Posts Tagged ‘teenagers’
Tuesday, March 4th, 2025As someone who’s spent years helping families design outstanding home gyms, I’ve seen firsthand the positive transformations these spaces can bring, especially for teenagers. Let’s face it: inspiring teens to prioritize fitness is tough. Between homework, social media, and endless screen time, staying active often falls to the bottom of their list. A gym membership might seem like the obvious solution, but creating a home gym tailored specifically to your teen’s needs is an absolute game-changer.
Staying healthy and fit is about convenience, comfort, discipline, and building lasting healthy habits no matter your age. Let’s examine a few reasons why exercise is so good for teens along with a few great ways to try to get your teen to workout in a home gym.
(more…)Tags: exercise, fitness, garage gym, home gym, home gym fitness, home gym workout, teenagers, teens, workout, young adults
Posted in Exercise Equipment, Kids, Motivation | No Comments »
Friday, February 11th, 2022The age of teenagers is confusing, mostly because of hormonal changes and the glimpse of freedom associated with it. Teens begin to develop bad attitudes towards their parents and other elders. Many parents begin to wonder how best to go about improving teenage attitude all while staying swole by keeping a fitness lifestyle intact and staying motivated to continue making progress.
Let’s examine some tips on how to improve your teenager’s attitude:
(more…)Tags: health, lifestyle, mental health, parenting, teenagers
Posted in Mental Health | No Comments »
Friday, August 26th, 2011Today’s society is keener on converting young athletes into peak performers overnight by just winning competitions. The people behind these young athletes i.e. parents and coaches, fail to understand that there is much more than just winning.
Peak performance is not only about winning a competition or two. The athletes should be able to perform well for a long while in their field of interest.
The training program thus, should comprise of a comprehensive plan that combines various elements pertaining to the body, mind and spirit, so as to improve the performance of the athletes both on and off the court. What are the factors to consider while devising such a training program?
Here are some tips for young athletes to achieve peak performance:
Tags: athletes, fitness, Kids, performance, Sports, teenagers, young
Posted in Fitness Tips, Kids, Sports, Weight Training | 1 Comment »
Tuesday, March 1st, 2011This post was written back in 2008, but the poll didn’t get many votes and the post didn’t get any comments. Now that Project Swole has much more traffic and somewhat of a loyal community, I went and rewrote some of this piece and I’m re-posting it today so that we can get more comments and votes. I think it will be an interesting study into the training background of most Swole readers.
When and why did you first learn about exercising?
We all know how beneficial exercise is to maintaining a healthy body. Kids don’t usually know this and teenagers don’t usually care. Typically it is up to parents and schools to educate kids about exercise and nutrition, ’cause quite frankly they aren’t very likely to do it themselves.
I learned about exercising in junior high school when some of my friends started curling and bench pressing to build the “show muscles” for the girls. I even did some curling and bench pressing myself, but not more than a couple times a week, and I didn’t build any significant muscle mass. My real education in weight training came in high school… I’ll talk about that more below.
Tags: Conditioning, fitness, Kids, Personal, Question of the Week, Sports, teenagers
Posted in Question of the Week | 16 Comments »
Friday, January 22nd, 2010Strength Training is Good For Kids!
It’s official! After many long years of arguing with fools, I am validated! Based on hundreds of studies and thousands of hours of research, the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) have finally taken the position that age-appropriate resistance training is not only good for kids, but recommended.
Tags: acsm, children, Kids, nsca, Research, strength, strength training, teenagers, Weight Training, weightlifting
Posted in Kids, Research, Weight Training | 7 Comments »
Tuesday, August 18th, 2009I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form.
Generally I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.
The category, Your Health Questions is a more proactive approach to answering your questions so that everyone can benefit from the Q & A.
Jim wrote:
“I wanted to know about how much protein my 14 year old should be having.
He is playing football and weightlifting at school. (Freshman). He is 5’8 and 112 lbs.
He wants to add some weight and muscle but we heard that you should not give your teen protein because they will start to grow outward instead of height-wise.
What do you recommend?”
Tags: athletes, high school, Sports, teenagers, Weight Training, weightlifting
Posted in Your Questions | 12 Comments »
Friday, January 23rd, 2009I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form.
Generally I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.
From now on I want to take a more proactive approach to answering Your Health Questions by posting them separately in the blog. This way we can be sure that everyone benefits from the Q & A.
Russel wrote:
“Is there an age limit to starting to do body building or can you start at any age?”
Tags: body building, bodybuilding, children, Kids, teenagers, weight lifting, weightlifting
Posted in Your Questions | 14 Comments »