Posts Tagged ‘vegetarian’

How Do I Start a Vegan Diet Plan?

Sunday, August 7th, 2022
start a vegan diet

There are several reasons to start a vegan diet, but each person’s motivation will be unique. Some people may choose to be vegan because they feel there is a connection between a vegan diet and chronic degenerative illnesses. Other people choose to be vegan because they care about animals. Other factors may include the environment, religion, weight reduction, and so on.

Whatever goals you have currently to motivate you, you will end up broadening the circle of compassion in this world and raising your mind and body to new heights! Being vegan, as they usually say, is like drinking a truth serum, because living an honest, healthy, clean life alters your mindset.

Let’s take a moment to think about the essential aspects you’ll need to start a vegan diet plan for weight loss and general good health.


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How Do I Start a Vegetarian Diet Plan?

Wednesday, April 20th, 2022
Start a Vegetarian Diet like this athlete

Vegetarian diets are becoming increasingly popular. The reasons to start a vegetarian diet vary, but they all have health benefits, such as lowering your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and several cancers. Research studies estimate that vegetarians account for up to 18% of the world population.

However, some vegans eat far too many processed meals, which can be heavy in calories, fat, sugar, and salt. Furthermore, they may not consume enough fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and calcium-rich meals, depriving themselves of the minerals they supply.

A vegetarian diet, on the other hand, may suit the needs of individuals of all ages, including toddlers, teens, and pregnant or breastfeeding women, with a little preparation. The goal is to be aware of your nutritional requirements so that you can develop a diet to satisfy them.


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Can I Lose Weight On A Vegan Diet?

Monday, June 7th, 2021
lose weight on a vegan diet

Fat reduction from the body now has become a very significant part of the lifestyle. So, it is also relevant to the way of reducing extra body fat. Now, if you choose vegan food for your regular diet, you can quickly get your fit body soon. To get ultimate fitness, you need to know what, when you have to eat, and how much. The big question is, can I lose weight on a vegan diet?

The vegan diet is a healthy process that also maintains your blood sugar, cholesterol, sodium, potassium, etc. To maintain a nutritious diet, you have to eat all protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fiber, iron, and others. Thus, let’s proceed with the further details of fitness. 


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What Happens to Your Body When You Go Vegan?

Wednesday, April 28th, 2021
vegan diet benefits

The subject of veganism provokes strong and passionate responses in the health and fitness industry. Some professional athletes, including bodybuilders and strongmen, are devout vegans. Others claim it too hard to gain weight, muscle, or strength on a vegan diet. Despite all of the detractors, the vegan lifestyle is more popular than ever.

Let’s take a moment to examine the benefits of vegan-based nutrition.


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6 High Protein Alternatives for Vegans and Vegetarians

Tuesday, December 29th, 2020
fruit vegetable fitness diet

One of the biggest concerns that many vegans and vegetarians face is making sure that they get enough protein into their diet. With meat being the highest source, it can be complicated to plan meals around your new requirements. However, it is possible. All you need to do is look into the different substitutes.

In this article, we are going to discuss six high protein alternatives for vegans and vegetarians. Interested? Then keep on reading!


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What is the General Motors Diet and Why Does it Work?

Thursday, November 30th, 2017

GM Diet – The Quickest Way to Reduce 3-5 kgs in a Week

Everyone these days are trying to lose weight, for health reasons or just to look good, and trying every trick in the book to lose those stubborn kilos. But most people give up midway as they are unable to get the desired results within the stipulated time frame? But what if you get to know about a diet plan which can help you lose 3-5 kgs in 7 days. Would you believe that?

I know most of you would regard me with skepticism, “are you taking us for a ride?” Not really, the General motors diet or the GM diet can help you lose weight within 7 days. Okay, even if it is not your ideal weight, at least closer to your ideal weight.

fruit vegetable fitness diet

The General Motors diet broke into the diet horizon in the year 1985, taking the nutritional world by storm.  Conceptualised by the General Motors with the Food and Drug Administration and the United States Department of Agriculture, who worked in tandem to create a diet for its employees.

This was chiefly designed to make their workers sprightlier and definitely healthier so that they can devote 100% to their work. Well, the diet worked and how! Most workers reported a loss of 10-17 pounds in a week. The diet is very easy to follow, as it hardly has any complicated foodstuffs to procure or make great demands to your existing lifestyle. So does the diet work for you?


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How to Build Muscle on a Healthy Vegetarian Diet

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

This post has been updated with more accurate recommendations based on the dietary limitations of various kinds of vegetarianism.

Your Questions
Your Questions

I get plenty of questions in various comments throughout the website, but I also get comments and questions via the Project Swole Contact Form.

Generally I address those questions through e-mail, but often I do not have the time to reply to each and every question personally.

From now on I want to take a more proactive approach to answering Your Health Questions by posting them separately in the blog. This way we can be sure that everyone benefits from the Q & A.

Chris wrote:

“I’m just over 6 ft and weigh about 185lb. I am a vegetarian and workout 3/4 times per week. I want to both tone up/lose body fat and gain strength/size. The gym I go to has given me a programme of 2 strength sessions and 2 toning sessions per week, with 20 minutes cardio each session and 1 additional 45 minute cardio session.

My questions are:

  • am I on the right lines?
  • how much protein should I be eating?
  • and how on earth do you get the levels that I think you are going to recommend from a veggie diet (I do eat fish)?

Thanks in advance!”


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