Werewolf Training: A Weightlifting Routine to Gain Muscle

Werewolf Training

Gain Muscle with Werewolf Training

This training routine is designed for you to gain muscle. That’s it.

If you’ve come here to lose fat, you are better off using the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Men or the Full Body Fat Loss Routine for Women. This routine definitely has nothing to do with fat loss.

If you came to learn how to bench 700 lbs, you are better off reading Werewolf Training for Strength Gains. Although, truth to tell, you will get significantly stronger following this program.

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Werewolf training is not designed to get you ripped or “toned” (::barfs::), or even super strong, but you will get stronger anyway. This is much more of a bodybuilding routine than anything else, but with great strength benefits.

This is not for powerlifting or strongman training, but some level of strength will definitely be gained with Werewolf Training. Everyone using this routine has added weight to all their major lifts.

If you are a skinny guy and want to gain mass, this is for you. If you are ripped up and shredded but want to have more size, this is for you. If you just want to add 20-30 pounds of muscle to your body for whatever reason, this is for you.

I based this training routine on 15 years of experience with training and nutrition including my recent evolution into HIIT and HIRT training for fat loss. Periodization and muscle confusion are the two main principles used in this routine, and they will suit you well.

My recent research on Taylor Lautner and how he trained to gain 30 pounds for his role as the werewolf Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga: New Moon is what actually prompted me to write up this routine.

Without further ado, let’s get into the principles of Werewolf Training.

Werewolf Training Principles

Progress Factor #1 – Training

Weight selection:

When you see set protocols that look like 3 x 5, the goal is to use one weight for every work set. In this example, you would use the same weight for 3 sets of 5 reps. If you can get the required number of reps for all sets, you should go heavier next time.

Choose a weight to start each exercise. If you think you can add weight and still complete the number of prescribed reps for the number of prescribed sets for that exercise, you may increase the weight between sets. HOWEVER – you should not have to decrease your weight at any time during the exercise.

Example: When doing the bench press, 4 sets of 5 reps, you start with 185 and get 5 reps easily. If you choose to go up to 200, you should use 200 for the rest of the exercise.

When you see set protocols that look like 5 x 5, 2, 1, 1, 1, or 3 x 12, 8, 5; the goal is to increase the weight for every work set. For each set, if you can get the required number of reps you should go heavier for that rep range next time.

Even when you see 1, 1, 1 you should increase the weight by at least 5 pounds before starting the next set.

Negative rep overloading:

Jordan Yuam, Taylor’s personal trainer, had Taylor testing his limits by using 40% more weight than Taylor typically used for a 10 rep set. Overloading was used for 2-3 sets of 5 reps every other week. This type of training requires a strong, experienced spotter. Don’t try it without one.

Varying weights and reps:

Taylor didn’t stick to a 3×5 or 5×5 or 3×10 type of routine. He worked all of his muscle fibers equally by varying the volume from week to week. A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning found that strength can be increased by 28-43 percent just by varying rep counts and training different muscle groups.

It is still good to stick to a certain rep range based on your goals, but it is even better to occasionally change it up to force your body to adapt to a new stimulus.

The number of sets:

When doing higher reps with lighter weight, you typically need fewer sets. Two sets of 10-12 reps are not uncommon.

When doing lower reps with heavier weight, you often need more sets. It is good practice to use four to five sets when training in the 1 to 5 rep range.

Bands, Chains, and Tension training:

Free weights are best, but Taylor also used added tension with bands. The added tension increases the difficulty of the easiest portion of each lift, which is usually at the top, by accelerating resistance at the end of each rep. Recruiting additional muscle fibers using this method definitely adds to the growth potential of each and every set.

Incidentally, bands like Louie Simmons’ Westside Barbell are used in elite powerlifting circles.

Belts, straps, and gloves:

Typically we don’t like to use weight belts, wrist straps, or lifting gloves during our workouts, but there is a time and a place for some training assistance equipment. Weight belts can certainly be used for max effort attempts during exercises like deadlifts; they can help add stability and confidence to the lift for those with a weaker core, but during sub-maximal effort lifts they should be avoided in order to help build the strength in the weaker core. Similarly, wrist straps can be used in max effort lifts where the grip is required such as deadlifts and barbell shrugs; they can help enhance a deficit in grip strength, but again during sub-maximal lifts, they should be avoided in order to build grip strength. Gloves? Well, there’s really no place for gloves in Beast Mode.

Reduce cardio to maximize muscle gains:

Taylor’s main goal was to gain 30 pounds of muscle mass. His metabolism was going to keep him ripped no matter what, so in order to gain muscle he had to cut back on cardio. If your only goal is to get ripped, HIIT cardio and HIRT are great schemes, but skinny hard gainers should minimize endurance training during a bulking phase. 20 minutes is the limit.

Note: For those who wish to add cardio, there is one HIRT session scheduled after every upper body workout. Using the HIRT session might decrease your overall muscle gain, but it will also minimize your overall fat gain and keep you in better cardiovascular health. Remember, the HIRT session is OPTIONAL.

Sensible abdominal training:

The rules of weight training apply to the abdominals. It doesn’t make any sense to train your abs every day. Taylor Lautner only trains his abs 3 days a week. We pick a set of exercises that works the whole core and limit ab training to thrice a week. Every lower body day ends with a 3 exercise abdominal circuit, which is NOT OPTIONAL.

Varying planes of movement:

Most people train up and down, front to back. Yuam knows that side-to-side training is important too. Diagonal and sideways movements are vital for a versatile training plan.

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Progress Factor #2 – Recovery

Recovery is so important to growth. Without recovery, you just can’t grow.

You will have the option of taking an extra day off after every 4 workouts. This off day is included in the program, both on the webpage and on the spreadsheet, but remember the extra rest day is OPTIONAL.

Follow these recovery tips to ensure proper muscular adaptation:

  • Lautner takes every third day off.
  • Limit training to 5 days a week.
  • Weight training sessions should be kept under 60 minutes.
  • Sleep for 7-8 hours each and every night.

Recovery is important within a workout as well. We want each set to receive maximal intensity and muscular facilitation so we want to make sure your muscles are fresh for each set.

For regular weight training, follow these rest protocols:

  • Supersets will still require no rest between sets. They will be denoted by a, b, and c.
  • 90 seconds rest between sets.
  • 2-4 minutes rest between exercises, as necessary.

Always end your workout with a 10-minute stretching session. Post-workout stretching increases both recovery and flexibility. This is a good thing.

Use these stretching principles:

  • Read about Flexibility Training.
  • Stretch every muscle group for at least one minute.
  • Hold each static stretch for 20 seconds and repeat at least twice.
  • Never use static stretching before you train.
  • If you must stretch before you train, use only dynamic stretching.
  • Think of your stretching session as a cool-down.
  • Stretching does not count towards your 45-60 minute workout limit.

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Progress Factor #3 – Nutrition

You gotta feed the machine or it won’t grow. Here’s how.

Choose your goal weight.

For example, let’s start with a 160-pound man who wants to weigh 180 pounds.

Calculate your metabolic co-efficient (M) based on your body type and past history of gaining muscle and losing fat. If you need help determining your body type, read A Body Type Analysis

  • Endomorph (hard to lose fat, easy to gain muscle) – M = 8.5
  • Mesomorph (moderately easy to gain muscle or lose fat) – M = 9.5
  • Ectomorph (easy to lose fat, hard to gain muscle) – M = 10.5

Let’s consider that our 160 lb man is an ectomorph. He has always been thin with little to moderate muscle development, but it is difficult for him to really gain considerable muscle mass without drinking weight gain shakes all day long. His metabolic co-efficient (M) is 11.

Calculate the total number of hours of training weekly.

If you are a busy guy you might be limited to three 45-minute sessions plus some warming up and stretching, which will come out to about 3 hours a week. For this example, based on Taylor Lautner’s routine, at 5 days a week and 60 minutes a session, our man will be training 5 hours a week.

Daily Calories

Daily calories = Goal Weight X (the number of hours you workout per week + M)

Example: 180 lbs X (5 hours + 10.5) = 2790 calories per day

Daily Protein

You should get 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight each day.

Example: 180 lbs = 180 g protein per day (180 g protein X 4 calories = 720 protein calories)

The best protein powder you can choose for your Werewolf Training routine is Optimum Nutrition. They have the highest quality protein for the cheapest prices. Click on this link to get some Optimum Nutrition protein powder now.

Daily Fat

You can estimate about half of your goal weight in healthy fats each day.

Example: 180 lbs = 90 g fat per day (90 g fat X 9 calories = 810 fat calories)

Daily Carbohydrates

The rest of your calories should come from high-quality carbohydrate sources such as whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and legumes.

Example: 2790 calories – (720 protein calories + 810 fat calories) = 1260 carb calories (1260 carb calories / 4 calories = 315 g carbs per day)

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Progress Factor #4 – Supplements

First, let me say that you don’t need any supplements to succeed with Werewolf Training. Just eat a ton of the right foods, and you will grow. That being said, I know many of you will want to make the most of this routine by increasing your body’s capabilities with great supplements like protein powder, vitamins, and the best mass gainer.

Therefore, I am going to recommend the 4 best supplements for you to use to gain muscle.

1. Post Workout Nutrition – Muscle Milk Protein Powder

Studies repeatedly show that you will recover from an intense workout twice as fast if you use a post-workout drink within 20 minutes of finishing an intense workout. It is a known fact at this point, so if you’re not using a specially formulated post-workout drink in that 20-minute window, then you’re throwing 50% of your gains right out the window.

This post-workout shake contains four parts carbs to one part protein, which is precisely what you need to ensure speedy muscle recovery after intense workouts. It tastes great, is all-natural, and contains no artificial flavors or sweeteners. Mix it with water in a shaker bottle right after your workout – quick and easy.

This easy-to-mix, great-tasting protein powder contains:

2. Nitric Oxide (NO) Supplement

N.O. supplements are some of the most popular bodybuilding supplements. N.O. will increase your pumps and, more importantly, increase your strength and endurance. I find myself getting an extra 2-3 reps on every set when I’m using an N.O. supplement.

  • This N.O. supplement is a Hemodilator, which gives you extra energy by pumping more blood through your body.
  • N.O. supplements give you incredible pumps… you will look and feel stronger than ever.
  • N.O. supplements increase levels of Nitric Oxide in your body, increasing both strength and endurance.
  • By increasing your metabolism, N.O. supplements help you avoid typical bulking-phase fat gains.

    Click here to get some N.O. for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine!

3. Xtend Amino Acid Supplement

Xtend is a scientific blend of amino acids consisting of the proven 2:1:1 ratio of energy BCAAs (L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine), Glutamine, Citrulline Malate, and Vitamin B6 that will give you the energy you need to maximize your training and enhance recovery.

The components in Xtend have been scientifically proven to:

  • help speed recovery
  • enhance ATP production
  • promote cell volume
  • avoid fatigue
  • increase protein synthesis
  • improve immune function
  • improve digestive health
  • elevate growth hormone levels
  • and promote vasodilation, which can lead to better assimilation and absorption of protein

Remember, Xtend is full of glutamine, which is an important amino acid for energy and muscle recovery. You can take a serving of Xtend before, during, and after any workout, as well as right before bed and first thing in the morning. A steady supply of amino acids can only do a body good. Just don’t drink so much that you make yourself sick of it! Trust me, I’ve been there.

Click here to get some Scivation Xtend for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine!

4. Creatine – Kre-Alkalyn or Creatine Monohydrate

The purpose of creatine supplementation is to build up the creatine levels in your muscles in order to increase strength and long-term muscle gains, by more efficiently rebuilding ATP levels during your workouts. If you don’t know, ATP is what muscles use for short intense muscular contractions like weightlifting, sprinting, throwing, and jumping.

The good news is that Kre-Alkalyn has a higher absorption so it doesn’t require front loading and reportedly causes less creatine bloating and stomach problems. Kre-Alkalyn offers you a brand of creatine that is 100% stable, will not break down into creatinine and will absorb efficiently into the bloodstream. Each gram of Kre-Alkalyn is equivalent to 10 grams of creatine powder.

The theory behind Kre-Alkalyn is: that scientists discovered that the higher the pH of your creatine, the slower it is converted to creatinine. Pure Kre-Alkalyn has a pH of 12, the highest pH product on the market. This particular product also claims to use an enhanced delivery system, which gets the product into your bloodstream even quicker.

Click here to get some Creatine for your Werewolf Muscle Training routine!

Your other options are to get regular old creatine monohydrate or creatine malate, which are both good, but reportedly not as good as Kre-Alkalyn. Just please do not get scammed by liquid creatine or creatine ethyl ester, or any of the other ‘advanced delivery’ creatine scams. That liquid stuff never works.

That’s just about all you need for supplements, although there are many other options available if you have the cash. The number of supplements you use depends highly on your budget and your willingness to drink shakes, juices, and take pills all day.
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The Werewolf Training Workout Routine for Muscle Gains

Here is a 3-week, 21-day, 18-session workout routine designed to build muscle. It consists of 12 resistance training sessions, 6 neural activation training (NAT) sessions, and 6 core workouts.

Werewolf Training

Neural Activation Training (NAT)

Click here to learn more about NAT.

NAT workouts are optional, non-fatiguing, and will not lead to overtraining if used properly. NAT workouts will add to the effectiveness of the routine if you choose to use them.

Abdominal Training

Abdominal workouts are scheduled on NAT days, but instead, you can train your abs on any non-consecutive workout day. All NAT and abdominal training options are listed in the routine and on the spreadsheet. Do whatever fits your schedule and recovery ability.

I have tried to limit the exercise selection to equipment that most people can get at a gym, which includes barbells, dumbbells, and a box or bench.

Resistance Bands

Click here to learn more about Resistance Bands.

You can find resistance bands at some gyms, but typically you will have to buy them on your own. Do not buy the resistance bands they sell at Walmart or Target, those are garbage. Go online and find real resistance bands that you can attach to free-weight machines.

The bands are best used with the first couple of compound exercises of the day such as bench press, deadlift, military press, and squats. They can also be used with many of the other exercises. Your own creativity will set your limitations.

The Routine

The latest version of Werewolf Muscle Training is 3.0. It is the most comprehensive Werewolf Muscle Training to date, updated based on personal and reader feedback.

View a printable version of the routine, or download the spreadsheet for Werewolf Muscle Training version 3.0 here: printable workout routines

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Printable Werewolf Training Workout Routines

A printable HTML document and an Excel spreadsheet are available for Werewolf Training 2.0, 3.0, and each update from this point forward. You can download them all at the link below.

Use these spreadsheets to track your progress. Either keep track of your numbers on the computer or take the print-outs to the gym with you. A clipboard works great to hold your workout logs if you decide to print them out. I recommend using a pen to record your numbers, as the pencil fades over time.

Click the link below to print or download the newest updated training logs with updated exercises and rep requirements, added optional cardio sessions, and neural adaptation training integration:

Werewolf Muscle Training

Click the link below to download the spreadsheet for the old Werewolf Muscle Training 1.0, 21-day routine:

21-Day Werewolf Muscle Training 1.0

Click here to download the spreadsheet for the old Werewolf Muscle Training 1.0, 18-day routine:

18-Day Werewolf Muscle Training 1.0

You Can Make it Happen

Consistency is key. You must be consistent and disciplined in your training. Taylor Lautner had a multi-million dollar movie franchise contract on the line. You need to train like your future is on the line too, if you want to make the most of your workouts.

Expected Results

I haven’t tested this program out over a long period of time, so I’m going to need a couple of people to try it for at least 3 cycles. That could be as quick as 54 days, or if you take an additional rest day every 7th day (see below), you’d be looking at about 63 days.

I’m guessing a solid 10 pounds of muscle could be gained in less than half a year using this program, as long as you train at least 4 times a week, use proper recovery, and eat right.

After using this program for 3 cycles, 54 days, or 63 days depending on how many rest days you decide to use, you should take one full active recovery (little to no weight training) week. Read more about active recovery here.

Happy gaining!


Apparently, a guy named Chris used this routine with a low-calorie diet to lose 50 lbs in 6 months and gain some muscle along the way. I’m trying to get him to write about his experience, but not sure if he will.

Werewolf Training

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1,911 Responses to “Werewolf Training: A Weightlifting Routine to Gain Muscle”

    • For eccentric (down) if you go too slow you’ll end up with a bit more soreness (DOMS), which I don’t really care for. I just prefer to lower the weight quickly but under control, and you saw my comments about concentric speed in reply to your other comments. If you want a tempo ratio, I prefer 2/1 or even 2/0 where 0 indicates maximum speed/power/force on concentric (up). Always keep good form.

  1. Can you answer please? I just wanna know what u think about full body. And what better 2 second down 2 second up or 2second down 1 second up?

    • Sorry for the delay buddy, I’ve been out of the office for a few weeks.
      This is my reply to your first comment:

      I do like full body workouts but I like an upper/lower split better. It’s your preference. For rep speed, I like 2 sec down (eccentric) and explosively up (concentric). Bodybuilders do tend to use a slower concentric, but I prefer on most exercises targeting larger muscle groups to always focus on power and speed rather than specific tempo.

    • I do like full body workouts but I like an upper/lower split better. It’s your preference. For rep speed, I like 2 sec down (eccentric) and explosively up (concentric). Bodybuilders do tend to use a slower concentric, but I prefer on most exercises targeting larger muscle groups to always focus on power and speed rather than specific tempo.

  2. Hey Steve,

    I did this a long time ago in like 2011 and loved it but its been a long time out of the game. Do you have any recommended routines or such based on the past 11 years of learning? I typically only get an hour to go gym in and out so I have to count any cardio/warmup in that timeframe unfortunately.


    • Hi Joey!

      Thanks for your comment. There are a couple of other great workouts on this site you can try. I like the full-body workout routine as well as the 3×5 workout routine. What is your main goal at this time? Strength, muscle, fat loss, conditioning, sports performance? Whatever you hope to achieve will inform your workout strategy. Let me know if you still have any questions.


    • You should keep workout out, doing other workouts, or repeating this workout. Just take it easy for a week or two for maximum recovery, then get back at it.

    • Not super slow but also not super fast. When I’m training specifically to build speed and power, my reps are quicker. If I’m focused on building muscle, my reps slow down a bit, but not too much. Especially on the concentric phase (the push or pull) I always like to try to move as fast as possible with the weight I’m using, unless I’m dealing with an injury or tendonitis.

    • Do you mean ‘time under tension’? That refers to the amount of time the muscle is spent under tension during the set. Extending time under tension using methods like slow reps, eccentrics, forced reps, etc… are strategies frequently used by bodybuilders in their attempt to gain as much mass as possible. I hope this helps.

    • Hi Rashid,

      When it says 3×5 it’s 3 sets of 5 reps. When it says 2×12 it’s 2 sets of 12 reps. I hope that answers your question.

        • I mean it doesn’t really work that way. You want to go heavy on your compound exercises and a little lighter on your accessory work. If you HAVE to use one rep range for everything, meet in the middle and choose 8, but I’d recommend sticking with the original outline. Best of luck! Let me know how it goes.

  3. Best article I’ve ever read. Thanks a lot. My friend and I are ectomorph types and started going to the gym just over a month ago. Using all the information on this site I created a 3set x 12rep schedule of every exercise for that muscle ‘day’. Workouts were taking up to an hour and a half, DOMS was inevitable due to overworking, and progress was reduced due to lack of recovery. We did days based on bicep/back, tricep/chest, shoulder/anything that wasn’t tired, and began every workout with extensive ab work. I find that for ectomorph beginners who are serious about it, these are common mistakes. As outline in this article and workout schedule, you don’t need to DESTROY that muscle group every second day. Thanks so much for sharing this information!

  4. Hi,

    I have been following your routine for three months now, but I’m not fully satisfied with the results for my arms and legs. Abs are fine. Naturally, muscle building takes time, sometimes up to a year.

    On the other hand, I get the feeling that I’m not doing as much lbs as I can for a regular set. Now I wonder: on how much percent of my 5,2,1,1… /1RM max should I train to gain muscle, while still not overtraining myself?

    Appreciate the help!

    • You can try tossing in the occasional set of 20-rep paused breathing squats. Do them towards the end of your leg training, as you should not actually be able to function for 5 minutes if you do these right. Pick a weight you can normally do for 10 reps. Don’t stop until you hit 20. To accomplish this, pause at the top of reps 10-20 and take a couple breaths. Don’t go back down until you are confident you can get back up. But also don’t rack the weight until you hit 20.

      For 5,2,1,1,…,1 you should be training with a maximal weight. If you can get more than 6 reps with perfect form on your set of 5, not heavy enough. If you can get more than 3 reps with perfect form on your set of 2, not heavy enough. Your first set of 1 should be a weight you can get 2, but then keep progressing in 5-10 pound increments until you realize your true max. However, try not to reach a weight that actually causes you to fail. The CNS doesn’t like failure… you don’t want to train it to fail, you want to train it to perform precisely with the maximum load you can handle.

  5. hi,

    Just wondering why v3.0 of the plan contains different exercises on some days – some have been added and some removed, and reps etc changed – is this due to trial and error or improvements?


  6. I was wondering why the 3.0 version reduces the amount of sets from 3 to 2 for the superset exercises. I prefer 3 but wondering if that makes a big difference in muscle gain? Thanks.

    • I found doing 2 intense sets is enough for most of the secondary exercises, as long as training frequency is at least bi-weekly for the chosen muscle group.

  7. Question 1. With regards to supersets, should I be performing one set of A immediately followed by one set of B and repeat until all sets are complete and then rest, or is there a rest after doing one set of A immediately followed by one set of B?

    Question 2. What would be the difference between resting for 40 seconds versus 90 seconds?

    Question 3. For neural activation training what is the recommended rest between sets?

    Question 4. With regards to abdominal training, does one perform each exercise (such as A then B and then C) and then rest, or rest after each set?

    • 1) Rest after B.
      2) 40 seconds = better conditioning, more lactic acid, and less strength due to a shorter recovery. 90 seconds is pretty long and should be used sparingly unless you are a powerlifter or training for some other sport or competition.
      3) Isn’t that question answered in the NAT post?
      4) A,B,C then rest, repeat

  8. I'm 6'0 and 130 pounds. I eat lost, but I can't seem to gain weight. Will this program work for me?

    • If you actually read te top few paragraphs it says this workout is for people who want to gain muscle/weight! Never find a workout and just look at the routine, you need to read up about it first and look at diet ect.

  9. Steve,
    I have followed your blog for two years now and have modeled my workouts after your programs. Your knowledge and routines have resulted in great results for me. Thanks. Question: I have noticed that when I take an active recovery week between routines that I come back to the gym a touch weaker. It bothers me only because I hear others say that when they take a break they come back stronger. I did some NAT training, swimming, etc. to keep fresh. Could my soreness and slightly weaker lifts be due to that Im switching from the Fat Loss full body workout to the Werewolf muscle upper/lower splits?

  10. When you write DB standing alternating shoulder press – 2 x 12, does that mean 12 each side or 12 total, meaning 6 each side?

  11. Hey steve, i’m thinking about starting this very soon. My only question is which one to choose? is 3.0 better than 1 and 2? why have you decided to do so much tweaking?

    • I think version 3 is the best. All the tweaking is to make sure the routine is the best it can be based on personal and user feedback.

  12. Hey Steve,

    So for once I am really serious about hitting the gym and I have done a lot of research over the past few days and stumbled upon this. I am really intrigued by this workout especially since it is based of Taylor Lautner’s workout routine. I am doing this to build muscle mass and lose weight. Currently, I am fat (not huge but not skinny) and would like to get rid of it over time, but not too fast where it intrudes with my muscle building progress. I would like to keep track with you since no one has ever shown their results for losing fat and gaining muscle. I wouldn’t mind posting before and after pictures when done in exchange for advice along the way. I have started the 3.0 workout and I really enjoy it, but I was curious as to when to take days off. In the other workout versions you have mandatory days off and optional days off, but in 3.0 you only have one day of per week. I do not mind going HAM all week, but you do state above to take every third day off. Also, when would I include tension belts in the routine and when should I use negative overloading? Should I only do this for bench, or should I do this for squats, curls, triceps, etc.? Eventually could I try varying the workout routine by combining lower body with abs on one day and take the third day off? Should I begin to add in new exercises to each work out over time? I am not in great shape and managed to finish day 1 in 30 min with no problem. Also, for my diet, I have calculated all the above information for calories, protein, carbs, and fat. To accommodate for weight loss, I just multiplied my carbs and fat intake by a percentage when I had finished all calculations. I am 21 years old, 6’4″, and weigh 230-235 and my goal weight is 215-220 and to be mostly muscle. Thanks for your consideration.

  13. Hi Steve, I started my weight training at a measly 95lb over a year and a half ago and am now 5ft 10inches and 144.5lb, 20 years old…My problem at the moment is, I can not gain any more weight. I am eating between 3000, 3500 calories a day, I am two weeks into your werewolf programme were I have increased the workout to an hour long 2 days on one day off and I have even managed to continually increase my strength but still no weight gain what so ever. I am just wondering if you have any advice as I am training really hard and am being left disappointed at the end of each week and feel less enthusiasm to train.

    • Dude, you still have to eat more food. How many grams of protein each day? You also have to consider that perhaps you are training too often. The strength gains come from nervous system adaptation, but what if your muscles are slightly overtrained? What if you are burning up all of your precious calories by training too long?

      I don’t know what you need, because I don’t really know you – your diet, your intensity, your lifestyle, supplements, etc… I would have to observe you to tell you what you’re doing wrong. However, just guessing, I would say you should finish off the Werewolf cycle then take 1 active recovery week off, cut back to 3 workouts a week, no longer than 45 minutes, up the intensity of your work sets, avoid training to failure on most sets – leave 1 or 2 reps in the hole for all but maybe 1 or 2 exercises each day and even then only approach failure on the last set, increase your protein intake, be sure to sleep 8 hours a night, and avoid cardio like the plague. A combination of rest, recovery, fewer calories burned, and more protein should result in weight gain. You might not want to live and train like this forever, but it is probably your best chance at gaining weight.

      Either that or increase your daily calories by 500, including eating about 200 grams of protein a day, and keep your workouts the same. At 5’10, 144.5 lbs, your metabolism must be out of control. You probably need around 4000 calories a day to gain weight now that you’ve added 50 pounds – probably 75% muscle – to your frame.

      • Thats some great advice Steve, its much appreciated, I think overtraining may have been a problem Steve, I have so much determination to put it on that I was training 90 mins a day six days a week before I started this routine. As for my diet it is strict but yeah I can understand I might need more now. I’m currently taking creatine and Maximuscle progain, would you recommend I swap these for something else. I know its impossible for you to see but im quite confident am hitting the right intensity in the gym. Although I dont have many nights out I struggle for 8 hours sleep a night so maybe that could be something I could improve.
        If I remove cardio will I still maintain a degree of fitness? This is one thing I fear. I’m currently at 8% BF believe it or not so I look cut I just want some more bulk. If I apply these changes do you think it would be possible to gain 24lb by next September?

        Once again thanks Steve this has been some great advice!!!

        • You can keep the cardio to maintain a level of conditioning, but really all you need is like 2, 30 minute interval sprint sessions a week. The problem is that the more cardio you do, the more food you’re going to have to eat. So, choose your goal wisely. Want to gain 24 lbs of muscle? Cut the cardio WAY down and eat more food. Want to stay at 8% bodyfat or lower? Then it’s going to take you longer to gain 24 lbs of muscle. You can accomplish this goal in a year, but it’s not going to be a walk in the park. Stay strict. Eat more food. Train like a wolf.

          • Thanks Steve that advice has really helped me out, I think i’ll just cut the cardio for a cycle and see how that goes and the BF% I can take or leave it isnt something I intentionally tried to maintain…Suppose all that is left to do is eat, train and sleep like a wolf now!

          • Damn right sleep like a wolf! haha Seriously man, you’ll be huge in like 10 months. Stick with it.

  14. hey steve,
    so i have been doing the werewolf muscle 2.0 for like 6 months now and i love it, i just noticed their is a new 3.0 workout. The workout to me looks like an easier version on the previous one with less sets and why did you get rid of the box jumps on the 1st leg workout. Would it be to much if i added the box jumps at the end of the new 1st leg workout instead of the tabata squats. Im sure there is a method to the madness, please explain the changes.

    • If I remember correctly, I removed the box jumps because the first time I did that workout the box jumps made me puke. I’m sure plenty of people who aren’t me, can handle it. If you can handle it, you can do it. My routines should not be set in stone. You should take these routines and modify them to fit your needs. There is a reason for everything, but when you are able to train on instinct you shouldn’t necessarily follow anyone’s routine to a T if you know what’s best for you.

  15. I’ve been doing this workout for close to a year, I used to be really skinny, 6’0 at around 160lbs, I like it cuz I’m at 180lbs and I’m definitely liking the strength, plus I never get bored with the workout. I’m still looking to get stronger, especially with biceps, but I want to get my abs a little more cut, they’re there like the six pac is gonna pop, should I continue doing this workout and add more cardio? What do you think?

  16. Hey do you use any apps for working out and if so which ones? I got All-in Fitness which looks great but when I try adding in your werewolf training it gets all messed up. Wish I could just import it somehow. I like the idea of having everything right in one place. Days, exercises, reps, sets, tracking of all history, progress. Technology is frustrating.

    • I once had a mobile app for WWT but the guy who was working on it went back to college and I never learned how to finish it. Probably should. I published a post the other day about the Watch Me Change iPhone app, which is helpful for monitoring progress.

  17. I just wanted to stop by and say thanks for creating this program Steve. I’ve never been a really big guy, and try as might nothing ever really got me motivated enough to stick with it. Your program has been different though, and I’m already noticing significant gain. Again, I just wanted to say thank you.

  18. Hey steve, last year as a high school freshman i started doing bodyweight exercises and running 3 miles a day for a month and i got pretty big and i was lazy this summer and i lost most of the mass but i have the same strength and tone my friend recommended this to me so i just finished the 10th day, so my problem is how do i know im eating enough i heard if you eat too much protein its stored as fat so i just want some tips on how to know im fueling the machine enough ^.^ thanks

    plus at the tenth day should i look any different because my upper body really doesnt is it because i have too much endurance from pushups im not getting sore from the upper body or what? for now i have to stop obsessing over the little details and just get going but your help is appreciated.

  19. Steve,
    I have been doing this workout routine for almost 2 weeks now and I have noticed significant back hair growth, and my teeth are turning “fanglike”.. Should I discontinue the routine? Awesome muscle gains though bro!!!

    • I would stick to the routine for now. However, if you notice any lengthening of the ears and nose you should immediately discontinue use of Werewolf Training, and if you grow a tail for longer than 6 hours, go to the emergency room.

  20. seems like i have my routine just about right. only question i have is a workout partner. i usually workout on my own but it is said having a spotter is a boost..but i limit my workout to 60minutes, having a spotter/workout partner will maybe double that.

    i havehigh metabolism, i’ve gained 10 lbs before in 3weeks and still managed to stay under 7% Bodyfat. i eat healthy,4times a day, and 2scoops of “serious mass” aka weight gainer, morning and after workout (nighttime). i am consistant and dedicated. though i took a summer break and lost those 10lbs. goal now is to gain 20lbs. im starting to get back into the routine but i don’t know if i should look for a workout partner. What’s your input on that?

    • You don’t need a spotter all the time, just for your heavy bench sets and maybe a couple other movements. If you learn how to synch with a workout partner, it will not add more than 10 minutes to your total workout. If the two of you can’t focus enough to get in and out in 60 minutes, then you need a new, probably more dedicated, workout partner.

  21. June 20 – August 10 (12 weeks).
    Weight: 81.2kgs – 86.8kgs.
    CFI: 11.3% – 9.2%.
    Max Bench Press: 195lbs – 245lbs.
    Max Deadlift: 295lbs – 385lbs.
    Max Squat: 205lbs – 285lbs.
    Max Military Standing Press: 100lbs – 140lbs.
    Max Chin-ups: 12reps – 26reps.

  22. hey steve, i started the werewwolfing dumbell training yesterday as im training at home
    i have to say thankyou for all the effort you have put into the site, its great
    im 18, and i have close to no pecs at all, i want to increase mucle size everywhere but my main focus is developing my chest
    i read through your page on the top chest exercises and i was wondering if it may be worth adding some flyes into the werewolf routine?

    • If you want to increase the size of your chest, flyes are not the solution. You need heavy dumbbell presses at least once a week, incline and flat. Start your workout off with chest training. Don’t neglect other body parts, but focus your main intensity on the dumbbell presses.

      • ok thankyou steve
        also ive noticed with my chest that there seems to be a gap between my left and right pec and my pecs are not really round
        will this change after i start to gain more chest muscle?
        thanks again
        oh and ive been loving the routine

        • The shape of your pecs could be due to genetics, but they may fill out and square off a bit once you develop more muscle mass.

          • damn genetics
            well ive nearly completed the first cycle and i can say i feel alot better. im lifting more weight and i feel like i look better, although i wont measure up until after the first cycle is complete which will be just over a week
            ill let you know of any gains i have made
            thanks steve

  23. Im 16 and just started really getting into working out at the begining of summer. i have gained some muscle and have been doing a consistent 3×8 routine with free weights. i was told that doing reps over 8 was for toning so on the workout it says to do things like 2×10 for curls will that only tone or will it increase muscle mass because i wanna get big not tone

    • Doing more than 8 reps is not ‘toning’, it’s ‘bodybuilding’. In fact 8-12 is the ideal rep range used to stimulate hypertrophy, which basically means ‘building muscle’. We do 5 reps sets in Werewolf Training to also build strength, which helps build larger muscles indirectly by building strength. Now 20+ rep sets are great for your ‘toning’, although 20 rep sets of squats are used quite often for bodybuilding purposes as well. In any case, Werewolf Muscle Training works.

      ’nuff said

  24. hey steve. i left a comment earlier , only after 1 week of following the program, but i have now completed 1 cycle of muscle gains. i can see a huge increase in chest strength and some size strength.strength in most areas have gone up but i cant seem to get my shoulders bigger. im gonna do 3 cycle muscle gains followed by 2 strength…. im wondering if i can change some on the “lighter exercises” such as standing shoulder press to barbell military presses where i can put more stress on my muscle and mabey see more results…. mabey even add some exercises

  25. Hey Steve,
    I was wondering: Can I add some 20 minute HIIT Sprint Sessions to the off days? I’m actually doing the second cycle of this routine, performing all the HIRT sessions as well. Is it okay to add HIIT without overtraining risk or the NAT workouts are a better option? I’m trying to maintain bodyfat as low as possible, been around 9%.


  26. ive been doing this for about 3 months and it was good then i hit a wall and im not getting bigger i gained 5 pounds now i can even get soar. ive switched my workout but still can get any mass on me

  27. Well I see a lot of questions being posted here and I would just like to leave a comment. I have used this routine on and off for about two years now. I use it primarily to break through a plateau in training or look jacked for the beach season and I must say it has worked like a charm everytime! Here are some results:
    I started out at 145lbs/5’10” and was very active in the gym. I was pretty cut up already from low body fat and a lot of MMA training. I stopped fighting and wrestling and wanted to get big for the beaches and well girls. After using this routine I got up to 155! Strength went through the roof too! My one rep max on bench was 185 and in less than a year I got it to 275! Obviously I rotated to heavy lifting for a few months but I used this workout to build my foundation. I am back on this routine and in a week I already I feel the results. I am up to 160 now and would like to be at 165-170 by the holidays. I am a very hard gainer so 5 lbs of muscle looks huge on me!

    Thanks again for this work out!

    • im am exactly the same, ive hit a barrier and i cant find my way out of it im currently 158 and ive been stuck their for 2 weeks and cant build any mass, ive tryed switching my workout but its not working.

  28. […] Gain Muscle! Werewolf Training: A Weightlifting Routine to Gain … […]

  29. i just finished my first week and enjoyed it. i dont feel as if my bis,tris or lats r being worked hard enough as i used to have set days for each body part and did 4-6 exercises per body part and am used to really working each muscle to its limit rather than upper + lower body days. will i still see significant gains in those areas or is it ok to add more sets? … im just trying to understand the concept of your style of workout in comparison to my old one. thanks

  30. hey man, ive been doing the routine for 2 cycles now.and ive noticed a big difference! first of all i want to thank you.. other thing, i havent been taking any protein shakes or supplements and ive been getting a decent gain, but i want to get a little more, do you think is okay if i take some N.O.? i gained 10 pounds in those 2 cycles i was 150 and now im 160 5,11″
    i also havent seen my six pack, do you think i should do more cardio?
    thanks a lot!

  31. I have been on this program for about 9 months. I have been through many cycles. At about the 4 or fifth cycle I started manipulating the program to fit my needs.
    I’m an ectomorph, starting weight was about 140 lbs. I have since hit a maximum of 155lbs then drop down to about 147. My bench reached a max of 205 x 2 (personal record). Instead of looking like a werewolf I now look more like a swole Spiderman. At this point I’m switching to the Werewolf Strength training program. Steve, big thanks for all the tips and good information! Without your training program I wouldn’t be where I’m at.

  32. Steve,

    I’m starting Werewolf Training routine today and I hope to get the best out of it. I’ve only recently started exercising (about 7 months now) and do see a changes but not a lot of muscle gain.

    I’ve downloaded your routines but don’t understand a couple of exercises. what do the a)’s and b)’s mean?
    Example: on day 1-
    a) Weighted or assisted pull ups – 2 x 12
    b) DB standing alternating shoulder press – 2 x 12
    a) DB standing alternating bicep curl – 2 x10
    b) DB standing OH tricep press – 2 x 15)

    Do I alternate these exercises or do I do just do one of each a) and b)?

  33. Hey, so when it says to do an alternating set, such as curls for 2×10, does that mean 10 reps per arm or 10 reps total?

  34. Great job Steve! You’ve really put a lot of effort into this site, it is one of my top references for my exercise plans! Thanks again bro and keep up the good work!

    • Thanks man. I wish I could make this my full time job. I have fountains of information, diets, workout routines, and so much more to share, but I just don’t have time.

  35. Hey Steve,

    I’m 24 and I have been working out regularily since I was 17. Since the majority of my plans have followed a body building type of routine (Chest day, leg day, back day etc.) What kind of results should I expect from an alternating general upper body to lower body work out?

    • Twice as good results as using a single muscle split. Don’t be fooled into thinking full body workouts every other day would work even better. Full body workouts are great for fat loss and conditioning, but an upper/lower split training 4 times a week works best in my experience.

