Posts Tagged ‘Supplements’

Veda Soothe Review – Dr. Darling and Clarity Nutrition’s Supplement For Joint Pain

Monday, October 1st, 2018

healthy coupleVeda Soothe Review: Does This Supplement Really Work?

Joint pain has been an issue for humankind since the dawn of time, especially as the means of comfort advanced and people switched from hunters and gatherers to couch sitters and television channel surfers. The lack of motion and the decreased amounts of physical exercise people have been getting has caused a decline in the efficiency of the parts in our body responsible for lubricating the space between joints. Since joints have to move regardless of whether or not they are lubricated, the absence of a lubricant subjects the bones to an increased level of friction that eventually leads to the inflammation of those bones.

Needless to mention, inflammation causes pain; in addition, it also shuts down the bones’ healing process before it even begins. When joints are inflamed, the chance of friction and its intensity increase by a long shot so, any movement would be like taking three steps back in the healing process. Now, because it is quite the challenge to stay completely still for enough time for your joints to heal since life is a fast-paced game where everyone constantly has something to do or somewhere to be, Clarity Nutrition has come up with Veda Soothe that is claimed to be able to help speed up the recovery process among a number of other benefits that it provides for our health and physical well-being. (more…)

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Eating Habits That Are Detrimental To Your Liver Health

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

strong liverThe liver is the marvel of our body. It is a vital organ responsible for secreting bile and breaking down the fats along with eliminating toxins from the body. Weight loss is the prime concern for most people when they think about the food they consume. But what most fail to realize that they should be mindful of your food intake to save your liver from severe health problems.

Let us take a look at some common eating habits that are detrimental to the health of the liver. In our daily lives, we tend to adopt eating habits that gradually deteriorate our liver. A full liver cleanse can be helpful in reversing the damage to some extent.


  1. Excessive Alcohol Intake


You might not know what too much alcohol means as far as your liver health is concerned. From mild scarring to severe inflammation of the liver cells, an excessive intake of alcohol can cause a severely negative impact on the liver. It reduces the liver’s capability to eliminate toxins from the body. Moreover, if the negative impact of alcohol takes a toll on the liver, the ability to break down alcohol further reduces, thus, causing chronic damage. So, it is advisable to keep the consumption of alcohol at a moderate pace. A good rule of thumb is one standard drink for women and a maximum two for men per day.


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Gym injuries: how supplements can aid recovery and boost performance

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

How’s your fitness regime going? In summer, most of us take our workouts a bit more seriously. But did you know that taking the right vitamins and minerals can help strengthen bone, build muscle, prevent injury, and aid recovery — ideal whether you’re into cardio or resistance training?  

workout performance

If you’re a regular at the gym, you need to ensure that your body takes in what it needs to perform. Don’t underestimate the importance of nutrition — check out how vitamins and minerals can help you push harder in your next work-out session. (more…)

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Best Tasting Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss Reviews

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

protein shakeLooking for the best-tasting meal replacement shakes for weight loss reviews? Here we go.

There are many protein-rich drinks available on the market, but let’s find the best-tasting meal replacement shakes for weight loss. The problem is that many weight loss shake, in particular, whey protein powders, throughout time, have been known to taste like a tin can and have the consistency of a bowl of grit.  We have gone ahead and reviewed 5 popular shakes used for both fat loss and lean muscle gain. Here is out list of the best-tasting meal replacement shakes to help kick start your latest fitness goals (more…)

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A Neuropathic Formula That Actually Works

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

Workout Back PainWhen you have to deal with a disease such as neuropathy, you are in for a lot of discomfort and sometimes unbearable pain that will have a major impact on your lifestyle, the effects of neuropathy often restrict people’s ability to function normally and also cause a lot of mental and emotional stress in the long run. There are plenty of studies that highlight just how damaging nerve pain can be mentally, people who have been affected by neuropathy for long periods of time become dysfunctional, and they turn to alcohol or use their prescribed mediation irresponsibly to cope with the pain. (more…)

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What Are the Benefits of Krill Oil?

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018

Healthy CoupleFor decades, Fish Oil rich in omega-3 fatty acids has been revered as the best fat for building health and healing properties.  Many of us take omega-3 supplements to ensure our intake of the all-important DHA (docosahexaenoic) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic) acids while eliminating the dangers of consuming too many heavy metals and contaminants.  

With a direct impact on reducing LDL (the bad-guy cholesterol) and preventing heart disease and stroke, the omega-3’s that abound in Fish oil are genuinely great wonders of nature when it comes to maintaining our overall health and well being.  Surprisingly though, only 90% of the omega-3’s we ingest from Fish Oil are absorbed by our bodies. Enter Krill Oil (ClevelandLeader Krill Oil), the ultra-talented new kid on the block who’s already outshining his very successful predecessor. (more…)

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How To Maintain Your Looks As You Age

Friday, May 18th, 2018

healthy skin

We all want to look good, but the inevitability of aging makes maintaining your looks harder with every passing year. With age come wrinkles, sagging, and a whole host of other things nobody wants to think about. In the absence of a fountain of youth, how do you combat the effects of time on your body? (more…)

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Virectin Review: Best Wingman To Improve Your Performance On Bed!

