Posts Tagged ‘swine flu’

Healthy Popcorn and Swine Flu Revenge

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

I don’t have much time to post today, but I wanted to direct you to two news articles I found while browsing at lunch, which by the way consisted of tuna, Sun Chips, and diet Nestea. Good times.

There are just a couple quick news pieces about the wonders of popcorn and the increasing danger of swine flu.


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What is Swine Flu? and 29 Other Swine Flu FAQs

Thursday, April 30th, 2009
Cute Pig

The current Swine Flu fears are both justified and overrated.

The fears are justified because of the 7-8% death rate in Mexico of a contagious disease, for which we currently have no direct vaccine.

The fears are overrated because that death rate seems only to apply to Mexico, and the virus itself does not seem to be replicating uncontrollably throughout the world.

Currently, the status of the disease warrants Mexican quarantine, worldwide concern, but not yet worldwide panic.

Hopefully, this document will allay some of your fears and answer some of your questions about Swine Flu.


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