Before we really get into static stretching, you can take a minute to learn more about flexibility training. It’s always best to have a solid understanding of what flexibility training is, so you can apply the knowledge to each of the various stretching strategies.
The goal of static stretching is to gradually increase the length of the muscles. Static stretching can be done by anyone, regardless of age, weight, or fitness level, and stretches can be modified to meet the specific flexibility of an athlete.
There is a lot to learn about flexibility, so now we will examine the hows, whys, whens, and wheres of using static stretching exercises.
Flexibility training is one of the most under-utilized and under-appreciated components of fitness.
Stretching has been under constant scrutiny from fitness experts who question the role of flexibility in injury prevention. Despite the debate, athletes can enhance recovery and performance from a stretching regime, and in my opinion the right kind of stretching used at the right time definitely helps to prevent injury.
Most any powerful sports movement you can think of, can benefit from flexibility. From a football punt, to sprints, to swimming, to a tennis backswing, all intense moves need prior warm up and can often generate more power with an increased range of motion (ROM).
The simplest way to stretch for strength is to use dynamic stretching drills before exercise and modified static stretching drills after exercise. It is actually much more complex than that, so keep reading to find out more.
Did you know back pain is one of the most common reasons people miss work? It’s also the third most common reason people visit the doctor. Fortunately, there are plenty of good stretches for upper back pain for you to try. These stretches should help you live pain-free!
Pilates is by far one of the most popular exercise methods practiced in today’s society. This is partly because it is so easily altered to suit a myriad of different people. Pilates can be tailored to every skill level, most body types, it can even work with many disabilities. It builds strength and promotes flexibility. The strengthening program is ideal for rehabilitating many types of injuries and the flexible portion is great for preventing many injuries.
There are many books and videos to help people practice at home, but many people prefer a class setting. There are many reasons for this some which may include a more structured learning environment and a built-in support group. Because of this, people tend to seek out a class anytime they begin practicing pilates, go to a new area, travel, or move.
In some locations, it is easy to find a pilates class while others prove to be incredibly difficult. The primary reason for this is that bigger areas tend to have more classes available while smaller areas may only have one, possibly even none. So here, you will find a guide on how to find the right pilates class for you.(more…)
You might be able to add a few centimeters at age 25 if you take a few healthy steps for your body. You have to be sure that you have tried out a few things that will make you grow taller, and you also remember that you can use some special supplements that will help you start to grow taller. You are implementing this plan that will change your lifestyle, and you will start to see the difference because you can tell that your body is growing.
Take A Supplement
Step 1 is a shot in the dark, but we’ve seen it recommended to try some Growth factor pills to get taller. You have to remember that you must use the supplement every day to see your body start to grow, but don’t expect miracles. You should feel something when you are taking the supplement every day for a couple weeks. You will also start to notice that it should help to support other changes that you are going to make to your lifestyle. This is sort of a jump start, and you can use the other steps below to feel even better.
Change Your Diet
Step 2, you must change your diet so that you can use the food to make your body grow. You also need to remember that you can completely shift how you are eating to pack on mass. You can do things like drink whole milk, and you also have to be sure that you have increased your protein intake, which will give you the most growth, primarily including include lean and red meats. You are going to have to eat as many greens as possible, fruit is good, and you also could use whole grains to increase your growth.(more…)
With goals to achieve and a dream ahead, most bodybuilders tend to ignore the time required for the body to recover from intense training. However, this is crucial step is actually highly recommended by experts. The body’s cells experience minute tears and fatigue during such activities which, when accumulated for long, can lead to shock or any other complication people do not want to go through. So, what should one do to enhance body recovery? This article will tell you more.
Should Bodybuilders Use Static Stretching Before a Workout?
It’s such a simple component of your workout routine that you may not even think about it. You might just automatically hit the mats before you train, to stretch every muscle group for 20 seconds. If you haven’t been reading Project Swole or other popular fitness blogs in the last 5 years, you might even think this practice is good for you. Think again.
If you have been reading fitness blogs, websites, magazines, or keeping up to date on regular fitness news, you would know by now that this myth has been debunked. It has been decided with 100% assurance whether you should or shouldn’t stretch before weight lifting. So what is the final answer?
If you’re one of many who work in an office and find yourself seated at a desk for prolonged periods of time, then you’re asking for trouble. The mass office working culture has led to more sedentary lifestyles.
Your body is designed for movement, so sitting for long hours at a time doesn’t do your body any favors. It’s therefore vital that you find ways to move around in order to keep the circulation in your body moving and to stave off unwanted fat or weight that may well be creeping up. Staying stationery for long periods can also lead to backache, stiffness and headaches.
If you don’t even get up and move around every so often you’ll gradually begin to feel uncomfortable, your energy level’s decline, and you’ll probably feel lethargic and possibly begin to lack concentration resulting in below par productivity.
Office exercises isn’t a total replacement of your regular exercise routine but it will help to keep you active, burn off the excesses of the day and hopefully give you the motivation to partake in regular exercise to keep your body trim and healthy.
Keep your muscles limber by holding static stretches for 30 seconds if you are under 30 years old. For every ten additional years of your life, you should add 10 seconds to your stretch.
Example: in your 30’s you should be holding a stretch for 40 seconds, in your 40’s hold it for 50 seconds, in your 50’s it should be a 60 second hold, and so on.
The reason is for this is that your muscles are less pliable as you get older. You need to stretch them for longer periods of time to remain flexible in your old age.
Static stretching should always be completed after your regular exercise routine. Dynamic and PNF stretching can be done during warm-ups or after regular training. If you are interested, you should read more about Flexibility Training.