  36. P90X Results and Recovery Formula so this is the best recovery drink? will this help me pack on muscle or lose fat?

    • Gain muscle, yes. Gain strength, yes. Maintain strength and muscle on a fat loss diet, yes. A post workout recovery formula should be used after every intense exercise session. You always need to replace lost glucose, spike the insulin, and get amino acids into the bloodstream immediately after a workout.

  37. Hey Steve,

    I just finished your muscle training program. I feel great, and yes guys, this program really works. The strength gains are amazing. Since I am done with this program which should I do now? Should I do your strength training one, or is there another program you can recommend to do for a while until I get back on yours again.How long should i wait till i get back on the muscle program.


    • Take an active recovery week if you need to and do the whole routine again. Don’t take the active recovery week if you don’t think you need it.

  38. Steve,

    Thanks for all creating this wonderful program. I’ll soo be starting out with Werewolf training 1.0. Anyways my calves are a little lacking so i was wondering if i could add an extra Calf day at day 7, 14 and 21. It would still give me almost 48 hours of recuperation before and after the next calf workout. But i would like to hear your feedback on this. Thanks

  39. Steve,

    I’ve been working out since 3/03/11 started at 292.8 lbs, I’ve now cut down to 270.8 had dropped down to 263 but noticed I started gaining mass which is great. I’m looking into doing your Werewolf Muscle Training 3.0 workout. I consider myself between a mesomorph and a endomorph. My target weight is around 230. So was wondering how many calories I needed to take in a day.

    • Not offhand but it was probably like 4000-5000 a day. He was skinny as hell before he started lifting weights for Twilight. You might be able to find that answer on Google.

  40. Is the decline skull crusher with a drop set then 2sets x8 reps. A good addition to this workout routine? and how often should I add drop sets into my workout?

  41. Hey there Steve, first and foremost, I have to say your program looks sick. This is the intense strength training I’ve been looking for. I’ve got one pretty important question though; I don’t use supplements for personal reasons, and I was just curious if I can expect the same results if I omit them? Thanks a lot man!

    • You don’t need supplements, but performance and recovery will be a little better if you use a couple.

  42. Im just looking for a new workout routine so I was just wondering if this workout really does put on a lot of muscle mass. Like is it worth the time, do you really get good results.

  43. Hey Steve,

    I was wondering if it was possible to include some leg presses and lat pulldowns anywhere in the routine. If it is possible where can I put it? Btw great routine. I did it before and loved it gained about 10 lbs and my strength went up a lot. I just joined a gym so now I’ll be able to follow it completely I’ll be sure to send you my results when I’m finished.

    • If you must use leg presses, insert them on leg day. If you must use pulldowns, insert them on upper body day. Congrats with your 10 lbs weight gain.

  44. Hey Steve,

    I have just broke up from college, so have three months now to concentrate on training. I am just wondering how you feel about additions to the routine. For example I have removed shoulder workouts completely from the upper body day and instead have added two shoulder workouts to the lower body days. In place of the shoulder workouts on upper day, I have now added an additional tricep and forearm exercise. Whats your opinions on this, im in pretty good condition already as I fight mma but I am not going to train in it for three months now as I just want to gain some mass.

      • Just finished my first cycle of 18 days Steve on my tweaked version of the werewolf badboy and I have managed to gain 6.5 pounds roughly. My diet was ridiculously strict though eating 4000 calories a day and I used lots of supplements like maximuscle progain, cyclone and flapjacks. So yeah I feel its worked pretty well for me I have been keeping a diary so i’ll let you know as I continue. Today I am eating all my guilty pleasures though before I start cycle 2 haha

        • mmm… flapjacks… now I’m hungry. Just so you know, there is a site for recording your progress on Werewolf Training at werewolftraining.com. I just don’t have time to build the site out like I want to, but somehow 50 or so people have already registered without my ever publicizing it.

      • 1 Cycle down, 6.5lb gained Steve, so far so good. I also think that people starting this routine should educate themselves on diet first, its really helped me a lot piling loads of the good stuff in.

  45. Hey Steve, This about the second or third time I’ve written about the Werewolf Program. I have been on and off with it but I am going to be giving it my all now. I had severe abdominal pains last week that sent me to the emergency room. Fortunately the only thing that really seems to be out of sorts is the lower abs. I had hernias when I was a kid and we moved a lot. Now they suggested Under Armour or the like and I just got a pair delivered. Oh, the pains of aging and not really keeping myself in the best shape, I have no excuses! So, here we go again. I do feel this is a good program for older men and bodybuilders. How do I keep you informed of my progress, this way or another? With the additional exercises after the main program of the day, I may have to modify but those I can do I will do. Waiting on your reply, no need to hurry. My son is taking a bodybuilding class at his Jr. college and he’s a bit sore. He does have a set up at his apartment but like loads of others, it’s become a storage rack rather than put to it’s original intended use. Go Mavs!!!

  46. hey steve,

    first of all thanks for the great work.

    I have a question regarding the NATs on day 3.
    how does the 6×3 work? i do 3 plyo pushups, rest and do the next set?

  47. Hey,
    I was wondering how often we should be using the Resistant Bands during the week? Like every session or just a some??

    • It’s up to you. You can use bands a couple times per session or once a week. Whatever works best for you.

  48. I just got a new tat on my 4arm and can not do any upper body due to damaging the tat and sorness. I need to take a few days from this routine. Should I just do the lower body days and light for upper body. It usually takes close to 2 weeks for a tat to heal.

  49. hey steve, im 14 and looking to get big for hockey. im 5’4 and was just wondering if this workout would maybe stunt my growth? it looks like a killer workout routine but i want to be safe! thanks!

  50. Hey man, i am about to finish the muscle traing workout for the third time. so I am gonna take a small break. would it be fine to switch over to strength training workout for about a monthe and then come backt to my same muscle gain/traing workout, thanks man.

  51. Hi Steve,
    I love the look of this program ive been looking for something like this for ages thanks heaps for sharing! Just wondering, will this program help with definition as well as weight gain? or will i have to do more for that? Thanks heaps!

    • Your diet will determine whether you gain muscle or lose fat. This routine can really be used for both. However I do have a full body fat loss routine on this site as well. People seem to like that one too.

  52. Hey steve, im was just wondering one of the thing taylor looks so buff is cuz of his shoulders and traps ect, and working the 3.0 workout i dont see much of shoulder workout can you explain how he got his shoulder so big and round?? thanks

    • Genetics. Do lots of overhead presses and occasionally toss in some lateral side raises with dumbbells and bands.

  53. Hi steve,
    This may be a stupid question and im just missing something but it sounds like we are supposed to repeat this workout 3 times as in 3 cycles, with a weeks break in between, and then move onto the wereworf muscle workout? Is that correct?
    By the way i started the 3.0 workout yesterday, and it was killer, probably one of the best workouts ive had! thanks!

    • Do the workout 3 times without any breaks in between unless you feel overtrained, for a total of 9 weeks. Then take an active recovery week. Then do something else or repeat the 3 cycles again.

  54. Hey Steve, i found your routine just recently and i was very intreuged, i noticed that you have made the routine a combination of hypertrophy and strenght gain, i was wondering if the routine will develop both? i was also wondering whether, werewolf muscle training 3.0 would suit me, im 16 years old, 5’7 and weigh 132 pounds, im quite built and i only have 5%, thanks to my high motabolism but i also find mass gain hard, whats your oppinion? Thanks

    • This would be a great routine for you. Be sure to follow the nutritional guidelines if you really want to gain weight. You will gain both strength and mass on this routine, unless you don’t eat enough, in which case you’ll only gain strength.

      • Ok cool, once i finish the routine 3 times and take the recovery week off, if i were to repeat the routine again 3 times would i continue to gain mass? also the super sets, what are the advantages of them and what will, they do?

        the rountine is great, im already seeing improvements in my lifts and its my first week.

        • Yes, you would continue to gain mass if you tool a recovery week and then used this routine again. Supersets allow you to perform more exercises in the same amount of time. Using antagonistic muscle groups in the superset can also help you to recover quicker and fully stimulate your nervous system for the next set.

          • Hi again, i have noticed that there isnt many exercises that primarily use the biceps or triceps, with this routine will my biceps and triceps get bigger?

  55. Hello Steve,

    I would like to ask you that If I can start right away from workout 3.0 as I haven’t done 1.0 and 2.0. I am regular fitness guy and has no problems with following training routine 3.0.
    thank you

  56. Hi Steve,

    I’m 24 years old, 180 pounds, 5’10.5 with 18% body fat. All the trainers at the gym and other sources tell me that I nee 260-300 grams of protein a day to build muscle and lose fat????

    Is this true? You mention I need 1 gram per pound of body weight and that is logical – can you please explain??

    Thank you for your time!

    • 260-300 gram is too much. I’d aim for 175-200 grams of protein per day. 220 grams at the most. Read some of my protein articles for more info.

  57. Hey mate, I Need a couple of answers.

    Are you suppose to the heaviest weight you can manage by yourself or with a spotter? Also I’m one of the high metabolism people and been sitting on 159 LBs for years once I put on the required weight I’m after will it eventually decrease overtime or do I need to stick to the same deit? And by putting on the weight will it make me bulky or will it be bigger muscle I have but still be toned as I am now?

    • If you eat a clean diet you should be able to put on lean muscle mass without too much added fat. If you notice you’re starting to add fat, decrease calories. If you aren’t gaining any muscle, increase calories.

  58. hey steve i found this routine somewhere and i wana ask your opinion whether this workout is good for me to build muscle. i am 5ft 7 (143 pounds) THANKS A LOT!

    Day 1: Arms.
    Triceps Pushdowns: 3×8-12 (straight bar or triangle bar)
    French Curls: 3×8-12 (e.z. bar)
    Tricep Dips: 3×8-12 (weighted if necessary)

    Bicep Curls: 3×8-12 (barbell or e.z. bar)
    Preacher Curls: 2×8-12
    45 degree-bench curls: 2×8-12 (with dumbells)

    Day 2: Chest
    Incline Dumbell Press: 3×8-12
    Dumbell Flyes: 3×8-12
    Flat Barbell Benchpress: 3×8-12

    Day 3: Legs
    Squats, Leg Curls, Leg Extensions. Calf Raises All 3 sets of 8-12 reps.

    Day 4: Back
    Lat Pulldowns: 3×8-12
    Seated Rows: 3×8-12
    Shrugs: 3×8-10
    Hyperextensions: 3×12-15

    Day 5: Shoulders
    Shoulder Press: 3×10-12 (dumbell or barbell infront of neck)
    Side Raises: 3×8-12
    Bent Over Rear-raises: 3×10-12
    Front Dumbell Raises: 2×10-12 (one arm at a time)

    • That is a horrible workout. I hate it. Arm day? Flyes before barbell bench? No pull ups? No barbell rows or even t-bar rows? No deadlifts? No sets under 8 reps? No, I’m going to have to insist that this is one of the worst workouts I’ve seen. If you use it, you will be wasting your time in the long run. Maybe some upper body gains in the short term, but you would get FAR better results over the course of say 6 months, if you used Werewolf Training.

      • well i guess i will stick to Werewolf Training then. Primarily i had gain alot of strength but i hardly see any changes on my body yet since i am on Werewolf Training Routine 2.0. THANKS for your opinion !

  59. Hey, I have a quick question. My stomach still won’t show any lines and I was wondering if it would be ok to do a 6mph ten minute treadmill after my workouts every day. I have heard constantly that this will decrease the amount of muscle I gain but that does not make any sense to me. How can running decrease muscle, it would only decrease weight as long as I’m keeping up on my calories and protein. I know you incorporate HIRT and HIIT after some of your workouts but I would like to add the ten minute jog. So basically my question is, will this decrease my muscle potential and how much muscle I gain, and why would it do this if yes. Thanks.

  60. […] HBO solely by way of a hardcore cardio routine-  this werewolf combines cardio with an intensive resistance training program focusing on gains in both strength and power as well as a strict […]

  61. Hi Steve. I just completed one cycle of werewolf workout 3.0. I started off at 133.5 pounds and am now 140.5. Also, I doubt even a pound of it is fat because my stomach is still the same size and I’m getting more defined. Is this good gains? I’m going to do at least 2 more cycles to see if I keep making gains. Thanks Steve.

    • Those are awesome gains! I’m about to open up WerewolfTraining.com for contributions. I hope you will at least volunteer a testimonial.

      • I one hundred percent will. You have my email so just email me when it comes out. I can start doing before and after pictures if you’d like as well!

  62. hi steve can i workout just my upper body for 4 days a week? monday tuesday thursday and friday ?

  63. Hi Steve, had a question about the nutrition. When I do the math, being a 160 pound endomorph, it says I should be eating about 2450 kcal a day. My BMR is about 1800 without an activity modifier. That seems low to me. I don’t want to get fat but do want to fuel the muscles. Thanks for any input

    • Bump it up to 2500 cals and if you don’t see any gains after two weeks, add 200 cals and keep adding 200 cals each week until you gain at least 2-3 pounds a week.

      Since you are an endomorph you will gain both fat and muscle easier than skinny guys, so you should definitely not go hog wild adding calories to your daily intake above 2500 unless you know for sure that you’re not growing.

  64. Hi Steve!
    I was thinking to use the werewolf training plan. The only thing i was wondering was that on day 16 i can see that it is written deadlift: 5×5,2,1,1,1.
    i didn’t quit understand that. please help =)

    • That is a max effort attempt. Do a set of 5 reps, then a set of 2 reps, then do sets of 1 rep adding 5-10 lbs each set until you hit your true max. You don’t have to stop at 3 sets either, keep hitting 1 rep sets until you reach your max.

  65. A while ago I was a bit intrigued on what a Werewolf Training is and because I am not yet familiar with that training I am enjoying myself reading this article. I am planning to do an application for that training and hopefully I’ll get the best body result in the future.

  66. hey steve , your routine includes only 2 days of upper body workout and another 2 days of lower body workout in a week. but i think i can do upper body workout for 3 days a week . what do u think?

  67. Hi Steve, I have knee joints problem, but would like to workout for my lower limb. Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks for the workout tips above.

  68. hey steve just wondering if the tabata body weight squats are an optional exercise for those that want to minimize fat gain or if its a neccessity?

    • Tabata squats are definitely optional. If you do them right they will destroy your quads for the rest of the day.

      • yeah i tried it out and felt an awesome burn for quite a while lol
        also wondering if there are exercises in the workout that i cant do due to lack of equipment should i just try and replace it with a different exercise that works the same muscle group?
        eg. normal calf raise instead of seated calf raise
        and maybe tricep pulldowns instead of dips?

        • You can replace exercises if you don’t have the right equipment. Any calf raise will suffice, although I’d prefer if you would replace bent-knee calf raises with other bent-knee calf raises, and straight leg with other straight leg. However, replacing dips with triceps pulldowns is not that great of an idea. You’d be replacing a first rate exercise with a mediocre exercise. If you are replacing something that requires you to move your body through space, like dips and pull ups, then I’d prefer if you replace those exercises with something else that moves your body through space or at least utilizes free weights instead of cables or a machine.

  69. Quick question, when you it says something like DB standing alternating shoulder press 2 x 12, is that 12 for each arm or 12 all together?

  70. Hi Steve!!! Hey i got a question! What do you think about 6×6 sets ? i mean, not ALL your workout based on 6×6 just one at the very beggining, is this unnecesary ? or a 5×5 should work better ?

    • 5×5 is a proven winner. 6×6 could work worse, the same, or better than 5×5 based on your individual physiology. Give it a try and use it if it works.

  71. Hi Steve,
    I’m into my second cycle of the 3.0. I work out 5 days a week and intake aprox 3000 calories per day. I’m 6 feet tall and weigh 175lbs. I’m trying to pack on muscle weight. Therefore I take in 175 grams of protein per day. I have neither gained nor lost weight so far. I know I am a hard gainer but is this normal for some people? Thoughts? Thanks!

    • Did you gain any strength? Are you leaner or just the same as when you started? Maybe you need more calories. Maybe you need higher intensity. Cut out all cardio. How is your lifestyle? Do you sleep 8 hours a night? Do you drink or smoke? All of these factors can contribute to slow gains. I’ve known people who can’t gain weight, but get really strong, quickly. There is an answer or a solution to your problem. Change something and let me know how it goes.

      • I’ve definately gained some strength. I would say I look the same except when I flex I see a big difference. More muscle definition and size for sure. I only do a 10 minute running warm up but maybe I will cut that out all together. I’ll try a couple of changes and let you know. Thanks Steve!…I do love the routine!

  72. Hey Steve,

    I’m getting ready to start this workout and I have two questions. Will this workout also help build big shoulders (deltoids and traps)? I have been trying to build more shoulder muscle so I was wondering if this is a good workout for that or if i should add anything to it to help build more shoulder muscle. Also, I have been doing abs three times a week instead of the two times a week that this workout has and I have been getting great results. Is there a way I could do abs 3 times a week with this workout or would it work better to just do it two times a week? Please let me know, thanks.

  73. Hey Steve, I read the NAT page and im still confused on the whole thing. Could you give me a breif statement about the whole thing and an example on NAT? Thanks.

  74. I don’t understand if I am doing the NAT days right. Am I supposed to superset the NAT workouts or do I just do the 3 reps, break, 3 reps break?

  75. Hi, Steve.
    I completed many cycles of Werewolf Training for Muscle & Werewolf Training for Strength and saw great results. After plateauing a bit, I moved on to a couple other programs to mix it up a little. Now I again hear the plaintive howl of the wolf and am excited to start back up again.
    The addition of NAT days excites me, and I plan to do them as delineated in the spreadsheet. So, here’s my question:

    Since the caloric expenditure on NAT/abs days won’t be nearly the same as on regular workout days, do you have recommendations for amending post-workout nutrition for those (NAT/abs) sessions?

    Many thanks in advance for your answer and for continuing to challenge and enlighten us!

    • You don’t really need a post workout shake after NAT/Abs workouts. Just a regular high protein, moderate carb, low fat meal will suffice.

  76. I was wondering, I’m half way done with the 3.0 of my first cycle. After I complete it Do I go straight into another cycle, and after that do I just keep going right back into it and starting over?

    • Depends on how you feel. You can take an active recovery week if you’re feeling really drained, slightly injured, or painfully sore. Otherwise, start up again with week 1.

  77. How heavy of a weight should you use when doing the NAT speed squats and deadlifts?
    On the Tnation website he shows doing 5 reps insted of three until you start to feel fatigued then drop the sets. He also had 8 sets in total in his routine. Is that ok to do 5 instead of 3 reps on the NAT days?

    Thanks again as always,


  78. I am trying to minmize fat gain as much as posible, so on the days that you have the optional routine can I sub it with a 20 min HIIT session on a bike or tredmill? I still want to gain muscle but I do not really want to add much more fat to my body.

    • Sure, go for it. The optional exercises are usually for burning fat anyway, but do whatever you want.

  79. Steve,
    I’m a fairly experienced weightlifter, and have been loving this program thus far. However, when the program says:
    a)some workout
    b)some workout
    c)some workout
    Does that mean to do one set of a, one set of b, one set of c and repeat that three times? Or do I pick one of the three?

    • I’m going for straight muscle gain, my metabolism handles any fat gains for me. If that matters here.

        • I’m not familiar with the clean sweep press and I’m a little too busy to go research it right now. Work it in wherever you feel it would be appropriate, perhaps during a HIRT workout.

    • Do 1 set of all 3 exercises without rest. Then rest. Then repeat for the required number of sets.

  80. I will! I just started it today! I did change one thing though. On the HIRT routine I subbed in box jumps for the jumprope. I was wondering how many Box jumps is suitable? It is a harder movement then the jump roping.

    • Keep your butt anchored on the floor and basically fold up like a clothespin and touch your fingers to your toes. It’s pretty hard unless you’ve got a strong core and good balance.

  81. I can never figure out what body type I am. I am not super skinny, I am not fat, but I would not say I am built like an athelite either. I am in ok shape with some muscle, I have some fate around my waist and lower back, The rest of me not much. I am guessing I fall in between Meso and ecto? Last Body fat test I had I was around 14-16% area. I am 5-11 about 170lbs. I had been doing stronglifts 5×5 and bill star to add strength, but Now I want to add more muscle so should I do this for 3 cycles. Gain more muscle then either go to a strength or fat burn routine for 1 cycle then come back to this routine?



    • Probably somewhere between meso and ecto like you said. This routine would be a great follow up to stronglifts 5×5 or bill starr. Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

  82. Hey Steve, Im back.. haha.. If you still remember me.. 😀

    I just started my 1st day of 2nd cycle of work out routine 3.0

    I am just here to give you an update, Before I started your work out routine I weigh 112 lbs now after I had finished a cycle Im 123 lbs.. well I cant say that what I gain weight is pure muscle it also includes fat, cause I dont do exercises that minimize fat gain that you put on the work out routine cause I want to see immediate results..haha..

    And also I have 2 questions for you., You see I am a Filipino and our stable food is rice, White rice to be specific, Is it healthy to eat every 2 hours of white rice, most probably 3 cups of white rice in every meal, and I dont have any food here that is available in my house that is rich in calories except that, so here’s my question should I continue eating 3 cups of white rice every two hours or should I stop or reduce it?

    And lastly my 2nd question is, my goal is to weigh 170 lbs pure muscle after I reached or get near to my aim weight, should I reduce my regular diet, I mean should I reduce eating too much food that is rich calories to reduce fat build up, or should I continue?

    Please reply..

    Thanks 🙂

    • You don’t want to let yourself get fat. Some fat gain might happen while you’re building muscle, but don’t go overboard. I hate to see anyone gain more than 20% fat when they are building muscle. Out of 20 pounds gained, I wouldn’t want to see more than 4 pounds of that be fat mass. If that’s the case, then you are eating too much. It seems like your metabolism is pretty high, but I’d also hate to see you overdose on white rice. Too much white rice can definitely lead to fat gain, and puts you at risk of high blood sugar, which can lead to insulin resistance and eventually type 2 diabetes. There has to be a way to get more protein into your diet. What about fish? Can you switch to a whole grain rice? Can you eat more dark beans – kidney beans, black beans, baked beans? What about peanut butter? I’d much rather you eat 4 tablespoons of all natural peanut butter every 2 hours, than 3 cups of white rice.

      • Now I get it.. so do you mean even I am just 123 lbs I should still do the Optional HIRT cardio you put on workout routine 3.0??

        Then if that is your advice Ill do it..

        Oh my! I dont know that too much white rice will cause me diabetes.. how about I switched rice to bread is it okay?

        We have Fish here, sometimes its Fried Tilapia or Fried Milk fish.. And also we eat also meat like pork meat and poultry like chicken..

        Yes youre extremely right on my metabolism it is high, we dont have beans that you mentioned here in the philippines we only have monggo beans,

        Im not sure if we have all natural peanut butter here, The peanut butter we used to eat is processed peanut butter.. Is it okay for substitute?

        Thanks for the reply..


        • No, I don’t think you should use the optional HIRT cardio. This will use up precious calories that you need to gain weight. All I’m saying is that if you notice rapid fat gain, then definitely step back total daily calorie intake until the fat gain stops. Weight gain should still continue slowly, a 2-4 pound gain each month is what you are looking for, to ensure maximum muscle gain and minimal fat gain, but again if you truly have a fast metabolism then you shouldn’t worry too much about slight fat gain, since you’ll lose the fat as soon as you try to.

          Regarding peanut butter, I don’t like processed peanut butter. Your peanut butter should only contain peanuts, not hydrogenated oils and other nasty ingredients. If you don’t have natural peanut butter at all, then processed peanut butter is OK once in a while, but I’d prefer you to eat regular nuts instead.

          • Ok I get it.. Then I will be using HIRT cardio when I weigh around 150lbs and up?

            Then I should step back on may total daily calorie intake not because of rapid fat gain but because I gain weight rapidly, I gain 11 lbs within a month.. but when I check my body, when I touch it I can feel it is muscle,.. I can only feel fats on my waist and stomach but on my shoulders, on my back and legs I can feel they are muscle.. Should I still less my calorie intake?

            And about on the peanut butter should I take 1 table spoon of it a day??

            Thanks for reply..


          • 11 lbs in one month is a lot man unless you are on steroids or other really good supplements. Slow it down or you will definitely start to notice the fat packing on. 5 lbs of solid muscle a month will add up over the long haul. Would you rather gain 30 pounds in 3 months with 50% fat, or 30 lbs in 6-9 months with only 10-20% fat? You will be much happier a year from now when you’ve steadily gained for 12 months straight, rather than bouncing back and forth between fat loss and muscle gain. Then after that year you can dedicate a solid 3-6 months to strength gain and fat loss. I’d say don’t worry about the peanut butter at all, just keep doing what you’re doing, but cut down a little bit on the carbs or something if you keep gaining 4 pounds a week.

  83. Hi, just wondering, should i use the 2.0 or 3.0? and ive read that i should do the muscle training 3x then do strength training 1x? is that all i have to do? ( apart from the nutrition etc…)



  84. I’ve decided to change it even more. I have calculated that since I want to be 160 pounds (I’m 5’6.5 and 133 pounds) that I need 2640 calories, 160g of protein, 80g of fat, and 320g of carbs that I’m going to do 10 slices of bread a day (50g of protein and 150g of the carbs). Is that way too much?

    • That’s quite a bit of bread. I’d rather see you vary your foods more. What about beans? You can also consider trading some of those carb calories for fat calories and just eat more nuts. You don’t have to stick to the exact nutrient breakdown.

  85. Hi Steve I’m 5’8″ and almost 190 I’m trying to lose weight and gain muscle. My diet is good. I eat good health foods regularly about 5 times a day. Is this routine going to help? Or should I first lose the weight and then come back and do this routine to gain the weight in muscle?

    • The routine will help. If you want to lose fat you can try this routine while dieting, or you can use one of my full body fat loss routines instead. I always encouraging losing excess body fat before trying to gain muscle, but you can sometimes accomplish both at the same time.

  86. One more question Steve, do you think this is the best routine for me? I’m 17 and a senior in high school. I weigh about 135 pounds and it’s really hard for me to gain weight. So if i eat a ton do you think i can pack on some much needed weight? I’m also taking N.O Xplode and Whey but i’m almost done with the whey and i’ll probably get monster mass. Also if there’s anything you think I could add to the upper body days for my chest and arms that would be great, since i want those to grow more. thanks!

  87. Hi Steve. I’m a full blown vegan so it’s a little difficult to figure out my diet needs. I also don’t eat salts or unnatural sugars so most of the supplements out there are out of the question. My diet consists of daily 3 rice protein drinks (totaling 36 grams of protein), 2 servings of almond butter on 3 pieces of whole grain bread (26 grams of protein), 4 servings of tempeh (88 grams of protein), 1 serving of soy milk (9 grams of protein, and 3 servings of firm tofu (21 grams of protein). Is this an ok meal plan for getting ripped like Lautner on this? It’s a total of 180 grams of protein. This is all just extremely confusing, I’ve been experimenting and working out with this diet for 8 months now (lost 45 pounds around two years ago so trying to get jacked now) and at first made minimal gains. Then I incorporated tabata into my regimen with weight lifiting and made some ok gains. I just don’t know if it’s my routine or the diet that isn’t working out so well. I’m going to try your 21 day workout for 4 cycles and repeatedly let you in on the results, I just need to know if my nutrition is right. Thanks

    • I just found a humane brand of poultry so I will be adding two breasts to that as well daily.

      • Oh and I hate to be annoying but last thing, what are vertical jump series? I don’t understand that on your 3.0 workout it says do six sets of 3 reps of NAT Vertical jump series, 3 reps of inverted rows, and 3 reps of plyo push ups each with 6 sets. This seems like a small amount. Thank you so much and hate to be a bother sorry

        • Vertical jump series is just 3 vertical jumps without a reset – no pause between reps.

          The diet you posted is fine, especially if you add those 2 chix breasts.

  88. What is an alternative for the barbell push press? My ceiling is not tall enough, so i usually do some exercise as seated. Is shoulder press an good alternative or do you have a better option?

    • I haven’t tried the workout and I don’t even know which exercises he uses. On the homepage of the DVD website I see a big picture of GSP doing what appears to be standing triceps kickbacks, so my initial reaction is that it’s just some bogus cardio routine with super light dumbbells for overweight housewives. Then further down the page I see him demonstrating a turkish get-up, so I reconsider my initial judgement. There appear to be several levels of intensity you can choose to follow, and GSP is very well conditioned – he knows how to train himself for MMA, to say the least. This routine seems mostly dedicated to burning fat rather that building muscle. My guess is that Rushfit is very similar to the BeachBody program P90X, which is much more popular and well-known. If you are going to do a home DVD workout, I’d suggest starting with P90X, get as much out of that as you can, and then try Rushfit if you really think you need it.

  89. hi, what equipment will be needed for the werewolf routine?
    At the minuit i have a bench,DB, and BB. Is there any other equipment i will be needing?

    • Something to do pulls ups on. You can probably get by without a medicine ball by using bodyweight, or holding a dumbbell. Use the bench for step ups and such. You should be OK with what you’ve got.

      • ow i forgot to say ive got pull up bar aswell.
        ive also got another question though, how many times do i repeat the 21 day workout? or if i dont repeat it what do i do instead?

        • You can repeat it as many times as you like. I recommend 3 times, then try something else for at least a month. If you’re looking for a different routine, I have 5 or 6 of them on this site, or you can take the basis for any workout you find online and swap around the exercises. Nothing has to be set in stone – eventually you will use body awareness to train by instinct.

          • You should see an improvement after 1 cycle through the routine. Also, Taylor didn’t do this workout specifically. I just based the original routine on the research I did about how he trained for the second Twilight movie. It has actually evolved quite nicely since I originally wrote it.

  90. I was just wondering, since there are so many different types of workouts in this and every workout is different, will i ever need to change it up and do something else or will my body not get use to it to where i can just keep doing this workout over and over again, thanks for the help.

    • There Werewolf workout might have enough variation that you won’t ever need to change it, but I recommend switching it up after 3 cycles.

        • Switch to a new routine. Werewolf Muscle Training is too complex with its exercise variation, rep count, set count, etc… If I reworked it with new exercises and set/rep requirements, I’d just post it as a whole new routine. Either keep using the routine for another 3 cycles, switch to Werewolf Strength Training, 3×5, full body, or some other routine from some other website. Make sense?

          • ok, i think so, i am on my second session, but for when i want to switch it up for a while what workout do you recommend. I am looking for workouts that help build muscle and will get me ripped, any workout you recommend will help, thanks man.

          • Try the Werewolf Strength Training workout or the Fat Loss for Men workout. Both can be found on my site, at the top, under Workout Routines.

  91. hey steve since im wondering but can you switch when your ur Bent over rows 4 x 5 for that and pullups 2 x 12 can u switch it so it can be 4×5 for pullups and 2×12 for bent over rows

  92. I am doing the 2.0 version, it works with my plans better, but i am wondering if i will still get the same results as the 3.o version, thanks.

  93. Hi, planning on trying the WW mass gain routine, just wondering about weight progression, what would you recommend

    • Just try to add 5-10 pounds each workout. You should be able to use body awareness to estimate how much weight you can use that day, based on previous workouts.

  94. hey steve.

    Im have difficulty on pull ups.. no matter how I tried I cant make a set.. Is there any alternative to pull ups?? thanks

  95. Hey man, i had a couple questions, first, what is the seated c on workout number 2 and also what kind of food should i be eating. thanks

    • These are the exercises for workout #2:
      BB back squats – 4 x 5
      BB good mornings – 3 x 8
      a) DB alternating lunges – 3 x 10
      b) Seated calf raises – 3 x 10
      a) Single leg hamstring curl – 2 x 12
      b) Standing calf raises – 2 x 15

      Is it the https://www.projectswole.com/printable/werewolf-muscle-log-3.htm page that is not displaying properly for you? Which browser are you using? I’m going to try offering PDFs for these downloads.

  96. Hey Steve
    I have a couple more questions. I’m 17 years old and weigh about 135lbs. Will this workout (3.0) help me out in gaining a lot of weight. And also can you think of anything i can add on upper body days for my arms and chest please? Thanks!

    • This workout and diet plan will help you gain plenty of weight. You don’t need to add anything for arms and chest, this workout is all inclusive.

      • Definitely will gain weight, almost done the second cycle for 2.0 (took me just over 5 weeks so far)…i have generally been dieting better for lifting (more carbs before/after workout, protein for recovery), but I can’t say I have been STRICTLY following the diet/supplement plan. Regardless, I started at 174 pounds the first week of march and am now at 181 pounds. i started this a week after my final college swim meet of my career. being a swimmer, i have a VERY HIGH metabolism, and i’m usually a hardgainer. coupled with the fact I eat very healthy to begin with, I’m gonna assume that at least 3-4 of those 7 pounds are pure lean muscle. Also i do MOST of the Optional HIIT workouts

  97. I just completed the 2.0 version for the second cycle and must say… HUGE weight increases on all lifts. I love this program. Please keep them comming. Thanks.

  98. I can’t wait to start this routine tomorrow at the gym. I’m 33 5″10 and weight 190. I will share with you my progress!!! I have been working out daily for the past few months and notice strength nag energy improvements. I have really been bouncing around as far as my routine. I will stick to yours to the T. Thanks

  99. Heyy just a curious Question. in the #3 Wereworf training you dont have that much exercise for the shoulders and i guess this routine is for having a body similar to taylor. what you think ? thanks

  100. Hey Steve..

    Hi! Im Andrei,

    Im just going to ask about your workout routine 3.0. I read about it and noticed that it only has 1 rest day in a week.. But According to your research above that Lautner taked his rest day every 3rd day of his work out.. Im just asking

    and also I have a problem with pull ups. I cant do it even how hard I tried. Im just going to ask also if you know a alternative exercise for pull ups..

    Please reply.. Thanks..

    • I added Neural Activation Training (NAT) on off-days, which will actually help recovery rather than hinder it. Furthermore, I moved abdominal training to NAT days so that you can train abs fresh and your ab training won’t affect the rest of your training, however you are free to move ab training back to the lower body day.

  101. Another update (and some questions.. for some reason I cannot continue on my previous thread here).

    I’ve now, thanks to this program, surpassed the plateau I’ve been on for a very long time. I’ve increased the weights in almost all exercises, but most importantly in my benchmark exercise: DB bench press. I now do 35kg in each hand very well, compared to barely handling 30 for most of the latter half of 2010. Soo… yay!

    Also, I am now almost done with the second cycle. But I am going away for a week over Easter, and most likely won’t be able to get any workouts done. I’m guessing I’ll just have started cycle 3 when I leave.. do you think it will be bad for me to have a weeks break here? Should I just continue where I left off when I get home, or start over from Workout 1 and restart the cycles? Might be a silly question, but I’d like to get your perspective on it. I’m still on the 2.0 program.


    • A week off will be good for you. Try to get in some active recovery and short NAT workouts while you’re away, but don’t push yourself too hard. Start over from workout 1 when you return. That’s my opinion.

  102. Hey Steve

    I just wont to find out a bit more about your programs.
    I’m male, 6’1 in height, 20 years old and have been in the gym for a while.
    my current weight is 85kg’s and i am looking to cut down on body fat and just wanted to find out if your program will help me achieve this?


    • You might want to check out the Fat Loss for Men routine instead. Werewolf Muscle Training is more for gains than for losses.

  103. hey steve..

    Im male 5’9 in height, my age is 17, and my weight is 52kg..

    You see Im ectomorph.. Im just going to ask if this workout routine is applicable to me..

    please respond to this message..

    Thanks 🙂

      • I already started at the work out routine 2.0 this past few days, actually im on the work out 3.. Is it okay for me to switch to 3.0 and start again?

        And also is it possible for me 52kg 17 yrs old man to have a body like Taylor Lautner?

        And last question.. Based on what I have read.. Did you based this work out routine to the work out routine Taylor Lautner used?

        Thank you for responding.. 🙂

      • Ah thanks..

        Is it okay for me to switch to 3.0 even if I started the 2.0..

        And is it possilbe for me to 17yrs old man, 52kg to be ripped like Taylor Lautner??

        Please reply thanks..

  104. Hey, I like the routine generally, but I am an intermediate level lifter, and I have noticed that I naturally grow better in size and strength in the arms and back, and therefore, would like to alter the routine to emphasize the chest more, just until I can develop proper symmetry.
    Do you have any suggestions? Thanks

    • Add an extra set of barbell or dumbbell bench press, either flat or incline, on upper body day. Make sure you use chest-based NAT workouts on off days.

  105. Hey Steve im looking at the printout for werewolf 3.0, day 10 workout 9, and of the ab giant set, a is blank, b is the bicycle maneuver, and c is ab wheel roll outs. My question is is a supposed to be blank? thanks?

    • It should not be blank. It should read: a) Vertical leg raise or captain’s chair – 3 x AMAP
      I’m having horrible formatting problems with the printable version of each routine. Lines are missing, words are missing. Not quite sure what I’m doing wrong, but I’ve spend countless hours trying to get the conversion down right, but I just can’t get it right. If you check the routine now, you will see that no words are missing, but there are random lines missing from the formatting.

    • Definitely use workout #3. Almost everyone should replace workout #1 and #2 with #3, as #3 is a superior routine to the others.

    • I have been constantly either busy or sick for the last month. Lots of stress in my life right now. That being said, I’ll try to get to the dumbbell workout sometime in April. I also have to rewrite the Werewolf Strength routine because it is more of a full body strength routine and doesn’t really fit the Werewolf Training philosophy.

  106. I started the strength routine in january and started the muscle routine last week and gained nearly 10 lbs of muscle in about 3 months

  107. HI, im going to start this workout on monday and is my first time on the werewolf and i would like to know if is better for me to start on the 2nd or go straight with 3 ?

  108. I have done 9 cycles of 1.0 and had good results. Should I continue to use 1.0 or switch to 2.0 or 3.0?

    • Switch straight up to 3.0, which in my opinion is the most complete version of Werewolf Muscle Training.

        • The NAT can be a workout or a warm-up. It is not a workout in terms of fatigue, but rather it is a neuromuscular workout that should not involve fatigue. NAT has the potential to make you sweat if you do say a 20 minute NAT workout, but should not be used in place of a high intensity workout like HIIT, HIRT, or your regular weight lifting. You can use NAT to replace regular workouts during an active recovery week. NAT can and should be used as a warmup.

  109. Hey Steve,
    Huge fan of the site, I am a little bit overweight, just some excess body fat here and there, would it be a good idea to do cardio on off days?

