The frustration of dieting and losing weight is already quite intense. However, there’s nothing quite comparable to that disappointment of preventing yourself from eating the things you love most and following a strict diet, only to step on the scale and realize you haven’t lost a single ounce! It could be the nutrient density of your food choices (high fat, high sugar), the quantity of your food consumption, or the problem that might indeed exist within your lifestyle habits.
Stop! Before you give up and head to the fridge to gorge on everything you find inside, here are a few bad habits that could be affecting your weight loss along with some tips to help fix them.
When it comes to weight loss, most people focus on diet and exercise. However, there’s another critical factor that often gets overlooked: quality sleep. Good quality sleep isn’t just about feeling refreshed—it plays a significant role in regulating hormones, metabolism, and energy levels, all of which impact your ability to shed unwanted pounds.
Let’s explore how rest influences weight loss and how you can prioritize quality sleep to support your health goals.
Overindulging during the Holiday season is all too easy, I know from experience! Even the best intentions can be forgotten among the parties, and generous meal portions and sizes. Holiday weight gain is an inevitability for 99.8% of the US population so those of us who are not competitive bodybuilders need to be ready to combat that added girth come January.
What happens in January when you want to shed those extra pounds? Back to the same old gym routine? Why not start the New Year with a new training philosophy – high-intensity circuit training?
Let’s see how we can battle holiday weight gain with high-intensity circuits.
When it comes to weight loss, sauces and dressings can often be the hidden culprits behind excess calories and unwanted fats. While they enhance the flavor of our meals, traditional sauces are frequently packed with sugar, oils, and preservatives that can sabotage healthy eating goals. But what if you didn’t have to sacrifice taste for health? With the right ingredients and a few simple recipes, you can create healthy sauces that are both delicious and waistline-friendly.
Delicate, spicy, fruity – our healthy sauces will make your dishes extremely delicious and healthy. In this article, we’ll explore 10 healthy sauces that not only complement your meals but also support your weight loss journey.
Intermittent Fasting Part 1 – A Diet Strategy to Get You Ripped
For many people, losing fat and keeping it off is an impossible task, and they’d sooner reach China by grabbing a shovel and flinging dirt around. The road to leanness is littered with the remnants of horrible-tasting food, dingy Tupperware containers, and the dreams of those who abandoned their quest because of the seemingly insurmountable difficulty.
We’ve all been there at one point or another, but those who’ve managed to travel the wasteland and emerge on the other side victorious have done so by finding a way to stay on the path while others fell to the wayside, rules be damned.
And let’s face it: the fitness industry has managed to create a lot of rules and myths, both intentional and unintentional, to keep people in a constant state of fear and dependence, but the concept of intermittent fasting has come around and anecdotally proved that many of these claims are based off faulty and cherry-picked research, or are just flat out lies. Freeing people from the shackles of dogma and letting them indulge their inner hedonists without an ounce of guilt has helped hundreds if not thousands, achieve the body of their dreams.
Finally! A Powerful Diet That Anyone Can Follow
Forget about Atkins, low-fat dieting, low-carb dieting, the South Beach Diet, or any of those other fad diets. Here is a nutrition strategy you can use year in and year out to maintain ideal body composition, to get shredded for a show, or to lean out for summer.
Without further adieu, I’d like to introduce you to the new sheriff in town and how he can help you get to where you want to be as fast and painlessly as possible.
Semaglutide and BPC-157 are peptides that promote weight loss and wound healing. Semaglutide Peptide and BPC-157 have physiological advantages that may be useful in any attempt to lose weight, including lowering appetite, extending feelings of satiety, and lessening the pleasure associated with food. But it is difficult to know where to buy BPC-157 and Semaglutide Peptide from online stores.
So, in this article let’s learn about and find the best place to buy BPC-157.
You are a hardworking person who gets up early, works a full day, exercises, and takes care of the kids at night. Life sure is easy, right? Riiiight… Something is already telling me you could use some tips to manage cravings during your weakest hours.
