Posts Tagged ‘warming up’

Leg Day Warm-up Strategies & Exercises

Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
some warm-up strategies including standing windmills and toe touches

Keeping the body fit is everyone’s goal, but not everyone works towards it efficiently. Those who do might still not do it optimally. Therefore, only a select few athletes attain the target of a healthy and fit body. Without using proper warm-up strategies and exercises, you risk injury and may not appropriately prepare the CNS for intense movements. Simply showing up at the gym may not be all required; doing it correctly is vital. Proper execution begins with warming up.

Let’s examine some warm-up strategies including a few important warm-up exercises as well as a few strategies to avoid.


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Effective Ways to Warm-Up Before Working Out

Monday, February 24th, 2025
girls using light squats to warm-up before working out

Warming up before a serious workout is very important. Choosing a good, effective warm-up before working out will help you avoid injuries that can delay your fitness progress. The right warm-up exercises can create an amazing difference in how quickly your fitness improves.

However, choosing the wrong warm-up can also have an impact on your overall performance. You could end up getting injured or not maximizing the workouts that you make time for in your busy schedule. Keep reading as we talk about the most effective ways to warm up before working out!


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What is Flexibility Training?

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

How to Stretch for Strength

Woman doing flexibility training

Flexibility training is one of the most under-utilized and under-appreciated components of fitness.

Stretching has been under constant scrutiny from fitness experts who question the role of flexibility in injury prevention. Despite the debate, athletes can enhance recovery and performance from a stretching regime, and in my opinion the right kind of stretching used at the right time definitely helps to prevent injury.

Most any powerful sports movement you can think of, can benefit from flexibility. From a football punt, to sprints, to swimming, to a tennis backswing, all intense moves need prior warm up and can often generate more power with an increased range of motion (ROM).

The simplest way to stretch for strength is to use dynamic stretching drills before exercise and modified static stretching drills after exercise. It is actually much more complex than that, so keep reading to find out more.


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