    • There is some optional cardio worked into the routine for people who care more about staying or getting lean, than about gaining muscle. Adding even more cardio may not be a good thing. You’ll have to try it for yourself.

  110. I do russian twists (typically12-25) with about 25-30lbs ( kettleballs). I cant do Windshield wipers… I think its a balance issue… and I dont know what a Turkish get up is….I typically just do the ab exercises in the Sterngth and Mass 2.0 Would you recomend NAT and just perserverance to get the full pack?

  111. Also my abs are insanely strong, just not super ripped

    ( I can do over 25 sit ups on a decline w a 50 lb kettleball

    • It sounds like your abs are strong. Do you use a variety of exercises to train them? I’d say you need to drop a couple % body fat and swap out your entire ab routine for something totally new. Do you do windshield wipers, Russian twists, Turkish get ups?

  112. So Ive completed 3 curcuits of this and 2 curcuits of Strength and priority #1 right now is getting a six pack…Right now there a bit hazy, kindof a 5 pack type deal. I want the ones that really stand out. Part of the problem might be Im only 15. I am 5foot9 and 140lbs with about 9%bf. My typical meals:

    3eggs and some keifer

    1 peice of fruit and a Cliff bar

    Chicken Salad

    An Apple

    Dinner (Indian food italian etc.)


    52 gram protein shake

    What should I do, this program or Fat Loss or something else

    Thanks man you rock!

  113. Hi Steve, what is a good substitute excercize for someone who has no access to a bar to do pull ups,chin ups, etc. I am trying to adapt your workout for dumbell use since that is all I have available to me at this time. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    • Find something to hang on and do pull ups. If not, do inverted rows. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Do you have the will?

  114. Love the routine Steve can’t wait to start it next week!
    Only thing i would change would be to get rid of this comment “It is not necessarily for bodybuilding, but definitely can be used by bodybuilders at a certain point in their training career. After all Werewolf Training IS designed to build muscle.” since it feels a little silly to have that in there to me.

    • Standing calf raises off a book, box, or bench. Best if you can hold something in one hand to add resistance, a dumbbell or a cinder block or something.

  115. Hey Steve! This website has helped me a lot since I started working out 6 months go. I had just completed my 9th cycle and now it is my week off. I usually take a week from my home gym every 3 cycles and do little cardio and/or body workouts. I went from 149lbs to 172lbs since i started. Also, your advice had helped me get a 6 pack without losing any muscle. I know it worked because I maintain my weight and my abs are becoming more visible. It will probably take a couple more weeks for me to get the 6 pack i truly want since I still got a little bit of fat where my lower abs are. Just need to work through that last couple of lbs. My main goal is to gain muscle mass, so should I stick to gain muscle 1.0, switch to gain strength 2.0, or switch to the new workout 3.0?????????

  116. Hey Steve! I just wanna say that workout 6 is kinda too hard. It has 3 toughest compound exercises in 1 workout…I almost puked, really, and I’m in great shape… when will you release 3.0?

  117. Ciao Steve,

    I have already started werewolf routine and before this I was just doing mixed exercise. my weight was 62 kilo before and now it is 67 kilo without any kind of suppliment. But Now, I am planning to start with suppliment and I would like to know from your side that do you recommend me to take xtreme NO right now or not yet?



  118. Steve
    This is more of a statement rather than a question but to anyone out there who doubts this workout routine, your insane. I’m 6’1” 190 lbs. I did the usual bodybuilding.com workouts and dropped from 235 down to here and have been looking to gain muscle. However, your body does plateau. Heard about your routine from a friend and let me just say THANK YOU. I really have done so many routines, but what you have up here works. It literally kicks my butt every time. Switching up the daily routines by using the muscle confusion aspect of this workout is brilliant and i just can’t express how awesome this is. Thanks bro.

  119. Hey Steve,
    Is it ok to do this program 3 or 4 times before switching up? Also, should you take off a week or so after the completion of werewolf muscle gain before jumping into strength gain?

  120. Hi Steve, I noticed that there are not much of biceps workouts in your routines. I use to train biceps & triceps once a week with at least 5 biceps excersises + 6 Triceps excersises, And STILL didn’t make a hige appearance difference (Except for physical Strength)…Do You think your routine covers up the arms enough or not ? (It’s a HUGE concern for me)

    Thank You,

    • You didn’t get good results because you overtrained your arms. Intense chest and back training should take most of the guesswork out of arm training. However, I do see that the Werewolf Muscle routine is a little light on triceps training. So, are you a bodybuilder? I can’t really think of another reason to put such HUGE priority on arm size. Do you squat?

  121. Hi Steve, I have been looking desperatly for a good workout to start with and was very intrigued by this one. I’m a beginer with weights and sadly I am majorly overweight. I am trying to get into a healthy lifestyle for the sake of improving my health so I do not die at an early age simply put. lol I am over 300 pounds and I need help. My question is, will this workout help me to burn my fat while also getting some great muscle and strength, or should I forget it? I apologize if this is a dumb question, but it’s better to ask and feel dumb, then not ask and die young. Thanks. 🙂

    • This routine is perfect for you, although I would switch the overloaded eccentric exercises for just regular sets of 4×5.

  122. Hey Steve,
    Really like what you are doing with your website. I love it when I find good information on the internet.
    I have one question though: What type of warm up would you recommend with this type of training?
    Maybe 5 or so minutes of cardio followed with some dynamic stretching, but the rep ranges are lower for more intesity [five reps]. Should we go through a “warm up set” before each new low rep exercise?


    • Definitely warm up before the first exercise. Warm ups can include low intensity or high intensity cardio, Neural Activation (NAT), light sets with dumbbells, HIRT, cables, and/or dynamic stretching. You can do anything as a warm up as long as it doesn’t fatigue you for your work sets. I personally use a 5 minute warm up with simple dumbbell exercise and NAT movements. I used to spend 10 minutes on a elliptical. It’s all about different stroke for different folks.

      During the workout, for low rep sets I usually perform one feeler set of 5 reps with 50-75% of the weight I plan to use for the exercise. Usually the first 2 reps are slow and last 2 reps are as fast as possible. I rarely use warm up sets for exercises where my goal rep range is more than 5.

    • Yes it is, and it will be even better soon because I’ve reworked it yet again and will be updating the workout shortly.

        • I will update the current page but will provide links to the spreadsheets for the previous 2 incarnations of Werewolf Muscle training. The spreadsheet routine is officially finished. Today I will update the page and republish it.

  123. Steve,

    Thank you for the great site! I just finished the first cycle and gotta say I gain 5 pounds of muscle, looking better than ever now! I’m going through another cycle then try your strength routine.

  124. hey steve
    i have done one cycle of the program and its great, but i have actually lost about 4 kilos of weight.
    i have been eating like a pig and taking optimum nutrition 100 percent whey twice a day.
    I believe i look a bit more ripped and lean but i was just wondering if you could let me know why i may be losing weight instead of gaining?
    could it be because of the low carb protein shakes?

      • yeah i increased my 1 rep max on bench by 8 kgs and my squat by 12 kgs
        should i switch protein or stick with the ON 100% whey?

        • Well that’s great news. You can make a number of changes to increase your calorie consumption. Consider getting some Shakeology, which is a really high quality meal-replacement type shake. You can mix that, or you regular whey protein powder, with 2% or even whole milk for added calories. Consider supplementing with fish oil and flax oil to get some extra healthy fats in your diet as well.

  125. hey steve for the chin ups and the pullups since i can only do 5 do you think i should do regular chin/pull ups to work up to 10 or use the assisted to get the number of reps?

    • I think you should use assistance to get the required number of reps, since the goal is building muscle rather than building strength.

  126. Steve,
    thanks for a great guide, I am looking forward to starting it tomorrow.

    Although my goal is slightly different, as I will continue my weight loss (I was 111kg at my most, now I’m 87kg) and basically I just want to look and feel good. So I’ve got enough bulk 🙂 .. but I have a great feeling about your program, as I find the worst part about sticking to a routine is that repeating workouts easily get boring.. but here it’s changing every day.. and I’ll probably do some cardio / 5-10km runs on the off days and occasionally on the workout days.

    If I come out of this looking like a movie star you’ll hear from me. 🙂

    • PS: I’m also on a low-cal “diet” (meaning: I don’t eat too much crap and try to eat as healthy as possible. It’s not that easy when I’ve got others to cook for 🙁 ).. and I also use supplements (Creatine and Whey Protein)

        • Quick update:
          I have now finished the first week, so tomorrow is Workout 8.. and I’m already feeling the effects. Not much has changed visually, but my entire attitude towards working out has changed. I have never been as tired, sweaty and -happy- after a workout. I strongly believe that working out should be physically and emotionally “painful” while doing it, only to be replaced by satisfaction when you have completed the full workout.. and now it’s going great. My motivation is at an all time high, I do some 7-10km runs on my days off as I want to lose weight instead of gaining it..

          Some questions, if I may:
          To clarify: When it says “12, 8, 5”.. should these be the same weight? Or increased by 5lbs at each set?
          I have no problems increasing, I’ve noticed.. I have added more weight to my exercises in the past week than I have the past 6 months.

          Also, can you explain the 120% of max rep for the bench press? Do I add way more than I normally am able to do?


          • For 12,8,5 you’ll want to add weight to each set. How much is up to you.
            For 120%, take whatever you can normally do for 5 reps and add 20% to it. Say you can normally bench 225 for 5, you’ll want to toss 270 on the bar. You NEED a trusted spotter for this, so if you don’t have one, you’ll have to settle for just using your regular 5 rep max weight. Have your spotter give you a strong lift off the rack. Lower the bar under control to your chest. Then your spotter should hoist the bar up as quick as he can so that you don’t have to worry about the actual press… you will have to press some, but your spotter should take as much of the weight as he can. 5 reps might be too much to ask, but at least try to get 3 reps. Don’t hurt yourself.

  127. hey i’m finding it really hard to gain any muscle and would really like to put on as much as possible as i’m very skinny. i eat loads and healthily and take maximuscle progain shakes. do you think this workout will help me? thanks for any help

    • Yes, supplement with protein shakes. That’s great. Consider using Shakeology instead of another low quality protein though.

  128. hey im really skinny and trying to put on as much muscle as possible, i find it hard to gain muscle even though i eat loads of food and healthily, also started taking maximuscle progain shake, do u think this workout is for me? will it help put on muscle asap?? thx for any help

  129. Started the workout 2 weeks agoo and I’ve really progressed, deffinitly gave me the knowledge to push myself in an actual progressive direction, as to just doing random thing at the gym.

  130. Hello Steve,

    I have a question? for example according to your routine, there is written that workout 1 BB bench press – 4 X 5, So it means 4 sets of 5 reps. But Can I increase reps in stead of 5. Can I make it 7 or 8 OR you strictly recommend to do only 5 with the same amount of weight.

    I have asked this question because after performing DB standing two hand OH triceps press – 3 X 8, I don’t feel a lot bcoz the number of sets and reps are less. Can I make it 5 X 10 or strictly NOT?

    Thank you very much.

    Greetings from Italy and Netherlands

    • I specifically recommend 5 reps unless you instinctively know for a fact that your body grows better with 7 or 8 rep sets. But if that were the case then you probably wouldn’t be searching my website for a new routine. Personally, I think you are confusing feeling ‘pumped’ or ‘fatigued’ with training effectively. If you can get 7 reps at a certain weight, then you are not using enough weight. The point is to teach your body to put every last bit of effort into completing the 5th rep. This is called intensity, and if you aren’t lifting with maximum intensity, then you are wasting your time. 5 x 10 is completely out of the question if you want to follow this routine properly.

  131. Steve,
    I started this training regiment on march 6th and I am amazed at the progress I am making. I’m a natural mesomorph body type but never had he drive to intensly train. I’m 5’10” an got up to 232lbs of being overweight. I hated running with fiber of my being. But this routine has made training a lot more fun and I’ve already lost around 5lbs in a week. Thank you for this regiment, Steve!


  132. Oh Steve, Fountain of knowledge. Need some help my friend, I’m only available to use the gym on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. Will this routine be as effective if I do this 4 days in a row, and rest for Friday, Saturday and Sundays?

      • No I dont do any one-armed push ups. Its just bigger, Ive tried doing dumbbell and barbell bench. Neither work to even them out

        • I was going to recommend lots of dumbbell work, and to add an extra set every chest day for the lagging side. Single arm chest presses on the weak side could help a bit.

  133. I love your site, keep up the great work. I’m currentky using the Werewolf training for muscle and started my 2nd cycle last night. I must say that I really enjoy this workout program. I have noticed an increase in strength and actully put on some weight in a good way. I have tweeked the program a little because of real life events. I do every other day. Sat., Mon., Wed. Thus. & Fri. off. This works best for my schedule and the craziness in my life. Thanks once again for your insite and knowledge.

  134. Steve,
    I am about to start the muscle gain routine and plan to do the three cycles, but my question is after that should i switch to the werewolf training for strength and do that for 3 weeks? Or should i stick with the muscle gaining routine until i am satisfied with the weight i have gained?

    • You can stick with it for as long as it delivers optimal results. When it stops working, or if you get bored, switch.

      • One more question Steve, do you think this is the best routine for me? I’m 17 and a senior in high school. I weigh about 135 pounds and it’s really hard for me to gain weight. So if i eat a ton do you think i can pack on some much needed weight? I’m also taking N.O Xplode and Whey. Also if there’s anything you think I could add to the upper body inclined days for my chest and arms(mostly for biceps) that would be great. thanks!

        • Stop worry about your chest and biceps. Use this routine, follow the nutritional guidelines, add more calories if you’re not growing, skip most of the cardio, use your supplements, sleep 7-8 hours a night, and check back in with me after 3 months.

  135. Hey I’m on week one and the results I kid you not are showing already. I’m 21 years old 5’10” and a hardgainer at only 140 pounds. My goal is170 ripped. I’m doing 3500 calories aday and train mon-Friday 1 hour max. This workout is real man I haven’t had success with anything else thank you so much man. If you want any info or progress pics email me [email protected]

    • Sweet! You’ll be glad to know Werewolf Training 3.0 will be out shortly with slight modifications to the routine, including the additional of Neural Adaptation Training on off-days. I personally have gained 22 lbs intentionally bulking, by using this routine for the last two months.

      • yessss can’t wait for for the new routine Steve. I also have gained a lot of pounds (18) after 4 cycles of this routine. thanks for all the time you put in to the site. Your the man.

  136. Hi Steve,

    Great site 1st of all! I’m male age 24, Asian, weight 175lb and 5’11. I just started your program and to be honest this is my 1st real work program for me. Although I’m used to working out in the gym I never really had a proper workout program. I only reason I’m stating this is to keep me motivated during the 3 cycles 54 days. I am now talking Whey Protein from GNC as supplement. Please let me know if you have any tips and suggestions. Will keep you updated during this period.


  137. Hey. I just started this workout and am now on workout 8. On got to the toe push on sled exercise and have no idea what I am supposed to do. There is no video on youtube explaining it or anywhere on the web. What exactly is a toe push on sled?

    • Use the sled / leg press machine, hang your heels off the edge and press up/away using the top half of your foot, then stretch the calf by allowing your toes to move down/towards you. That one rep.

  138. Steve,
    I stared the workout today and I noticed in the super sets there is always a,b, and c but i dont see where the c is on any of the workouts ive been supersetting when it says somthing like
    [(a)standing bicep curl] and i would then superset with the one labeld (a). Is this the right way to do the routine? And if so where do the (c) workouts come into play?

    Thanks, Sam

    • I’m a little confused with your question. If there are two exercises labeled a) and b), then this is a superset. If there are three exercises labeled a) b) and c), then this is also a superset although 3 or more sets is sometimes called a giant set. Either way, whether the exercises are labeled a) and b), or a) through z), just do them all in a row without rest between sets until you are ready to start over at a) again, then you can rest before repeating the super/giant set.

      • So if i got it right when i do a workout like a)standing OH press i superset that workout with a). and at the end i do the a),b), and c) giant set three times no rest correct?

        • superset the a) with the b), I think that’s what you meant, and rest after b). And yes at the end do a) b) c) together with no rest after a, b, or c.

  139. Steve,

    I have a really limited set of weights – just dumbells and a couple of kettle bells.
    Is it possible to adapt the program to just use dumbells? Would it still work OK?



    • Due to popular demand, I’m working on a Werewolf Training with Dumbbells routine. In the meantime you can adapt the program to use dumbbells instead of barbells just as long as you can hit the required rep ranges.

  140. Hey steve, Thanks for putting your effort into this program.
    Im 5’10 and weigh 156lbs Im already used to working out, But was looking for a work out plan. Ill Do 3 cycles of the 18 days and will get back to you. Thanks

  141. When deadlifting:

    Should I keep my legs still or bend my knees slightly during a repetition?
    Also, should I bend forward until my back is horizontal or until the plates hit the ground?
    One thing I know for sure is that my back should be flat, and wear my belt to avoid back pain, even though my back hurts from time to time….


  142. Hey Steve, quick question. Instead of taking the seventh day off could i just take a day off after each workout? or would that be too much recovery time in between?

  143. good day….i’m 5’8″ 120 lbs…26 yrs old…i’ve been thin ever since, i want to gain weight and have some muscles for a change; i just want to workout at home…what tips can you advice? thanks…

  144. Hey Steve none of my mates really train and due to my job I train late at night when no one is about so on workouts 9 and 10 I have no one to spot for me so i’m just wondering if you could suggest a different 9/10 i could do. BTW this workout is awesome thanks for the effort you put into creating it

  145. Cool Post I’ll definitely try it.I heard Lautner did mixed martial arts or treadmill running for about 10-15 minutes before every workouts is this recommended. Just Wondering

  146. This workout is the most unholy thing I have ever experienced. It literally hits you from every angle and really leaves you feeling like you’ve been worked!! about 3/4 through my first cycle and I’m already starting to feel like I can notice changes and just the general sense of wellbeing this gives you is phenomenal. Been following a standard gym routine and felt very bored and unmotivated but this gives you new challenges praically daily and I’m feeling aches in places i didn’t even know could ache. Endless credit to you Steve for putting this routine up, you are literally a godsend.
    Thanks!!! 🙂 🙂

  147. Hi Steve, when it says 3 x 12,8,5… Do you add weight after each one, say you’re doing bench and you’re doing 12 reps with 150 pounds, do you do 150 pounds for the 8 and 5 or do you do something like 160 for the 8 reps then 170 for the 5 reps?

    • Add weight for each set. You are trying to beat your previous best weight for each rep range, so if you did 150×12, 160×8, and 170×5 the previous week, you best be hitting 160×12, 170×8, and 180×5 the very next workout.

  148. Hey guys I’m 19 and sick of being skinny so i’ve been going to the gym regularly for about 3-4 months and have noticed a significant change to my arms but a lot less to my chest and back despite focusing on these areas more so than my arms (don’t think I’ve been overtraining). I’ve noticed some increases in strength in my back and chest and can do more press-ups than i’ve ever been able to. I’ve just started this programme, which by the way looks amazing, and was wondering if it will help bulk my back and chest out in proportion to my arms or whether i’d need some additional excercises to put myself back in proportion.

    Thanks alot 🙂

    • This routine is designed to maximize development throughout your body. I recommend not adding any additional exercises, but lift your compound chest/back/legs exercises with more intensity and stop worrying about your biceps.

  149. Ok! Got some good news about this program Steve…! 🙂
    Workout 9+10 are the max weight days.(right?)
    I’m in cycle 2, workout 10 today.
    Been a month since I began werewolf training and I can bench 250lb for 6 reps (+30lb increase) and today got stuck at 350lb deadlift (+50lb increase).
    Needless to say I was like: How the hell did I lift this? O.o
    Cheers to a GREAT strength and bulking program Steve.
    Can’t wait to see my BP and DL max during cycle #3.
    If I can bench 250lb for 8 reps I’ll make you a statue in front of the gym. 🙂
    Bulk us up!

      • Steve I almost forgot something.
        Workout 10:
        We are testing our max in DL and Squat during the same day…
        Personally im exhausted after DL maxing… Like today… :p
        How can I possibly test my max for squating that way?
        Same goes for workout 9, regarding 120% for BP and Chin-ups…
        Is this done intentionally in your workout?

        • Actually, I can’t stand that particular day myself. Workout 9 wasn’t so bad because BP and Chins are antagonists, but maxing on deads and squats on the same day was too much for this guy. Initially I set that up intentionally, but in hindsight it doesn’t accomplish what I’ve set out to accomplish. I think WWT 4Muscle needs one final revamp to alter the order and placement of certain exercises. Then it will be a truly marvelous training routine. I give you permission to use your instincts to alter the routine for separating max deads and max squats.

          • Well, it’s good to hear i’m not the only one who can’t max DL and SQ in a single workout…
            Another thing: Dips are done with elbows close to body or away?

  150. I am 6’0″ and 175 pounds. I am trying to have a 6 pack. I got 4 packs showing and the bottom abs outline. How can I get the bottom abs to show without minimizing muscle gain. I have a good diet. Should I use the 2nd optional day off to workout or add a day of cardio(HITT)? What do you suggest?

    • If you really want to lose fat you are going to have to forget about muscle gain, especially since you are already lean enough to have a visible 4 pack. In order to drop more fat you’ll have to decrease dietary calories. You can add in a day of cardio, either 25 mins HIIT or 45-60 mins endurance, if you want, but that might impact recovery from your regular training. Consider shortening rest breaks in your regular training, or turning some one-off exercise into supersets where you feel appropriate. Ultimately though, I’d wager on making changes to your diet rather than your training. Have you tried Intermittent Fasting yet?

  151. steve I have trouble getting to the gym on certain days, so I was wondering if mixing up the workout days would be ok. ex. workout 1, day off, workout 2, workout 3, day off, workout 4, day off, workout 5, 6, day off, etc.

    • Yes you should adjust the routine to fit your schedule. Use instinctive training to tell whether your adjustments are working for the best.

  152. where can i go to see some credibility here? before and after pics, success stories, etc.. i want to see proof that this works.

    • You can read through the comments and there are a couple Facebook folk who have posted about this routine. Ultimately though, I need to get the forum up and running so people can post progress pics and workout logs.

      • Im 3 workouts away from completing cycle 1 and have been logging my efforts on a spreadsheet. Took one photo at the start and will do one after cycle 1 is complete and can mail it to Steve who can look over and see if its worthy of being put on the site

  153. […] this thread seems to have turned into a 5×5 thread. I have no spotter so 5×5 isn't good for me. Gain Muscle! Werewolf Training: A Weightlifting Routine to Gain Muscle | Project Swole adam ps anyone recommend a weight gainer? I buy impact whey protein from myprotein.com […]

  154. In a generic full body workout routine your suppossed to work each muscle group 3 times a week. In werewolf training (if you take the two optional days after workout 4)they are only worked twice, same thing with abs. Will you still see the 10-15 pounds of muscle added in two months? Or will the full body workout work better?

    • Werewolf Training works better for prioritizing muscle gain than does the full body workout routine. I’m in week three of WWT right now and I’ve gained 12 pounds in those three weeks. Granted I’m using some supplements and eating protein like it’s my job, but trust me WWT will do you good.

    • Supersets mean you can get more exercise in, in a shorter period of time, which is good for muscle and strength gains. Plus it keeps your heart rate up, which is good for fat loss.

  155. I have a pretty good body, worked out for last 3 years, went from 125lbs to 150 and stayed here, very in shape, im infantry in the army.

    will this be good for me? my body is use to cross training etc, and i have a hard time building muscle. since my body is already use to working out will i gain results as fast as these guys since my body is already muscle memorized

  156. Steve,

    Great workout plan! Just finished my first cycle and have gained about 6 pounds. I am 6’2″ and am at 163lbs now. I will report back once I do the cycle two more times.

    I am a little skeptical with the scale at the gym and the cheap $10 one I have at home. Is there a particular one you would recommend?

  157. Heya steve, Amazing Guide , im 17 and starting this workout tommorrow , i was just wondering , do you do workout 1 and workout 2 , together on the same day. or do you just do workout 1 , and then workout 2 the next week ? please reply . thank you 🙂

    • Day 1 is workout 1, Day 2 is workout 2, Day 3 is off, Day 4 is workout 3, Day 5 is workout 4, Day 6+7 are off, etc…

  158. Hi Steve. I’m trying to start this workout again and unfortunately only way for me to do 4 days a week is if I do M-Upper, T-Lower, Thurs- Lower, and F-Upper. So basically what I’m wondering is if it’s okay to do the lower body tues and thurs. However, I won’t be doing the lower body mentioned on the workout routine because I have a knee injury and I can only do leg lifts, wall squats, cycling (only going to do 10 min), and these sorts of leg workouts. Do you think this can work out? Thanks Steve.

  159. Hi Steve, I’m 18 years old, 180-175 (varies) and 6’3. Will i get the same results as taylor lautner on this workout routine?

  160. Finished 1st cycle. Everything is fine so far. I’ll be honest with you. I just can’t do the supersets right and I think the reason is I’m exhausting myself really hard during the first part of the set and so I need to catch my breath for a bit before starting the 2nd part (abs excluded, ab supersets are fine thus far). So I just break the superset and do the 2 exercises separately.
    Results so far… My squat, bench press and deadlift have increased a lot (doubled my initial weight’s reps in bench press and added 20+kg for squats and deadlifts).
    I’ll continue this program until April and weight myself then.
    Supps using: Protein isolate, weight gainer formula with a bit of creatine, NO explode. Nothing fancy I guess…

      • I have the feeling that NO Explode is a bit useless… Would you recommend Dymatize’s Expand to it? Everyone says it’s loads better…
        Another thing. This may sound stupid but lately I’ve become obsessed with hand standing/walking. I can’t do it, but I really wanna make it happen so I’m working on it every now and then. Problem is that it takes lots of upper body strength. Chest and especially shoulder fatique is my main issue. When would you recommend that I do my handstand workouts? After my upper body, lower body or during my days off?
        Sorry about all these questions but since this is a forum where questions are actually being answered, I’m just going to fire away all mine. 🙂 Don’t get mad please…

        • I would do the handstand workouts on your lower body day, unless the handstand exercises take your shoulders to failure. What are you doing for a handstand workout?

          • I always begin with 2 sets of push-ups. Of course i don’t reach failure, I just warm up my chest and shoulders. Now my room has a low ceiling (i can touch the ceiling when i stretch my hands up) so I just do a handstand and try to hold as much as possible while maintaining balance with my legs,which just touch the ceiling if im about to fall and regain my balance.
            So far it haven’t seen any balance improvement though, maybe just a little. Still, I can stay in that position for over a minute or two so I don’t think endurance is an issue here.
            So other than that, I don’t do anything else for a handstand workout.

      • If that’s really what you want to do. The workout will take much longer if you break up supersets, and the specific adaptations will be a little different for each exercise and exercise combination. It’s up to you. I encourage everyone to use their own training intuition to moderate how they train.

  161. sorry steve one more question, Is it okay so swap some exercises as long as they exercise similar muscles, such as swapping Goodmornings for hyperextensions?

    • Yeah I’ve had to do that recently too. I’ve altered both workouts 4 and 8 in recent weeks, since I’m using WW training right now myself. Just keep the intensity up, adding enough weight to struggle with the required rep range.

  162. Hey Steve, really appreciate the work you put in here. Just got a question if you have the time to answer it. I’m 5’11 and 154 Pounds, im ‘ripped’ in certain areas, but could do with loosing some excess fat, but i want to gain some more muscle mass, which do you recommend first; get cutted, then build mass. Or gain mass, then get cutted?
    Any advice would be great!

    • I always suggest to lose fat first then gain muscle after. This is because it has been observed on more than one occasion, that people with a higher bodyfat tend to retain calories as fat moreso than lean folks. Therefore, get lean then gain mass.

  163. Well Steve Im more on the i want to loose the weight but still build muscle im 6 foot 290 coming from playing football but i dont play any more what should i do

  164. hey whats up ive been working out for awhile and ive got muscle not ripped or anything but i need a simpafighid work out routine to gain size esspecialy for chest

  165. Hey Steve, Great programme. i am starting this on monday, just needing to know, is it neccecerray to have the 3rd day off?

    I work weekends so dont have a chance to hit the gym on a saturday or sunday, so can it be done with 5 days straight and will it be as effective?

  166. Hi Steve,
    I’m going to start this program. I’m 20 yo – 5ft and 7 – 135 lbs.

    I have a question: I would like to gain muscles but I want to rip my abs and let them show. So, should I add more cardio before and after your awesome workout?

    Thanks for this guide!!!

  167. Hi Steve,
    I broke a couple of toes on my left foot. Although they are nearly healed now, I probably didnt wait quite as long as I should have before I began to work out again. Anyway, I just finished my first cycle of your Werewolf muscle training and have noticed that my right leg is now stronger than my left- I guess from compensating for my injury. Should I make an effort to work my left leg more and/or harder now? Or will it just catch up naturally? Thanks for all you do on this site!

    • It should catch up naturally over the course of a month or two, but throw in an extra set or some extra reps to help it catch up quicker.

  168. Hey Steve, I have a question. I was wondering if this workout routine will help gain ‘muscel mass’. I am already cut much like Taylor Lautner was before he started lifting. I am 6 ft and 160 lbs. Is this the right workout routine for me? Please let me know. P.S. The website is awesome, i really learned alot from reading it

  169. Sorry typo last message, I am 6 ft and 155 lbs, i was wondering if this routine will work for me just as good as it did for Taylor Lautner?

  170. im 17 and already super cut, but im 6’10 and 151 lbs, will this workout routine get me to where taylor laughtner is now?

  171. ive decided to attempt the diet. i was thinking the sick feeling ive felt previously may of been from my old protein powder as i suspect im lactose intolerant. i believe whey isolate protein will stop me from feeling sick, just wondering if you could recommend a good whey protein isolate? would optimum nutrition 100% whey be good?

    • I’m not sure if any whey protein will ultimately agree with you, but try the Optimum whey isolate and let me know how you feel.

  172. just wondering how important the diet part is?
    i know nutrition is very important but i often get physical ill with changes to diet and stuff.
    could you tell me how many pounds of muscle could be gained without the extreme diet?

    • The diet is not too extreme really. You just have to eat more calories to gain more muscle. Follow whatever diet you think will work for you. I can guarantee a certain number of pounds gained or lost. Just do what works for you.

  173. Hi Steve,
    If you succesfully completed an exercise like the bb bent over rows on workout#3, do you up the weight the next time you do bb bent over rows- like on workout number 7? Or do you wait until the next cycle of the entire program before you up the weight for that specific exercise?

  174. Hi steve. You said “Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is theoretically impossible”. I’ve been told that a simple change in diet would do just that. Like cutting in saturated fats and sugars.
    I’m in a +3000kcal diet with 180g of protein and 100g fat (only good fat), no supplements.. in 3 weeks my arms and shoulders are bigger and my belly is more ripped- I also gained 2 kg in process, and gained strength. Is this normal?
    by the way.. tx for this amazing routine, suits perfectly my lifestyle.

    • It’s hard to explain. Some people can gain muscle and lose fat at the same time by tweaking their macronutrient profile. Theoretically it is impossible, but realistically it can be done. It would take a whole series of posts to explain how to do it right, so I can’t really get into it here, but you have some idea about what to do. New trainees especially see muscle gains and fat loss at the same time. Keep in mind though, that if you focus specifically on one goal, progress will come faster than if you try to do everything at the same time.

  175. Steve,
    First and foremost, kuddos to the wonderful routine and for helping all of us, one way or another. I’m 5’11 and about 150lbs and want to gain muscle, do you think this is the routine I should follow? If so, I was thinking of joining the gym and have an early workout everyday, say about 6am, what do you think, or better yet, what would you recommend?

    • I recommend for you to just do it. I personally hate lifting in the morning, but some people swear by it. Give it a shot. Make sure you eat something or drink a shake first… although I shouldn’t say that because some Intermittent Fasting folks promote fasted training… I hate fasted training and I really don’t think it promotes muscle gain, but many people claim that it does. In any case, stop thinking about it and just do it… that’s my opinion.

  176. hey steve, im super excited to start the program. Im 17, i weigh 147 pounds and i was just wondering if you could help explain to me more about the protein calories and fat calories.

    e.g (180 g protein X 4 calories = 720 protein calories) i just dont understand where the 4 comes from?

    im sorry to ask such a silly question but i want the best results possible from this workout and ive never dieted before

  177. hey that seems to be a nice workout program.. Im training since 3-4 years and now I am shredded and ripped.. the problem is that my own goal is to be shredded but i need to increase a little beat my muscle size(without being too big)so i dont know if that workout is ok for me. please answer this question for me..

    oh btw im 5“10 and 150 lbs (and a normal rate of fat)

  178. I didnt realise the a) and b)’s meanr you where meant to superset, is it necessary to superset them? And should I do all of a and b or one or the other?

  179. Hey Steve,

    I’m 5’10”. Used to be 130 and put on 30 lbs doing a typical push/pull routine with the right diet. That was years ago and now I’m 150 and soft. What are the benefits of this more “mixed up” routine than the typical push/pull? Just to confuse the muscles?


  180. I went through 6 cycles and didn’t realize the super sets(a,b). I did do the abs super set correctly. It is alright because I did see great gains. I finished up 6 cycles which took about 3-4 months and I am on my active recovery week. Should I continue this routine or find another one for a while? I heard if your muscle get used to the workout, then you will hit a plateau. What do you think? If you think I should find a different routine, what would you recommend?

    • Have you hit a plateau or did you make gains in the previous cycle? If you have hit a plateau, then you can try the Werewolf Training for strength or you can try the fat loss workout for a while. There are a couple other routines you can try on Project Swole too. Try them all for a couple months.

  181. Hey Steve,

    This routine is absolutely amazing, I gained only a few pounds in the first cycle but am seeing the results and my lifts are actually increasing by a lot. I appreciate the amazing website and advice.

    Question though, I’ve always been very proficient at pull ups, however as I progressed through the cycle my max pull ups has decreased from 25 to 20. Could it possibly be fatigue?

    Thanks a load.

    • Why would your max pull ups decrease? It could be because all of your other lifts are taking priority, because you are using heavier weights instead of focusing on max reps, or a number of other reasons. I would be curious to see if your weighted pull ups has increased. Perhaps you can do 10 reps with 45 now, but before you could only do 8, or something along those lines?

  182. Hey, 1st off i want to say you have a great site going here. Thanks for the time and effort you put into it, its much appreciated. Ive finished your fat loss routine and got my body fat % down to about 8%. I want to start this routine. Im 17 years old and weigh 147 pounds. how long do you think it would it take me to gain a body like taylor lautners if I stick to the workouts and keep my diet consistent?
    Thanks for reading, keep up the good work!

    • It will probably take you a year to put on 20 lbs of muscle if you have your exercise and nutrition perfected. You might gain a bit of fat as well, so you’ll need to strip it off afterwards. The question you asked is not really one I can answer, but my best guess is that you can accomplish whatever you want to accomplish in about 12 months or if you are 100% dedicated, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and you do everything right from lifestyle to diet to exercise, etc… then you can really make a total body transformation in as little as 6 months.

  183. hey Im 5’8 163lbs and i gain and lose weight randomly…im not fat i just have some pudge lol but i was wondering what would be the best way to keep my weight constant?

  184. Hey Steve I just turned 19 and i am currently at 15% body fat, however i am pretty skinny and dont have much muscle mass.I want to get tylers body over time. So I was just wondering if you think I should start a fat loss program or this program first. I was thinking of gaining mass first and then getting really cut after.

      • So what percentage body fat should I get to before starting this program.which one of your programs should I use to lower my bf, just the normal fat loss for men prog or something else since I only want to lose a little fat.is there a program that let’s you lose fat and put on muscle at the same time?

        • Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time is theoretically impossible, but realistically just plain inefficient. The fat loss for men program will most likely be your best bet for losing fat while also attempting to gain muscle at the same time.

  185. Hey, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to replace the ab supersets with a weighted crunch and side bend superset, to allow me to add weight and train for strength/size more than the conditions it appears to be at the moment?

  186. Hey, Steve… I’m finally going to start this program, I’m pretty excited. There is one thing I’m confused about, and sorry if it has already been answered. During the training, some exercises are labeled as (a), (b), (c), etc… what does that imply? Does it mean you do one or the other?

    a) Body weight or assisted pull ups – 3 x 12
    b) DB standing alternating shoulder press – 3 x 15
    a) DB standing alternating bicep curl – 3 x 12, 8, 5
    b) DB standing two hand OH triceps press – 3 x 8

    Thanks for your hard work in creating this guide, man.

  187. My basketball season is almost over and i’ve been going to the gym at least 2 days a week to maintain strength. I am 18 and wanted to start that advanced werewolf training you were going to put up, it went something like this:
    day 1: chest, triceps, abs?
    day 2: hamstring dominant leg training with some light quads training, calves?
    day 3: shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs
    ?day 4: off?
    day 5: quad dominant leg training with some light hamstring training. calves
    ?day 6: back, biceps, abs?
    day 7: off
    3 sets of 6-10, 4 exercises for quads, hams, back, chest?
    3 sets of 8-12, 3 exercises for shoulders, triceps, abs?
    2 sets of 8-12, 2 exercises for biceps, calves
    I was hoping you could expand a little bit more detail on what exercises to do and what order to do them in. Also exactly how many reps each exercise.
    Thanks a lot steve. Big fan of the site!!

  188. Done 1 cycle of this so far. I’ve noticed on some of the ab exercises (which are difficult to do weighted) I can go over 50 or even 100 reps (which can get quite boring), and I have checked to see that I’m doing them properly.
    What exercises can I replace these with which I can add weight to?

  189. I’m a 16 year old ectomorph guy that will like to do the werewolf training to get muscle but i don’t think that it is time for me to be able to do weight lifting so can you tell me workout exercises so i can get more muscle please?

  190. Hey Steve, I was wondering if all the accessory calf work is necessary. Is it alright to take some out? And also, how much arm growth can you expect from this routine? I know a lot of it depends on genetics, diet, and rest, but can you give a rough estimate?

    Another thing – for Workout 4 can we take out the shrugs and jump squats and just add a 6 – 9 x 3 set of cleans?

  191. I have lost 75lbs over the past two yrs. Lifting the first year, then lifting and cardio during year two. I am now 6’6″ and 210 lbs. I have lost all the weight i want to lose and am happy that i am now the lightest i’ve been in my adult life. Dilemma: I am very excited about trying this werewolf training, but am scared of “getting fat” again…Ugghh i sound like a girl! Will this program add fat, or solely lean muscle mass? Or both? Ive been through so many wardrobes i dread having to buy more clothes for a bigger waistline! From the other comments Ive read, it seems that most people who use this program are very young and very skinny. Im 33 and dont need to gain weight to make the football team, just want to get bigger and stronger. Thanks for all of your hard work on this site!