OK, maybe your story is a little different, but most likely you are living a busy life, full of stress, anxiety, and deadlines. While you sit at your desk or drive your car, your daydreams shift to thoughts of salty chips or a smooth, sweet chocolate bar. You most likely are not thinking about healthy foods.
Don’t fret, it’s perfectly normal to have food cravings. When you constantly give in to your cravings and overindulge, is when you pay the price. Go ahead and accept your cravings as part of life, but also be aware that you can take action to prevent going overboard.
It might be a shocker for many people, but not all salads are good for weight loss food. The modern-day fitness industry has created this aura around salads, claiming that salads are the “ideal health food”. Not only this is not the case for many types of salads, but this approach also hurts people who eat salads genuinely trying to lose weight, only to see no results.
In this article, I will tell you about 3 steps to make your salads healthier and actually help you with weight loss. But before talking about ways to fix the problem, let’s figure out what the problem is – what makes many weight loss salads unhealthy?
Just in time for the new year! Lose fat quickly and safely on this 21-day fat-loss shred diet!
Disclaimer: the author is no longer a certified nutritionist and has not been a certified nutritionist since the mid-2000s. Use these diet guidelines and meal plans at your own risk.
To spare you from having to read this entire post to learn the premise, here is a quick summary of the Project Shred Diet:
A PDF that you can print out, containing meal plans that you can easily follow.
A strict diet is used to lose fat in 21 days.
A guideline for your post-diet lifestyle eating habits.
A detox diet is used to clean out your system of processed garbage.
A higher protein diet potentially allows muscle gains while losing fat.
Input from no less than 2 certified sports nutritionists.
Judging by a recent Swole Poll, most Project Swole readers want to build muscle – 53% to be exact. However, 33% of you are looking to lose fat and I’d wager a guess that at least 50% of the muscle-builders will, at some point, switch their goals to losing fat. Therefore I can say that if you are one of the 60+% of Project Swole readers that will eventually want to lose fat, then this article is for you.
The Project Shred Diet is, in fact, a diet plan that you can follow for the recommended 21 days or longer. There are 7 days of carefully planned out meals – 3 full meals and 2-3 optional snacks per day. Each of the 7 days can be switched and swapped around as you prefer. To get the most benefit try to hit all 7 days before repeating. Some food substitutions can be made within reason. I’ll tell you all about the rules in a moment.
There’s lots of sugar out there. Some are just plain unhealthy to consume, others, like fructose, should have a place in your diet, even if sparingly. So what is fructose?
Fructose is one of the three foundation sugars that are found in our foods. Fructose combines with glucose and galactose to form the sugars that we see on the ingredient lists. When fructose is combined with glucose you get traditional sugar which means that sugar is 50% fructose.
Fructose, aka fruit sugar, is what makes fruit taste sweet and helps to intensify the flavor of the fruit. However, the fructose in fruit varies depending on the fruit. The fruit with the most fructose is the common apple, though some people mistakening believe it to be the banana.
Green Tea and Acai Berries are products that have been growing in popularity for several years now. Typical of ancient herbs from the Chinese culture, Green Tea is loaded with healthy nutrients like antioxidants that will give you energy, assist with weight loss, and fight a number of diseases. Acai berries are also loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, and they taste great too! Why not take it to the next level and use a green tea with acai product? And what better way than to choose a green tea product infused with acai?!
Let’s examine just how supplementing using green tea with acai can help keep us healthy and trim.
This original post was all about the Shakeology product. Let it be known I no longer use Shakeology and instead, I use Muscle Milk, which is a far better and less expensive product that also tastes better. Muscle Milk is a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water.
If you are looking for a pure protein powder, check out Muscle Milk. Muscle Milk protein powder comes in about 20 different flavors, and is available in 1 lb, 2 lb, 5 lb, and 10 lb containers. Learn more about Muscle Milk. Finally, a protein powder that tastes great mixed with water!
Maybe you prefer all-natural whole-food protein bars. Visit RX Bars for awesome tasting bars. My favorite is Maple Sea Salt.
“Like eating 3 egg whites, 2 dates, and 6 almonds. With no B.S.”
The Healthiest Meal of the Day
Please note: you’re about to read my original story from 2011.
