Posts Tagged ‘sunblock’

How to Choose Sunscreen for Maximum Protection

Tuesday, April 17th, 2018

Bikini Sunbathing

Summer is nearly here and it has come to my attention that you are probably not using sunscreen, even when you plan to be outside in the sun for more than 4 hours. Not smart.

Here are some frightening sunscreen facts:

  • 31% of you are not using sunscreen, even if you are going to be outside for more than 4 hours
  • 27% of men wear sunscreen
  • 27% of parents with kids under 12 say they never or only sometimes put sunscreen on their kids
  • 14% of parents never put cream on their kids even if they will be outside for more than 4 hours.

I find most of those numbers unfortunate and disturbing, especially when kids are involved.

Exposure to the sun can cause age spots, sunburns, wrinkles, and contributes to skin cancer.

You and your kids should be wearing sunscreen on the face and all other exposed areas of the skin, each and every day of the summer.


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