  192. I am taking your suggestion to adding a HIIT to my routine twice a week. I am going to jump rope. Should I add it before or after workouts for upper or lower body?

  193. For the resistance bands, what resistance level should i choose: Light, Medium, or Heavy? I have previously done 2 cycles of werewolf training.

    • Try all 3 levels. Also, when you go to purchase the products, they often include suggested exercises which which to use each type of band. I’ve gotta get more information on Project Swole about bands.

  194. Hey there Steve, i am about to try this workout out in a couple of days. I have skinny arms, however my belly seems to be holding some fat that i would like to get rid of and show my abs. Obviously i would like to beefen up with this routine by eating enough calories and get bigger eventually however how would i go on to remove the fat from my body during this routine? Any advise would be appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance.

  195. This is my 3rd month into the workout. I am 6 feet tall. I went from weighing 145-150 to 177-182. It was really fast because I took weight gainers. I stopped taking it because I notice i was getting fat. As a result, I got more lean. I am close to having a flat stomach and my bottom abs are forming. My question is, is it bad to maintain this weight. I am trying to have results like Taylor Launter.

    • Bench press, squats, deadlifts, barbell rows. If you have the right equipment you can use bands on overhead presses too. Really, you can find a way to add bands to almost any exercise, but the biggest lifts are most important.

  196. Me and one of my friends are starting this tomorrow morning. We are long time body builders and ready to go hard, I’m going to post our results in a couple of months!

  197. Almost done with 3 cycles..

    Gained around 8 lbs, (now 183lbs), added 90lbs to my squat (315 1rm), and deadlift (385 1rm).

    For me, thats some awsomes results, seriously. (Im a hardgainer)
    The best thing is that i havent used any supplements, not even protein!!!

    I bought purple-k creatine, hemo rageUC pre-wo, casein and normal isoflex protein, and im gonna stack that when ill return to this routine. For now, ill give a shot to your strenght routine for maybe 2 cycles.

    This training is dope! Thumbs up steve

  198. Could I do one cycle of gain muscle werewolf training then either the generic total body workout or swole 3×5 next then another cycle of werewolf then either generic or 3×5 then the last cycle of werewolf training?

    • You could do that. Repeating the cycle just gives you a tighter window to gauge progress because you are repeating the exact same routine.

  199. I just finished 3 cycles and i thought i would post my results. Before my 3 cycles i had done some other workouts to build muscle and got improvements from there. I am 5’6/5’7 and started at 130lbs. about a 8 months into working out i had reached 150lbs. This was before finding werewolf training. I have completed 3 cycles of werewolf training now and have gone from 150 to 165-168lbs depending on the day (probably weigh more the morning after the day i eat a lot). I do have a small amount of belly fat but its a very small amount and nothing i couldn’t burn off with some HIIT, sprints, and speed roping. I also learned ,throughout the cycles, what muscle groups are more stubborn that others on my body and adjusted the workout a bit from there. For instance, i usually added another 3×12, 8, 5 tri workout for upper body days since my tri’s are harder to workout. I’m now taking a week off of lifting and then switching over to the strength training werewolf cycles. My goal weight is 170lbs after cutting down my fat so ill probably try and reach around 175+ before doing the shredding and fat burning routines.

    Anyone who is interested in the, please give it a try its really great and not only builds muscle fast but will get you into better shape even without doing the cardio portions (depending on how good of shape you’re in already). Also, don’t flake on the diet part. Eat a lot and eat the right foods or you’ll never put on the muscle. Steve, if you want any more detail for what i did let me know, i’m happy to share it all!

    • That is great feedback! I’m so happy that you are happy with your results from the workout. What kind of diet did you follow?

      • Diet in a nut shell is this:

        Meal 1 (around 7:30am) – 1/2 mass shake (400 cal)
        Meal 2 (around 9:30am) – 4 eggs, low fat Turkey bacon (few slices) with some fruit and some veggies on the eggs (avocado + tomato) (300-400 cal)
        Meal 3 (around 11:30am) – Some type of protein (Fish, Steak, Chicken, Turkey) with some veggies and some fruit. Veggies could be anything from salad ingredients to sweet potatoes. Every so ofter i throw in some pasta, usually wheat but white digests faster. (500-700 cal)
        Meal 4 (around 2:00pm) – 1/2 mass protein shake (400 cal)
        Meal 5 (around 4:00pm) – Same as meal 3

        Take my pre-workout drink (Glutamine, Nitric Oxide, Pre-workout mix) and workout for 60-90 minutes doing the lifting fir the first hour and cardio if necessary after.

        Meal 6 (around 6:00pm) – Whey protein shake with 1% milk (500 cal)
        Meal 7 (around 7:30-8) – Dinner; Usually a variation of Meal 3

        • For bulking i use a bulk (Mass) protein shake. I used ISO Mass from start to finish twice and have recently switched to Elite Mass. One shake from ISO Mass is about 1,000 calories with 1% milk and the Elite is around 750 calories with milk. I only drink one a day because i would rather fill by body up with actual food rather than powders. For carb loaded foods i eat sweet potatoes, pastas (white and wheat but usually wheat), and beans (black beans, kidney beans, navy beans). I also make sure to eat protein with every meal and some sort of veggie mix or fruit for digestion and nutrients.

  200. Oops, sorry completely forgot i had already posted on this subject and it was awaiting moderation, just read your response, thanks! And once again sorry, finals are burning a hole in my head.

  201. Hi I am just getting on this plan again, (I briefly used it at the beginning of the year) and had a question about the supersets. Take day 1 for example, is the first superset done by doing pull ups, no rest then shoulder press, no rest and then back and forth repeating? Or is it like doing 36 straight pull ups, then 45 straight shoulder presses? And is there rest between the first superset and the second?

    I did want to say I enjoyed this program the first time I did it at the beginning of this year(looks like its changed a little). There are a few things I didn’t know, understand, or do the first time I did this program. I intend to change those mistakes and document everything through this process. I’m planning on sticking through this for 3 cycles and then sending you the results.

    • The supersets would be like: you do 12 pull ups then immediately 15 shoulder press with no rest between, then after shoulder press rest for 60-90 seconds, then repeat the superset. Please let me know how you progress through 3 cycles. I hope you like it.

      • Thanks for the info. My first day I actually did 12 pull ups, no rest 15 shoulder press no rest and repeated the whole way through, and did the same with the curls and OH press (oops).

        The first time I did this plan I went through about 1 3/4 times, and had absolutely fantastic results and gained about 20 pounds(I was eating about 5500 cals a day at that time). I am really excited for round two.

  202. Hey steve, i have been working out since i was 12 years old,( im 19 now) mostly personal training and toning.I’ve been away from working out and weightlifting for about a year now and i’ve mainly got a fat around my stomach area.I was reading the article,you mentioned that this routine is to build muscle but
    not for losing fat, Like i said i only have it around my stomach area. Should i take the Full Body Fat Loss Routine For Men or just stick to this routine and throw in an extra set of reps for my abdominal area with this Werewolf routine?

    • If you want to lose the fat, do the fat loss routine first. If you follow Werewolf Training and eat according to the specs, then you definitely won’t lose any fat over the course of the workout cycle. We’ve found that people with higher bodyfat actually store additional bodyfat easier than people who start with low body fat. Therefore it is better to lose fat before trying to gain muscle.

  203. Hi steve, first of all this training is really good, seeing some real good progress ive finished 3 cycles of bulking and one cycle of strength training and going for a second, any chance of seeing an advanced werewolf training or maybe a chest day arm day routine

    • Advanced Werewolf Training is something that I really need to get around to writing. Swole 5×5 needs to get finished too.

  204. This program looks fantastic! I’m looking forward to starting it, however I have just one question: I am just graduating from a division 1 varsity track (sprinting) program. With that being said, my biceps are a bit lagging compared to other body parts, would it be adviseable to add an extra set of biceps to the workouts that work this muscle? Or would it be better to just leave the program as is?

    • I had a friend who played football for years as a tight end. He could squat over 600 pounds, bench 350, deadlift 500+, but he wasn’t a big guy. He was pretty stocky, dense, and thick, but was constantly complaining about having tiny biceps. Quite frankly if you are division 1 varsity sprinter you’ve got great genetics and most people would give their left arm to have your speed and power. That being said, if you are setting out to gain muscle and want to bring up your biceps, consider adding 3 sets of concentration curls outside of your normal workout, 2-3 times a week, for a month or so. Keep the reps up around 10-12 to stimulate hypertrophy. Don’t change anything about your regular workout routine.

  205. hey i was wondering what a 3×12,8,5 was. does it mean do a 3×12 then do 8 reps then do 5 reps? and when do you add weight?

  206. I was reading the comments and you said Taylor Launter probably “used legal supplements like creatine, amino acids, and protein sups.” I only take protein shakes 2-3 times a day and eat 5 meals a deal. I was looking at the creatine and amino acids on gnc and it comes in pills form. Should I start taking that too? I am 6′ 1″ and weigh 181. I been going strong for 3-4 months so far. I went from 150 to 180 fast. I have a little bit of fat on my lower stomach. I just want my results to keep improving for summer time. I am trying to prevent myself from hitting a plateau.

  207. Steve, great information here. I just finished day 6 and I am already seeing some results. I am a 160 lb ectomorph (sounds like an alien…) and I have purchased some weight gainer to keep caloric and protein intake high. My goal is to gain 15-20 lb in two months.

    But I also practice yoga and would like to maintain my flexibility while bulking – are these competing goals? I have looked everywhere for information on bodybuilding and yoga done simultaneously, and can’t find much info. Maybe you might write an article on it? Thanks!

  208. I am following this workout, but I am not doing the optional sets. I have a 4 pack. My stomach is flat, but the lower abs is not. How would I lose the fat on my lower stomach?

    • Just going to have to diet a little harder. Consider adding some HIIT to your routine, maybe once or twice a week for 20-30 mins.

    • This routine is best for gaining muscle as well as strength. It is not best for getting lean. Check out the full body fat loss routine for getting lean.

  209. Steve, Can you switch the days you do abdominal workouts as long as your doing them the required amount of times a week?

  210. Is the abdominal circuit best way to build muscles on abs? You will do 30+reps in one circuit. Isn’t it just for conditioning?

    Should I drink post-workout shake after cardio?(cardio is on separate day)

    Thanks for the answer 🙂

    • I chose to design the abdominal circuits with more of a conditioning purpose. Since the rest of this routine is designed to build muscle, I wanted to make sure to include some exercises that will really get your blood pumping and elevate your heart rate. So yes, the ab circuits are more for conditioning. However, I will go back through them now to see if there is one exercise in each circuit that you some how increase resistance to build thicker, denser abs. Look for the exercises that require less than 10 reps, and those will be the real muscle builders.

      When trying to lose fat, drink a regular protein shake after endurance cardio; when trying to gain muscle, a 1/2 carbs post-workout drink would be OK. Drink a 1/2 carbs post-workout shake after 20-30 minutes HIIT style cardio. Drink a full post-workout shake after an intense weight training session or a longer HIIT cardio session.

  211. Hey, Steve. I have some fat on me, and i was wondering if i could still use this routine but incorporate in my own cardio. I checked out the full body routine for fat loss, but i’m not sure if its right for me.

  212. Hey Steve!

    I’m just turned 16, I weigh roughly 150 pounds and I aiming for the Lautner look. I’ve got some fat on me, not sure about the %. Should I incorporate some sort of cardio training in this program? If so, could you write a rough list and if this workout suitable for me?

    Cheers mate

    • You should definitely use this routine for a couple months, but not before you use a fat loss routine for a couple month. Try using the Project Swole full body fat loss workout for men for a couple months. When you are happy with your leanness, switch to Werewolf Training.

  213. With such alimentation I would not increase my BF? For example, I’m now 7-8 BF%, I do not want to become 10-11%… and like I’m not experienced, I do not know if this is going to affect my weight…


  214. Hi steve, I was doing your previous werewolf training for 3 cycles,
    then had to take time off for an operation. I got great results from that routine. I was wondering why it needed revising?

    • Workouts always need revising. I can’t give you an example of a training routine that I haven’t changed at least 20 times. The changes were based on hundreds of pieces of feedback on the routine. It should be even better now, although I’ve been thinking about revising just a couple more things at some point.

  215. hi! i’m french and i understand your post (not completly) i want to begin this training but i have one question, i don’t see a lot of exercises for shoulders, is it enought?
    I normally train with 4 exercises by muscle i would chang my train, can i have good gain with your training or can i add more exercises?

    • Everyone else seems to think this program works great, so I’d say you should just go for it. I may revise it again soon based on feedback about a lack of shoulder exercises, but for now it still works great.

  216. i just had an active recovery week. i ran for about an hour a day and finish it off with sprints for 5 days during that week. i am ready to head back to the gym. i was wondering if i should continue to run. i have a fast metabolism. i am using the werewolf workout. if i should continue to run what days should i run when using the werewolf workout?

  217. Hello Steve!

    I’m just wondering what means 120% of 5 rep max. For example “BB bench press – 3 x 5 (120% of 5 rep max)” i don’t get it cause i dont know what it means on my language, so would you explain just a little so i could figure it out.


    • Take the weight that you normally use for a hard set of 5 reps. Add 20% to that. Now get someone to spot you and force 5 reps at that heavy weight – it’s mostly the negative portion of the rep that you should care about.

  218. Hey Steve. For workout #4 was just curious why you decided to add the upper body workout, shrugs, on it for the lower body day?

    • Looking back at the routine, I don’t have a good reason for having done that. I think it was a combination of not wanting to overwork the back on upper body day. I actually don’t really like shrugs at that spot and am considering revising it.

  219. Hey steve im finishing up my 4th cycle of the program. I have been seeing some amazing gains. I want to continue doing the program but basketball starts in 2 weeks. Im on varsity for my high school. I want to keep lifting in season so I was thinking of just doing light weight and high reps since I will be doing a lot of running monday through saturday. That way I can get more defined. I was hoping you can suggest a workout routine for me to do. I want to lift 3 days a week and hit chest/back one day shoulders/legs another and Biceps and triceps another day. Thanks Steve!

  220. I had been told to consume 2 grams per one pound of body weight to gain muscle by a local personal trainer and a body builder. You seem to have great insight and experience so i thought i would ask you. I know the diet above says 1 gram per 1 pound but what are your thoughts on 2 grams per one pound?

  221. Hey,
    Been working on this for about almost a week, wanted to let you kno that i’m 5’9 140lbs. i have hardly any body fat % at all, and is there any other workout that i should incorporate into this werewolf training afterwards?


    • You can use Werewolf Training for Muscle, then Werewolf Training for Strength, then go back to Muscle again. You can also use some of the full body routines. I’ve really gotta get an advanced Werewolf Training routine together and publish a roadmap for progress.

  222. Hey Steve,

    Just wanted to say i love your site. I reference it all the time when wanting to do new exercises and routines. I have currently been doing a 5 day split with focus on one muscle group a day and while i have seen significant gains (i was under weight @ 130 and now 160 in about a year) it’s now extremely hard for me to gain more muscle and strength. I guess you could say i have hit a “Plato”. So i’m going to change it up and start Werewolf training today. I had a question though…

    How do i find some of the exercises i am not familiar with and do not link out from your site? i could spend hours searching the www.


  223. Yo steve, how important is it to use alternating dumbells, instead of a barbell? I lift in my basement, it’s a decent setup but my dumbell collection is limited.

    • It is OK to use either dumbbells or barbells, but it is good to change it up once in a while to stimulate new growth.

  224. Hey Steve,

    So I finished the 3 cycles of Muscle Gain and then one Strength Gain round and I put on like 28 pounds following a heavy 3000 calorie bodybuilders diet (used Dave Ruel’s Anabolic Cookbook).

    I was thinking of switching it up, and I was wondering how you felt about the following for a naturally thin guy:

    Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
    Day 2: Light Cardio and Abs
    Day 3: Legs and Lower Back
    Day 4: Abs
    Day 5: Back and Biceps
    Day 6: Off (or some kind of P90X One on One workout like a glute workout)
    Day 7: Off

    THanks Steve,


  225. Hey on walking lunges and step-ups if it says 3×10 are we doing 10 reps on each leg or 10 reps for the whole exercise?

  226. Hey, love the workout. I was just wondering. If I started doing upper and lower on the same day and took the next day off so that it would go day1: upper/lower, day2:off, day3: upper/lower, day4: off, etc. would there be any problem with doing that or would it be too much to do in a day? I haven’t tried it yet because I wanted to ask your opinion first. Thanks a bunch

  227. thanks for the reply steve, what are your thoughts of something like this for the split workout for the sole purpose of gaining lean muscle mass (minimizing fat gains):

    Day 1 – chest:

    BB bench press 3 X 6-10
    DB flyes 3 X 6-10
    BB incline bench press 3 X 6-10
    Cable crossovers 3 X 6-10
    BB decline bench press 3 X 6-10

    followed by 10 minutes of HIIT on the treadmill

    Day 2 – Legs/abs

    Squats 3 X 6-10
    Lunges 3 X 6-10
    Leg press 3 X 6-10
    Seated calf raise 3 X 10
    Standing calf raise 3 X 10

    cable crunch 3 X 6-10
    weighted knee raise 3 X 6-10
    side bends 3 X 6-10

    Day 3 – back/abs

    Bent over BB rows 3 X 6-10
    Pull ups 3 X 10
    One arm DB rows 3 X 6-10
    Deadlift 3 X 6-10
    Lateral pull downs 3 X 6-10

    10 minutes of HIIT on treadmill

    Day 4 – rest

    Day 5 – Shoulders/abs

    Seated military press 3 X 6-10
    DB front raises 3 X 6-10
    DB lateral raises 3 X 6 – 10
    Hang clean and press 3 X 6-10

    abs same as day 2

    Day 6 – Biceps/triceps

    BB curl 3 X 6-10
    Seated DB curl 3 X 6-10
    Preacher curl 3 X 6-10
    Skull crushers 3 X 6-10
    Dips 3 X 6 -10
    Close grip bench press 3 X 6-10

    10 minutes of HIIT on treadmill

    Day 7 – rest

    If i want to stick by that should i change the days around ie so biceps and triceps arnt being trained right after shoulders and before chest (day rest between)

    Also do you think this will lead to overtraining ie. do you think that i am training each body part to hard that i will get negative gains. Or do you think your 5 day split with 2-3 muscle groups being worked each day with less amount of exercises for each muscle group more beneficial for muscle gains?

    also will the HIIT after weights be ok if i wish to really shed some extra fat.

    Thanks a lot

  228. hey steve great workout, just a quick question…

    After finishing 3 cycles, instead of going onto do the strength training, what are your thoughts on stepping the intensity up and doing a 5 day split..


    Day 1: Chest
    day 2: back
    day 3: Legs
    Day 4: Shoulders
    Day 5: bi’/tri’s
    What do you think of 5 day splits in terms of gaining muscle mass? I’d probably be doing 5-6 different excersises for chest back, legs and shoulders and then maybe 3 for bi’s and tri’s.

    Is this a great way to further increase mass or should i just stick to werewolf training??


    • You can use a split like that to gain muscle mass for a little while. Most bodybuilders use at least a 2 day split like Werewolf Training, some use a 3 day split, and many others use a 5 day split like you have up above. I think frequency is better for strength gains, which is why I usually recommend a 2 day split or a full body routine. However, strictly for muscle gains, a split like yours could work. Here’s how I would modify it:

      day 1: chest, triceps, abs
      day 2: hamstring dominant leg training with some light quads training, calves
      day 3: shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs
      day 4: off
      day 5: quad dominant leg training with some light hamstring training. calves
      day 6: back, biceps, abs
      day 7: off

      3 sets of 6-10, 4 exercises for quads, hams, back, chest
      3 sets of 8-12, 3 exercises for shoulders, triceps, abs
      2 sets of 8-12, 2 exercises for biceps, calves

      I think doing more than 4 exercises for any major muscle group in one day is overkill. More than 3 for a medium muscle group and more than 2 for a smaller muscle group, is also overkill. The fact of the matter is that you have to push yourself with maximum intensity on each set, especially the last set of each exercise. If you do it right, you won’t need more than what I’ve suggested.

      If you want to try something new, try training for 3 weeks using a 5 second up and 5 second down tempo for every rep of every set of every exercise.

      Come to think of it, I should publish this comment as its own workout routine – Advanced Werewolf Training for Bodybuilders. I’ll add it to my list.

      • Yea that would be awesome if you put that on the list steve. I’m on my 4th cycle of werewolf training and would like to try something new after I finish this cycle.

  229. Quick question : For the first compund excercices (4 x 5) Do you suggest four sets of 5 reps to failure with the same heavy weight or only the last set?

    • Same weight. The first 3 sets will not be to failure. The last set will be to failure. If you can hit 5 on the last set, you know it is time to go up in weight.

  230. hey steve,

    just above the warewolf picture, you reference a chris on facebook. today is the first day i have looked at your site, and that is because yesterday at the gym, i finaly talked to one of the guys there. he sent me a link to your website, because i wondered what he had been using to get his results.

    his name? ….. chris. the same guy you reference. i checked out his facebook page, and he told me he was overweight before, i didnt think he looked like that. i am not that at all, but i am the reverse of him. i am underweight, and i think i am going to try your routine and see how it goes. i have been following some that i found so far, and in 2 1/2 months i have gained 7 lbs! hopefully i can stick with your routine and get even better results!

  231. I’ve already gone 3 cycles gained 8 lbs. Squat, Bench and Deadlift 225lbs. I started about 2 months ago 1 day off every 4 days and I really started seeing results. I was wondering if there was a more advanced workout or is it better to continue with the cycle?

    • Either do this for 3 more cycles or switch to the strength routine for 3 cycles. More routines are coming, I’m just overwhelmed at the moment.

      • Lately, I been getting a little tired. 1 Day off every 4 days is pushing it but I was wondering, If I take a day off every 2 days, can I still exercise(cardio)? Or will I have to take that optional Day off #2 because I’ll still feel tired? Is it better to just take the day off and just drink the protein shake. Thanks.


        • I’d rather see you train two days in a row followed by one day completely off or a short session (< 30 mins) of endurance cardio. No lifting or HIIT on days off if you already feel a little tired. That is a sure sign of the onset of overtraining.

          • Thanks for the Advise, I also wanted to ask since the Super sets (A+B)Workouts have been so effective for me thus far, If you had any Other super sets for The Chest and Biceps. I Love the BB Curls Followed by Overhead for the Triceps. I must say that I feel the burn more often than not following super Sets.

  232. Finished three cycles of this program! increased 50 pounds on my bench max. I’m really liking this program. Im gonna do many more cycles till I see some results on my body. I gained 12 pounds also.

  233. Hi Steve,
    In Wich exercie exactly should i use the resistance bands ?

    what does a) b) a) b) mean such like: # a) Body weight or assisted pull ups – 3 x 12
    # b) DB standing alternating shoulder press – 3 x 15
    # a) DB standing alternating bicep curl – 3 x 12, 8, 5
    # b) DB standing two hand OH triceps press – 3 x 8
    should i choose and do only the a) exercices or only the b) exercices?

    and what does the (120% of 5 rep max) mean? is it the 40% more lifting heavier weight using a spotter?

    thank you very much!

  234. Hi Steve

    I’am currently 5’6, 135 lbs, 24 yrs. I have completed 2 cycles of werewolf training program of yours. I must say it’s really a great program. I gained around 9 lbs in just 2 cycles. I can see my muscles growing. But at the same time my belly has grown bigger. Please suggest me some ways to reduce it.
    Just for your information I am not having any external supplements. Having 4-5 meals in a day.

  235. Hey Steve,

    I’ve heard that putting lower GI carbs in your post workout shake (best option is oatmeal) is more beneficial than consuming high GI carbs such as maltodextrin and dextrose as the constant insulin spikes lead can lead to insulin resistance and spillover effects which result in fat loss, where as the whey powder and oats will cause an insulin response (not a spike) and the oats in the shake will maintain insulin levels at a stable level, thus resulting in a longer period of anabolism.


    there’s a thread debating/supporting this view of oats being better than malto/dext.

    What do you think of this. Anyone else please feel free to give your 2 cents.

    • This is a valid point that I have thought about at times and should address. When your main goal is to lose fat, then by all means use low GI carbs in your post workout shake. When your main goal is to gain muscle, then high GI carbs should be used. Thanks Jim.

      • Sorry i meant the insulin spikes can lead to spillover effects which lead to fat gain*.

        Also Steve, where does fruit specifically bananas and berries fall on the GI scale. Are they a good option in your post work out shake?

      • Sorry i meant dextrose/malto result in fat gain* not fat loss.

        Also steve where does fruit specifically bananas and berries fall on the GI scale and how would they go in a post work out shake….geared more towards gaining as much muscle or fat loss?

        • Berries can and should go in all forms of protein shakes. Bananas would be better for post-workout and mass gain shakes than for fat loss shakes. If you hadn’t guessed, bananas have a higher GI than berries.

  236. Hello Steve:

    I am looking for a Anabolic Stack that will help build Muscle Mass. I have read so many reviews on stacks I am going insane. I don’t want to pay an arm and a leg for a stack that doesn’t work(I have done this) So just asking if you know a stack that has worked in the past with effective results. Thank You

    • I know what you are looking for and I can tell you right now that you’re not going to get the results you’re looking for without doing a cycle of steroids. If you don’t want to get steroids you’ll have to use a stack like creatine + amino acids (Xtend) + extra glutamine + Nitric Oxide (Xtreme NO) + protein supplements. If you want something that could work better (but might not) you should try searching for supplements like M-Drol, Oxodrol 12, P-Plex, or M1T. I think most of those supplements are banned now but supplement companies like Anabolic Innovations, Webber Pharmaceuticals, and Competitive Edge Labs are always coming up with something new. I’m not really informed about the latest and greatest anabolics along those lines. Search bodybuilding.com for some info about those.

  237. Steve,

    In the routine the AB sets are always on a leg and/or a back day is it important to do these ab sets on these specific days? I find that by the time i get to the end of the workout on these days i’m pretty beat but on a day where im workin bi’s, tri’s, shoulders etc. its alot easier to do the ab workouts on those days

  238. Hey Steve,

    Is it important to do 3 cycles of this routine? I was thinking of starting next week and only doing 2 because the first week of the 3rd cycle coincides with Thanksgiving and I probably won’t have access to a gym that day or the day after. I’m thinking of doing 2 cycles and then switching to a fat loss routine with more cardio and bodyweight exercises that I could do at home. At that point Finals would be around the corner and I won’t have much time to get to the gym.

    • It’s important to stick with the routine long enough to really see progress. You will make progress on each cycle, but it would be great to see what 2 months of progress looks like because you get to hit each exercise at least 3 times.

  239. Hey Steve,
    I want to try this program but I like playing basketball too much. I usually play pick up games at the gym after my workout and on my off days if i can. I’m a bigger guy 6’4″ 263 lbs. I’ve been doing the general full body for about a month now, and I tried some German volume training before that which seemed to increase my strength quite a bit before starting the full body. I was just wondering if you think werewolf would provide better reults than the full body if i kept playing ball. Thanks!

  240. Hi Steve,

    I am 177 cm tall and I am 71-72 kgs. Basically my body type is mesomoprh and I have been training on my own for a month now I have 6 packs n to be honest quite lean body structure with visible muscles even without training. I really want to gain 4-5 kgs but only a lean mass and this workout routine seems to be exactly what I am looking for but I am curious if i start gaining muscle will I become less ripped based on my body type and this routine or will I gain muscles that will make me look even more ripped like Taylor or Ryan Raynolds for instance ?

  241. hey man i was wondering if i mix whey protein powder with milk before i go to bed if it will still stay in my system overnight because of the casein protein in the milk? i don’t want the added whey to make it all absorb fast. thanks!

  242. I’m half way through my third cycle, and just want to know when I will start seeing some results on my body? I have gotten a lot stronger. I increased my bench max by 20 pounds after the 2nd cycle. It really is a great program but would just like to know that question. would it be after the 5th or 6th cycle? Thanks for reading steve!

  243. I bought the dr max powers anabolic stack from the Vitamin Shopppe and paid 90 dollars for it!! only to realize i could buy it online for half that price!! WTF

    First off at that price its amazing, second this really works. After ther first two days of using it i was able to do more reps and gained a lot of energy. Also the soarness in my muscles were decreased even though i was lifting more and doing more reps.

    • Dr Max Powers Anabolic Stack seems to be a concoction of creatine, Tribulus, and amino acids, and is designed to increase NO. Should be a decent supplement for building muscle, although Tribulus is pretty worthless as a muscle building supplement.

      Also, let this be a lesson to you – never buy supplements from brick and mortar stores like GNC, Vitamin World, or Vitamin Shoppe. You can usually get whatever you are looking for online for 50% less plus shipping.

  244. I have been working out by doing some other programs and got interested in gaining more muscles and found this program to be what i have been looking for, however i have a question. If one cycle is 12 days and none of the exercises are repeating in these 12 days then how will i work on increasing reps or weight for one specific exercise, for example BB chest press is on work out 1. I’d have to wait for cycle 2 to begin?

    • Correct. You are using related exercises throughout the routine, and repeating everything once every 3 weeks. The first 3 weeks are key to getting acclimated to the routine and finding your working weights. The next 2 cycles through the routine should be where you really see significant gains.

      • Thank you for the reply coach…I am on my 11th work out in the first cycle and the result seems to be that my muscles look more defined, however I cant see any gain in muscle mass even though I am eating enough protein and a well balanced diet. Is this normal for the first cycle?

  245. Coach Steve
    How you are doing? Hope fine and happy
    I’m 174 cm tall, 60 kg
    I have been doing workout for two years now
    My main goal is to have
    • Health
    • French body
    • Fitness
    • Body is divided


    I’m using

    • Pro complex
    • Amino 2222
    I saw your werewolf program and I’m planning to use it in this way
    Day 1 = Workout 1
    Day 2 = Workout 2
    Day 3 = Workout 3
    Day 4 = Workout 4
    Day 5 = rest
    Day 6 = rest
    Day 7 = rest
    Day 8 = Workout 5
    Day 9 = workout 6
    Day 10 = Workout 7
    Day 11= Workout 8
    Day 12 =rest
    Day 13 = rest
    Day 14 = rest
    Day 15 = Workout 9
    Day 16 = Workout 10
    Day 17 = Workout 11
    Day 18 = Workout 12

    Then start back from Workout 1

    So what’s your opining

    • You should really have a rest day in the middle of every 4 day cycle. I can’t guarantee results if you use that routine, but it should still work.

  246. I love this workout! I have completed two cycles and I have gotten a lot stronger. Just waiting on some visible results. I’m going to start my third cycle on monday!!! I have been eating very good too with high protein foods.

  247. Steve, for a few of the exercises i am not sure exactly how many reps i should be doing. For example, single leg dead lifts call for 3×8 now should i be doing 8 reps with each leg or 4 on one leg and 4 on the other?

  248. Hey Steve, could you write lttle bit more about upper/lower body split please? I’ve heard that upper/lower body split is the best way to gain muscle and that Taylor Lautner did that for Eclipse, so I would like to know, from your stand of view, more about that split 🙂 Thank you! Great website!

    • Taylor did the Upper/Lower split for New Moon and most likely for Eclipse too. It is a good split, but is not the only one that works.

  249. Hi again. So I completed the full routine last week and really liked it. However I’ve been doing more research and see that the four-day split routines are very popular and touted for being the best to add muscle mass. I’m curious on what your take is as this set incorporates more back to back body group sets instead of say just doing legs once every seven days like in a split workout.


    • In my self-training and personal training career since 1992, I have found that the best way to gain muscle it to increase intensity and frequency. That means training a muscle group once every 2 days with 1 or 2 exercises, for 3-5 sets, with 5-12 reps, working up to a max intensity set that takes you up to, but not past failure. Lower rep sets should be used for compound exercises for 5 sets, while higher rep sets should be used for less compound exercises for 3 sets. Using muscle confusion is not required, but can help you avoid adapting to a particular routine, and is one advanced technique that can be used to accelerate muscle gains. I have tried a million training strategies to gain muscle, and I have found full body routines to be superior to a 4 day split. 2 day splits (upper/lower) can also be used successfully for muscle gains.

      Training for strength gains is an entirely different strategy.

  250. Hi Steve,

    Lookign to change workout next week and really wanted to knwo whether with the wearwolf trainign I can do as per my question above?



  251. Hey Steve,

    Right now i’m trying to build lean muscle with minimal to no fat gains, just wondering whether you would advise a low carb casein protein shake with low fat milk right before bed to help maximise lean muscle gain. My only concern is will put on excess fat as i am not active whilst asleep?


  252. hey. I am not sure how to choose weight for those 5 rep sets.

    If I start benching at 150lbs I could complete 10 reps in first set, but i only do 5 and than go for next set, right? But I can’t go heavier, because I won’t complete 5 reps all 4 sets.
    Let’s say that with this weight I complete 5 reps in first 3 sets and last set i can complete only 4 reps. Is that a proper weight for me, or should i go heavier?

    • You are right. If you use 150 and get 5 or more reps on your last set, increase the weight for the next workout. If you can only get 4 reps on the last set, then you should stick with that weight until you can get 5 reps on the last set.

  253. Hey Steve (and anyone who wants to give their opinion),

    What are you’re thoughts on muscle milk as a supplement? I’ve heard a number of mixed things, just wondering if its a load of marketing crap or if it actually helps? Anyone who has tried it / knows anything please feel free to comment.

    • I have read a lot about post workout and daily protein intake. the consensus for straight protein is high quality Whey. I use Optimum Nutrition Gold on it’s own throughout the day as well as a part of post-workout. For post-workout this seems to be the best: ~35g Whey, 5g creatine, 60-70 grams dextrose (or 50% dextrose/50% maltodextrin), 5g L-Glutamine, and some salt.

      i wouldn’t waste money on muscle milk when you can buy all the ingredients for less. Post workout shake costs me only $1.12 as opposed to almost $4 for a muscle milk.

  254. Hey steve, I got a quick question for you.
    So I’m still confused about the “overloading” sessions.
    Are you supposed to do the 2-3 sets of 5 reps with 40% more than what you can lift with a regular 10 rep set for every exercise every other week? Or do you just choose a couple of exercises every other week to do the negative overload? Your insight would be much appreciated.

  255. Hello Steve, I must say this is awesome workout! I’ve been using it for 2 cycles already and I’ve seen some nice progress. But I do have 1 question, when I do box jumps 2×50, is it good that I hold some dumbells or plate or just use bodyweight? Also for standing calf raises, same question 🙂 Thank you!

  256. Hi Steve,

    Can the Werewolf training for muscle gain b used alternate days, for example – day1 = Monday, Day 2 = Wed, Day 3 = Friday and so on?

    I ask as I would like to work in Tue and Thu kickboxing/bag work that I do at the moment (circa 45/60mins sessions) and then do the weighed circuits Mon/Wed/Fri with sat + sun off.

    I have been doing the full body generic workout for 6/7wks and want to “mix it up a bit”.

    I am a bit over weight, yet feel with the bag work I am getting good cardio added with any weighted circuits being good fat burning as is?

    Any thoughts and help are much apreciated as my ideal scenario is fit,healthy with a rugby player physique (soldi,ripped but functional and fit).



    • You can always modify routines to fit your schedule. Go ahead and try to fix Werewolf Training into that schedule if you want, but I can promise you will experience significant muscle gains just because of the altered routine. I think I’d rather see you do full body routines on those training days, but by all means give the modified Werewolf a try.

  257. I’m about 10 days into this workout and im already seeing improvement in physique and strength. I was just wondering is there much difference in using DB instead of BB for bench press and incline bench press? I’ve been using DB for all of them mostly because I don’t have a spotter and so it makes it easier. If it’s necessary to use a BB then I can find someone to spot me when I work out but I’d like to know if it’s important to use it. Thanks

    • Barbell exercises are typically better, but you can get a good workout from DBs too. Just don’t fool yourself into thinking you will get exactly the same benefits from using dumbbells instead of barbells, you won’t. I’m not saying you HAVE to use barbells, but they are part of the routine for a reason. It’s your choice.

      • ok thanks I’ll start using the barbell on those workouts. Also on workout 8 there’s an exercise that says “toe push on sled” and i couldn’t find anything to describe it more so I was hoping you could tell me what to do on that exercise. Thanks

  258. steve i do the routine witht he extra day off on sundays, so its monday,tues, rest, thurs, fri, rest, rest. is it okay on Wednesdays, for me to do a few sets of pull ups, or will it over work things

  259. Steve I posted some pictures on my facebook after 4 months of religious werwolf work out. I share one with my wife you can check it out by searching ‘samantha casey fletcher’. This program works and other than a few tweaks occasionally on some excercies (mainly abs because I really have to do a variety of stuff to feel abs at all) I stuck to the routine 90% of the time.

    • Sweet man. If you want you can post some direct links to it. I’ve also been working on the forum so hopefully we can get a progress section going shortly.

    • Creatine seems to be a pretty reliable supplement for increasing strength and muscle endurance without resorting to anabolics. I still can’t vouch for its long term safety, as I spoke with a former New England Patriots trainer a couple months ago, and he mentioned that he thought supplementing with creatine dried out tendons permanently. This can lead to increased risk for muscle pulls and strains. Personally, I like the effects of creatine pretty well but I feel it causes me to cramp, so I tend not to go out of my way to use it.

  260. Hi Steve, I live in Palestine and we really don’t have good trainers at all. I got to your website through Google search and have been reading your advice all day. I am 5’10, I weigh 82-3 Kg with a bit of a belly. My biceps are big and they tend to get really big really fast so I try not to work them out too much. My goal is to have a nice body with a nice big chest, broad shoulders, big and ripped arms etc. I don’t want to have a big body like bodybuilders, I am looking for a body like Matthew Mccounaghey. I hope you understand what I mean. What should I do? Please give me some advice…I don’t know which program to follow, and if you can please also give me some nutrition advice (when should I stop eating and is protein before bed any good?). Sorry for all the questions, thank you so much, I REALLY appreciate your time and help!

    • Matt M is usually pretty ripped. If you want to get ripped like Matt, do the fat loss for men workout for 3 months. Follow it up with 3 cycles of Werewolf Training, then switch back back to full body fat loss.

