Posts Tagged ‘virus’

Everything You Need to Know About Antibody Production

Sunday, October 3rd, 2021
antibody production

Antibodies are immunological proteins that develop in reaction to foreign substances entering the body. These invading molecules are known as antigens, and the immune system recognizes them molecularly, resulting in the creation of antibodies that can attach to the particular antigen. During antibody production, B-lymphocytes produce antibodies that circulate all the lymph systems, binding to their specific antigen and removing it from circulation.

So, what is the meaning of antibody production? The phrase “antibody production” has a broad and narrow definition. In a general sense, it includes the process of developing a usable specific antibody, which includes stages such as immunogen production, vaccination, hybridoma formation, collection, selection, isotyping, filtration, and tagging for immediate use in a technique.

In a more limited sense, antibody manufacturing refers to the processes building up to antibody synthesis but excludes different methods of isolating and identifying the antibody for specific applications. Read on to know the best steps and ways to produce antibodies commercially.


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The Common Cold is NOT to Blame for Childhood Obesity!

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

File this next report under the extremely-interesting-but-dangerous-to-publish category.

Parents of fat kids unite! You now have another reason to sit back and let your child get fatter rather than teaching him how to exercise and eat properly.

Future Fat Boy
Future Fat Boy

Apparently a study has turned up the adenovirus 36 (AD36) as a possible cause of childhood obesity. Adenovirus 36 (AD36) is also responsible for passing on the common cold. Supposedly that means we can now blame the common cold for the reason our children are fat!

After reading the results of the study, I’ve determined that AD36 could contribute to obesity in a small portion of obese children, but there’s no way that it is a leading cause of obesity in America. Read the post then let me know if you agree or disagree.


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What is Swine Flu? and 29 Other Swine Flu FAQs

Thursday, April 30th, 2009
Cute Pig

The current Swine Flu fears are both justified and overrated.

The fears are justified because of the 7-8% death rate in Mexico of a contagious disease, for which we currently have no direct vaccine.

The fears are overrated because that death rate seems only to apply to Mexico, and the virus itself does not seem to be replicating uncontrollably throughout the world.

Currently, the status of the disease warrants Mexican quarantine, worldwide concern, but not yet worldwide panic.

Hopefully, this document will allay some of your fears and answer some of your questions about Swine Flu.


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