you the cardio benefits inherent in some other forms of martial arts.
While grappling and striking may certainly help you to gain strength and agility, the form might not necessarily give you the calorie-burning workout needed to reach your weight-loss goals. However, there’s more to this martial art than getting your opponent into a figure-four leg lock on the mat. And it can definitely play a role in your weight-loss regimen.
Get Fit to Avoid Injuries Skiing
Sunday, March 10th, 2013Heading off to the mountains for some winter sports fun is a great way to give your entire body a workout and get out of the gym and into the great outdoors. Winter sports are a great way to exercise and will strengthen your leg muscles as well as your core muscles, as long as you can avoid injuries skiing and snowboarding.
We know we are already past the holidays, but you can use these tips in-season as well, to try to build up your lower body and core strength and healthy throughout the season.
(more…)The Top 5 Benefits of Weight Training for Athletes
Wednesday, February 13th, 2013Enhance Sports Performance with Resistance Training
Most athletes do whatever exercises are most beneficial for their sport of choice. Often, the focus of a workout regimen is geared towards the demands of the sport in question.
For example, marathon runners train by running, while cyclists – you guessed it – train by riding their bikes. But whether you play soccer or basketball, you’re big on Parkour, or your idea of a good time includes a kayak and white-water rapids, you may find, at some point that your training sessions are not delivering the results that they used to. Or perhaps you’ve found that you can’t seem to get over a personal plateau with a pure cardio routine.
Whatever the case, you may eventually come to the realization that adding weight training to your efforts could be beneficial to your overall health and fitness, taking you to the next level with whatever form of athletics you prefer. And here are just a few benefits that should help convince you to take the leap and lift some weights.
Recent Inspirational Photos
Monday, June 18th, 2012Just wanted to share some recent re-shares from the Project Swole Facebook page.
There’s 4 more pics after the jump. Go ahead and view the rest of the entry.
Young Athletes: 7 Tips for Achieving Peak Performance
Friday, August 26th, 2011![]() Young Athletes |
Today’s society is keener on converting young athletes into peak performers overnight by just winning competitions. The people behind these young athletes i.e. parents and coaches, fail to understand that there is much more than just winning.
Peak performance is not only about winning a competition or two. The athletes should be able to perform well for a long while in their field of interest.
The training program thus, should comprise of a comprehensive plan that combines various elements pertaining to the body, mind and spirit, so as to improve the performance of the athletes both on and off the court. What are the factors to consider while devising such a training program?