      • Hi Steve, and thank you very much for your reply. I have been on the werewolf training for a week now, is it OK if I complete three cycles of the werewolf training and than do three months of full body fat loss? Or should I just get off the werewolf training and go to the full body fat loss from now?

        And final question, I know I am asking too much, if I should go back to the full body fat loss, should I still eat 2800-3000 calories (thats what I got when I did the calculation).


  261. hey im in the army overseas and wanted to know what the best weights are to use during this exercise. im 61.5 feet tall and 214lbs. im also 17 % body fat.

  262. Im 6’1 145lbs. i also eat quite often. i swam competitively for about 10years. and ive been lifting to try and gain weight for the past 3. I still have yet to see much in results. I weight before bed at 150lbs, then when i wake up im back to 145lbs.

    • At your height your actually very thin. For a majority of the population, it doesn’t matter how often you eat. Just eat more and if you really want to gain weight eat past the point of being full. Train hard!

  263. Hi Steve,

    just one question:
    for a body like Taylor Lautner, what routine do you advise me?
    Gain Muscle > Gain Strength > Fat Loss, is ok?

    Completing that routine, will my abs be ripped (visible)?

    If they will not, how could I do?

    Thank you very much!

  264. Hi Steve,

    just one question about the bands:
    when should I use them? As many times as possible or just now and again with specific exercises?

    I’m going to change sets and weights every 4-6 weeks so I can gain muscles and be ripped. Is it right?

    I hope you can help me,

  265. hey steve,

    i know in order to have ripped abs you need to have a very low body fat % but i was just wondering if it is better with the ab supersets to add weight to some of the exercises e.g. instead of doing 100 reverse crunches, is it better to put a 10kg medicine ball or something in between my feet and pump out like 12 reverse crunches? Basically what i’m asking is it better for ab development to do low reps with weight or high reps with no weight?


    • You nailed it buddy. Adding some weights to your ab exercises will build muscle more efficiently than doing a hundred reverse crunches

      • actually your abs are like the rest of your muscles like it says so adding weight will add bulk to them as would adding more weight to your bench. the same goes for the reverse the higher reps the more toned you would get.

  266. Hey I was just wondering about warming up? Should we do light lifts for a couple of sets of whatever the first lift of the day will be?

    • Yeah 2 warm up sets should be good. Also you should develop a warmup routine that uses either bodyweight or very light weight to warm up the entire body before starting your workout. It should only take about 5 minutes.

  267. I’m currently 5’11 245lbs and I wanted to try out this program, i just started at Golds Gym about 3 days ago. Tuesday (first day) I did just Chest and Back. 2nd day I did Biceps and Triceps, and lastly 3rd day I did Legs, quads and Calfs. I was looking into some information on what routine would help me build muscle the most. What do you recommend? I plan on taking Sundays off, the rest of the week I workout but I don’t know what regimen to use as a Workout. Do you guys recommend this workout? and if not, what days should I work out what muscles. Thanks.

    • I guess I should also point out that I stopped working out about a year or 2 ago. Benched 325lbs. However, I did not get that “toned Physique”. I bulked up to 225lbs but I was never ripped, so I thought since I recently started again, I would ask if this program could be for me? I’m not looking to gain strength although it should be part of the routine anyway but trying to gain tone and definition. I was taught to workout Back and Chest the first day, followed by Biceps and Triceps the Next; following that was Legs and Quads, but what has me puzzled is that you combine some of the workouts together in the same day. I’m not a closed minded person and I’m willing to try this but again, I want to know if this is the program I should be doing. By the way, I’m taking Proteins and Creatine and a bottle of Hydroxycut. Just noting that. Thanks!

  268. Hey steve,

    Just a quick question with the ab workouts. I understand for you’re abs to show, you need a very low percentage of body fat, however when doing AMAP reps, do you recommend we weight some of the movements. Say i can do 100 reverse crunches with no weight, is it more beneficial to do 15 reps with a 10kg medicine ball inbetween your feet. What i am basically asking, is it better to do lower reps with higher weight or higher reps with lower weight for abs?


    • Correct mate, you’ve just nailed it. But then do as many as possible reps with that 10kg medicine ball, not just only 15. Get it? 🙂 When it burns and you think you can’t do it anymore, pull 5 more. That applies for every excercise. That is the difference between the real weightlifter and the casual ones. I hope I helped.

  269. This website is great and so are the routines, im 5’10 and was 157 pounds when i started this program i am almost 180 now! most was muscle this program works people, thank you steve!

    • I agree! Same with me. I’m 6’1″ and started at 150 lbs. Now I am at 170 lbs and it only took me 3 cycles of the workout.

    • Did you stick pretty strictly to the diet? I honestly cant afford enough food it would take to have me gain weight. I try eating as much high cal and high protein food as I can, but i have onlt fluxuated by a few pounds. Then if I have a busy week and cant hit the gym as much as I want, i go back down to my starting weight. Very frustrating.

    • I recommend you rest every 3rd day for best recovery. If you care more about fat loss than muscle gain, you could add a 20-25 minute HIIT or HIRT workout on the 3rd day, but it will probably impact your strength gains and muscle gains. In that case you’d definitely want to take the weekend off for recovery. I wouldn’t do Werewolf Training 5 days straight though, you could end up overtraining after a while.

  270. hey steve. i have lower back problems but i really want to go through this routine. i cant do squats, deadlifts, goodmornings etc or even bb bent over row. know any good exercises to replace these things with so that i still get gains?

  271. hey im 17 and 135 pounds ino i eat a lot but have a huge metabolysm so i thought that if i cant gain fat then i should build muscle what and ive got a physical fittness class at school which gives me 5 days in the workout room but is it still good to workout 5 days straight and take the weekend off aswell what kind of gain might i be expecting

  272. any reason why the excel spreadsheets are different from what you have on the site?

    ie) day 1, missing supersets – day 2, different set of exercises…


    • oh geez.. forget this previous comment – i didn’t READ… 🙂

      also, i’ve started this routine and so far really like it.. honestly, i’ve never done a real routine before, just showed up at gym and did what I thought i needed to do… and subsequently I get bored of gym after a month or so and have stayed 6’0″ 145 lbs for 10 years. Man, so much better with a little piece of paper and boxes to fill in! i’ve also started counting calories and proteins (using myfitnesspartner.com) and it’s amazing how much i WASN’T eating, even though I thought I always ate alot.

      is there any benefit to training more then 4-5 times a week for an hour?

      also, read an interesting article on “T-Nation’s Surge vs Chocolate Milk” as a post-workout drink. You say it is the #1 of all time post-workout, but they make a very good case that Choco Milk is not only better then surge, but also a whole (pun) lot cheaper.

      What are your thoughts on that?

      Thanks for all the info…

      • Chocolate milk is a pretty darn good post-workout drink and is a whole heck of a lot cheaper. However, the lactose in milk does not digest as quickly as the dextrose in Surge. If you want to max out every single detail of your diet and post-workout nutrition, and you have extra money, I think Surge is a better choice. However, for 99% of the population, choco milk should suffice. I have also been known to drink a Boost after a workout, which is similar to choco milk.

      • If this is in regard to the comment about, why are the workouts different – ignore.. i was looking at the older 18/21 day routine spreadsheets you also have posted.. you’re most current sheet is correct…

        also, i have over the years in my back and forth to the gym lifestyle used “Mass Recovery” post-workout – i do notice that when I do use it I am a lot less sore the next day.. but it seems to chemically that i tend to shy away from it… ie, try not to injest any chemical sugers, just don’t like them… you have any experience with that product?

  273. I’ve almost finished my first run through this program and am feeling great results. My bench has gone up ~15 pounds and I haven’t gained much fat even though I’m not doing the HIRT/HIIT cardio. My only question is, I like to take my time in between sets. I don’t stay in the gym for much longer than an hour, but I rest typically 3 minutes, sometimes even more, I really want to let my muscles rest. My only question is, will I get better gains if I rest for only 90 seconds between each exercise?

    • No, you won’t get better gains if you rest 90 seconds instead of 180 seconds, as long as you are focusing on muscle and strength gains. Decreasing rest between sets is great for a fat loss phase or for conditioning.

    • Actually a 3-day 5×5 full body routine would be best for a beginner. I’m designing one of those programs as we speak. Hopefully it will get published sometime this year.

      • alright, looking forward to your new routine. Until than is it better to follow this routine or workout muscle groups separately? – for beginner – i train only 6 months

  274. Hi again Steve. Just curious to know if you’re thinking to ever write an “advanced” werewolf routine, perhaps for when we’ve exhausted the ones you’ve written here and we’ve plateaued, to continue gaining muscle. Thanks!

  275. Hey, great workout im on work out #5 currently.

    Would you recommend any other workout for gaining weight/muscle ASAP? One that is supposed to give you gains faster than this anyways.

    Also: Can you recommend any sites to go for a decent diet or do you know of one?

    My goal is 30+ lbs of muscle in the next 6-8 months

  276. Hey Steve,
    Great workout, I’m just working through it for the second cycle.
    The question I have is about seated calf raises. I do this workout with only free weights at home (and have found it easy to substitute exercises when needed) however I was wondering what could substitute for seated calf raises, as a heavy barbell on your knees is painful and not real safe. I enjoy donkey calf raises but generally don’t have someone around to sit on my back.
    Cheers mate, love your site.

  277. Hey steve, when we have to deadlift 5 x 5 2 1 1 1.. what if our max outs are not consistent and we have to go down in weight?

  278. Workout looks great! I have a bum knee though, and I have trouble with most leg exercises, sometimes even at bodyweight. Do you have any tips? I don’t want a huge upper body with chicken legs! Thanks.

    • You could try isometrics but it won’t really build much muscle. There’s Kaatsu training but I can’t guarantee it actually works, and you’d still have to do exercises. Is there a way to rehab your knee? Have you see a physical therapist?

  279. I’m really interested in this workout, but I was wondering if instead of going to a gym I could simply buy the materials needed and do it in the comfort of my own home.
    If so, what would I need specifically?

      • Pardon my ignorance, I’m relatively new at this.
        But regarding the barbell, could one single bar be used for everything (squats, bench press, etc.)?
        And I got this much down, I just didn’t want to start it and get to a point where I’m missing something, so I though I’d ask.

        • Yeah I suppose a single bar could be used for all exercises, but you’d need to change the weights, so you’d need a variety of of weight plates.

  280. I was always told the best way to build muscle is to work out one body party really hard one day and then not touch it again for 6 days.

    Wouldn’t doing your entire upper body 3 or 2 times a week be overtraining some of these muscles and actually set you back?

    • That’s a good question Mike, and the answer is this: you are decreasing volume and increasing frequency. In my experience you’ll get far better gains with higher frequency and less volume. Overtraining will not happen as long as you don’t add exercises, sets, or reps; just stick to the routine and take every 3rd day off.

    • If slightly sick, workout. If really sick and you can’t train with high intensity, take a day or two off. You are better off taking time off to recover, than staying sick for a month and making no progress or regressing.

  281. i’m planning on using this routine for the 2nd time this fall/winter but im afraid getting bigger would hurt how high i jump (dunking/track). right now im 145 lbs, my goal weight is about 160-165. would the added size hold me back?

    • Listen, if you gain weight you might not jump as high. You need to focus more on speed, power, and ultimately force. The more force you can generate in your legs, the higher you will jump. Gaining weight on purpose will not necessarily help.

  282. quick question steve, can i substitute barbell clean + press for overhead/military press? or is this going to give me too much CNS fatigue?

  283. Since ive been working out my left tricep has gotten way bigger then my right and is visibly different how do i even this out?

    • Yeah if you are using supplements, you should continue to take them during active recovery as necessary. For example if you are using post workout shakes and an NO supplement, there is no need to take those if you don’t train. But if you are using protein shakes, you can still take one or two of those a day.

  284. Hey steve. my name is mike, i have been doing this routine for about 4 weeks now.. it seems really great! but will this routine help me to get ripped? or is it just designed to gain bulk?

  285. Hey Steve after we finish this modified workout routine three times do you suggest after the week off we go back to it again?

  286. hey steve i think i’d be interested in trying this out, but im starting off basically from scratch so i feel like ill need a trainer to help me through it, at least the first cycle. what do you suppose i should expect to have to invest for that? i just would like a general idea before i have to ask my parents. im 17 and tired of being a 6+ foot toothpick.

  287. Hi 🙂
    i am 13 and i am 173m…
    i am not fat nor skinny… i am kind of in the middle, my arms has some muscle…
    but my quadriceps has some fat… so what kind of body type am i?

    I run around a track in the morning everyday too… but i got a random diet…
    and i do push ups and dumbbell curls.

    • Body type is probably mesomorph. Push ups and db curls won’t get you big though man. If you want to gain some muscle mass you gotta do real exercises with real free weights.

  288. Hey Steve, thanks a bunch for this program. In 2 cycles, I’ve gained 10 pounds, and there are significant visible changes. Just wanted to say how much I appreciated this site, and all the stuff you’ve shared.
    Cheers! 🙂

  289. Well Steve I’m back with my results. So far my bench has gone up by 100 lbs and my weight has gone up by 15 lbs. I can definately notice a difference and would like to thank you for this routine. But is their a workout to hit the lower pec muscle to kind of sculpt them underneath?

    • Pretty sick gains Adam. There really is no lower pec muscle, but you can ‘try’ to hit it harder by using dumbbells on the decline bench. I’m not a big fan of the decline bench, and I’d much prefer to work on my upper pecs instead. If it’s man-boobs you’re wrasslin’ with, then I’d suggest you try a fat loss routine for a little while, as moobs can’t be defeated by any form of weight training – it is diet and high intensity cardio that will burn them off, just remember to keep lifting heavy in order to maintain muscle mass and strength on a fat loss diet.

  290. Hi there. I am 25 (soon to be 26) and I am 5’9″ and 172 lbs. I am in the military, so I am required to do a decent amount of cardio. I used to have the hyper metabolism, but it has since slowed down. I have noticed that I have gained 17 lbs in the last year, and all of it has been around the midsection. This has definitely had negative effects on my run time. I was curious if adding a 20-minute treadmill workout on top of this will lessen my gains. Also, my wife is trying to shed a lot of weight and I was looking at the full-body fat loss for women, and noticed there is a lot of weight training involved. I am pretty sure that she can’t do half of what is mentioned in that article. I was curious if you could give me some tips as to what direction to point her to start her workouts. Your workouts are awesome! Thanks for all of your time. Hope to hear from you soon.

    • Exactly why can’t she do the fat loss routine? She can always modify the exercises to use machines and cables for a couple weeks until she gets the hang of it. Phase the free weights in over time. You can also cut down on the weight training and replace some of it with endurance cardio, just until she gets up to speed. Really though, it should take more than a couple months if she really puts her mind to it, to get into the kind of shape that can handle the full routine.

  291. Age 17 and about 12 stone high metabolism. Reckon this workout would benefit me a lot? I’m very motivated just need a routine to keep that motivation high through a lot of gains! Is this the right routine for me? Thanks.

    • I think this routine would be great for you. Even people looking to lose fat and build muscle are having great results with this routine on a low calorie diet.

  292. Hey guys,Im 15 going on 16 and have been working out for about half a year now. I’ve seen alot of gains but im starting to slow down on my growth. Since the start i’ve been isolating my muscle groups and still working them all out. But i was wondering if i stopped doing this and changed to a full body workout if i would see more results in muscle gain? For ex. full arms,shoulders / next day chest,abs / next day legs then break a day and repeat this is what i do.

    • A full body routine would probably do you good. Give it a try for a couple months and see if you start making progress again.

    • That workout would probably be good. I can’t say that it would be any better or worse than the Werewolf routine. Try them both. At least my routine only locks you in for 3 weeks at a time. That routine is like a 2 year program!

  293. steve ihave narrow shoulders, like i dont have that wide fram some ppl have, maybe bbecause of my collar bone or osemthing idk. will getting bigger delts fix this problem?

  294. Just finished my last workout of my 10th cycle this evening and I must tell you that I’ve got more than 20 lbs of pure muscle! I weighted 189 lbs with 12% of body fat when I started and now I am 230 lbs with 6% of body fat!!! I am 186 cm if some1 is interested.

  295. Think a guy that still has kind of a flabby stomach could do this? My little brother is a similair build to me and he wants to work out with me. He’s an ecto-build, and he’s like 11% BF, although his stomach looks a lot bigger, maybe excess skin.

    I’m assuming this won’t hinder his growth? Or make him fatter?

    Thanks Steve. You’ve been very helpful. I’m loving this workout too btw, I’m hardly done the first cycle and I’ve put on 3 pounds (no BF change).

  296. Hey steve just wandering if there was any advice u could give me basically im 17 years old now moving onto 18 and i want to get ripped and bulk out a bit more but the main problem is im a bit skinny and iv never found the right programme which will work…im commited and will try anything thats nessasary to forfill my goal thanks again anything you can advise will help a lot to be quite honest and is doing this training excercise actually worth a shot.

    • I honestly think its not the programs that don’t work, its just you don’t put in enough effort to eat enough. If you want to get big, you gotta eat big also. And of course this routine is worth a shot, look at all the hundreds of positive comments this routine received.

      • I have many I dont do all of them in one day but try to mix it up. Hammer curls, reverse curls, wrist curl, reverse wrist curls, the previouse two with bands, wrist rollers, static holds, plate pinchers and some more that I dont even think have a name. Try to mix up sets and reps like always. Also just to repeat myself no I do not do all of these in one day.

  297. Hey Steve,

    I’ve got a high metabolism, and I also play alot of soccer (averaging 5 hours a week), and for this I need to do alot of cardio work to keep my cardiovascular fitness high.
    How can I combine this workout with my high cardio inputs, without losing muscle mass gains (As you said, this workout requires much less cardio to avoid losing muscle gains)

    • You’re not going to get maximal muscle gains as long as you are doing a high amount of cardio. The best idea, however, to gain muscle mass WHILE doing lots of cardio is just to increase your calorie intake. Always eat an hour before physical activity and right after. A couple of the foods I eat a lot of are fresh and canned fruits, lots of peanuts and eggs, and oatmeal.

  298. Hey Steve, First i wanted to say thanks so much for taking the time to make this article. I just had a question. I am 16 and 6’4″ and about 200 LBS. i love doing cardio and used to be extremely overweight but i started running and eating right and it all shed off. i have been working out on and off for about a year and a half now and i have found it pretty easy to put on muscle as long as i stay dedicated to the workout which is also my biggest problem. I have petty much the opposite body type of taylor lauter because i am taller and bigger built were he is shorter and was very skinny when he started. so i would thus like to lean out at the same time as i build muscle to achieve that lean muscle look. My question is that if i were to take in less calories and carbs than recemmeded for me but still took in the right amount of protein to build muscle, could I still bulk up and lose fat at the same time to achieve that leaner muscular look?

  299. Can somebody tell me what the “a)” and “b)” signs mean on the exercise program? Do i do both exercises or just choose one? Thanks.

  300. steve, you noe how yu split the workouts by upperbody, lower body, and rest day. can you tell me another way i can split my workouts, however,i want to be able to work out at least 4 to 5 times a week also.

  301. Hello Steve! I was wondering if my workout of 3 sessions per week including cardios other days (chest/biceps is first workout, back/triceps 2nd workout and shoulders/legs 3rd and that completes my 1 week) could do the same results like Taylor did? I’m doing about 6-8 excercises of 12 reps, 70-80% of 1RM and pause is from 60sec to 90 sec between sets and between excercises about 3 min. I do supersets too, expample DB bench press and then fly DB on bench press too with 1 min pause between sets. What do you think? I also wan’t to lose fat and get some nice muscle definition and mass, but I’ve already have mass though because of good genetics so I’m asking for definition, all in all, i want to look like Taylor Lautner, so please tell me if my workout is okay for that? Thank you! Btw, I will try your workout as soon as I get back from holidays! Cheers!

    • All I can say is to try it for a while and if it doesn’t work, switch it up. I like to see heavier lifting when trying to lose fat, as it will help you maintain muscle mass when dieting.

  302. Hey there,
    I have just started a gym membership for the umpteenth time, and i am looking for a really regulated sort of routine to gain muscle mass. So far I am liking the look of this over most other posts ive found online. I understand the rest and work parts of the concept, but i have never found it easy to calculate my calorie intake. Is it enough to just eat 5 to 6 healthy meals a day, and keeping up enough protein intake? or do i really need to create some sort of food plan as well?

    Thanks for any advice,

    • Eat frequently and try to eat extra protein when possible. If you don’t make gains then consider keeping a food log so you can make sure you are eating enough.

  303. On another note regarding supplements, I got the four you recommended and I literally have a 30 minute ritual before my workout where I figure out what supplements need to go down and what not.

    The directions for Xtend states: Mix 2 Level scoops (13 grams) in 16 ounces of water and shake well. Depending on bodyweight, split the following dose before and during your workout: (For my weight) 160-180 lbs: 4 scoops (2 servings) Regardless of bodyweight, consume 1 serving immediately post-workout.

    The directions for Creatine states: Take 1-2 servings, 1-3 times daily preferably morning, pre workout and post workout. (So vague, what about non workout days?)

    The directions for Xtreme NO states: Take 3 tablets 30-60 minutes prior to workout on an empty stomach or as directed by a healthcare professional. (Simple enough)

    The directions for Whey states: Consume approximately 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight per day through a combination of high protein foods and protein supplements. For the best results, consume your daily protein allotment over several small meals spread evenly throughout the day. (Not really workout specific)

    Based on the directions, technically I have to drink like a little over 64 ounces of water before, during and after my workout. In reality, I take down the three Xtreme NO pills, along with 20 ounces of water mixed with a serving of xtend, creatine, and whey. Then I have to take 16 ounce of water with just the xtend to sip on during my workout. Then after my workout I chug another 20 ounces of the mixture I drank before the workout. Mind you it tastes like shit, and I have to take a leak in the middle of my workout. Just wondering if I’m doing it correctly and if there’s an easier way to do it that you recommend? Don’t worry about the water consumption throughout the day, I throw back over gallon per day. It just seems like a little much to drink in less than 2 hours and I have to overcome my gag reflex so I don’t blow junks all over my room haha.

  304. Hey Steve, I’m on my third cycle of this routine and just finished the first week of your new and improved version. I’m 5’10” and started 160 lbs. and now I am 172 lbs. I see great size improvements all around and know that fat gain is also a part of the routine so I’m up a notch or two on my belt. I thought it was unusual when I was trying to find my body type because in high school I was one of those super-skinny-eat-mcdonalds-everyday-and-stay-130-lbs. A few years out of high school I finally start gaining weight mainly in and around my torso area but my arms and legs stayed like sticks. So in a sense, I am fat and skinny at the same time. After this last cycle, I’m going to take an active recovery week and start two cycles of the strength gains routine. I just want to know, how hard is it going to be to lose the fat after I finish the strength gain and move on to full body fat loss? And when I do start the fat loss routine, should I discontinue using all the supplements? I find it hard meeting the 1g protein per pound quota without the whey shakes a couple times a day.

  305. Hey Steve,

    I’m almost 17, but are there any exercises in your program that you deem unsuitable for someone as young as me? I’ve heard so much about weights stunting growth etc…are there any precautions or exercises I should leave out? Thanks.

  306. Hi Steve
    im 19 5’8 and weigh 150IB im under 10%BF and want to gain 20IB of lean mass.
    and i did the calulation for my nutrition, if i was to eat 6 meals a day, that would mean id have to consume about 440 calories, 30g protien, 14g of fat, and 50g of healthy carbs, for my total calorie intake. The only thing im not used to is consuming so many carbs in a sitting. is 50g of carbs to much? sounds high to me, even with my body burning fat fast

    • 50 grams of carbs isn’t really that much. You can almost get that with one large serving of pasta. Perhaps you’d like to choose a whole grain sandwich, a piece of fruit, and a bag of Sun Chips instead. Trade in half of those carbs for 10 grams of fat instead, if you just can’t get all your carbs in.

  307. Hi,
    First of I love the effort you put in this amazing workout thanks!

    My question is I have a body that is 5’10, 145 Pounds but by body metabolism is medium. I am not fat, but not skinny similar to as you describe “skinny-fat”. I was wondering how much cardio should I implement with this program if I don’t want to gain too much fat. Should the cardio be on rest days, before workouts or after? How long and what exercises?


    • The optional parts of the workout routine are designed to minimize fat gain during the bulking (muscle gaining) phase. They’re located after the routines and are the HIIT and HIRT. He lists out the exercises and they’re really intense so be ready.

  308. Hey, im 17 years old and im 162lbs and about 5’10in tall. i was just wondering if this would be the perfect workout to have taylor lautners body, im a lean cut kid with a decent amount of mass already due to about 2 years of on and off training. I mainly want to focus on my upper body, my lower body is strong due to football and wrestling so i was just wondering if u could tell me which upper body workouts to focus on. Im looking to gain another 15 to 20 pounds how long do u think thatll take if i follow your workout (upper body)? Thank you for your time

    • I’m 23 years old, 5’10”, was 160 lbs, now after two cycles and one week into my third cycle, I’m 173 lbs. I had a 13lbs. gain which is about 75% muscle so about 9-10 lbs. of solid muscle. Since it seems we have similar starting point, you probably gain 15 lbs. if you follow this cycle three times if you work out with proper intensity. However, if you are not planning do the leg portion, then it may reduce your gains significantly if you are just planning working upper body. I would cut your gain to half or less of mine since legs have the largest muscles in your body and will gain muscle concurrently. So if you just do upper body it may take you 6 cycles to gain that much mass in your upper body.

      • I am going to start this next week. I am going to do the four day a week routine. How did you work the exercises in with each other? Did you super set exercises or go one at a time?

  309. Hey, its me with yet another question, sorry for bothering you. I was wondering exactly how much do supplements impact your gains. For arguments sake, lets say I gain 10 pounds in 3 months, approximately how much more would that number be if I used creatine? I know its impossible to get an exact number, but could you please give me a ballpark figure? Like would it be 10.5 lbs, or 20lbs? I’m just trying to decide whether or not its necessary to use supplements.

  310. Hi Steve,

    I am a soon to be 40-yr old mother of two. For all of my life I have been within the 100-118 lb. weight class. I now want to go back to my first love working out in the gym. My goal over the winter is to put on 20-25 lbs and still be built with muscle. With me going through pregnancies I would also like to work on my abs. What would u suggest be the best way to start and what protein shake would you recommend? Also, do you think the werewolf training would be good for a female. Thanks much.

  311. hey steve, I was followin ur routine for a month and I gained a solid 5 pounds but then i stopped, now im gonna start over. im 6ft, 180lbs, goal is 195. although im trying to gain the mass without adding fat to the belly part because i need to lose some of the fat i have there to get the abs ripped so i found ur new routine with the HIIT to be suitable for that, right? and also i was wondering if taking ON serious mass and ON platinum hydrowhey is a good combination that goes with your werewolf workout? or is just one of them enough?.

  312. Steve, have you had any dealings with Cellmass Creatine? I noticed your sentence about creatine ethyl ester (CEE), “Just please do not get scammed by liquid creatine or creatine ethyl ester, or any of the other ‘advanced delivery’ creatine scams. That liquid stuff never works.”

    Just wondering if you would stay away from Cellmass due to the inlcusion of CCE in it, and if so, which creatine you would rec for not retaining too much H2O but still gaining the creatine type strength benefits



  313. hi steve!

    i have some questions to ask you..

    what excirse can do instead of doing bb bent over rows??

    its summer now & its to hot to do legs, could i do the routine skipping legs & when summer finishes start doing legs??

    shouldnt there be more abs excirses??

  314. Another question, when Lautner was bulking up during the 9 months, do you think he did a lean bulk, or something like dirty bulk then cut down? Which method would you recommend?

    • I don’t like a dirty bulk or a lean bulk. I like something in the middle. Now, you might not be sure what that means. Essentially I favor minimal fat gain on a bulk, but a little fat gain is acceptable in the name of muscle gain. It depends on how quick you can lose fat I suppose. Taylor loses fat in a flash, so he’s not concerned with fat gain, while I choose to stay far away from excessive fat gain, even if I’m bulking, because it’s harder for me to lose fat later.

  315. Hey Steve, your program looks AWESOME, 10-20 pounds in 2-3 months sounds AWESOME too. I have 2 questions:

    Unfortunately because of tendinitis in my knee, I can’t do many of the leg exercises (I will replace them with bodyweight squats and lunges). This means I won’t be putting as much muscle mass on my legs. How much mass can I expect to gain like this then? Is 5-10 pounds in 3 months doable?

    Second, using the calorie formula, I get a daily requirement of 2400 calories. Does that sounds a little too less for bulking? From other calculators, and from Taylor Lautners interviews I’m under the impression that its more like mid-3000 calories a day? Btw my build is really similar to Taylor Lautner’s, ecto-meso-ish 5 foot 10, 153 pounds.

    Thanks a bunch Steve!

    • You might consider using high intensity for those bodyweight squats. Consider the tabata style.

      At 5’10 153#, 2400 calories sounds a little off, in fact I calculate 2550 for you if your goal is 170#. I’d stick to the higher end of that, try 2600 and increase to 2700 if necessary. You are not Taylor, so you can’t really use his exact calorie count. I do want you to gain muscle, but I’d prefer if you didn’t also gain much fat, which might happen if you start at 3500 calories a day and rush into it. However, if you KNOW that you need that many calories to gain muscle, then please ignore my calculations and eat how your body tells you to eat.

    • The hell if I know. Chew increases your risk of throat and mouth cancer significantly man. I’d just thinking twice about the dip. Good luck.

  316. will you be able to recommened a good weight gainer supplement that actually works please that i can access or ship to the uk thanks steve

    • Order Optimum Nutrition protein through the links on Project Swole and have it delivered to the UK. Mix with whole milk for a gainer shake or skim milk for a lean shake.

  317. After 3 cycles of this where do I go. I am not necessarily interested in being bigger, more a nice toned look so should i go to strength training which builds a more dense muscle instead of a body building look or should I just go to a full body routine with some cardio and HIIT.

    Right now I am doing the old version of this routine but with the HIIT and HIRT from the new one.

    Since you made a bunch of changes with the new routine could I just go to the new routine after finishing the old one? just a thought.



  318. Hi, I’ve been working out for a while, and the routine I’m using is self-proclaimed, but I’m not seeing the desired results. At 6’5″, I weigh 150lbs, and am 18 years old. College is coming up in september and I’m hoping to get a jump start on muscle gain. Would this be suitable for my Ectomorphic body type? I’m really looking for some minor results before I start college in 6 weeks.

  319. Ive now completed muscle gain for one month, as soon as i’ve finished this cycle 3 times, id like to tone my muscle, would you recommend i continue with this routine and possibly increase the reps and decrease each exercise by one set? thanks steve good job with everything

      • ok thanks! just popped shoulder!, tried shrugs at 260pounds only sixteen and shoulder popped! out for two weeks darn!

        • That sucks dude. I hate injuries. I once pulled a serratus doing 500+ lb barbell shrugs with wrist straps. Couldn’t do much for 2 weeks after that.

  320. Hi

    I want to loose body fat and get a physique like the twilight Kid. So I know eating right and training is very important.

    I have always trained. But when I got married, I was 12 stone now I am over 13 stone. And I now have a bit of a belly…which I want to get rid of.

    Can I acheive results like Lautners in 6 months ?

    Also can I have breaks where I can have a DRIN and haveFAST FOOD….how many of these days can I have a month…what do you suggest.

    Please advise….


  321. Hey steve thanks for all of the info here and your hard work with this. I am going to start this workout and love the idea of the confusion. COuld a guy do some HIIT treadmil stuff for the cardio? I am one of those guys who gets good muscle gain but cant quite seem to get the 6 pack. ONly like a good 2 pack and sometimes a slight 4-pack. Any recommendations or is it just all diet there?? Also people have always talked about diet cheat days. Could you give me an example of a full cheat day?? And what do you think of them? Thanks buddy!!!

  322. hey steve,
    if i do the werewolf workout 3-4 times then do the strength training routine 2-3 times & repeat the werewolf muscle training routine 4 more times, would i be able to retain all the muscle & the strength if i workout 5 times a week 1 muscle group per day so about 30 minutes per day 5 days a week? also keep in mind when i do 30 per day 5 days a week ill be varying the reps, workouts & sets constantly

  323. Hi Steve. This workout looks really good. I am 150 lbs and my goal is to be 165.

    Just got one question about it…. Since I plan on doing this workout through 3 cycles or until I get to my goal, I will be gaining 15 pounds. Will this workout help out with abs to make them stand out more than they did before even with the weight gain? If they dont, should I just increase the ab workouts on days where abs are already on schedule?

  324. steve thanks for the awesome article but based on your experience and advice how do you find time to eat every 3 hours and constantly feed your muscles, with a busy life, sometimes ill be gone for 7 hours, what should i do??? thanks.

  325. Hi !
    I’m sorry, what do you mean with:

    •a) Body weight or assisted pull ups – 3 x 12
    •b) DB standing alternating shoulder press – 3 x 15

    •a) DB standing alternating bicep curl – 3 x 12, 8, 5
    •b) DB standing two hand OH triceps press – 3 x 8

    It means that you are gonna choose between a) or b) ?
    or that you are gonna do a) and b) at the same time?
    thank you for everything this is awesome

    • It’s a superset. Complete a) then do b) with no rest in between. After finishing b) take 90 seconds break then repeat the process again until all your supersets are done.

  326. Hi, Steve,
    I love this article and plan on using this to change up my routine and gain some mass for football. i was wondering what rest times do you recommend, and do you count running and cardio stuff when calculating caloric needs??

  327. will this give you taylor lautners body, i want to gain muscle mass, but not look fat, will this make you look big or ripped?

  328. Will this only build muscle in the sense of bulkin up(as in you look big but dont have definition, with fat on top) , or will this workout also get you a six pack??

    im new to this so please help me on this concept

  329. hey steve, can i add lateral raises to the program, so i would do them twice a week?? and if i do so, will it make my deltoids gains bigger?
    thanks for answering.

  330. hey steve, Im going to start Workout log with the extra rest protocol (21 day routine) this Monday.

    I want to know if i can add a wednesday 1 hour cardio session.
    I want to increase muscles and my cardio.


  331. hey steve can i incorporate lateral raises twice a week to your Werewolf Training routine???
    and if so is this gonna give me more mass in the deltoids??

  332. so this is what i understood, i do from workout 1 to workout 12 this is 1 cycle which is around 20 days then i do it again from workout 1 to workout 12 this is the 2nd cycle and so on for the 3rd cycle right ?!

    hope i got it right !

  333. What do you think personally would be the best protein supplement to e on with this routine?, im currently cycling Sci-mentor isolate whey and Matin Spence Mass gainer.

  334. Actually scratch my last post, how about the cardio x once a week? Its 20 mins of yoga, plyo and martial arts each without you’re body going into an intense cardio shock.

  335. Steve, is it alright if I did P90X’s plyometrics once a week during this phase instead of the HIRT days to miniminze fat gain and keep up my cardio endurance? Thanks again dude, you’ve been very helpful.

  336. For my protein shake, I use oats, peanut butter, whole milk, sometimes a banana or another fruit plus a protein/weight supplement gainer. What other food can I add to it for added calories/protein since I’m an ectomorph bodytype and want to bulk up healthily and as quick as possible?

  337. hey steve,
    I have been working on my abs for five months now but they are still quite narrow.
    any advice on increasing width?

    • i got a great upper stomach but i can grab an inch of fat under my belly button.
      any advice on loosing belly fat?

      • Full Body Fat Loss for Men routine will help you there. You can’t target where you want to lose fat, but doing this routine will shed the fat all over the body and eventually your gut will have to go too. Unfortunately, it’s one of those cases where the first to come on is the last to come off. Good luck!

  338. Is this an okay program to start even if I still have some body fat? I’m like 5’11, 145. I’m an ectomorph and look skinny, but I think I’m still about 15% body fat (just guesing) I’ve done some training in the past, and I can feel that I have a 6-pack abs, but its covered by layer of fat.

    Is this workout okay to do in this case? I’d like to get rid of the small amount of body fat for my abs to show through and put on like 35 pounds in the long run.

    • He’s going to tell you to lose the fat first. Do the Full Body Fat Loss for Men for two months. Dropping fat will cause you to lose weight, but it makes you looks bigger because your more tone. After you lose the fat, do this program because it will bulk you up, you will gain some fat, but your will grow significantly bigger. Then after three cycles, do the strength training to condense all your new muscles. This will help keep all your muscle gains when you switch to drop the fat you gained during the bulking phase. So basically, Lose Fat>Gain Muscle>Gain Strength, repeat.

  339. Is here another exercise you can sub for the medicine ball smash. Not sureif the gym will be so hot with that. So what can I use in place on that HIRT day?


  340. Steve I just did the stronglifts 5×5 for 2 months now I am moving to this program. After 3 cycles of this I want to get more tone loose fat should i go to the fullbody/hiit or maybe back to the 5×5?I just seems what ever I do my body does not change that much. I get 6-7 hrs a sleep a night i eat faily well. I do cheat once ina while and have sweets but for the most part whole graines fruits vegies etc.. My chest and arms and upper back seem ok i just can never loose that lower back love handle area and slight fat on stomach, though that is not as bad as the love handles. I would like some more muscle so is doing this then going back to a fat loss the way to go?

  341. hey steve , just wondering did you base this routine around taylor lautners impressive gains and used some of his techniques ?

  342. And also I forgot to add to my previous post any additional advice I should know about for someone who doesn’t really go to the gym at all.

    Which reminds me can all this training be avoided by not going to the gym and just like lifting other objects? I know that is weird but I feel weird going to the gym as it is populated by tons of people and I know the equipment is pretty expensive.

  343. Hi Steve,
    I am 5-8 tall and weigh 130 pounds and am 20 years old which I know is a bit below average so you know I’m pretty skinny. The thing is I really do eat a lot it’s just I don’t gain the weight. What I eat though are things like fast food and fat sandwiches. I was wondering if I should still follow this guide or something else? Also I hate using the powder substance as I feel it is like steroids without the massive damage affects. Is the powder substance safe and more effective?

    Thanks a lot for your advice though it was definitely interesting.

  344. Ohh and instead of doing the rep range of curls of 12,8, then 5 wouldn’t it be better to do 12, 10, then 6-8?

  345. Hey Steve this is an amazing workout cycle and I’ve seen the best strength gains of my life. I just completed one cycle. Gained like 2 pounds and I’m 15 135 lbs 5’7. However I was wondering, well I have always heard that 8-12 reps is the best rep range for maximum muscle gains. I’m not looking to get much stronger but instead of doing the 5 rep exercises can I do 8 to 10 reps and see better gains in hypertrophy?

