Posts Tagged ‘sugar’

10 Scientific Reasons for Eating Sweets After Meals

Monday, May 20th, 2024
chubby athlete eating sweets after a workout

Accept it or not, we all have that craving, or say, a mandatory ritual to take a sweet dish once we are over with our meals! Consuming sweets at the end of meals is a popular practice influenced by many factors—such as physiological responses, cultural traditions, and individual preferences. It doesn’t matter if it’s a slice of cake, a scoop of ice cream, or a small portion of fruit, eating something sweet towards the end of a meal has an emotional as well as physiological significance for many.

From satisfying the cravings to activating the reward system in the brain, eating something sweet after meals contributes to the overall dining experience. It could also be a factor in blood sugar regulation as well as social bonds. Understanding the causes that drive this behavior sheds an understanding of its multiple aspects.

In this article, let’s examine several reasons for craving and consuming sweets after meals from a scientific perspective.


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What is Fructose – Can it Make or Break Your Dream Body?

Thursday, September 29th, 2022
man eats apple, wonders what is fructose?

There’s lots of sugar out there. Some are just plain unhealthy to consume, others, like fructose, should have a place in your diet, even if sparingly. So what is fructose?

Fructose is one of the three foundation sugars that are found in our foods. Fructose combines with glucose and galactose to form the sugars that we see on the ingredient lists. When fructose is combined with glucose you get traditional sugar which means that sugar is 50% fructose.

Fructose, aka fruit sugar, is what makes fruit taste sweet and helps to intensify the flavor of the fruit. However, the fructose in fruit varies depending on the fruit. The fruit with the most fructose is the common apple, though some people mistakening believe it to be the banana.


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Beware of Hidden Sugar In Your Favorite Foods

Tuesday, October 12th, 2021
hidden sugar

Cutting out sugar is one of the most important steps you can take in improving your nutrition and overall health. Excess hidden sugar intake can have an effect on several systems in the body resulting in high blood pressure, weight gain, inflammation, and diabetes.

The addictive nature of sugar can make cutting down or quitting feel very difficult. You may be thinking, “No big deal, I’m not big on cupcakes or cookies anyways.” Unfortunately, it’s not as simple as ditching dessert.

Added sugar is hidden in many processed foods, even some marketed as “healthy” or “natural.” Is sugar hiding in some of your favorite foods? Read on to find out.


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10 Ways To Stop Pouring Fat Directly Into Your Body

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

Are You Pouring on the Pounds?Commenting on a New York City initiative to curb the consumption of unhealthy beverages, New York City Health Commissioner Thomas A. Farley recently said:

“Sugary drinks shouldn’t be a part of our everyday diet.

Drinking beverages loaded with sugars increases the risk of obesity and associated problems, particularly diabetes but also heart disease, stroke, arthritis and cancer.”

The reality according to the health department is that on average, Americans now consume 200 to 300 more calories each day than 30 years ago. Nearly half of these extra calories come from sugar-sweetened drinks.

When health department researchers surveyed adult New Yorkers about their consumption of soda and other sweetened drinks, the findings showed that more than 2 million NY citizens drink at least one sugar-sweetened soda or other sweetened beverage each day, equaling as much as 250 calories a pop.

People often feel bad about stirring one or two tablespoons of sugar into their morning coffee, but they don’t blink an eyelash when chugging down a soda, iced tea, coffee, or sports drink with 16 teaspoons of sugar in one can.

Here are 10 ways you can avoid pouring body fat directly into your skin:


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Sugar is Bad for You

Friday, June 17th, 2011

Should Bodybuilders Eat Sugar?

No Sugar

Another food myth. This time we have to decide if eating sugar is acceptable in a bodybuilding diet. Sugar can do some nasty things to the body, but it can also help sometimes. Let’s look at the pros and cons of eating sugar so we can decide how, when, where, and why to eat sugar, if at all.

The Myth

Similar to eating before bed, the sugar myth is another controversial subject about which everyone seems to have an opinion, whether educated or not. The two common opinions on sugar are as follows:

  1. Sugar will cause obesity, diabetes, and rotten teeth, so it must be avoided at all costs.
  2. Artificial sweeteners are bad for your health or taste horrible, so we must use sugar in our meals, drinks, and recipes.

The first opinion, that sugar has no place in a bodybuilder’s diet, is the most common myth that needs to be debunked. The second opinion is gaining in popularity, and although there is some sense in this approach, it too can be over used.

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A Sugary Fright Fest Done Right

Friday, October 15th, 2010
Josie Maurer
Josie Maurer

Josie Maurer of writes today’s guest post. Josie is a woman who eats and then talks about it. She and her “Greedy Taste Testers” tell us all about the different kinds of foods they eat in an attempt to find a way of life that balances fitness and a taste for great cuisine.

Josie wants you to ditch the weight loss gimmicks, deprivation of so-called “forbidden foods”, and severe calorie deprivation, in favor of Moderation, Discipline, Portion Control, and Commitment to exercising and eating healthy.

Visit Yum Yucky or Connect with Josie on Twitter.

A Sweet Halloween Extravaganza!

Editor’s Note: if you want to skip down to Josie’s great recipe for No-Bake Raw Oat Bars, click here.

If foods filled with sugary sludge aren’t quite your thing, beware the death grip of Halloween! This one day, in particular, is extra fueled with the kind of zombie power that just might be strong enough to slap the protein bar out of your mouth in favor of a Snickers. Just maybe?

Your co-workers are bringing candy to the office, your kid is getting sweets from the teacher, and the snot nosed neighbor-child expects you to have some candy when they bang on your door in their gorilla costume.

So you see that. The sugary fright fest is all around you. But if you want an escape hatch for Halloween done healthy, try these anti-sugar sludge tips.

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High Fructose Corn Syrup to be Marketed as Corn Sugar

Sunday, September 19th, 2010
High Fructose Corn Syrup
Corn Sugar

In a disgusting development, the Corn Refiners Association plans to ask the FDA to allow high-fructose corn syrup to be called simple “corn sugar”. Check it out at LiveScience.

They plan to claim that corn sugar is no different from cane sugar, and that fact means corn sugar is not that bad for you.


Since when has cane sugar been considered “not that bad for you”? It is linked directly to the onset of Type II Diabetes, for crying out loud!

Regarding the claim that corn sugar is the same as cane sugar, an attempt to butcher the concept that cane sugar is “all-natural”, let me show you a quote from someone who knows exactly how high fructose corn syrup is made (in the lab):


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