Thursday, May 10th, 2018

Today on Project Swole we bring you a guest post review for a supplement that helps older men with several common problems related to aging. Specifically, sexual dysfunction. Read on to see how Virectin might help you out if you’re suffering from any of these annoying, depressing side effects of living as an older male.

Are You Overwhelmed by Supplement Ads?

healthy couple When you are bombarded with a hundred different pills, each promising to give you stronger and larger erections, and to help you become an “alpha male” in the bedroom. Some of these supplements contain potentially dangerous ingredients, sometimes unlisted ingredients, that could cause life-threatening complications for the user. Most of these supplements also contain ingredients that hold no value to them or scientific evidence.

Today, we want to take a look at Virectin. This sexual enhancement supplement for men is considered to be one of the best on the market at the moment, and for a good reason. We will consider what Virectin is, how this product works, how you should take it, what to expect and, of course, where you can buy it. (more…)

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6 Nootropic Supplements For Boosting Your Mental Focus At The Gym

Monday, April 30th, 2018

Nootropics are supplements or drugs that enhance memory and cognitive development. They are also known as the smart drugs. The mechanism and actions involve increasing the number of neurochemicals present in the body that will cause the increase of oxygen supply and stimulate good nerve function.

memorization process

This memory-enhancing supplement is often prescribed to dementia patients and individuals that are known to have a below average IQ. In some cases, this drug is also taken by gym buffs who want to give their mental focus a boost. But, contrary to the belief that this will make people intelligent, says these supplements serve as stimulators or a nourishment that bridge the gap in the synapse and, therefore, cause an increase in the mental and intellectual function of an individual.


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Kratom for Pain: How Effective is it?

Sunday, April 29th, 2018

Kratom treeKratom is becoming a widely popular herbal remedy among the health-conscious around the globe because it is said to provide many health benefits. This herbal product is actually made from the leaves of Mitragyna Speciosa, a tree that belongs to the species of coffee found in the South Pacific regions, particularly in the countries of South-East Asia like Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and their neighboring countries.

Processed leaves are available in local markets and online stores in the forms of powder, capsules, tablets, resins, and raw dried leaves that could be prepared as a tea or brewed like coffee. Although this product has been branded as a medicinal wonder, it is prohibited in some countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Australia, New Zealand, and others that have made the product either illegal or needing prescription from health professionals prior to consumption.


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My Experience with Perfect Keto

Sunday, April 15th, 2018

Disclaimer: Perfect Keto products have been used by me on my own free will. This review is not influenced and the opinions that have been expressed are my own. I have no affiliation with the brand.
Dietary protein
Within the keto community, supplements having exogenous ketones are increasing in popularity, with each passing day. Though the results are promising, there’s a lot more information that needs to be known about these supplements. Herein, I try to clear some doubts of the users, for Perfect Keto. I simply list the pros and cons – you decide the rest. (more…)

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Can Men Safely Take Biotin for Hair Growth?

Sunday, March 11th, 2018

hair loss

Hair loss is not an alien phenomenon to us humans, as everyone loses hair at different degrees every day. As strands of hair fall out, new ones grow back to replace them, and the cycle continues.


However, in some men, these hair strands fall out, and none sprouts to replace them. As many as 85% of men will have a kind of hair loss at least once in their lifetime. Hair loss affects both men and women and the older we get, the higher our risk of developing it.


Recent studies have shown that hair loss affects 40% of men by the age of 35, 60% of men at 60, and 80% of men at the age of 80.


Hair loss may just be a physical symptom, but it may lead to emotional and psychological problems such as reduced self-esteem, depression, and social anxiety. That’s why it is a serious issue to men. (more…)

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How important is pre-workout?

Saturday, February 24th, 2018

By definition, a pre-workout is a form of supplement that you consume before you start working out, sports competition or training practice. It is designed to help you perform better during workout and also helps to keep your body stable after the session, especially if the exercise involves intense workout. In any sports nutrition, a pre-workout is included as important addition to enhance the athlete and improve performance.

Woman pre workout

But many don’t understand why it is always necessary to have a pre-workout as some of us believe it is still possible to have successful workout sessions even without a pre-workout. So, how important is a pre-workout? (more…)

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How To Come Off Steroids Safely

Monday, February 12th, 2018

At Project Swole we don’t care for steroids, we don’t promote them and we don’t recommend using them. However, we realize some folks are going to use them anyway, and we DO support health. Therefore, every once in a while when we receive reader questions about a steroid stack, we get motivated to publish a post about using steroids as safely as possible, and one of the biggest factors of a safe cycle, is PCT – post cycle therapy. That being said, here are our tips for safely coming off your steroid cycle to maintain the best health possible.

arnold is healthy

So lets you have come to your decision and you are considering risking it. You made the choice that completing a course of anabolic steroid is what you needed. You got all the information you know from the supplier in the gym or a website like this. You know how they are taken and how long you should do it. At least you think you know. It’s what you don’t know about coming off the cycle that could destroy your results and impact your health.  (more…)

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Flexoplex Review: The #1 Choice to Relieve Joint Pain!?