    • It all depends on the foundation from which you start, but I’d say maybe a 3-5 pound gain, at least 75% muscle.

  346. ok steve, just like other routines i tried, 3 weeks into this routine, my muscle mass has i think decreased. when i started i felt pumped, and like after a couple days i can already see/ feel results. now after i come back from the gym, the next day, my muscles are like all soft and its like smaller. however my strength gainsa re still good. so yea help me out, is it cuz my body is getting too used to the exercises?

    • Well let me ask you, do you know of any type of training that has helped you gain muscle in the past?
      I predict any combination of the following:
      1) You do better with more volume.
      2) You do better with less volume.
      3) You are not training with enough intensity.
      4) You have been using the same workout for too long.
      If you don’t know, then you’ll have to try something new anyway. So what’s it going to be?

  347. Hey Steve, one more question regarding someone moving onto this from P90X: on “P90X One on One” (P90X Grad Training) there is a wicked arm workout that just goes after your forearms, biceps, triceps and delts. Is it possible to be able to incorporate that workout into this one? I’d love to put on about 25-30 now that I’m done P90X, and I can definetley see this is going to do the trick, but I really love attacking my arms for a full hour.


    • Well I do hate arm workouts. I think it’s a waste of time. However if you are hell bent on doing this, just replace all of the arm training on one of the upper body workouts one day a week, with the P90X arms workout.

      People don’t have to stick to the Werewolf Training routine exactly. This can be used as the basis for creating a custom training plan for all I care.

      I have to be honest with you though – please take it easy on your biceps. The biceps are a small muscle group and they really don’t need to be trained with 5 exercises in one workout. Triceps and shoulders are a different story, you can hammer them more than biceps. Too much biceps and direct forearm training can lead to overuse injury – anything from muscle tears to tendonitis.

  348. hi all ive been meening to start a good programe for weeks but been busy at work its calmed down now so i have some more time to train is this programme good for strength amd building up ?

  349. hey, quick question on nutrition part:
    when i calculated my daily calorie intake, it says i need 2975 kcal. do i reqiure the same on rest days too?

  350. hey steve im a 13 year old kid n i want taylor lautners body i keep hearin alot of different things online n from people so i wanna no should i wait till im 16 to get a 6 or 8 pack? and i got a belly thts not so big but im still want to try to gain abbs so wat would be YOUR advice to lose belly fat n gain abbs please help me while i have the time thank u for ur time

    • You are 13 so there’s no reason not to start training. In your case, perfecting your form is 10000% more important than lifting heavy weights. Of course you want to push it a little, but at your age all you really need to do is teach your body how to lift properly and everything will fall into place.

      Werewolf Training might not be for you. I recommend you check out the full body fat loss for men routine so that you can learn how to use a full body workout routine. In that program you will learn all the basic compound exercises, and you will learn how to use HIIT and HIRT routines to lose fat instead of being brainwashed into long, boring endurance cardio sessions. To answer your question, you should not wait until you are 16 to get a 6 pack. Train for strength and endurance, but make perfect form your priority.

  351. i noticed in the new rountine their wasnt much BB bench pressing does that matter or will the other chest exericses work just as well ? just i heard that the BB bench press added the most mass to your chest ?

    • There is at least one BB bench press each week. First week it’s flat, second week it’s incline, third week it’s flat, then if you repeat the routine you’d be doing flat again on week four. That is plenty of BB bench pressing, plus you’ll be using DB benching once a week too, which is an excellent mass builder.

  352. hi steve, iv just turned 17 and im 148lbs and 6ft. iv been doing intense weight training for a year off an on due to exams getting in the way at some periods. i have good upper body muscle definition and mass for my size and age compared to other people i know. im about to start a new diet purely to build more mass. should i stick with the routine i have been doing where i concentrate on one muscle group a night (however biceps and triceps done together) i train 5 times a week, or should i try the werewolf routine that looks realy good but very different to my one muscle group a night routine. i was wondering if you have have had any feedback from people who have tried your werewolf routine and seen significant results before i go change my routine.

    • People love the Werewolf Training routine. They’re gaining 10-20 pounds and significant strength after 2-3 months on this plan. Give it a try for 3 cycles, which will only take about 2 months. Even if you don’t want to stick with it, I bet you will enjoy learning about this muscle confusion way of training.

    • Yes, everywhere. People expressed a desire to have more thorough shoulder and traps training with the old routine, so I updated it. Now hopefully there are no weaknesses in the routine. I love it and so does almost everyone else.

    • Yeah. A standing military press is actually a close stance overhead press from what I understand. I really consider them to be the same thing. I think the original military press is supposed to be done seated. And yes, using a BB.

    • Sorry dude, I’m swamped with comments, emails, and work. I’ve answered your questions many times in many different posts and responses. To get big arms, use compound lifts and don’t overtrain your biceps with too much isolation work. Try searching around the site for the top biceps exercises and other posts about building big arms.

  353. One last question. After doing heavy weight for example in work out one with 4×5 bench and then incline bench it makes ding the HIRT routine rough. Would it be better doing that routine with the lower body so that those muscles are fresh? Then do the HIIT and tabata routines with the upper body sessions? Just a thought. By the time I had to do 20 push ups my chest was tired same for the inverted rows after doing rows earlier.

    • Here’s an even better idea – do the HIRT workout in the morning if you lift heavy at night, or do the HIRT workout at night if you lift heavy in the morning. Otherwise, just suck it up and do the HIRT routine anyway. It will improve your stamina and endurance!

  354. Great workout man. It was just what i needed. For those of you that start this program and arent used to blasting your legs twice a week, take the “optional day off” the first week. SOLID!

  355. What is the best way to pack on size on your arms steve how often to train biceps and triceps etc,what muscle groups to train together and the best exercises to do.

    • You can train bis and tris three times a week, but only with one or two exercises. Otherwise you risk overtraining your biceps. Your other questions can be answered by reading the article on Project Swole.

  356. Hey man, is it normal not to be sore after these workouts? I finished P90X about 2 weeks ago and now want to add some size. I feel no stiffness or aches the next day.

    • Part of the goal of Werewolf Training is to not make you sore, so that you can work out two days a row without soreness affecting your intensity. Combine that with the great shape you are probably in from P90X, and you have a recipe for mostly avoiding DOMS. There is also a chance that you are so used to the high rep / low intensity demands of P90X, that you haven’t switched over to a high intensity mind-set yet. When I say high-intensity in this case, I refer to pushing each set with the heaviest weight you can manage in order to approach the prescribed rep ranges. Try going heavier and you might get a little more sore.

  357. Hi Steve,

    You have the optional HIRT sessions to burn fat. Don’t the tabata and HIIT sessions on the other days burn fat as well?

    instead of the optional HIRT sessions if I wanted to do sprints or uses the stair climber in an HIIT format for 15-20 mins is that ok.

    Can Military presses be changed to OH press. I like them better and think they provide a better work out. Also why do we not have a 4×5 day(s) for the OH press since they are one of the best compound lifts? Can I sub them in on a day or two?

    Lastly on HIRT is it better to start with less reps like 10 pushups, 50 jump ropes and 10 inverted rows?

    That is all for now and thanks for your input Steve.


    • The HIIT and HIRT sessions on lower body days are more for muscle confusion, speed, and power than for fat burning. I also wanted to add a little something for cardiovascular health, since there was absolutely no cardio in the original Werewolf Training. However, I’m making the lower body HIIT and HIRT sessions optional, since we know that any added cardio will detract from muscle gains, if ever so slightly. The added HIRT sessions on upper body days will take longer and will be more effective at burning fat.

      I wouldn’t do straight lower body cardio in place of the HIRT sessions, since the following day is always leg day. As far as starting with less reps, I would try to use the prescribed rep range, but you can do fewer reps if that’s what you need to do.

      OH press can be subbed for military press. You can also switch the 4 x 5 incline benches with the 4 x 5 OH presses.

  358. Hey Steve. Now that it’s summer, I would love to do this werewolf training. (; Very excellent stuff you got here, but I need some help. Well, I’ve been working out before I looked at the Taylor Lautner routine. I was losing fat, which is bad. I have lost alot of weight, but I was trying to add muscle (Abs) but instead i was burning calories. But now that I read this, I now know you have to eat ALOT to add up calories, correct? So could you give me some advice on how to work on my abs and what to eat and how much to eat ? Thanks dude.

    • If you want to get shredded, Werewolf Training is not the best choice. Try the full body fat loss routine for men instead. Use Werewolf Training workout and nutrition recommendations to gain muscle, not to dial in your six pack.

  359. would you be able do show me a good muscle nd weight gainer supplement not sure what ones work and which dont

    • Eat fewer calories, increase high intensity cardio, lift very heavy by keeping your reps between 3 and 7 for all exercises.

  360. hey, im wanting to get in touch with somebody who is doing this workout too. If somebody wants a “workout partner” to just compare progress, email me: ersben at gmail dot com.

      • Hey man I edited your email address because you don’t want it displayed in plain text online. People will scrape the content and your email address will be added to a mailing list for spammers. Honestly I’m not even certain that it’s safe to write out the words “at” and “dot” as I feel that is still a format that can be scraped. Either way, this is a message to everyone: don’t post your email address in plain text online!

  361. hey steve, i have some resistance bands (that i did not buy from walmart) and i was just wondering how you would exactly use them during a workout. Also, when you do the super sets do you do a,b,c, and then a 2-4 minute rest or immediately start over?

    • You have to anchor your bands on one end, and loop the other end around the bar.

      For supersets that are NOT HIRT or HIIT, rest only after exercise c. For HIRT or HIIT sessions, no rest after exercise c.

  362. Hi steve great write up,i was going to try your workout, i am 19 years old, and i am struggling to gain any more muscle in my arms. However i know this program is focused on all muscle groups. I have been told that training too much muscle groups on the same day can have a negative impact on your training ie any more than 2. (biceps and triceps),or (chest and shoulders) i am told is ok. Do u have a program designed to build bigger arms as the rest of my body is still responding well but my arms have reached a plateau. At the moment I train 3 times a week,mon:biceps and triceps,wed:chest and shoulders and frid:back and legs and i train for about an hour,any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    • My only good suggestion is to focus more on your tris than your bis, since triceps contain twice as much muscle as biceps, therefore bigger tris means bigger arms.

  363. Hi Steve,

    I am 5’9 and 165lbs. I am in Canadian Force and I am obligated to be very active. Walking miles, working long shifts but I still find time to train regularly. I have been thru your werewolf training and it’s great! ( In my opinion, you have the best website. ) I am not able to gain muscle, I take whey protein and eat 3 meal a day ( Sometimes 1-2 ) I am wondering which werewolf prog. would fit my situation better? I do want muscle gain but with the cardio and everything .. It does not work. Is there another prog. you have that can be more suitable?

    • If you eat more food and maybe more protein shakes, you should still be able to use Werewolf Training to gain muscle. Just opt out of the optional cardio. Just like I tell everyone, do 3 sessions of the muscle gain workout followed by 3 sessions of the strength gain workout, then repeat.

  364. hi steve,

    this is stefan from holland, i have been searching for a training schedule of taylor lautner. now i found your site and you said that this could be the training that he could have done is this right?

    if so i will start of these week and wil update you if there is progress(i hope so:-)

    i made a picture for before now i have to wait a couple of months for the pic of after.

    i will let you now, and maybe you can give me some tips in the future if i need something.

    hope that thats ok with you.

    Greets from Holland.

  365. Hey there Steve. I’m gonna be starting your updated routine here in a few days, I just need to get my stuff together and read up on the workouts. I’m 18 years old, 5’11, weight 165lbs, and I workout at the gym with this routine on an app on the iphone, but I got bored of it. I also do capoeira 3 times a week. But anyway, if you still needed to see how the results turn out to be, I’d be willing to be one of those people. I’ll be devoted to the program and stick to it consistently. I really want this and I have faith that it’ll work. Anyway, thanks a lot man.

    • Yes, I believe it addresses a couple weakness of the original workout by incorporating slightly more volume, as well as more shoulder and traps training. Also, the optional HIIT and HIRT sessions.

    • No it’s not his exact workout, but it is based on his exercise principles. As for your second question, I have no idea.

  366. Hey Steve
    Im an ectomorph 135 pounds weight 5’2” height and i’ve been exercising for about 3 months, for 3 days a week but i haven’t gained any weight, im still being skinny. I wanna gain about 10-15 pounds in about 8 months What should i ask my trainer? Or what should i do?

    • Get a new trainer. Eat more food. Lift heavier weights. Workout 4 times a week. There are a million things you can do to gain 15 pounds of muscle over the course of 6-12 months.

  367. hey i was just wondering how much to lift? is there a calculation depending on your weight? strength? etc.

    ur article is fantastic thanks

  368. hi steve,

    First off, I’d like to thank you for this workout I’ve seen good results. I am 17 and have been doing this workout for three cycles and have already put on 10 pounds of muscle. But i have seemed to reach my peak. I was wondering if i should repeat this cycle again or find a new one. Thanks

    • Try using one of the other mass gain routines on Project Swole such as the 3×5 routine, Werewolf Training for strength gains, or the generic full body workout routine. Do that for 2-3 months then switch back to Werewolf Training for muscle gains.

  369. Hey Steve I have a question I really need an answer to.

    I start school in 3 weeks and wanted to slim down a bit. I’ve gained 5 lbs after 2 cycles of this routine. I’ve had pretty good results. I JUST started my 3rd (and final) cycle. I’m on Day 3, but since I want to start cutting the fat, should I stop doing this routine and do another one? Or stick to this but increase the reps or something?

    I mean the point of this routine is to build muscle, but I just want to slim down while keeping my muscle for now. I’m going to lower my carbs, not ALOT though, and keep my protein intake high. And also do more cardio during the week.

    • If you are going to cut, I’d suggest a whole new routine – perhaps the fat loss for men routine. Rather than increasing reps, you will actually want to decrease reps and increase weight, as this is more effective at maintaining muscle mass while simultaneously losing fat.

  370. hey steve this is a bad ass routine but just a quick question is there anything i can replace ab wheel rollouts with as i myself and my gym don’t have an ab roller, thanks.

  371. Hey Steve,

    I have a question that can’t really be answered. I’ve lost a lot of weight over the past two years, about 140 lbs. I consider my self a healthy guy now about 210 lbs 6’2″, can run for miles and love to lift weights.

    My problem is my gut…. I can’t stand it, I would like to find a way to ultimately lose this fat around my mid section, I’ve tried the HIIT and HIRT routines and it dose not want to go away. I’ve tried limiting my carbs and doing massive amounts of cardio.

    Would I be able to gain muscle while losing this fat or do I need to work on one or the other?

    Thanks for any advise.

    • Since it is hard for you to lose that last bit of fat, I would definitely NOT try to focus on gaining muscle at the same time. You will need to bring your calories down, increase protein, and lift heavy. Use HIRT and HIIT as you said, probably 4 times a week; lift heavy 3-4 times a week as well. Some of those workout can be done on the same day. Check out the Project Swole full body fat loss routine for4 men.

  372. Hi Steve, I have modified the old Werewolf training program ever so slightly with a view to gaining more muscle in the arms. I am Currently on a cutting phase so muscle gain are hard yet obviously due to the fat loss i look bigger anyway. I plan to use this for 2 months. How much do you think I will gain and was I/ am I right to tweak it slightly.

    · Barbell bench press – 4 sets x 5 reps, 65kg
    Dumbbell one arm rows – 3 sets x 8 reps, 35kg
    Dumbbell incline bench press – 2 sets x 10 reps, 50kg
    Body weight or assisted pull ups – 2 sets x as many as possible (amap), 10 reps
    Dumbbell seated Arnold press – 2 sets x 8 reps, 20kg
    Barbell close grip bench press- 2 sets x 8 reps, 40kg
    a) Dumbbell seated alternating bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps, 17.5kg
    b) Dumbbell standing two hand lying tricep extension – 2 sets x 8 reps, 25kg

    · Barbell front squats – 4 sets x 5 reps, 45kg
    Seated calf raises – 3 sets x 8 reps, 25kg
    Barbell alternating lunges (step forward, step backward) – 2 sets x 10 reps, 40kg
    Standing calf raises – 2 sets x 12 reps, 90kg
    Barbell good mornings – 2 sets x 10 reps, 30kg
    a) Reverse crunch – 3 sets x amap
    b) Fold ups – 3 sets x amap
    c) Russian twist with medicine ball or plate – 3 sets x 15 reps

    · Off

    · Barbell bent over rows – 4 sets x 5 reps, 55kg
    Dumbbell bench press – 3 sets x 8 reps, 27.5kg
    Weighted (add weight using a belt) or assisted chin ups – 2 sets x 8 reps, 10kg
    Dumbbell incline flyes – 2 sets x 12 reps, 22.5kg
    a) Dumbbell alternating front raise – 2 sets x 10 reps, 12.5kg
    b) Dumbbell side raise – 2 sets x 10 reps, 10kg
    Tricep press down, 2 sets x 12 reps
    a) Barbell standing bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps, 40kg
    b) Dips – 2 sets x 10 reps

    · Barbell deadlift – 4 sets x 5 reps, 45kg
    One leg standing calf raise holding a dumbbell – 3 sets x 8 reps, 12.5kg
    Toe Push – 2 sets x 15 reps, 120kg
    Barbell jump squats – 2 sets x 10 reps, 30kg
    Leg curl – 2 sets x 8 reps, 71kg
    a) Windshield wipers – 3 sets x amap
    b) Ab wheel roll outs – 3 sets x amap
    c) Situps with medicine ball on chest – 3 sets x 8 reps

    · Off

    · Barbell incline bench press – 4 sets x 5 reps, 55kg
    Neutral grip t-bar or cable rows – 3 sets x 8 reps, 91kg
    seated military press – 2 sets x 10 reps, 40kg
    Weighted (add weight using a belt) or assisted pull ups – 2 sets x 8 reps
    Dumbbell bench press – 2 sets x 15 reps, 20kg
    Close grip bench press- 2 sets x 10 reps, 40kg
    a) Dumbbell one arm preacher curls – 2 sets x 8 reps, 17.5kg
    b) Skull crushers – 2 sets x 8 reps, 30kg

    · Barbell front squats – 4 sets x 5 reps, 45kg
    a) Ab wheel roll outs – 3 sets x amap
    b) Seated calf raises – 3 sets x 12 reps, 20kg
    Dumbbell walking lunges – 2 sets x 10 reps, 20kg
    Vertical leg raise or captain’s chair – 3 sets x amap
    Standing calf raises on box – 2 sets x 10 reps, 30kg
    Barbell Romanian deadlifts – 2 sets x 15 reps, 35kg
    Bicycle maneuver – 3 sets x amap

    · Off

    · Barbell bent over rows – 4 sets x 5 reps, 60kg
    Dumbbell incline bench press – 3 sets x 8 reps, 25kg
    Barbell shrugs – 2 sets x 10 reps, 55kg
    Tricep 21’s- 2 sets, 3 exercises x 7 reps each, 25kg
    Body weight or assisted chin ups – 2 sets x as many as possible (amap), 15
    a) Dips – 2 sets x 10 reps
    b) Dumbbell reverse flyes – 2 sets x 10 reps, 7kg
    Seated hammer curl’s, 2 sets, 8 reps, 17.5kg

    · Barbell deadlift – 4 sets x 5 reps, 45kg
    Toe push on sled – 3 sets x 12 reps, 130kg
    Barbell side lunges – 2 sets x 10 reps, 45kg
    One leg ext – 2 sets x 8 reps, 44kg
    a) Medicine ball sit up toss – 3 sets x 20 reps
    b) Dumbbell side bends – 3 sets x 12 reps
    c) Flutter kicks – 3 sets x amap

    · Off

    · Barbell bench press – 3 sets x 5 reps with 20% more than you would normally use for a 5 rep set (or 40% more than a 10 rep max) 75kg
    * negative rep overloading on the bench press will require a spotter
    Weighted or assisted chin ups – 3 sets x 5 reps with 20% more weight than you would normally use for a 5 rep set (or 40% more than a 10 rep max) 20kg
    * negative rep overloading on pull ups might not necessarily require a spotter, it might be necessary to jump up to the top position then lower yourself under control
    Dumbbell one arm clean and press – 3 sets x 8 reps, 17.5kg
    Barbell shrugs – 3 sets x 7 reps, 60kg
    a) Tricep cable push downs – 2 sets x 10 reps
    b) Hammer curls – 2 sets x 10 reps ( 5 each arm), 20kg

    · Barbell deadlift – 5 sets x 5,6,7,8,9 reps, 45kg
    Donkey calf raises – 2 sets x 8 reps, 100kg
    Barbell squats – 3 sets x 10 reps, (80kg proper form)
    Toe push- 2 sets, 10 reps, 130kg
    One leg ext – 2 sets, 12 reps, 44kg
    a) Ab wheel roll outs to the left, straight, and right – 3 sets x amap
    b) Reverse crunches – 3 sets x amap

    · Off

    · Barbell bent over rows – 3 sets x 8 reps, 50kg
    Dumbbell bench press – 3 sets x 8 reps, 27.5kg
    Body weight or assisted chin ups – 2 sets x amap, 18
    Close grip push ups- 3 sets x 8 reps
    seated military press – 2 sets x 8 reps, 45kg
    a) Dips – 2 sets x 8 reps
    b) Dumbbell side raises – 2 sets x 10 reps, 12.5kg
    Close grip bench press – 2 sets x 5 reps 20% more than 10 rep set, 42.5kg

    · Barbell deadlift – 3 sets x 8 reps, 45kg
    Standing calf raise – 2 sets x 10 reps, 100kg
    Barbell front squats – 3 sets x 8 reps, 45kg
    One leg ext – 2 sets x 10 reps, 44kg
    a) Windshield wipers – 3 sets x amap
    b) Sit ups with medicine ball or plate on chest – 3 sets x 8 reps

    Thanks and keep up the astonishingly good work, this website is a real gem, a fantastic source of information amongst many others that are nowhere near as good.

    • Your routine seems OK. I like that you maintained 2 rep sets for the arm exercises. There’s really no need to take most of the smaller exercises to 3 reps sets… in fact that is bugging me about the Werewolf Training redesign.

    • Yes, the results will probably be remarkable. If you’re juicing, don’t bother taking every 7th day off. You won’t need it.

    • Full body fat loss. There is no way to target the pecs. Once up one a time there was a product that you spray on, and I tested it by using it on pec 1 and not on pec 2. On a serious fat loss diet, running stair sprints every morning, it seemed that the pec that got sprayed was losing fat faster. However, when I bulked up again, that same pec got fatter faster too. It looks OK today, but it bugged me for a while. I’m all set with topical fat loss sprays.

  373. hey i ve lifted with no real visible gains but have gotten stronger will i add strenght and weight with this?

  374. It is very difficult for me to perform box jumps at the gym that I go to. I know that jumping on a bench at the gym is a solution but I doubt if I can be able to do that becuase the gym that I go to is really busy. So, any suggestion for an alternative?

    • Pile up a stack of weight plates? Do they have a cardio room where you might be able to use a step box? You could probably replace it with another jumping drill, but I would rather you didn’t.

  375. Hey Steve, i will be starting this workout soon but i was wondering what i would necessarily use the resistance bands for. And also will this workout routing help my 6-pack abs be visible if that is the best way to put it or should i use a seperate workout to get results i am looking for. thanks

    • Use bands on all the compound lifts, and I’m sure you can find ways to incorporate them into the smaller lifts as well. Band training is great! Also, this is not the best routine to dial in your abs as the training and nutrition guidelines are aimed at gaining rather than losing.

  376. hey steve with the supersets do we do abc rest abc rest abc or do we do abcabcabc with no rests at all. thanks

    • abc rest abc rest etc… except for the HIRT routines where I specify “Complete the following superset as fast as possible, 3 times without any rest”

  377. Thanks, but a few more questions do i keep repeating the same workout days over and over again once i finish and also, what are the best ways to find out some of the excercies i do not know like windshield or military pressing etc… And also , and can it help with my 6-pack abs, Thanks.

      • It’s really true. Eventually I will get “How to do [X]” pages up for all exercises so it will be easier to find exercise descriptions and videos on Project Swole, but for now you’ll just have to do a Google or YouTube search.

  378. HI Steve

    Firstly great website, thank you. Secondly (and I realise this may seem stupid) when it says ‘hammer curls 3 x 12 or bicep curl x 5 etc is that 12/5 for each arm?

    Again thanks

  379. hey steve, just wondering with the ab routines, when you say AMAP, do you mean for example we do fold ups until we physically cant do one. Say i can do 20 fold ups in a row without stopping, but cant do a 21st, then do i move onto the next excersie? Or say i do 20 fold ups then break for 2 seconds then do another 5 break for 2 seconds then do another 3 etc which one am i meant to do?

    • For AMAP, 1 set is complete when you do as many reps as you can physically perform without cheating or compromising your form. If you feel you need to extend your sets with the rest pause method that you described above, you can do that once in a while, but using set extenders too often will impact your recovery and could lead to overtraining.

  380. If I am not familiar with some of the workouts, where is a good place to see how to perform those exercises?

    • Eventually I will get “How to do [X]” pages up for all exercises so it will be easier to find exercise descriptions and videos on Project Swole, but for now you’ll just have to do a Google or YouTube search.

      • You Tube is def. the best resource. When I first started the routine, I was pulling out my iphone to see what a lot of the excercises were. Most if not all on are youtube.

  381. Hey, I started this program over a week ago and the muscle confusion keeps me feeling sore (Love that). I’ve been lifting weights pretty intensely over the past year, generally 1 muscle group today. I’m trying to get big and I’m just wondering if this program, which has you working the same muscle group multiple times a week, with just a few exercises every third day, is the best way to train for muscle hypertrophy.

  382. Hey Steve,

    In addition to this training program, I have a personal goal of running three miles which I’m slowly progressing to over a span of nine weeks. The days I run have to be spread out three times a week. I am currently unsure about when the best time and days to incorporate my running days to coincide with the Werewolf Training on Mon,Tue,Thurs,Fri schedule. Currently I am running on Tue,Fri,Sun but I need to know if it’s okay to run on the same day I workout legs. If it is, then should I do it before or after weight lifting? And should I do it right before or right after or split the two between morning and evening?

    • Run after training your legs, but not immediately after. Provide at least 4 hours and two good meals between leg training and running. A better option is to run either at night or the next day.

  383. hey im 5′ 7″ and 112 pounds i really want to gain like 25 pounds of muscle ive been trying to gain but i just sit at the same weigh i take creatine 189 and wheybolic and i just downloaded this routine and will be doing it any advice

      • Tyler,

        Take this to heart man…EATTT! I was 6’5″ 170 and i thought i “ate alot” because i could eat anything (nasty junk food, 1200 calorie McDonalds meals at midnight, wake up 169) but i found out i was not only not eating enough but not eatin enough of the right stuff. Creatine and whey will help you and they are critical but you have to…HAVE TO eat enough. Record your cals for a week, you will be suprised. Good luck man

  384. hi how do i know how much wight to start with plus i herd you shouldent start with a heavy lowad with out warming up your mucles

    • I changed the format so that I could make one spreadsheet for both the 18 and 21 day routines. Here’s the thing: there are 12 workouts in the routine and after every other workout you will see either 1 rest day, or 1 rest day and 1 optional rest day. Observe the rest days as you see fit and you’ll end up with between 18-21 days.

      • thanks, but just two more questions do i keep repeating the same workout days over and aver again once i finish and also, what are the best ways to find out some of the excercies i do not know like windshield or military pressing etc… And also , sorry does this whole workout take care of abs and all mucle groups, and can it help with my 6-pack, thanks help will be appricated.

  385. i am just about to start the 18 day workout but i am a little confused on what some of the workouts mean is there a part in this selection i can read or a site i could go to do i could do all the excercies properly.

  386. Hey Steve, I printed a copy of your workout routine a couple of days ago and when I checked the website today it was different. Did you update it?

    • Yes sir, I updated Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains a couple days ago based on about 9 months of feedback. There is some concern that the added volume will be too much for people who know how to use proper high intensity, but I tailored the added volume to actually induce mini-cycles of muscle confusion within the single exercise. Besides, the total increase in volume might between 3-4 sets in any given workout – it’s really not that significant, although looking back I do have my concerns about wasting peoples time by making them to biceps curls – 3 x 12, 8, 5 rather than just sticking with 2 x 10. The new routine also has increased shoulders and traps training, and optional high intensity cardio routines on upper body days.

      In my opinion both the new and the old routines are excellent and will work for your needs. Feel free to stick to the old one, or try out the new one. Either way, let me know how it goes.

  387. Hey Steve! I am 18 years old and I’m 5’7 weighing 127 pounds. I started the Werewolf Training (the 18 day routine one) two days ago and my lower back feels wonderful from those goodmornings! 😉 When it comes to gaining muscle, its near impossible for me. I would love to put on at least 20 to 25 pounds by January. I have about five years of martial arts training on me so I am hoping I can gain the 20 pounds fast like Taylor. Is there any advice you can give me to achieve my goal? Also, what kind of foods should I be eating and how often? Thank you for your help!

    • My advise: eat, train, eat, sleep, repeat. Eat tons of meat, eggs, fruits, veggies, whole grains. Drink tons of water. Supplement with a protein powder and use 1%, 2%, or even whole milk with your protein shakes for added calories.

  388. I really want to try out a creatine product. I have been recommended to use Optimum Nutrition’s Micronized Creatine Powder. However, do I really need creatine in my system? I am an ectomorph, taking 1 gram of protein per 1 lb per body weight daily, getting my 8 hrs. of rest, using proper nutrition, and following your intense werewolf workout regimen. Also, is there any other creatine product you would recommend from another brand or style?

    • Try Kre-Alkalyn 1500. I’ve linked to it up the supplements section of this post. The old link didn’t work, so I went and found a better product. Peep it.

  389. Hey Steve,

    First, thanks a ton for posting these workouts and answering all of our questions. You’re a huge help to all of us. Much appreciated.

    Following the old (before this recent update) werewolf routine for 1.5 cycles, I’ve gained about 4 pounds. Which is more than I’ve ever gained from following a single workout routine in this kind of time frame. Thanks.

    2 quick questions. I’m super skinny, have a really fast metabolism, and so have a really hard time putting on weight. I’ve found that after some days on the original werewolf routine, I’m absolutely destroyed after a workout. I make dam sure that I lift with as much weight/intensity as I can with good form, and I’ve never felt like a workout “wasn’t tiring enough”. So I’m worried that this new werewolf routine has a bit too much volume for me. What do you suggest?

    Also, I’m curious about the new day 9. You’ve always had low rep days separate from higher(er) rep days, so what’s with the super heavy bench and chinup combined with the clap pushups and 3×12 rows? I’m just curious what the reasoning is here; I don’t remember seeing this in the old routine.

    Again, thanks for all your help, advice, and support.

    • Simply use your own judgment for what you can handle. Listen to your body. If you think you are pushing it too much, leave off a set or two. Honestly, I didn’t add that much volume to the routine. I added a third set for most bi/tri exercises and I sprinkled in some extra shoulder training here and there. You asked about the push-ups, well I did that for two reasons:

      1) We are already training chest super-heavy on workout 9, so adding some speed/power training goes right along with it. I initially said you should do the clapping push-ups for 3 x amap, but that was wrong. I’ve changed it to 3×7 because we don’t want to train for endurance here, nor do we want to exhaust ourselves using max power on the claps only to lose good form by attempting too many reps. It should be 7 crisp clapping pushups using maximum force to jump up as high as you can for the clap. By rep 7, anyone should feel it.

      2) Back and chest are antagonists which make the clapping pushups and db rows a perfect superset.

      The second half of workout 9 was completely overhauled because I had to get shrugs out of there in order to fit shrugs into a couple other slots where I thought they would be more effective. In looking for a back exercise to replace the shrugs, I chose 1 arm db rows because I wanted to use that exercise one additional time during the cycle (you also do them on workout 1), and because typically the 4th and 5th exercises on upper body days are supersets so I wanted to choose a less-compound exercise for that position.

      Trust me, I worked for a full day on the recent routine rewrite, trying various combinations and such. I think the new routine will work better than the old one, and I think most people will find that instead of finishing the workouts in just 35-40 minutes, that the new routine will take you a solid 45-50 minutes, while also increasing shoulder and traps training, and providing a cardio option for those who care more about defined abs than wide lats.

      • Thanks so much for the response. Yea, 3×7 clap pushups seems much more reasonable. I saw “3xamap” and thought, “Holy cow, this is intense.” And that got me worrying about pushing myself too much with this routine.

        I’ll give this new werewolf a try. Thanks again for your help, Steve.

  390. Yeah well i lowered it to 20 lbs and its summer, so its good. And my body fat % is 10.6 and 68% Hydrated. haha

  391. Hey Steve!
    I’m 18 and am just starting to lift regularly to bulk up before college. Last year around this time, I was on a strict routine that worked great to get big for football. I gained ~15 pounds in just the summer months from 140-155, alot of strength and that was with only protein supplements, i.e. Whey and Casein. Then, I was clobbered with a shoulder injury, surgery etc, and am now around 140 again. I would like to bulk up to around 150 in the next couple months and was wondering what supplements would help the most. I’m new to the supplement market but just purchased N.O X-plode(pre), Cell Mass(post), Glutamine Pills, and also Animal Pak M-Stak (basically vitamin complexes). Should I be taking all of these and stack them, or just take a couple mixed in with protein?
    BTW, thanks for all the insight and also props on the versatile workout, its destined to get results.

    • You can pretty much use all of those supplements at once. Your muscle memory should help you get back up to 155 pretty quickly… maybe even by the end of the summer. Use those supps, train right, recover properly, avoid poor lifestyles habits, and I’m sure you can put that weight back on.

      • Okay thanks!
        I was just worried that my body would reach a limit and expel the excess, so i would be wasting the supplements or doing more bodily harm than good.
        It’s great to hear about muscle memory, my dad tells me the same thing, and luckily I’m blessed with fast twitch muscle fibers, and have been extremely active all my life.
        I’ll be sure to sleep well, and maintain a healthy diet, and adopt your plan.
        Thanks again Steve!

  392. I came across this workout a month ago and am ready to go forward on trying it. I am a smaller guy, except a little excess weight on my lower stomach. I have definition in my upper abs. I am 5’7″ and 145 lbs. I don’t know if I should start this first, or if it sounds good enough to go into this routine with the additional cardio added in. What do you think? Thanks Josh

  393. Hey Steve, when you say alternating (e.g. alternating bicep curl/shoulder press/lunges…etc) do you mean to do the written number of reps on each limb OR is that the total number of reps for that set (both limbs combined)?

    • The prescribed number of reps always means per side, per arm, per leg, etc… so 3×5 means 5 reps on each side.

  394. First and foremost I think Steve deserves a little more credit than he is recieving. I just wanted to say thanks for all you have done and for ALL of the comments you have responded to.
    I have been on the fullbody workout for fat-loss for one month and have lost probably 10 lbs or so. I am going to do another month of this, hopefully be at my goal of 210 and then I will bulk with the werewolf program.
    Once again, thank you Steve!

  395. hey, i know at the start you say this training will not get u ripped or toned, however if you combine the weight training program listed above, with a low carb, low calorie, but high intake of lean proteins and vegetable diet, then will the weight exercises + this alternate diet make you more ripped and increase body definition, whilst also increasing muscle mass (obviously just not as much, but still increase)?

    • Yeah something like that. If you were going to use this routine while trying to lose fat, I would suggest adding a day or two of HIIT or HIRT.

      • In point of fact, I have updated this routine to include some optional HIRT workouts and a couple other exercises that will help burn fat and build muscle.

  396. hey, if you combine this workout with a completely different diet, say a low carb low calorie diet with a high intake of lean proteins and vegetables, then will you instead of bulking up become more ripped and defined, but still put on muscle (just not a much obviously) at the same time?

  397. Hey Steve, I’m 21 years of age about 5’8″-5’9″ and roughly 135 lbs… with that in mind I don’t know what my body fat percentage is but I’m guessing it must be low. I just started this Workout today and I’m Optimistic about this. So I’m wondering do you have any advice for me before I get any further into the routine. Oh judging from the 3 types of body types, I’m a ectomorph.So do you have any recommendations? gaining 10 lbs of muscle at the end of this would be a great start but all and all I plan to keep this up for 3 cycles or more like you mentioned.

  398. Hey I am very interested in trying out this program and giving you some feedback but I have a question first. I am 15, 5’7, and I weigh 140 lbs. I do MMA 4 days a week for 2 hours so I’m not fat by any means but I’m not as big or as defined as I would like. Would I be able to gain 5lbs from this program while still doing all of that cardio?

    • You could definitely benefit from this routine to gain muscle, even with all that cardio. 5 pounds sounds like a great goal!

  399. Hi again steve after reading all your feedback and questions asked, it seems that the only problem with this workout is people not being satistfied with the amount they have done(which i disagree with cause they clearly are not lifting heavy enough then) and growth of arms an shoulders. So I have used your advice with them and added a forearm superset and 3 x 8 shrugs to each lower day, inreased the number of sets carried out on each day, for example day 1: dumbell incline bench press from 2 x 10 to 3 x 10 and have added an additional bicep/tricep workout eachday. This takes an hour to carry out now which would silence moaners and also has extra attention added to forearms, shoulders and bi/tri. All I am wondering now is if this is still acceptable to use or will cause gains to be minimised due to the extra work. Thanks Steve

    • I also have rewritten this program similar to what you have done, just need to post it. You should do your workout and let us know how it goes. Also, you are right about people not lifting with enough intensity.

      • Yeah am just nearing the end of my first cycle now and have gained roughly 4lb without any manipulations to the routine, i’ll post back how the next two slightly manipulated ones turn out

  400. Hi steve i was wondering if you could help me out with my dilemma. I used to be really overweight, but i have lost most of it through cardio, lifting, and proper nutrition. I still have a little gut issue but i want to move on to this muscle building cycle. My question is with this workout and proper nutrition would i be able to build mass and keep my fat from returning? Would it help if i used something like lipo 6 black with this workout? Thanks in advance!

    • Yes and yes. Just use a slightly restricted version of this program with some HIIT or HIRT sessions thrown in to minimize fat gain but encourage muscle gain.

      • thanks again for you time to respond. seems like a really good routine with incorporated muscle confusion. ill let you know how it goes!