So I was hungry the other day at work and didn’t have many meal choices. The cafeteria was closed, I didn’t have any money for the vending machine, no protein bars, and only a couple of packets of Sweet & Spicy Tuna in my desk drawer. I’d already eaten tuna earlier that day, so I wasn’t in the mood for more.
If you are following Lizzo on social media channels like Instagram, you may have noticed changes in her body size. Did Lizzo lose weight? Yes! The news is that Lizzo has lost a bit of weight. People want to know what diet she used to lose weight or if she had surgery. If she lost weight naturally, did she follow a vegan diet? What was the training program for her weight loss journey? In this article, you will learn some of the details behind Lizzo’s weight loss.
What’s the best way to remove fat from your body? If you’re hoping to do it through a traditional method like diet and exercise, be prepared to wait, as it can take months or even years to see results. However, other options can deliver results more quickly and effectively—and one of the most popular methods is CoolSculpting. The benefits of CoolSculpting involve using targeted cooling to freeze away fat cells at the source.
In fact, CoolSculpting has many benefits over other fat loss methods, so here are just some of them.
Intermittent fasting (IF) is a highly popular health trend. It’s claimed to reduce weight, improve metabolism, and even boost lifespan. Each of the most popular intermittent fasting methods involves a way of eating using regular short-term fasts. These fasts help you consume fewer calories and optimize hormones related to weight management. If your goal is to improve your eating habits this type of diet strategy could help you significantly.
Let’s take a look at 5 popular intermittent fasting methods and the benefits to your weight loss and your health.
A ketogenic diet, often known as a keto diet, is a low-carb and high-fat diet. It has been shown in several studies to be useful for weight loss and certain health concerns. The hardest part about it is knowing how to start a ketogenic diet with food, and nutritional and lifestyle changes.
A keto diet is very beneficial for shedding extra body fat while remaining hungry, as well as treating type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndromes according to researchers. The benefits of a keto diet include shedding extra body fat while remaining hungry, as well as treating type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome. The primary focus of the ketogenic diet is to restrict carbohydrates (carbs) in order to burn fat for fuel.
In this article, you’ll discover all you need to know about how to start a ketogenic diet, including safety concerns and nutritional efficiency. There is a great resource in the book, The Complete Ketogenic Diet for Beginners: Your Essential Guide to Living the Keto Lifestyle, so certainly once we examine this initial strategy, it could be worth your effort to check out the book.
For the new year, many people have started a fitness program in a gym or committed themselves to an exercise plan only to back out after a few weeks. Usually this happens because they don’t know how much exercise they need to lose weight. At times, the number of workouts seem endless, it can sometimes seem like too many to count. Before long, you feel it’s time to rest. Furthermore, knowing how many days to work out can be confusing, especially if the amount of time you are training doesn’t align with your lifestyle – work, family, hobbies, etc…
Whether your goal is to exercise until you lose a few pounds, get stronger, gain muscle, or any other fitness goal, worry not. Here are some training tips you can use to determine how often you should exercise.
Since the late 1990’s Dr. John Berardi has published 8 scientific abstracts; 15 scientific papers and textbook chapters; presented at nearly 50 scientific, exercise, and nutrition-related conferences; and published countless articles online.
Berardi’s articles at Testosterone Magazine so many years ago provided me with the foundation of my fitness and nutrition knowledge today. If you want to know more about the Carb to Protein Ratio Diet, this is the man to ask.
Seemingly every month a new workout routine seems to go viral across social media. Recently, the spotlight has been on the 12-3-30 workout. Originally created by Lauren Giraldo, a YouTuber who was dissatisfied with the traditional workout routines commonly found online, this routine aims to be simple, straightforward, and easy to follow. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know to decide for yourself if this workout is worth it.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that has become very popular in recent years. It involves short, intense workouts with long recovery periods. This enables you to increase your workout intensity while decreasing the amount of time it takes to get results. During a HIIT workout, you push yourself hard for a short period of time, and then rest while recovering. This is typically a 1:1 or a 2:1 work-to-rest ratio.
Let’s learn a bit more about what HIIT is and how to integrate it into your training.