You just signed up for your first fitness boot camp. Congrats! You’re on your way to a better, stronger, and healthier you. You’re new to HIIT training and group fitness. You want to slay your workouts, but you’re nervous, and you’re not sure you can keep up with the rest of the class. Did you know that your pre-exercise routine is just as important as your workouts? Here are some boot camp tips for getting your body ready to work hard and accomplish those big fitness goals.
(more…)Posts Tagged ‘workout tips’
Beginning Boot Camp: Tips for New HIIT Training Students
Wednesday, May 5th, 2021Working Out and Eating Healthy: 5 Tips I Give My Non-Body Builder Friends
Monday, August 10th, 2020
The way you eat can have a serious impact on your fitness outcomes. Let’s be honest up front: not everyone in the gym is looking to build mass. For those of you who are trying to slim down, increase definition or improve overall health, your nutritional needs will be different from a bodybuilder’s. Following a few basic tips will help you meet your needs and propel you closer to your goals.
(more…)A Few Common-Sense Summer Fitness Training Tips
Sunday, July 23rd, 2017With the summer in full swing, it’s only natural that more and more people are taking full advantage of the long daylight hours by spending plenty of time outside. A natural source of annual encouragement for an increase in activity is certainly a good thing, especially for those of us who are serious about health and fitness.
On the other hand, those inspired to begin a fitness-training program during the summer months ought to be keenly aware of how to build a proper training foundation to ensure their continued progress while also avoiding deterrents like an injury or training plateau. Dale Parducci, a fitness coach and personal trainer from North Bergen, New Jersey, offered a few common-sense tips for summer fitness training. (more…)