  401. I’m 16, am i old enough for this training schedule or would you reccommend waiting a few more years?

  402. hey steve iv been training on and off for bout a year and cant see results i saw sum in the first 3 weeks or so but none after that, i used to weigh 9 1/2 stone im now 12 stone but still cant see results. i also cant shif the fat on ma stomach cuz tht is wher all my weight is going to, do u have any tips to buid muscle on my upper body and shift the fat on my stomach to see my abs.

    • If you want to see your abs you need to diet down and lose fat. Try the fat loss for men workout for a month or two. Then switch to Werewolf Training and gain some muscle. First though, make sure you bring up your intensity when training. Without intensity you will never make progress. Lift heavier and push the last set of every exercise to the limit.

  403. Hey Steve, I’m 16 years old, 5′ 8”, and weigh 130 lbs. I want to get to 160 lbs. by Jan. 1st. Is this possible? And would this program work for me if i did it until then? I just honestly want to look like Taylor haha. Any advice? Thanks.

    • Im also cut like Taylor was when he was 140. I gain muscle fairly easy, but my metabilism ig crazy. Food never really…”beefins” me up. Is that a problem also?

    • 30 pounds in half a year is possible considering your low bodyweight. Just make sure you are eating right, training with high intensity, and sleeping to recover rather than going out partying with your friends. At age 16 you should be home doing homework at night anyway.

  404. oh yea it says do 120 percent of 5 rep max for one of the days when i bench, does dat mean i need a spotter, because it doesnt make sense, or does it mean by dat time, i shoulda got stronger and my 5 rep max shouldve increase and i would be able to do the new weight

    • You will need a spotter on those days. It should be a heavier weight than you can manage to lift even once on your own.

  405. What if I am sore a couple days after my first day of starting this routine? I am on my first rest day, (day 3), I feel as though tomorrow I will still be sore. I’ll want to workout but should I take another break day no matter what if I am sore?

    • Workout even if you are sore. If performance starts to suffer, then add a rest day or back off a little bit.

  406. Hi, im luis and im in the 4th day of warewolf training but i was reading the post and i was thinking, i have some fat around my stomach it like a beer belly, should i keep on doing the routine or what should i do. Also i bought my wife some hydroxycut pills, can i just take those and keep on going with the routine or would it be a waste. if i need to stop the routine what can i do to lose the weight fast and continue with the routine i really like it and it seems like its given some results althought i have only tried it a bit. Please help.

    • I usually recommend people to lose fat first, then try to gain muscle. You will gain fat faster if you are already fat, so bulking while you are fat usually doesn’t work that well. Why don’t you try the new Werewolf Training routine with added cardio, or use the Fat Loss for Men routine for 2-3 months first?

  407. im 5ft4 and 125 pounds and i would like to know which program i should do first the gain muscle program or the full body fat loss routine for men?

      • hey thanks for the reply steve
        but im not sure because my abs are hidden in fat and my chest is barely toned but im not fat im like average and you sed before that its better to lose fat before trying to gain muscle so i wasnt really sure

  408. iam 17 and the only thing i find hard is the eating before i started the routine i was 5,7 and 119 pounds (really underweight )and now 130pounds but i still feel my gains would be alot better if i ate more but i find this hard because the amoount of food i eat is unbeleivable for the size of me have you got any suggestins also takin a weight and muscle gainer supplement which is helping a little thanks for the routine

    • Mix protein powder with whole milk and all natural peanut butter. Drink 3 times a day. Also eat your regularly scheduled meals.

  409. Hey Steve, thanks for the replies. I know it’s a ton of work to respond to everyone’s questions and I want you to know that I appreciate it. My question is regarding the pull ups/chin ups exercises. You see, I am embarassingly weak when it comes to the pull ups/chin ups but I am working through it on an assisted pull up machine. I realized the grip on the machine is about 1.5″ in diameter so it’s a thicker grip than I’m used to with barbells and dumbbells. When I’m going through the sets, my forearms feel like they’re going to explode and I’m forced to end the sets early even though I feel my back has more juice in it. Do you recommend I continue to power through it hoping my forearms strength will catch up with my back? Or is there a problem with my form or possibly any tips you can give me? Lastly, will working out my forearms directly cause them to overtrain since I’m using them indirectly in pretty much all the exercises?

    • Yes, power through it. Your forearms will catch up. However I can’t analyze your form without seeing it in action. Try using a hook grip instead of wrapping your thumb around the bar.

      Working out your forearms directly when using this routine is overkill and could put you at risk for overtraining.

  410. About the previous comment I left about building up forearm size, are wrist curls with dumbbells or a barbell on a bench and standing behind the back good too? Sorry for bothering again.

    • Wrist curls are not really that great in my opinion. I’d rather see you do hammer curls or reverse barbell curls than waste your time with wrist curls.

  411. hey steve im in the middle of doing the werewolve workout, and as i was loking aorundi came across yur past on kaatsu training. for the past 4 months of workoing out before doing werewolve training I gain lots of strentgh but not muscle mass.
    I was thinking of trying the kaatsu method for perhaps my biceps. please tell me what i can do so i can fit it on my werewolf training schedule
    (what exercises, reps, when to do it)

    • I don’t know man. Despite what the article says, I don’t have much faith in Kaatsu, but you can try it. Do one session in the morning and one session at night during your regular workout. Kaatsu training involves training twice a day, 6 days a week. Read the article again and make sure you do it right, then let me know how it goes.

  412. Hey Steve, it seems they discontinued the Creatine-Kre-Alkalyn 1000. Any other recommendations? All I saw were the SciFit Kre-Alkalyn 1500 pill bottles and weren’t sure if they’re okay to take. Also if you’re taking the four supplements you recommended, is it okay to add the other three you mentioned on top of the four? I’m taking about the Biotest Surge, Paraslim Force, and the Biotest Hot Rox Xtreme. So basically, is it okay to take all of them?

    • I would probably not take the Hot Rox if you are only focusing on gaining muscle, but then again they do give you a ton of energy. It should be OK to take them all. If you have any concerns you should ask your doctor, but don’t be surprised if he tells you not to bother taking any supplements at all… docs usually don’t know much about exercise and supplement science.

      As for creatine, you can probably use any Kre-Alkalyn product to get similar results.

  413. Hello Steve, im 16 years old going on 17 and i want to pack on some more weight as well as gain some massive muscle growth. I am 5″11 and weigh 167lbs. I havent been a very active kid growing up as I love to hang out with friends and family and I love to eat alot. I usually have 4-5 hrs of free time a day since its summer. I want to go from 167-180lbs in about 3-4 months. I’m not sure if its even possible but id like to gain strength, size, and actually be noticable. I dont go to a gym but I have weights and a pulley machine at home, plus my own bodyweight which works well. I’ve been walking a mile everyday for the past 3 weeks aswell for cardio. But I just wanted to know maybe what supplements would be good and maybe get help starting a workout plan for an hour or 2 a day. with rest inbetween every 2 days.

    • You should really suck it up and get to a gym. There, you should follow the Werewolf Training program. If that’s not an option, then you should use a bodyweight workout. I have to write a good one.

  414. Hey Steve, do you have any recommendations you can give me on good exercises in building up my forearms? I have seen results in my delts, biceps, triceps, kinda on the traps, basically my whole arm by following your routine (beginning on 2nd werewolf cycle). However, forearms are lacking. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

    • Make sure you are doing your deadlifts, bent over rows, and pull ups without straps. Consider adding some hammer curls once or twice a week for 2 months just to stimulate the biceps and forearms for quick growth. There are other great forearms exercises that you’ve probably never heard of. I HAVE TO write the top 5 best forearms exercises article soon!

  415. Right then… I have completed 2 cycles with cardio intertwined into it and all is going really well, especially burning fat. However i am struggling to get fat off the chest area, i.e. the Man boobs.

    could you PLEASE!!! give me some advice? for example should i increase the weight I bench press, carry on sprinting or do more press ups?

    • The only way to get rid of man boobs is surgery or getting down to really low percent body fat. Use overhead presses and incline presses to build muscle above the man boob area, which will help to lift the moobs. Trust me, I feel your pain.

  416. Hey Steve, I’m 17 and have been meaning to put on a lot of muscle.Im 5’5″ and weigh 115 is optimum serious mass good for me I really want to gain some pounds but I really want to get a body like Taylor.What product should I pick

    • Give it a try. Sounds like you might be a hardgainer at 115, so make sure to eat alot of high calorie food like peanut butter and 1% or 2% milk. Hell, drink whole milk if you have to.

  417. Hello my name is johnny and im 15 years old 5ft 4inc and weigh 125 pounds
    i was wondering if i should do this program at this age and if so im looking to gain muscle and loose fat on my abs
    Do you have any advice??

    • Do this program for 3 cycles then re-evaluate your body fat and consider following a fat loss program for a couple months.

  418. I finished one full cycle of your werewolf traning program and gained about 3 pounds of solid lean muscle. Is this about right? Even if it isn’t “right,” I have felt stronger in my lifts and more confident in myself. Just wanted to be reassured about this….

  419. Edit^^ : says endo can build large amounts of mmuscle not meso so ecto/endomorph? ?_? Oh and very good article/ routine!

    • Seems more like an ecto who can gain muscle… possibly a meso, or will turn into a meso after several years of consistent lifting.

  420. stats: weight 132lbs , used to weigh 105 gained it all in 4.5 months but switched because I thought I hit a plateu (really didn’t) just started doing same workout again should I keep to the one I started doing or try this one(I have 5.2% bf but gain muscle really easy ecto/mesomorph build ps. I eat around 4000 calories a day

  421. Hey steve, i have a few questions. i am a dedicated weight lifter and love to work out. ive done the werewolf routine for 5 days now and it seems like the real deal. but i leave for Marine Basic training at Parris Island in dec. ive been doing tha crossfit workout but i love to lift, but a huge part of my workout has been cardio. i try to run or jog atleast 3 miles daily. Will this effect the werewolf routine effects on me? i am at 185 pounds now and need to stay under 209 pounds for my weigh in when i leave. but i want to put on some soild muscle b4 i leave. should i change any thing in my cardio routine or not?

    • I mean, if you do too much cardio then your muscle gains will suffer. You don’t want to sacrifice cardio though. Jogging 3 miles a day is not going to have any severe adverse effects on Werewolf Training, you might gain a little less muscle than if you did no cardio at all, but you should be fine. Consider perhaps cutting down to 3 days of cardio a week and try to do them on non-lifting days. Perhaps you could replace running/jogging with some HIIT or HIRT sessions?

    • I usually recommend losing fat first, then building muscle later. This is because you tend to store fat easier when you’re already fat.

        • Not really, because then you won’t get maximum results in either direction, and will most likely end up spinning your wheels with little muscle gained and no fat lost.

  422. i’ve completed a full cycle of werewolf training and i have to say this routine is the real deal.
    i gained roughly a solid 2-3lbs of muscle. i’ve broken every plateau i was at nd am seeing progression every day. one thing however, Taylor Lautner’s traps are massive, where would you recommend placing additional trap work if desired?

    • You could do some barbell shrugs at the end of day 2, 9, 16, and 23 if you’re following the 7 day routine.

      • And if your NOT following the 7 day routine, just the original one posted above (rest after every 2 days) where would you recommend putting the shrugs?

        I’d really like to get me some Traps like Lauhtner

  423. Hi steve I would like to add some cardio into the routine just to maintain fitness what would you advise

      • Thanks steve just finished my first cycle and added added 4-5lb of lean mass. I also added some 20 min cardio to each session such as HIIT, HIRT and general jogging and shrugs + a forearm superset to the leg days and an additional tricep workout to the upper.

  424. I have a question about the sets with 5 reps how come you have to 5 reps isnt that too heavy for someone shouldn’t they do 6-8 reps preferably with 3 sets.

    • Nope. 5 reps is actually optimal for concurrent strength and muscle gains. The 6-8 rep sets come after the 5 rep sets, if you’ll notice.

      • oh ok thnx i was just wondering because my max is only 150 on bench and I’m not good what weight should I put on because I’m still a beginner so i just need a little help thanks.

  425. Can you do this program without supplements but instead eat really healthy and get sleep? I don’t have any money for supplements.

    • You don’t need supplements for this program, but you should at least try to drink a post-workout shake within 20 minutes of finishing a workout, if nothing else.

  426. Hey Steve, I’m about 5’10” and started out last year at 125. Right now I’ve gotten up to around 150. I workout almost every day and can see some pretty decent results. I crave a little more though, so I’m going to try this werewolf workout. My question is this though: I have a six pack, and decent obliques, but i have a fatty love handle area and little to no definition in my very lower back. Is this unusual, or are there specific workouts to tone up on the back and outsides of my obliques?

    • Not quite sure how you have a 6 pack and fatty love handles. If that’s really true, then you either need to lose more fat or accept your body the way it is. As for the lower back, use good mornings, deadlifts, glute ham raises, and stiff leg deadlifts to build muscle in your lower back area.

  427. can i add like arnold press somewhere on the 18 day routine, i feel like theres barely any shoulder workouts compare to other body part workouts such as chest and back. ALso, can i add DB pullovers for my serratus, if yes wehre should i pout all these. LAstly, is it okay after sometime to change from DB to cables, such as side raises.

    • I’m working on adding some shoulder work to this routine. You can add DB pullovers if that’s your prerogative… I’d insert them at the end of the day or before biceps training. You can switch to cables if that’s really want you want to do. I prefer dumbbells myself, but cables give you a good “pump”.

  428. So this workout looks awesome, but I had some questions. I am looking for muscle building to attain that ripped look that this workout seems like it promises. The biggest question I had is that I still have some fat around the midsection to trim off. Will doing this workout in conjunction with some cardio be enough, or would I be better off trying to burn off fat before starting this routine? thanks steve!

  429. Hi Steve, First of all im 17 years old 5 foot 10, and after 12 months of solid training went from 6st 2lb to 10st with alot of help from trainers. Im now an accomplashed MMA fighter and in great condition but I would like to continue to gain mass without working out 7 days with one day off as I am shorter on time now I am a med student. So
    1) is this training suitable for me as the days off it provides would really be helpful
    2) if so how do I mix resistance bands and a barbell pench press as I do not understand what that means
    3) and finally due will I still be able to do MMA training on the days I workout

    Thanks alot steve

    • 1) This training would be great for you to gain muscle by lifting 4 days a week.

      2) Read the article about how to use bands.

      3) You should still be able to do MMA training, but it will take away somewhat from your muscle building goals.

  430. Hey Steve i’m on Day 15 and ive gotten some good results so far(not major but noticeable results in my arms,back, legs, and chest). My UPPER chest (which was lacking very much before this cycle) has begun to get a bit bigger, which im really happy about). But my problem is the INNER chest. It looks weird compared to the rest of my chest.

    Would it be ok to add decline bench press sets somewhere? I hear decline works the inner chest good. If so any advice on what days to put them on?

  431. What’s your take on Syntha-6 protein powder for weight gains? I like it because it has a good carb-protein-fat ratio in it personally. Thoughts? I’m trying to gain about 22 pounds.

  432. The workout is really good, the BEST I have ever done. However I have used it as part of a training block for the past month, which basically means i have hideously over trained for about 5 weeks now. I have basically done this for 5 weeks:
    Monday: a.m. tabata intervals, p.m. tennis, p.m. Gym
    Tues: a.m. sprints, Gym
    Wed:sprints or tennis/both
    and so I have carried on in that sequence and hope to continue for 8 weeks. I have found it really effective, lost 9 pounds and dropped roughly 6% body fat while limiting carbs to around 100-150 per day, protein at around 100-170 and fat at under 40 with under 10 saturates per day. However there are a few questions i would like to ask you and an answer would be greatly appreciated…
    1. what is your opinion of it? what would you change?
    2. I would like to add mass to my arms in a two week program after the third cycle of the werewolf training programme, how could I do that?
    3. And if I follow the Werewolf training for say 3/4 cycles, word for word with NO CARDIO when I am not playing tennis in the winter, will I really see massive gains or will the fat just come back.

    Thanks very much,

    • Some fat might come back, but if you keep calories on the lower end and just focus on making really lean muscle gains, you might gain a little less muscle, but you’ll also avoid fat gains. The Werewolf Training rewrite will include optional HIIT and HIRT training. Look for it.

      Also, triceps are 75% of the arm, so if you want bigger arms you should train the triceps much harder.

  433. Steve,

    I have been working on building my muscle mass and I eat every hour at the least. I train at least 4 times a week for at least an hour a night. I was careless in the beginning and did not measure myself before starting my gains and in so, I really do not know where I stand as is. Starting on Monday I am going completely on this workout routine.

    1:I wanted to know if I am suppose to be eating the same amount of protein/fat/carbs or overall the calories on the off days? I lowered the amount of intake on my weekend rests but I still gained ( from what I feel ) more fat than muscle. I apparently spiked 6 pounds in a week and I am fairly certain that is not muscle growth.

    2: And what do you feel is the better option for taking your protein shake? I take 1 8 oz of ON before and 1 8 oz after my workout ( to meet my protein needs ). Is this pushing it too much or a waste at all?

    Thanks for all that you have done with this site! I have learned a lot from being a novice to where I am now because of you and the comments on this site. Keep up the great work.

  434. hey steve, i’ve been using your website as a resource for lifting now for about a year. i think i found it randomly because i was bored with my past routines and stumbled across PS while searching the web. anyway, i wanted to take a minute to thank you for all of the time and energy you’ve put into this website..for free.

    so far i’ve used your generic full body routine with some modifications. after that i did the 3×5 routine for about 3 months. it was hard for me to see muscle size gains although my strength was clearly increasing. i think part of the problem is that i’m a division 1 rower and it’s hard to meet the nutrition and rest requirements to gain muscle while doing such a demanding sport (2 hours a day at least, 6 days a week).

    i started with (and put a priority on) this routine this summer after i finished with my rowing. i agree with some of the other posts.. i feel that some more exercises could have been added for shoulders and whatnot..so i added some various exercises at the end of each day to compensate. i also added in some HIIT or HIRT when i felt up to it. all that being said, i didn’t think i was gaining much muscle until people started commenting on my appearance. sure enough i weighed myself and i’m up to 210 lbs from 200 lbs. honestly i have lost fat too. i’ve only completed one – 18 day cycle. while i’m sure some of the gains came from the 3×5 i completed earlier this year, i’m still very pleased. thanks a lot man!

  435. steve i was just wondering why my muscle get tired easily? for example i do chest for day 1.

    my exercise for my chest would be barbell bench press, incline barbell b-press and decline b-press. after i do the first two exercise i cant lift anymore for the decline b-press unlike other weightlifter, they can finish those exercises easily and can perform more than 3 exercises. thank steve.

    • That is why I prefer a full body routine where you only do 1 or at the most 2 exercises per body part, per day. Try adding an NO supplement or Xtend for better stamina.

  436. Here’s some results guys. I’m 6’0 ft, initial weight was 180 lbs, and on day 14 of the routine, i just checked my weight today, its 184 lbs, so thats 4 lbs of muscle gain, my arms are bigger, so is my chest and the rest of my body, my abs are even startin to show just a lil bit. I also see a better overall form. and this is all after 3 weeks. I use a protein shake and xtreme NO. this thing is working just great. thx steve.

  437. Steve i just want to know the point of the sets with 5,2,1,1,1 or how it works with rest periods because i can easily do 5 sets with 5 reps each so why decrease the reps
    example this bit Barbell deadlift – 5 sets x 5,2,1,1,1 reps

    • You should be adding weight for each subsequent set and going for a PR on the last rep. For example:
      Barbell deadlift – 225 x 5, 315 x 2, 325 x 1, 335 x 1, 340 x 1
      Next time you do that same set/rep scheme:
      Barbell deadlift – 235 x 5, 325 x 2, 345 x 1, 355 x 1, 360 x 1

      • okay that makes sense now thanks .. and i can say iv completed 1 cycle only 18 day and iv gained 6 solid pound and some might say that not true or it might just be fat but its not my muscles are more defined i can see my bottom 2 packs now before i cudoff only see 4 plus the v shape on the bottom part of my torso is more defined my traps have gone massive :O and my quads looking great .. very happy my pecs well thev always been big 😛 just looks defined now i was 126 pound now im 132 all this in only 18 days this routine is wicked ! iv only i can show u all pictures
        all thats left to say thanks steve 2nd cycle here i come 😉

  438. Would you recommend alternating one cycle of werewolf muscle gains then the next cycle of strength gains etc. and what results do you think I’d see if did that routine?

    • I’m going to have to start a forum or something. I just bought werewolftraining.com and need to figure out what to do with it.

    • I was already ripped, but a little to skinny for my tastes. I am 5’4 “yea pretty short” and right at 130lbs. After 3 months of the muscle gain workout I am 14olbs and the extra 10lbs looks HUGE. I am still ripped but I have a lot of ppl comenting on my arms,chest,etc. Love this guide. Hopefully I can post pics soon or something

  439. hello steve i’m 18 n i weigh 150 pounds n i’m about 6,0′ n yes i’m skinny but i do have a six pack. my question is when i start this program how fast do u think i will see results?

  440. Just need a little clarification for the alternating exercises. For example, the DB Standing Alternating Shoulder Press says 2×20 which I assume is 10 reps per arm. But for the alternating bicep curls 2×8 is 4 reps each arm? Meaning going a lot heavier per set? Also the alternating lunges 2×10 meaning 10 or 5 reps each leg?

    • The 20, 10, 8, etc… rep ranges are per arm, not in combination. So that’s 2 sets of 20 reps PER SIDE, not 10 reps per side. I have actually found that the 20 rep sets are not as effective as I hoped, and they will be decreased to 12 or 15 in my upcoming Werewolf Training rewrite.

  441. thx for the reply steve, one other question though, ive noticed most of the other workout routines on other websites focus on working a single body part each day, like chest on day 1, back on day 2, whereas this one doesnt, will there be any difference between the two types of routines? which one do you think is more effective?

    • I think a full body workout is really effective. I also think an upper body / lower body split is really effective when you train each half twice a week. I don’t like a single muscle split because I have found in 15 years of training myself and others, that increasing frequency and decreasing volume are far better strategies for accomplishing weight training goals than the strategy of beating the crap out of a single muscle group and then letting it recover for a week. Those routines will work, but they were never that effective for me or for my clients.

  442. I posted earlier about shoulders, but I updated my routine and I just have a quick “yes or no”ish question.

    I’ve modified my workout to Day 1: Chest/Back, Bi or Tri… Day 2: Legs/Abs… Day 3: Shoulder/Bi or Tri(whichever I didn’t do on day 1)… Day 4: Break. The rest of the cycle is continuous and rotates between prioritizing back vs chest, hams and quads, etc.. like yours does. My question is: With just a preworkout, 2-3 shakes a day, and a moderate diet consisting of about 4000 calories a day (hard gaine), will I be overtraining?

    • My guess would be no, but I’m not clear on exactly what you are doing for exercises, reps, sets, and rest. You will have to try your routine and just monitor yourself for signs and symptoms of overtraining.

      • I’ve basically just thrown in a shoulder and arms day to focus on the only 2 areas the routine has not lended a hand to in terms of muscle/strength gains. Other than that, the routine has been great. I’ve stopped gaining after a 10 lb gain, but even that was something I wouldn’t have expected.

  443. hey steve, i started ur werewolf workout about 2 weeks ago, i see tremendous results already. only thing im worried about is my lower abdomen area that has just a little bit of fat and its not quite as ripped as i want it to be. so my question is, how can I make sure i lose the fat in that area and work on getting the 6pack abs ive always wanted, using the werewolf training and without losing any muscle or body mass. maybe 10mins of cardio after each workout?

    • You could add 10 minutes of cardio after each session in the form of HIIT or HIRT training. Consider some tabata intervals using sprints, rowing, jumping rope, or kickboxing.

  444. This program is great steve, one cycle done and ive gained about 2-3 pounds of muscle and have gotten stronger, excellent work here, thanks again.

  445. hey steve, this routine really works, saw a difference in my chest. but not the inner part, and can u recommend an exercise on which i can hide my acromion?.. thanks!

  446. Steve, been doing the program for about 3 months now. Gained a good solid 8 lbs of muscle. Is there a way to put up before and after pics? I absolutely love this workout and want others to get motivated as well. I found that the key is to ALWAYS go up in weight when you can and still hold good form, if you think an excercise is to easy up the weight.

    On a side note have you seen the FiveFinger shoes? (ones that are like gloves for your feet) any opinion on them?

  447. “After using this program for 3 cycles, 54 days or 63 days depending on how many rest days you decide to use, you should take one full active recovery (little to no weight training) week.”

    What would be better? No weight training at all? or Light training? If so what would you recommend in terms of light training? Also, I’m planning to use this training regimen for about a year or so. Would you recommend doing so? or should I mix up my routine after a while? And do you still advise taking a week off after every third cycle? I’ve always been advised to take a week off every 6 months or so. You’re suggesting a rest week every 2 months.

    • As long as you don’t miss workouts, I recommend taking a week off every 2-3 months. It really becomes dependent on your conditioning and recovery. After 2 months if you are making great gains, recovering fast, have no plateaus or injuries, then I would keep going. If progress stalls at a certain point, you feel worn down, bored, are losing motivation to train, then I would suggest taking that week off.

      Active recovery can involve light weight training, perhaps even a HIIT or HIRT session, but for the most part I advocate just sticking to regular activities like hiking, swimming, maybe some short bodyweight only workouts, biking, rowing, etc…

      You can use this routine for a year just so long as you don’t plateau.

      • Well, I’m coming up on the last few days of my first 54 day cycle, and I have made extraordinary gains in that time period. I haven’t missed a single workout and have been keeping up with my eating and sleep. In two months I’ve gone from 5′ 10” 150lbs to 165 lbs. I know that kind of progress is much too rapid to be all lean muscle mass, and I’ll admit I have put on a fair bit of fat in the process. However, I feel motivated as ever and I am able to add weight to my sets practically every few days or so. So, I think I am going to skip my active recovery week this time around. I’ll let you know how it goes. I’ll probably take an active recovery week after my second 54 day cycle regardless. Once I plateau I’ll look to switch over to Werewolf Training for Strength Gains to solidify some of my muscle mass. Ultimately my goal is to reach 180-190 lbs (about 30 lbs). Then I’ll switch over to your fat loss program to cut all this excess fat I’ve put on. Any thoughts? I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

        • Awesome job man. 15 lbs in two months is great progress… like you said, it can’t be all muscle, but that’s one hell of a weight gain. How are your strength gains overall?

          • I’m really impressed with my strength gains as well. I don’t consider myself to be very strong by any means, but my numbers have gone up across the board. For example, BB bench went from 135 to 155 (4×5), squat from 185 to 225 (4×5), and deadlift from 185 to 245 (4×5). Obviously I’d still like to see some more improvement because in relation to my height and weight those numbers are pretty poor, but hey, change doesn’t happen overnight. Also, good move getting your hands on werewolftraining.com. This thing has the potential to be a real money spinner, especially since it works. It also doesn’t hurt that Twilight is the biggest thing since Harry Potter. I wish you luck.

  448. Hello Steve,
    Are the BSN True mass protein any good?
    I’m 19 years old and have 131 lbs, my goal is just to build muscles.
    To be honest I have some fat(let’s say) on my abs and my lower back.
    I’m trying to work hard, and I take the protein only before and after training.
    I want to follow the routine you mentioned here.
    But I really don’t get what should I eat?
    I don’t calculate every potate I eat or meat…
    I eat much fish, chicken, potatos, rice and eggs.
    Is there anything else I should add for my meal?

  449. Would it be possible to turn this into a shorter program, going 2 workouts a day and then a day off? I’m kinda short on time but want to do as many cycles as possible

    • Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Two-a-days can be rough so I don’t advise doing this for more than a month or two.

  450. Hey Steve,
    On Day 7, can I use just a regular bar instead of a T-bar? I workout at home so I don’t have access to one.

      • hey steve, would it be at all possible to alter the werewolf training routine (very slighty), by changing some of the 2X10 sets to 4X5 sets and adding 20% more weight for more results?? I think this routine is wicked im seeing results at day 10 but I usually have a lot of energy and feel that I can put more into my workout by the end of it, would doing this negatively effect the routine?

        • Your suggestions might be pushing it too much for some people, but I think changing the 2×10 into 3×10 could be a good idea. I’ve got to go back and modify the program a bit anyway. After trying some of the workouts and listening to feedback, I understand that this is an awesome routine that really gets results, but I also understand that it needs some tweaking regarding shoulder training and total daily volume.

  451. Steve, would you recommend your workout to help cut up or should I stick with the HST routine I just started? I don’t have a great deal of weight to lose and i’m already fairly fit. However, it obviously never hurts to gain a few pounds when working out hard, I still want to shred up and need a great routine to try. What do you think? Thanks


    • You can finish your HST routine or switch to full body fat loss for men at Project Swole. Then after a couple months when satisfied with your fat loss, switch to Werewolf Training for 3 cycles.

  452. I’m 5’8 and 185 pounds. I have some muscle but a lot of fat also. Is this the best program combined with 3- 20 min HIIT a week to loose fat and gain a lot of muscle? I’m looking for quick results that stick if i continue the program.

  453. Hey Steve! Just started today.
    1. Ok so my question is for Day 10 one of the super sets are dips…
    Well I workout at home so I can’t do parallel dips, the only dips I can do is bench dips. So can I replace this with tricep kickbacks? Dips and DB kickbacks are good at the END of workouts so I was wondering if I can replace it with kickbacks?

    2. Also for Day 13, any reason as to why the DB clean and press are with ONE hand?

    • If you do DB kickbacks you must never visit Project Swole again. Nah, just kidding, but seriously any type of dips you can do would be better than kickbacks. Lay the dumbbells on your lap to increase resistance or use the dumbbells to do standing one-arm overhead tricep extensions instead. If you are wondering why, it is because you can use more weight for the extensions and because the tricep is in a stretched position relative to kickbacks there is a greater range of motion. Therefore, more weight + greater ROM = better results from equal effort.

      Also, the single arm clean and press is used because many of the other exercises involve barbells, so I try to change up the exercises between barbells and dumbbells for increased variation, which provides a greater stimulus for adaption.

  454. I am a pretty skinny guy, 155 standing about 5’11. Would you say your program would be better completed AFTER I did P90X? Because I’d like to be already fairly shredded and just add size. And I know if I do P90X after I will probably lose some of the weight.

    Great looking program btw.


    • I would definitely lose fat before starting this routine, but at 155 and 5’11 you already sound pretty thin. Thanks for the comment!

    • Mike,
      I actually just completed p90x about 4 weeks ago, and then I just began to do it again, with more emphasis on cardio.
      Before p90x, I was 5’10, about 145 pounds. I come froma a martial arts background, so I was relatively skinny, but I wanted to increase my muscle size and strength, so I began p90x. After I finished, was 5’10, 162 lbs. I would absolutely recommend doing p90x. It will require a lot of your time, but it is absolutely worth it.

  455. Hey Steve,iv been working out for few years now,2yrs consistently.Im 6ft 180 pounds.I train 5 times a week
    rep reange between 6-10 for 3 sets.. and iv gained good strenght and fair muscle gains.I really want to try something new,but im not too sure about the full body routine.will my strenght and muscle gains improve,or will i lose some strenght?

  456. hey i’m gonna try and do this to see how it works out. I have heard things from friends and they have had some decent results even missing days here and there. Will mixing this with my sports that i have throughout the week be a bad idea since my bodytype shouldn’t be doing alot of cardio?

    • You can mix it with sports, but the total gains might be less than if you used the routine without any additional exercise. That is definitely taking the things to extreme though. The reality is that many people have additional sports that they play and many people will not give up their cardio just to maximize muscle gain. Play your sports and do the workout; let me know how it goes.

  457. Hey guys, I am 6ft and 13st 1lb but slightly chubby, I have been wanting to trim up but I don’t really know whether I need to loose any weight or whether I am able to just tone the fat into My disired muscle. I know it’s a bit vague but can anyone inform me??

    • Fat does not turn into muscle, nor does muscle turn into fat. I recommend losing all the fat you want to lose first, then focus on building muscle.

  458. Hello Steve,

    My Schedule is pretty crazy and I find that it would sometimes be more convenient to hit the gym one night and also go the next morning. Is it bad to workout only 12 hours apart? Am I worse off going to the gym so soon after my last workout than I would be if I skiped that whole next day altogether? I ask because I see you put a lot of emphasis on resting the muscles.

    Thanks for the workout, and I would be very interested in seeing more heavy shoulder training added to the routine.

    • You can use a 12 hour break between workouts. I highly recommend you use a proper post-workout drink and eat at least one meal before bed, then eat a healthy breakfast before the morning workout. Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep if possible, 8 would be better, but I know about hectic schedules and limited sleep… just do your best.

      I’m still thinking about the added shoulder training. Will try to update the routine soon.

  459. Hey Steve,

    I am living in a hotel overseas where I don’t have access to much milk or high quality meat. What can I use to supplement these things and get the similar benefits? I will be trying this workout for muscle gain, I am 155 with a high metabolism. What is a realistic muscle weight gain goal for a 2 month period? Thanks for your help!


    • Can you get yourself some protein powder? In two months, with a high metabolism and low-quality low-protein food, I envision the possibility of a 5 pound gain if you eat as much food as you can get your hands on and train with high intensity.

      • Yeah I got some protein powder, and I found a way to get milk so I should be good. The other problem I have no is that the gym in the hotel only has dumbbells and about 7 machines, so theres alot of exercises I can’t do. Are the exercises I can do in place of the bar exercises to get the same benefit? I could maybe find a bigger gym in the city but that might be a pain and would cost money.

        • You can replace barbells with dumbbells for most exercises, but I can’t guarantee you identical results.

  460. Hi Steve

    Thanks for the great routine. I will be starting it this weekend. One thing I don’t get is the use of the resistance bands. Could you please elaborate more? Thank you.

    • You use the bands to increase resistance dynamically during a rep. This helps develop acceleration during a rep, and increase your finishing strength. It’s not hard to get some bands and figure out a way to add them to your exercises… although I suppose it’s impossible for a few exercises, but for most you can find a way.

  461. I was wondering if doing two workouts a day with a rest day between would be alright to do? I’m on my first cycle and I’m starting to see results, great program!!

    • Two workouts a day would be harsh in my opinion, but you might be able to handle 2-a-days of Werewolf Training if you are on some serious supplements and get a ton of sleep every night.

  462. Rest interval: Hi Steve I travel for work WED-FRI then home SAT-TUE. Working out on the road is usually body weight circuits but I really want to complete 3 cycles of Werewolf. Do you think it would be too taxing for 4 days consecutive then 3 days of rest or light core stuff on the road? I am not sure what the best setup would be in this situation.
    My favorite day is #13 so far…love the DB clean n press in the middle of the routine…\

    • You could try 4 days consecutive, but I’m concerned that it will kick your ass. Consider 1 day on, 1 day off, 2 days on, and 3 days of travel on the road. On the road you should do some bodyweight stuff, maybe some tabata squats, pull ups, plyo pushups, other HIIT sessions, and definitely some added core work.

  463. Hi Steve, it’s me again. I was looking at the supplements you recommended, and had just a quick question. I was reviewing some Thermogenics and see that the top ranked and top selling ones are loaded with caffeine. Is this as a rule a thumb something to be expected with these supplements? Is the Biotest you recommend caffeine-free? If I have no health concerns, should I even care about this? Also, what’s your opinion of fat and carb blockers? Thanks so much!

    • Most thermogenics have caffeine because it elevates your metabolism, curbs the appetite, and increases energy. Hot Rox and Lipo 6 Black both have caffeine, but work great if you are on a diet; most of the good diet pills have caffeine. If you are healthy and your doctor clears you, I don’t think caffeine is even a concern. Fat and carb blockers are useless in my book, unless someone can prove they really make much of a difference.

  464. Steve, I have gone through 3 cycles of werewolf training and afterwards tried out the fat-loss for men routine in hopes to define my recent gains. After following the fat-loss routine I am not benefitting from the workouts (cutting up), I was wondering if I could stick to the werewolf routine but instead up the reps/lower the weight + add in about 30mns. of cardio and recieve the shredded up results that I want?

    • I don’t think higher reps and lower weights will give you what you want. However, you could use this routine, add 15 minutes of HIIT or HIRT to the end of each workout, and decrease your calories. You might optionally add a single 30 minute HIIT or HIRT session on one of the 3 off-days if you are using the 7 day routine. I wish I knew why you didn’t get the results you were looking for with full body fat loss training. Any idea why?

      • I’m not really sure why the routine didn’t work, I felt as if I was gaining weight (fat), while going through each fat loss for men cycle. I personally felt each session wasn’t intense enough, and that is with me following the guidelines very tightly. I didn’t record anything, so it could all be mental since the werewold training was so intense.

        • OK, I will have to look into it. Maybe a beginner and advanced version of the routines are in order, or maybe the full body fat loss routines just need to be stepped up.

          Honestly, it sounds like maybe you were still eating too much. Try decreasing your calories, increase the 25 minute HIIT sessions to 40 minutes, and replace “Standing dumbbell raises to the side” on day 3 with “Alternating one arm standing dumbbell press”.

  465. i noticed that there arent many shoulder excercises in this program. and that after 2 cycles my shoulder press weight had gone down. was i putting too much stress on my shoulders before?

    • This is very important feedback, thanks. Were you prioritizing your shoulders before? Did you lift with proper intensity when training your shoulders using Werewolf Training? This has just given me a great idea though: Werewolf Training could be modified to prioritize individual muscle groups. Would anyone be interested in seeing Werewolf Shoulder Training? Werewolf Leg Training? Werewolf Back Training? I’ll have to put some thought into this.

      • i dont know if it would be considered prioritizing, but i worked them as just as much as my chest, back, quads etc. i would be very interested in seeing a program like that. would it be shoulders day one, back day 2, legs day 3 kind of deal? that would be great to cycle in after your mass gain and strength gain programs

        • Looking back at this workout, I can see how the routine lacks direct, hardcore shoulder training. The idea is that all of the larger muscle groups (chest, back, legs) are prioritized, and the smaller muscle groups are worked with 2 sets here, 2 sets there, in the 10-20 rep range. I think I can figure a way to incorporate a little more heavy shoulder training into the routine. The prioritization workouts sound good too… I’ll have to put some time into it.

          • Hey Steve, it’s been a while since I’ve commented, but this reply just about hits the key point. YES, I would love to see an individualized muscle group routine.

