Posts Tagged ‘student’

How Can Students Diet Healthy on a Budget

Monday, June 13th, 2022
Students Diet Healthy on a Budget

There is still a big misconception that a healthy diet – and a healthy lifestyle – is expensive. For many, buying organic food, high-end supplements, and maintaining a gym membership is not always an option. Students in particular often struggle with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, despite the fact that students diet healthy on a budget all over the world.

Students tend to stay up late and engage in activities that are not necessarily good for the body and mind. The same problems are seen among online students, especially since they have more freedom with their time.

Whether you’re pursuing your bachelor’s degree or taking an online degree while working a full-time job, these healthy diet tips will help you maintain a healthy body on a budget.

Let’s get started, shall we?


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7 Effortless Tips To Stay Fit And Healthy In College

Wednesday, November 3rd, 2021
Healthy In College girl deadlift

College can be an amazing time for young adults, but it can also be extremely stressful. Instead of turning to healthier solutions for stress like exercising and eating well, most college students resort to negative coping habits. These habits typically involve drinking alcohol, choosing greasier and more calorie-dense meals, and neglecting physical exercise altogether. These factors combined explain why 70% of students gain weight during college. This phenomenon commonly referred to as the ‘Freshman 15’ is very real. When the Freshman 15 sets in, it becomes harder to stay healthy in college, so best to squash that 15 before it accumulates.

If you want to be the exception and stay fit throughout college, here are seven effortless ways to incorporate healthy habits into your student routine. 


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