Thursday, February 1st, 2018

Just Look at What Flexoplex Will Do for You!

Usually, many people suffer in silence. Perhaps, like Susan, you have found long distance walking a pain rather than pleasure or like Winks, you feel like your joint is going to go off the next minute, worry no more. Flexoplex supplement has been formulated just for you. This strong and natural joint health product will get rid of the inflammations in your bones as a precursor to relieving you of all of the discomforts in your bones and joints.


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5 Protein Bars you can Munch on a Ketogenic Diet

Sunday, October 15th, 2017

So, what is a ketogenic diet anyway?

Lean man and womanA ketogenic diet refers to a low-carbohydrate diet, specifically where daily net carbs total 50g or less. At these levels, the body process stored fat and dietary protein for energy, causing a state of ‘ketosis’. Usually when total calories are low enough on a ketogenic diet, after 3-4 days when ketosis kicks in, rapid weight loss begins. A Keto diet can also be useful for managing certain illness and conditions such as epilepsy, heart & brain disease, diabetes, and even acne.

The biggest drawback to the ketogenic diet is the food choices. If you’re on a Keto diet, you know how hard it is to find a high-fat, low carb and low-glycemic meals that rarely leaves you feeling hungry. With plenty of products to choose from, it can be a bit cumbersome to weed all through the products, and find the right one. (more…)

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5 Benefits About Hemp You Should Know for Your Health

Saturday, September 23rd, 2017

Hemp is an environmentally friendly plant that has been in use for very many years as fiber and medicine. Hemp is a pain reliever, antioxidant, powerful anti-inflammatory and highly nutritious.

Hemp and Fitness

Hemp falls under Cannabis sativa plant species. Cannabis describes both hemp and marijuana. They are the same species but are distinct plants. The main difference between hemp and marijuana is that marijuana has more tetrahydrocannabinol than hemp. This is the compound that is responsible for psychoactive properties. Hemp is very low in tetrahydrocannabinol.

Hemp may be used to get the nutritional and medical benefits of cannabis plant with no “high” that is associated with marijuana.

Hemp seeds are very nutritious and contain various minerals, protein, and healthy fats.

Do you want to know how you can use hemp to gain health benefits? Here are the five benefits that someone can get from hemp. (more…)

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HGH for Muscle Growth: Can HGH Help You Gain Muscle?

Thursday, July 27th, 2017

Sexy Back MusclesHard work, proper training, and appropriate diet remain crucial for athletes willing to gain muscles, and it is difficult to succeed in sports without having these qualities. At the same time, various muscle growth enhancers, such as steroids or HGH, are becoming more and more popular among men and women who want to increase their muscle strength.


Among them, human growth hormone, or HGH, is one of the most widespread and arguably efficacious ways to help gain muscle mass. In this article, we will review the cases for and against HGH for bodybuilding and will conclude whether growth hormone should be used by athletes for muscle growth.


What is HGH?

HGH is a common abbreviation for human growth hormone, also known as somatropin. This hormone controls the processes of cell growth and regeneration in the human body. That is why it is undeniably crucial for our healthy and consistent development. Although the pituitary gland produces natural growth hormone sufficient for most people, some people can suffer from growth hormone deficiency.


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The Untold Secret of Vitamin D in Less Than Four Minutes!

Saturday, July 22nd, 2017

Do you think about the Vitamin D when you are bathing in the sun? If yes, then you are among us. The Vitamin D is commonly termed as “Sunshine Vitamin.” The reason for this is because Vitamin D is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight.

vitamin D health

Vitamin D is fat-soluble with a family of D compounds that includes Vitamin D-1, D-2, and D-3 and affects as many as 2,000 genes in the body. Apart from this, Vitamin D is also obtained from various foods and supplements to maintain the adequate level of Vitamin D in your blood stream. (more…)

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Another Reason To Hit The Gym: Make Your Natural Pheromones More Attractive

Saturday, June 10th, 2017

popeyeWe all know that going to the gym not only makes you feel better, it makes you look better too. Even if you don’t have a chiseled 6-pack, massive guns, or lady-swooning glutes being a gym goer can give you a more shapely body, higher energy and mood levels, and help you be enjoy life to the fullest.

But there’s another aspect of being fit and healthy that’s not discussed often:

The scent of your natural pheromones (or your natural body odor), can actually become more attractive to the opposite sex.

If you don’t know what they are, or you imagine sleazy internet ads promising you they’re the secret to attracting gorgeous women… then you’ll probably roll your eyes. But on a scientific level, it actually makes sense.

What are Pheromones?

First of all, the word “pheromone” actually comes from the word “pherein” – which means “to carry”.

The second part, “mones” is from the word hormon(e).

As you already know by now, hormones (e.g. testosterone), are responsible for pretty much all the important functions of the human body… from regulating sleep, our testosterone balance, and even our moods.

Of particular interest is testosterone, which is an androgen, and typically what pheromones are derived from.

The most interesting part about all this, is that pheromones are actually derivatives of testosterone. And because they are released in sweat, there are steps you can take to actually make your pheromones all the more “attractive” – especially to women. (more…)

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