Kids seem to have an endless supply of energy. They come back from school, run straight to practice, come back home and still want to play with their friends outside. Therefore, worrying about your kids having too much physical activity is not entirely surprising.
The sad reality is that most children aren’t getting nearly enough exercise to begin with. Their desire to run around is only a natural response to their increased energy levels, so in most cases you should just let them run their course.
It’s never really easy to push yourself out of the comfort zone and start something new in your life. There’s always this ‘’starting from tomorrow’’ attitude and a plethora of other excuses we so masterfully come up with that stop us from exercising. It’s understandable. People are simply intimidated by all the different types of exercise they can choose from. Should it be yoga, regular gym or running around the block every day?
Spending time with your significant other can only benefit you both. Spending quality time and doing something productive only doubles those benefits. It makes you grow both as individuals and as a couple. It can also bring you closer and strengthen your bonds for years to come. Working out specifically will help you feel more attractive and more attracted to your partner, which can also rekindle some old flames. Not to mention, you’ll both be much more energetic and healthier.
In every person’s life who’s devoted to their fitness regime, there comes a time when you just can’t do it anymore. It all goes around in circles, and you become fed up with your work out sessions. Instead of lifting your spirits and making you feel good, you just end up walking away more frustrated.
This is the point where most people give up and undo all their hard work. The truth is, all you have to do is overcome this point and you’ll be more productive than ever. Thankfully, there are some foolproof ways you can do this without wasting any time or energy.
Change is never easy. Even when it’s a positive change, making adjustments in your life can be difficult. Adopting a healthy lifestyle does require change for a lot of people. It means incorporating more exercise into your daily routine and following a well-balanced diet that doesn’t cause you to feel deprived or restricted. Having the right mindset is the first step toward discovering a healthier version of you. And here’s how it’s done!
Cannabis could be the edge you need to take your running to the next level!
Endurance Training
Adrian Landini is not only a long-time runner, but he’s also a long-time cannabis user. Not only does he enjoy smoking cannabis, but he also enjoys smoking it before a run and sometimes during a run. What may have begun as a one-off, has now become an integral part of Adrian’s endurance training. “I just kind of Zen out, I pay attention to my movements and what’s around me and whatnot, and just bring it in with good form,” the Toronto resident says about why he smokes cannabis.
Adrian believes that cannabis is what helps him with focusing his sense of awareness and also with the pain associated with endurance running and training. Often during long endurance runs, the pain from sore toes and feet, while minor, can often become overwhelming if a runner can’t lock it out and power through it.
Pilates is by far one of the most popular exercise methods practiced in today’s society. This is partly because it is so easily altered to suit a myriad of different people. Pilates can be tailored to every skill level, most body types, it can even work with many disabilities. It builds strength and promotes flexibility. The strengthening program is ideal for rehabilitating many types of injuries and the flexible portion is great for preventing many injuries.
There are many books and videos to help people practice at home, but many people prefer a class setting. There are many reasons for this some which may include a more structured learning environment and a built-in support group. Because of this, people tend to seek out a class anytime they begin practicing pilates, go to a new area, travel, or move.
In some locations, it is easy to find a pilates class while others prove to be incredibly difficult. The primary reason for this is that bigger areas tend to have more classes available while smaller areas may only have one, possibly even none. So here, you will find a guide on how to find the right pilates class for you.(more…)
Let’s face it, eating healthy is expensive. Not each and every individual can afford to spend extra $500 per month on groceries. That is why people often give up on losing weight due to budget constraints. There is, however, a solution to this problem. There are ways in which you can lose weight without inflating your budget.
This is even more important when you’re exercising as you’re sweating the water out of your body. To counteract this you’ll need to drink before and after you exercise. In fact, many people prefer to drink water while they are working out. But is it a good idea to drink cold water when exercising?
The first thing to understand about cold water is that it will reduce your internal core temperature. If you’re not exercising when you drink the cold water then your body will need to increase your core temperature. This boosts your metabolism and helps you to burn more calories.(more…)
So, you already know all the benefits of taking a nice, relaxing post-workout shower, but are you making the most out of those showers?
You push yourself through each workout, becoming stronger, healthier, and happier with your growth and accomplishments. However, it’s important to not let all that hard work go down the drain. Here are some important post-workout shower tips that can step up your workout routine:
Most people who exercise do so for two main reasons – to lose weight or to build muscle. Sometimes these can be done concurrently. In order to lose weight people do cardio exercises which help in shedding the fat. They also focus on burning more calories than they are consuming. Building muscle is a bit more complicated because it requires eating and exercising in the right way. A lot of lean men and women fail to build muscle because they think it is as simple as lifting some weights and waiting for the results. Building muscle takes hard work, consistency, and most of all knowledge on how exactly you can pack on the muscles.
So here are 8 tips to get you started on your bulking journey.
1. Eat Enough
As you work on increasing the size of your muscles you must provide your body with enough food to support this growth. It is important to consume enough calories to ensure that you are taking in more calories than you are burning. A calorie deficiency leads to weight loss so aim for the opposite. Taking in more calories leads to weight gain and when coupled with weight-training this will result in muscle growth.(more…)
How’s your fitness regime going? In summer, most of us take our workouts a bit more seriously. But did you know that taking the right vitamins and minerals can help strengthen bone, build muscle, prevent injury, and aid recovery — ideal whether you’re into cardio or resistance training?
If you’re a regular at the gym, you need to ensure that your body takes in what it needs to perform. Don’t underestimate the importance of nutrition — check out how vitamins and minerals can help you push harder in your next work-out session.(more…)
Many of us have post workout routines that we feel are important for our fitness. From stretches and yoga to meditation and even meals or protein shakes, the things we do after our workouts are just as important as what we do during them.
The reason? Fitness is 20% about what we do in the gym and our exercises, 80% about what we eat and put in our bodies, but 100% mental. The post-workout routine is filled with these mental and physical exercises and practices that remain critical to our fitness success.
What can we add to our post-workouts for better fitness and for stress relief? Surprisingly, one answer is blogging. Why? Because it combines some of the mental tasks above with habitual practices that make your workouts more productive and help you keep track of the things you want and need to accomplish. Starting a blog, choosing a domain and website host and designing your site are all pretty easy. Once you get going, blogging can be addictive just like exercise.
You have to remember that you can start to really change your life when you are working out and trying to build muscle as fast as possible. Someone who is trying to build muscle needs to have a plan, and it is much easier for you to start following a plan. This plan helps you get the best chance to have the muscles you have always wanted, and you can do this if you are young or old. You look your best, and it all happens in about 90 days.
Follow these steps, make a plan, stick to it, and live healthy for 90 days. When you see what you accomplish and how you feel, you might never stop.(more…)
If you are tired of postponing your workout or finding reasons to skip the gym, you should think about how important it is for you to look good and stay healthy. Even if it’s not easy to find the right gym that goes hand in hand with your busy schedule, you have to make an effort in order to stay in shape. You want to look for a gym local to your home or work, that has adequate equipment, lenient rules, helpful staff, and workable operating hours. (more…)
All of us would prefer to be in better shape, but in today’s hectic world, it isn’t always easy to find the time to do so. It is much easier to get the necessary exercise and to stay in shape when the equipment you need to is in your home. But with so many options for gym equipment out there, it can be hard to know where to begin. The following are the most essential pieces of gym equipment for any home gym setup.
Adjustable Dumbbells
No home gym is really complete without a set of adjustable dumbbells. Whether you are going to be trying to build or maintain your muscle growth, a set of adjustable dumbbells will see you through. Not only are dumbbells an already versatile piece of equipment, by adjusting the weight, you can increase or decrease the difficulty and, therefore, effectiveness, of your workout routine.
Of all the most common pieces of gym equipment found in the home, dumbbells produce the most reliable and consistent improvements. The nature of dumbbell exercises means that they require a significant amount of effort from muscle fibers to maintain stability. A good set of adjustable dumbbells is a worthwhile purchase for any serious bodybuilder.
Olympic Barbell Set
Much like the dumbbells, a barbell will put the same kind of strain (a good kind) on your body and muscles as dumbbells. The barbell is essentially a single long dumbbell, and most of the exercises done with the barbell are two-armed variants on dumbbell exercises. A barbell set is a worthwhile addition to any home gym setup, but if you already have dumbbells, and there are other pieces of equipment you are missing, you might want to invest in another piece of equipment first.(more…)
Working out without music would be miserable. Workout playlists make time pass faster and help you pump yourself up for the next rep! If you’ve ever tried to workout with the wrong pair of headphones, you know just how frustrating it can be. Whether you hate dealing with a cord in your face or you sweat all over bulky over-the-ear headphones, you know you need something that can handle your level of workout.
It turns out not all headphones are created equal! Some headphones are best used for certain types of workouts, and that’s why you need to learn more about what kind is right for you. Here is a guide to the best headphones for every type of workout! Take your workout to the next level with these tips.
When it comes to cardio, there’s one thing no one can deny: cardio is the ideal stress relief after a hard day of work and stress. Whether you prefer riding the stationary bike or running on the treadmill, cardio can make all your worries go away, at least for some time.
Cardio is also great for your heart, which is how it got its name in the first place. But the reason people most frequently turn to cardio is to burn those pesky calories and excess weight. And while most of the benefits of cardio exercise cannot be denied, there are a lot of myths and false truths that if you believe too blindly might lead to disappointment in the end.
The thing is, there are a variety of different classes and exercises you can enroll in at your local gym, and the best one is usually the one that makes you feel most comfortable. That said, even if you enjoy doing cardio the most, you need to know the truth about these 5 persistent myths if nothing just to adjust your expectations accordingly. (more…)
It’s been a long cold winter and you’ve noticed you’ve gained a few inches, all in the wrong places. When the days are warm and sunny you’re out there running daily, hitting the gym and going to extremes trying to compensate for those lazy days where you didn’t feel like braving the cold.
Even a trip to the gym in below freezing temperatures keeps you indoors and unfortunately, overdoing it to compensate could be (and probably is) doing more harm than good. Here is some of what you need to know about the importance of periods of rest between workouts – strenuous exercise of any kind. (more…)
People decide to hit the gym for various reasons. The majority do it to keep fit and healthy, others try to lose weight, and others for personal reasons which include health reasons. After you set your goals, such as aiming to shed a specific number of pounds of weight or achieving certain levels of body strength, you may feel highly motivated, but the motivation may be short-lived. To achieve your goals, you must be consistent doing workouts and check your diet.
Getting yourself to the gym or your working-out place is the most difficult part of exercising. So, what is the secret to get yourself motivated to go for the workout?
The following are some steps to keep your motivationalive:(more…)