            I’ve gained 10 lbs on this workout, but I’ve had to modify the upper body days to a moderate degree to fit in a prioritized shoulder day. instead of chest day, back day, chest day, etc… in prioritizing, im currently doing chest/shoulder (press, front raises, side raises), back/shoulder (shrugs, rear delts, etc) at times, and then maybe 2-3 days of the cycle completely subbing in a prioritized shoulder workout.

            My other concern is arm size, but I’ve modified it for that purpose as well, and will focus on shoulders in this post. I would very much look forward to these new routines of yours if you made them.

          • Excellent idea for the “problem areas” of individuals. Although, if people know they are lacking in certain areas, they surely can modify as needed (increase sets/reps in problem areas). Nice idea though!

      • hi steve this would be very benificial to me becuase the gym i use is really poor and i work individual muscle groups
        so i would be able to adapt the routine to my gym easier
        Thanks if u go ahead with it

  466. Hey Steve. I am on day 11 of the 21 day routine. I have noticed that my arms look to have lost some size. Is that expected early on in the routine?

    • I would expect that if you were hammering your arms before, keeping them pumped up all the time, starting Werewolf Training might leave them a little less pumped, but in the long haul I would expect to see better improvements in arm size.

  467. Hey Steve! Thanks for putting up this workout!
    I have one question, I’m just starting this program, and due to other activities I can’t work out on weekends. I was thinking on training Mon-Fri and resting on weekends, but is that better than inserting a rest day in-between? What would give me better results?

  468. Hi Steve,
    Thanks for taking the time to help out all of us information-deprived people. There’s so much bad info out there on bodybuilding that to delve through it all is tedious and frustrating.
    I have a quick question about the Werewolf Training guide and/or bodybuilding for muscle gains in general: the all-too-often line is to really maximize your muscle gains, to avoid cardiovascular exercise. I’ve just joined my local CrossFit gym though, and would be crushed to be forced to leave. Since CrossFit is not pure cardio and does in fact encourage strength training, is it absolutely necessary to avoid it altogether? In other words, would you recommend doing a 3 day lift, 3 day CrossFit (alternating days routine, 7th day off) to achieve results on this program, or is what I’m suggesting really a substitute for the Werewolf Training for fat loss article?

    • Crossfit is best for conditioning but they also make decent strength gains too, however Crossfit is definitely not the best workout routine for muscle gains. If you specifically want to gain muscle, I do not recommend Crossfit first and foremost. I wouldn’t suggest combining Werewolf Training with Crossfit training, because that will decrease the effectiveness of both training styles.

      I could see you using Werewolf Training 4 days a week as prescribed with 1 or 2 days of Crossfit style training to avoid fat gains, but I wouldn’t do that for more than a month. This hybrid Werewolf Crossfit Training will impact your muscle gains, so be prepared.

      If you want to jump head-first into Crossfit, I’d say you should learn and master that training style, then if you want to take a month or two off at some point, and focus solely on muscle gains, just switch to Werewolf Training for 3 cycles.

      • Thank you for the reply Steve. It’s really appreciated. I had a feeling you were going to give me the sad news. I understand that genetics have a role in body size and shape/form, and looking at some athlete pictures from the CrossFit games gave me some hope of merging the two programs, as there are some individuals who are pretty big but can still do CrossFit requirements (I’m talking Men’s Health cover model size here, not MuscleTech size). I have just two more quick questions. First, is what I suggested above a good substitute for the “Fat Loss For Men” article? In other words, does CrossFit, in deciding to start it back up again after doing the Werewolf Training, qualify as a HIIT substitute for days 2, 4, and 6? My second question is one that’s I’ve been pondering since reading your article a couple of days ago. The Werewolf Training seems suited for two people to work together. If we cannot get a spotter to, say, load up on bench press what would you recommend? I know machines are a no-no, but what about some of the more “free-range” machines that are in the gym?

        Thank you so much for your time.

        • Just ask someone for a spot if you don’t have a workout partner. Bench press is probably the only exercise where you really need one.

          Crossfit is a great replacement for HIIT and HIRT workouts.

  469. Heya Steve, I am new to bodybuilding. However, I am about to start in 2 days the werewolf training workout since it’s proven that it WORKS.

    Stats: I am 18, 5’7, but really underweight (100 1bs). My goal weight is 130 pounds.

    How long would it take to achieve 130 pounds? Also, do you have any food tips that will help me gain weight healthily?

    • Food tips: eat lots of peanut butter, drink lots of whole milk or at least 2% milk, make protein shakes with heavy cream, eat lots of meat and fish. I’m not sure if you can gain 30 pounds in anything less than a year, given that you are so small now, but if you eat and train right I think you can make astounding gains.

  470. I’m really liking the look of this routine, it will surely be a breath of fresh air from the one I’ve been on for the past few months.

    Any rotator cuff strengthening exercises you could give me to throw in there?


  471. Steve hello again . I have just completed one cycle of 18 days and am glad to tell you that i have seen some results on my back and chest and am very thankful bout them! I want to get some more mass and then go for some cutting as the summer comes along! would you recomend me to start another cycle ? or find something else that is more suitable for my situation? thank you

  472. Hey Steve, first off thanks for this awesome routine, me and my buddy have given a try however we feel that we get everything done to quickly were usually done with all the exercises in about 40 minutes or so? are we not taking enough rest? what do you think? Thanks

    • 40 minutes sounds about right to me. 50 minutes would be pushing it. If it’s killing you to finish early, you can always add an exercise like some extra ab training or something. Otherwise, just stick with the routine and let me know how your progress goes.

      • Ok I have the opposite problem. It takes me too long to finish the routine. Am I suppose to go to failure on each set?? Am really use to low volume and extra high intensity training and your program has more volume than what I usually do in a gym session, and it takes a while for me to revocer in between each set. Should I go down on the intensity of each set to finish in under an hour?

  473. hey steve Ive been trying many different excercise routines and diets and none have really seem to show progress. I’m 21, 5’9 about 150lbs. I’m about 16% body fat but still have a skinny build. I’ve been basically eating protein and whole foods and cutting back on my carbs to lose my fat but havent seen any loss.People are telling me to eat more but I fear putting on fat if i do that. I workout 3 times a week with cardio two days in between and off on the weekends. Any advice on what I’m doing wrong or what I could do to gain more muscle faster?

  474. Hello Steve. Let me start off by saying thank you SO much for making this routine, i’m gonna start it in 2 weeks. Well I have 2 questions that I really need answered before I start.

    1. In what order should I complete the sets? For ex. on day 1, should I start with 1 set of barbell benchpress, 1 set of one arm row, then 1 set dumbbell incline until I hit the last tricep workout then start from top at benchpress and go down the list? Or do I finish the benchrpess back to back with the one arm row and do 2 exercises at a time?

    2. When I complete the FIRST cycle on day 17, do I start another cycle immediately after day 18? For ex: If I finish the cycle on a Wednesday, I rest Thursday, should I start at 1 on Friday?


    • 1) Do all the sets for each exercise before moving on to the next exercise.
      2) I recommend taking at least 1 day completely off before starting over on day 1.

      Good luck!

  475. hi steve im finding it hard to gain any mass in my arms can u recommened any tips or excersises i could add for better results thanks

    • You should hit your triceps hard, as they make up 75% of the muscle mass in your upper arms. Be sure not to overtrain your biceps. Always use compound exercises like deadlifts, squats, overhead press, bench press, and dips.

  476. im 5’7″ 135 lbs. and i was wondering how much weight should i use to start off with? and also will this program be affective even though i dont have access to a gym for now and all i have is 15 lb. dumbbells

    • You should use a weight that you can handle for the prescribed number of reps and sets, but it has to be challenging or you won’t grow. The dumbbells are light and your going to out grow them fast for pretty much every exercise in this routine. You have to challenge your self or you won’t grow.

  477. Steve, I’ve been on the program for almost two full 18-day cycles now, and I am very pleased with the rapid results. The only negative thing I can say about it thus far is that I’ve put on a fair bit of fat along with the muscle. This isn’t a huge concern of mine as I can always cut later. After all, my main goal is to put on some serious weight. I do have a question, however. While I enjoy lifting, I also like to play soccer about once a week. Soccer as you know involves 90 minutes of cardio akin to interval training. I am concerned, however, that this prolonged cardio session will hurt my gains. Any thoughts? Is there any way for me to continue playing soccer without slowing/reversing my progress?

    • P.S. When I have played soccer, I made sure to drink Vitargo S2, a fast release glycogen refueling carbohydrate drink mix, both before and after playing.

  478. hey Steve im 18 and for about three years ive been on and off with many different gyms, im 5’10 and weigh 132 and i cant seem to shake it, i really wanna gain around 20 30 pounds but i have a very hard time gaining. i just signed up for a year at golds gym, i find your program to be very chill and it seems like it will work . im pretty excited and i give mad props because ive been to many different sites one being bodybuilding.com & theres nothing that interests me, i wanna know if you have any tips or any new information to help me out, & if you think this is the workout for me. one more thing, is this something i can do for six months if i wanted too?
    Anyways thanks alot for posting its very much appreciated hope you get back to me soon!

  479. Steve, Great workout man just what I needed to switch up my routine. Thank you. I was wondering, is there any limit as to the number of cycles of werewolf training you could do, like should you stop after 3 cycles and switch to something else, or can you do it as many times in a row as you want? Thanks again man.

  480. hey im 16 5’7 wheigh 130 im trying to stack 10pounds in 3-4months
    i just started going to the gym plan on starting your program this week
    i plan on going mon-friday and rest saturday and sunday or should i do this different i plan on going 1-3hours a day my diet will consist of 48% carbs mostly complex 25%protein im drinking 3tbsp of whey portein mixd w/water and 27%fat of of a 2650 daily calorie diet will this be enough to stack those 10pounds
    any tips?

    my max on bench-115 lbs
    incline max- 105 lbs
    squat max- 140 lbs

    i do 4 sets of 8 reps is that ok?

  481. steve, i just wanna ask you if whats your recommended weight for a beginner like me? im a 18 year old. 160lbs and 5’7” feet..thanks!

  482. I keep gaining weight then losing it whys that? and over the summer I plan on doing 2 days worth of workouts in one day then resting a day then working 2 days worth of workout in one day, etc how long can i do that for?

  483. I’ve been working out seriously for about a month now.

    I’m 20 years old, 5’11, 163lbs and I would like to be around 180lbs.
    I don’t have a lot of fat. And I don’t gain weight easily!

    What I currently do at the gym is workout 4 days a week, and I split my 4 days into two different work outs, example( 2 days a week, chest, back triceps … 2 days a week: legs, Shoulders, biceps).
    I usually do about 4×6-8 of each exercise.
    each day Im working out for about 2 hours because I have a lot of exercises.

    Is this bad?? I want to switch to the “Werewolf training” but it seems so different to be going from things like, Biceps twice a week 4 different exercises a day, 4×8 .. to less sets, more reps, less frequently etc.
    you know best! let me know what I should do to achieve my goal of 180!

    • Listen, you can follow your routine, end up overtraining, and not make much progress. Or you can use Werewolf Training which has proven itself about 500 times in the last half a year. Do you know I’ve maybe heard about 2 complaints ever about this routine? I think one guy was upset because he only gained 10 pounds in 3 months instead of 30 or something. Werewolf Training works.

  484. Steve, I just started doing the werewolf workout… my question is, I started 2 days ago weighing 160lbs (5′ 11.5 ish)…. after two days im down to 158.8…. is this just temporary? Should I eat more? Im eating between 2300-2500 calories a day with more than enough protein (190g plus)…. thanks for any advice

    • and a few more details… my goal weight is 175, I used the mesomorph body style (as im not too sure.. I used to weigh 220 3/4 yrs ago) and I do the workout in about 45-55 min … thanks!

      • I estimate your starting calories at about 2500, so stick with that. Protein intake looks good. You are probably just experiencing an initial fat loss from the increased exercise. Within the next couple weeks you should see the muscle gains start to add up.

        • thanks so much, i’ll shoot for more calories…. by the way the peanut butter protein ball recipe is great

  485. Hey Steve, quick question:

    You wrote “If you must stretch before you train, use only dynamic stretching.”

    I don’t need to stretch before I train, but I want to warm up somehow. I read the flexibility training section and my question is: If not dynamic stretching, how should I warm up before this routine?

    I basically want to know what I should do before I start my workout. Thanks.

    • I prefer to just warm up by doing a series of exercises for every muscle group with light weight for about 5-10 minutes. I personally don’t stretch much at all before a workout.

  486. sorry what are the a) and b) meaning?

    also i cannot download the guide as it doesnt open in microsoft word?

  487. a) Dumbbell standing alternating bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps

    what does the a) and b) mean? and does that mean 8 reps of each arm (16 in 1 set) or just 8 altogherhet (4 each arm).

    thanks goign to start this in 2 days :)!

    • You should perform A and B exercises back to back without rest after the A exercise, but do rest after the B exercise. Yes, 16 total reps in one set for 2 x 8 alternating.

  488. Steve,
    I recently lost 50 pounds since Janurary and I want to keep this fat loss off. I still have some belly weight but I want to have my muscle mass grow. I am 5’9 at 150 pounds and I want to be up to 185. The hardest part of this is I have a family and can only work out once a day, at night, for maximum of an hour for five days a week Monday through Friday. Is there anyway to do this workout without the 3rd day rest period and achieve ( at least some ) of the results and rest on the weekend instead?

    I do know that I should rest my muscles at some point in between, but I think adding cardio would only hurt the muscle gain instead of help. Is this correct as well?

  489. Hi Steve,

    I just read your site (love it!) and am going to start following the 18 week program, beginning tomorrow. Since last year, I have lost 35 pounds of fat and gained (aprox) 5-10 pounds of muscle. My problem is that over the past six months, I have not been able to lose the last 10-15 pounds of fat I desire (I want my stomach flat and I still have a small “pouch”). Additionally, I have not noticed any further muscle gain. I am going on a cruise the end of August (this year) and would really like to at least get my stomach flat (I doubt a six pack is attainable in that little time). Prior to beginning your regiment, I work-out 5 days per week for 45-60 min per day and eat 1600-2000 calories; vegis, fruits, whole grain bread, chicken/steak/fish, 1 gallon of water, and occationally, 1-2 small scoops of ice cream are typical foods (5-7 meals per day). Do you have ANY suggestions to help me shrink my gut and build my muscles?? Thank you!

    • Oh sure. Follow the Werewolf Training routines to gain muscle and follow the full body fat loss routine to lose fat.

      Start with fat loss and stick with it until the first of August, switch to Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains routine for one cycle, then back to fat loss training until after your cruise. Alternate routines every 2 months from that point forward.

  490. Hey steve, ive got a question, what type of workout or routine should we use after we’ve become as big as we want, whats a routine we should keep repeating to keep your muscles and tone your body?

    • Just keep lifting heavy or your muscle gains are more likely to go away, and since you should be on a lower calorie intake, you won’t really pack on any new muscle.

  491. Hello steve , i just started this training and i am wondering when you say 2 x 10 alternating shoulder press , front raises or wtvr , you mean 10 reps with each hand or 5 with right and 5 with left hand? Thank you

    • The number of reps is for each hand/arm/leg. 2 x 10 means 10 with left arm and 10 with right arm. To be specific, 2 x 10 alternating would be 1 rep right side, 1 rep left side, 1 rep right side, 1 rep left side, repeat 10 times with each side.

  492. on day 2 of the second cycle ive picked up 7.4 lbs with significant strength gains as well as overall size…thanks for the workout and diet tips steve its doin a hell of a job so far

  493. […] can always gain muscle by reducing your fat. Once you build more muscles, they will help you to burn more fats due to […]

  494. I’m pretty busy with work and I workout Mon, Wed, Fri and Sat. Would this routine work for me if I split it up like this?


  495. alrite i did the tricep overhead press on monday and if it still sore tormow should i be doing the dips?

  496. im starting the workout, and i notice that you work certain body parts such as chest more than once a week, will this “kill your muscle because yu may be overworking it?
    my friends and coach in wrestling usually make me work one body part to the extreme, and we don’t do it anymore until next week.

    • I prefer to train a muscle 3 times a week but not to destroy it on every workout. The idea here is that you will make much more progress by training the muscle sufficiently and letting it recover in a day or two, than you will by trashing it so hard that it needs a week or more to recover. Training frequency is a much better stimulus for muscle and strength gain, than infrequent massive volume, in my opinion.

  497. Starting the workout today height 5’6″ weight 135, i’m going for 153 or so wish me luck! For all the carb calories is just eating fruit and some oatmeal good enough or should i eat other things? Thanks, Steve!

        • V8 juice is awesome! Try low sodium V8 juice for a healthier alternative, although I must admit it doesn’t taste as good. Spicy V8 juice is great too. Make yourself some low sodium spicy V8 by adding hot sauce to your low sodium V8. For a while there I was drinking 2 servings for breakfast every day. Gotta get back to that.

          • ya i’ll admit the taste is rough but i’m just worried about all the sodium in it, another good alternative is just juicing right? make a nice juice with a bunch of veggies for breakfast?

  498. Steve, what do you recommend for those of us that have difficulty sleeping after a strenuous workout? I typically workout between 7-8pm because that’s the only time I have. I really dig this site. Thanks.

  499. just wondering if this workout if for all types of people tryng to build muscle? whether your a very slim guy to quite a big guy

    • Yes, this routine would be great for anyone. Depending on your starting body fat, you may want to eat a little less if you’d rather try to avoid gaining fat.

  500. Hey i was just wondering i read through the whole workout, and i noticed that in one day you only work the muscel out one time in the session like day one 2 sets of 8 bicep curls, isnt that not enough to really get the muscel ripped and ready to grow, how can u work the muscel such a little bit and expect gains? thanks bud by the way im 25 5=11 at 185 is there something else i shlould be doing? and i grow muscle pretty fast but i also have kind of a high metabolisim thanks

    • You need to take those 2 sets and push yourself with maximum intensity. Destroy those biceps with those 2 sets. Besides, you will be working the biceps twice a week, which is plenty.

      Furthermore, if you are training correctly then you will get a ton of bicep volume with other exercises like rows, chin ups, deadlifts, and other exercises that will force the biceps to grow. You don’t need endless sets of curls to have great bis. Besides, this is a mass gaining program, so we don’t need our body sitting around worrying about recovering from a biceps workout, when it’s got more pressing concerns like recovering from squats, deads, and presses.

  501. I just finished my second cycle about 3 days ago, I have seen great gains thus far, I’ve gained about 10 pounds. Probably not all muscle but id say at least 8 lbs. of it. Starting my third cycle soon, this is a great routine.

    • Sit on sled. Put toes on bottom edge of platform. Unrack weight. Push weight up with toes by extending ankles. Flex ankles to lower weight into a full calf stretch. Repeat.

  502. hey, iv just started the programme but i have 2 questions
    firstly is it ok the replace barbell activities with dumbbell equivalents?
    and secondly can a lat pull down machine be used rather than pull ups?

    thanks alot

    • The answer to both questions is yes. However you will be sacrificing potential gains if you do either of those things. The program is setup a certain way for a reason, not the least of which is exercise and equipment selection. You can do it if you want though, just don’t come back here and report lame results.

  503. I started the work out im on day two and the good morning kicked my ass .. i have been working out for a long time and i never felt ass sore as right now wooww..
    Height : 5?9
    Weight: 185 lbs

  504. hey steve ok me and a friend got into an argument about how to bench. I said you should touch your chest and he said you shouldnt because it can injure your shoulder you should stop like 1 inch away from your chest? What is the right way to? And something about me is for some reason like on my third set like i kind of feel it burning and yea im a little tired but all of a sudden ill be going good and then bam everything just dies on me and i cant hardly hold the weight. Why is that?

    • I answered your bench press form question here: how to bench press.

      As far as the other question, it could be a case of muscle nutrition. You might be out of glycogen or ATP. Consider drinking something with electrolytes or supplementing with creatine to increase your endurance. There are many other solutions as well, if you want to take the time to do some research.

  505. what do you think about p90x? all my friends are trying it, but i like this more. Which is better for muscle growth?

    • Werewolf Training is better for muscle growth. P90X is pretty good for fat loss. Crossfit is just as good for fat loss, but is also better than P90X for conditioning and muscle growth. Crossfit is not, however, better than Werewolf Training for muscle growth.

  506. on day 14 you said do ab wheel rollouts to the left, straight and right
    what do you mean by left and right ab wheel rollouts?

    • Instead of rolling out straight ahead, roll out to the side. Just think of a giant V starting at your knees – roll out to the sides to form that V. If you roll to the left, then straight, than to the right, your motion would look like this: \|/ Get it?

  507. i was wondering what i could do as a substitute for the sled push. I don’t have access to a leg press machine. all i have are a barbell and a bench.

  508. Hey Steve, Ive been reading and following up on your site but havent tried any full body workout routines. I currently train in MMA 5-6 days a week so i do lots of different workouts and obviously cardio on those days. But on my free time im looking to start working out and lifting weights.. Which full body workout routine should i strive for on my free time? I was thinking more the muscle gain or fat loss but wasn’t too sure. Your advice would be greatly apprecriated.



    • I would recommend either joining your local Crossfit, or use the full body fat loss for men routine to whip you into shape.

  509. Guys I can tell you that this routine has done wonders for me. I had an assessment done before starting this program and weighed in at 76,7Kg which 20% was body fat. 3 months later of following the schedule on a 21 day routine and managed to do 3 cycles of it and this is my results:
    Weight 76,7Kgs —-> 75,7 Kgs
    Body Fat 20% —-> 11%
    Biceps increased by 5,4 cm
    Chest increased by 5.9 cm
    Waist decreased by 2.4 cm
    Thighs increased by 2 cm
    Calves by 1.8 cm
    Muscle weight —-> +5.8 Kgs

    Finishing up one more cycle and then I’m moving onto Strength gain routine.

    Supplements — Muscle Meal 5XL twice a day
    100% Whey Protein 30 min before and 30 min after gym
    Synergy Whey Protein before going to bed

    All of this stuff is from Evox (www.evox.co.za) and there is for sure equivalents from other vendors overseas and other manufacturers.

  510. Hey just wondering, you seem to have bench press (barbell) on here like almost every day. Is that really healthy? Your chest needs alot of recovery time…

    • Chest is just like everything else, it needs proper stimulation and proper recovery. On this routine, chest is trained twice a week with 2-3 exercises per workout. Every other large muscle group is trained with similar frequency and volume.

  511. I would like to start by thanking you for posting such great workout it is exactly what i have been looking for. I am planing on starting it soon but was wondering what the a and b thing ment towards the end of the workouts

  512. Hey steve i was looking at this and i was wondering,im 148 pounds imm 17 and over weight ive been weight lifting for about 2 years but im still over weight n still at 148.do you think if i do this it will get results?

  513. yo steve i just have a question really when doing the exercises that are 2 sets of 10 and stuff like that, would it be okay to use moderate weight like if it wasn’t your max, but it certainly isn’t too light for you. Also would it be okay to train for about an hour and a half, but if you count in warm up, stretch and rest time in there?. thank you

    • A workout can last 90 minutes when you include warm ups and stretching, yes. It’s not OK to use moderate weight, no. You should use a weight the makes it difficult to get 8 reps, and if you can get 9 reps then I suggest you increase the weight at the next workout.

  514. what does this mean?

    a) Dumbbell one arm concentration curls – 2 sets x 8 reps
    b) Skull crushers – 2 sets x 8 reps

    does this mean you do the curls 8/8 and then move on to skull crushers and do 8/8 without rest?

  515. Hi I tried to do the glute-ham raises in the gym tonight but they just dont have the equipment for it, is there an alternative?

    • There are a million ways to make glute-ham raises work. If you just can’t do it, I guess you could do a one-leg hamstring curl instead.

  516. hey, i have a small chest. i made the mistake of avoiding bench press when i first started going to the gym. i want my chest to catch up to the level my other muscles are at with out neglecting them. any tips?

    • As long as you work them at least as hard as everything else, they will catch up. Your body likes everything to be equally developed, so it will make sure your chest catches up. Just be sure to bump up the intensity on your chest exercises to really make the most of it.

    • Try to work chest before everything else, so you don’t tire out your stabilizer muscles. If you tire out your triceps before benching, then your arms might give out before your chest does, and you won’t be able to maximize the exercise.

  517. Hey steve I just started the program today and plan to stay with it for a couple of 18 day cycles. I am 6’2 170# and am looking to be 185-190. I just wanted to know what you thought the best type of complex carbs would be for me to consume?

  518. i am currently on an 8 week lose fat and gain muscle plan and I am wanting to switch to werewolf training after it is complete. I am a tennis player and i was wondering how I could fit tennis around this.

    From the looks of it werewolf training requires no HIIT so I can use tennis as my cardio and I try to play for as shorter time as possible. At the moment I training with weights on MON, WED and FRI and playing tennis either a few hours before my weight sessions (taking a shake before tennis and gym) and sometimes on the days in between (where i should be ideally resting? and i play at length on sunday’s.

    Basically the sum of what I want to know is how can I incorporate tennis into werewolf training, should I play before weight sessions providing i take an hours rest and eat, or should i play on the rest days?

    • You can play before weight lifting as long as you take at least an hour off and be sure to eat. You can play on rest days sometimes, but I would like to see the sixth day be taken completely off for recovery every week.

  519. well i looked back at some of your advice bout trying to cut out some fat gonna stick to the muscle gain for a couple months then try to cut up some from there

  520. Anything I can substitute for Glute-ham raises? And barbell jump squats tend to beat the shit out of my traps, could I get by doing regular squats or is there something else I can do.

      • Choose any straight leg exercise machine and the gym, and do toe pushes on it. If nothing like that exists, stand on something with your toes and hold a dumbbell while doing standing calf raises.

  521. height: 5′ 11″
    weight: 170 lbs
    target weight: 185 lbs
    age: 21

    Max Bench 295 PLATEAU that is pissing me off

    I gain muscle pretty easy, but i guess its not as “lean” as i want to look. I have always pumped heavier sets trying to gain weight since i started out weighin 135 lbs 3 years ago. Really havent tried a full blown diet yet, but im gonna give it a whirl. Any additions to work/diet that could help me look more toned while still putting on mass? Thanks for posting this by way, im pretty excited about this workout.

  522. Steve!, Just want to say this workout is great so far! almost done with my first cycle. my body is becoming more V shaped. but i only gained about 3 more pounds. beng 5’9″ 150lbs i still feel pretty scrawny what can i do to hit about 170? i try to eat 6 times a day but its hard cuz im in college and i dont have a lot of food points to get food here. i also drink a scoop of whey in 8oz milk 3X a day. Any suggestions to get me bigger muslces and gain that weight?

    thanks so much!!!

  523. ive decided to give ur program a shot steve but i also would like to incorporate a minimum of 6 sets of kettle ball raises into my exercise routine. can i just throw those sets in there or should i take out a few lunges squats (i really want to keep the squats)? im training for college basketball next season and i want to put on an extra 10-15 lbs. onto my frame as well as maximally increase my power output, is this a good weightlifting regimen for those purposes?

    • Did I write that? Taking days off helps your muscle to recover, which means you can exercise more effectively. I’m not sure when I wrote that taking days off helps increase volume, or what I meant.

    • Taking extra days off gives you more recouperative time. Fewer days off gives you the increased volume in a shorter period of time.

  524. Hello Steve,

    I have been in to body building since 2007, but not religiously, on and off. Let me give some stats first:
    Height: 182 cms
    Weight: 79 Kgs
    Benchpress Incline: 180 to 190 pounds 5 reps
    DB Press: 200 pounds incline
    Deadlift: 200 pounds
    Squats: 130 to 140 pounds 6 reps with difficult
    Dynamic Lunges: 140 pounds 8 reps
    Shrugs: 430 pounds

    Now, I NEVER seriously worked my legs whenever I worked out. Initially, I gained strength, but now, the gains are very slow. After going through your site, I realised that to hit 90 kgs weight, I need to consume approximately 3,000/- calories, which I shocking wasn’t. Protein and carb intake is fine, but no fat in the diet, which I have corrected.

    My target is to have a body at least like Vin Diesel, at least 18″ biceps without roids, and a benchpress of 450 to 500 pounds, Squats around 650 pounds
    and deadlift of 600 pounds.
    I am already 34 years old.
    I workout just one body part at a time. I have a separate arms day when I do biceps, triceps, shoulders and forearms.

    I don’t want to slog like a maniac in the gym only to realise that I have had no gains in terms of strength or mass. I would say I am almost an ectomorph. Just have a slight side belly.

    Please advise if werewolf training will help or would you be having some other suggestions for me?

    Thanks a ton my friend.

  525. I am restarting the program for the third time. I have been doing other programs in the interim. I have been at this game since 1965. I designed my own high school’s program in 1966 as a sophomore. I do have favorite programs that I use and will use as an in-between program after the third round. This is a great program but how do I modify it for a bit more, more sets, more reps or just more. And, my abs really could do with the work you have set up in this program, so no more there. I would like to know from others how they may be modifying this program. I do add cardio as I am an endomorphic body type. At least five times a week. If you can, Go Heavy Werewolves! Can’t wait for more of your new programs.

  526. Steve, I have a dislocated shoulder injury from 6 years ago, what exercises can replace the shoulder fly’s that will work out with this program? Is there anything else to watch out for with this type of injury in this program. I’ve been lifting for 8 months now and so far so good just can’t do the fly’s or any type of exercise that relates. I will be starting this program Tomorrow!!

  527. Hey Steve I just completed my first cycle of training and i’ve had great gains! However, I did manage to put on a little bit of fat from all the food being consumed. Would you recommend adding some HIIT with my second cycle ( 3 times a week for 10-15 mins ), or should I wait one more cycle before trying to cut fat? Thank you.

    • Feel free to add in one HIIT session for 30 minutes if you want. A better solution if you are more concerned with muscle gains, might be to just eat slightly less food.

  528. Is throwing in a few extra sets of varying workouts ok to target areas I want to really bulge? ie day 3 i threw in a 3×8 close grip benchpress to hit my triceps and alternating 3×5 each arm bicep curls to hit the bi’s. Will that break the routine?

    also what is your opinion on testosterone injectables…my sister is a pharmacist. pros/cons?

    • You can add some extra sets if you want, but I can’t promise that it won’t break the routine. Most likely, you probably won’t get much added benefit from adding exercises, but it shouldn’t hurt you too much either. I set the program up that way for a reason, but if you think you need extra sets then who am I to stop you from giving your body what you think you need.

      Regarding the juice, hopefully you are at least 21 years old and have been training for a couple years. Make sure you know what you are doing, and make sure you have some Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) on hand before you start sticking yourself.

  529. we also have group PT where Mon, Wed, Fri where we do circuit training in the gym for 30 min, I can usually manage where I can talk to the person in charge and do my own thing though. He knows I’m in great shape and don’t want to do to much cardio. I will be changing squads soon and they give there ppl 1.5 hour lunchs and are a block away from the gym so I will be able to work out doing what I want starting in MAY. I don’t really know how many calories I eat in a day but i’m betting it was around 2000. I started eating peanut butter on wheat bread with honey and drinking a protein shake 3 times a day. I did the math and that is right around 100g of protein, plus whatever i get for meals

    • Sounds like if you just had some extra time to train and some more protein to eat, you’d be able to put on 10 lbs of muscle in 10 months to a year. A pound a month is nothing to scoff at, especially with the schedule and diet you probably have to endure.

  530. Would throwing in a day of HIIT sprints a week ensure I stay ripped or should I just do the werewolf routine and stop worying about my precious 6 pack?At 130 I should eat around 120g of protein and up my calories correct? My preivious post is two up.

    • If you want to weigh 150, I’d try to get 150 g of protein a day. To gain weight you are going to need at least 2200 calories a day. I’m assuming your metabolism is out of control, so that number might have to really be inflated. How many calories do you normally eat in a day?

      I can’t promise throwing in a day of HIIT sprints will keep you ripped, but my guess is that you will stay ripped even if you don’t throw in a day of HIIT sprints. However, being in the military I don’t know if you have any physical performance requirements like sprinting up hills for time with a pack loaded with 100 lbs of rocks, although being the Air Force I’m betting that’s not a requirement. Is your daily lifting routine the only exercise you normally get?

  531. so i have problems doing squats and dont really like doing them is tere another exercise i could do 2 replace doing squates

    • Unless you have an injury or you were born with a physiological limitation, if you don’t like squatting and have ‘problems’ doing them, that’s all the more reason you should do them. If I were your trainer I would drop the weight you are using WAY down, perfect your form with just an empty barbell, and start adding way slowly being sure not to compromise your form. Since squats are so hard for you, I would find a way to squat 2-3 times a week until you are comfortable with them. Switch to front squats if you’re uncomfortable with back squats. There is no replacement for squats.

  532. Steve, lots of awesome advise i’m reading so far here is my info. I have been a weight lifter/athelete since high school and have always spent time in the gym atleast 3 times a week. i also trained MMA for a couple years untill I joined the AirForce. I am short ie 5’4 and only weigh 130lbs. But I am RIPPED as in 6 pack with strong obliques and I look buff for my size (i can bench 250lbs). I want to gain around 15 lbs of muscle but keep the ripped abs and looking cut. I’ve stopped the cardio and started eating you’re recommended protein intake today. Man its alot of protein; anyway will this work out for my body type?

    • Sounds like you will probably stay ripped no matter what. In that case, I would definitely say cutting back on the cardio and increasing total calorie intake, especially protein and complex carbs, will help you gain some mass. Benching 250 at 130 is great! Keep up the hard work.

  533. Hey Steve. I’ve been working out for about 8 months before I started your program. I’m 25yo about 5’9”, and 150lbs. Although I feel like I’m pretty strong (185lb 6 rep bench sets) I definitely felt like I hit a plateau, and the 10 days I’ve been on your program have finally beat me up, which is great. (jumped to 195lb 5 rep bench sets since starting)

    My question is how can I gain the weight. I already eat about 8 times a day, and as much as I can, but I just can’t seem to gain weight. I have a very fast metabolism, but no matter how much I workout, I can’t gain. I take creatine, NO Explode pre workout, monster milk after workouts, and muscle milk before bed (caseins). During the day, aside from a very high protein, low fat, and low carb (complex carbs only) diet, I also throw a few protein bars in there. I’ve been stuck at 145-150lbs for months.

    Lastly, aside from gaining the weight, I also cannot for the life of me get the last half inch of fat off my stomach to really make my abs rip. I used to do heavy weights as well as 25 mins of cardio 6 days a week, and I couldnt get the last bit off my stomach. Now with your workout I do no cardio other than a short warmup before weights. I’m afraid if anything it will add weight to my abs. Sorry for the long comment.

    • You really need to decide what your priority is. If you try to gain muscle but are constantly worried about a little smoothness on your abs, you won’t have success gaining muscle. If you structure your diet and workouts to try to lose fat, then you will get stressed out when you can’t ‘gain weight’. Choose one goal and make it a priority for 2 months. If you want to focus on gaining muscle and minimizing fat loss, then I suggest you try Werewolf Training with 3, 20 minute HIIT or HIRT sessions thrown in throughout the week. This can be done after weight training, in the morning if you lift at night, at night if you lift in the morning, or on an off-day. Just don’t be surprised if you experience fewer muscle gains than some of the other people on this program.

      As far as your diet goes, if you want to gain weight and have a super high metabolism, then your best bet will be to keep a food journal for at least a month. Write down everything you eat including food, serving size, calories, protein, carbs, fat, and sugar. I think you will be surprised at how few calories and macronutrients you actually consume daily. To get yourself up to 170 lbs, you are going to need to eat at least 2600 calories a day, but I think it’s going to end up being even higher than that.

      In conclusion, you have to make a choice. What’s it going to be? Lose those last 5 pounds of fat, or gain 20 pounds of muscle. It’s your decision.

  534. Hey Steve quick question, as a 17 year old turning 18 very soon, and just started lifting again for the first time in 3 years about 3 months ago. I’ve been told this program is too advanced but I was just curious on your opinion.

    • This program is definitely not too advanced for you. Give it a shot. Even without using my recommendations for bands and overload sets, this workout will still give you great gains.

      • Awesome, just started a couple days ago, looking forward to this. I’ll give an update after a few cycles.

  535. Height : 5’6
    Weight: 140 lbs
    Target weight: 160

    Got the metabolism of freakin Flash
    Doin the 7th rest day.. I’ll get back to you sometime in June – July
    I’ll let you know wassup by then… I got faith Brotha!

  536. I have been going to the gym for a coupple of montsh without a general plan and gaind about 4 kg. So now i feel like i need a better plan to go furter so thats wy im asking you about what program is best, this program or the generic full body workout. The reason i started training is that im a bit skinny and cant gain weight by eating.

    • Use this program to gain weight. Also, you CAN gain weight by eating, you just don’t eat enough. You will have to force feed yourself every 2 hours whether you are hungry or not. Make it happen.

  537. Hi i just wondering what training program you would recommend for me. Im 18 years old and way 57 kg and im 175 cm long. I wanna get to about
    65 kg but should i do this program or the generic full body workout routine.

  538. what muscle group are you exactly hitting with the toe push on sled exercise? am i just pushing off with my toes on the edge of a leg press machine? to work the calves?

  539. Im a freshman in college. I am about 6’2 and 175 lbs and am prolly at about 7% body fat. However, I want more size without having to sacrifice how toned and ripped my muscles are. I hate the “smooth” look that ppl get when they blow up. What kind of a diet would you recommend for me? I am unsure as to what kinds of foods I should be eating. I only got to where I am by dedication, I did not take any supplememnts or go on any diets. I think the thing i would like to improve most is my abs. Im stuck with a 6 pack and a halfass one at that.

    • I believe you have a fast metabolism, but I can’t tell for sure. 6’2 175 lbs does say something about your metabolism, that’s for sure. I think if you followed this Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains program, that you would experience great results. If you start gaining weight too quickly, and you know it must be fat weight, just back off on the calories until you hit the sweet spot. Want to thicken your abs? Use abdominal exercises with weight added, or use exercises that are hard enough where you can only get 5-10 reps per set. High reps = flat, shallow, weak looking abs. Low reps = thick, dense, strong looking abs. Like all muscle groups, the heavier you go, the thicker and denser your muscles will become.

        • Taylor’s abs are about average. They used to be pretty flat when he was skinny, but now they are thicker… wouldn’t say they are super dense though.

  540. Hey Steve, great workouts so far, but my arms never feel worked out, should this be a concern? Or just keep going on with the program to see how it pans out.

    • Stick with it for now. Throw in an extra triceps or even a biceps exercise as you see fit, but be careful not to overtrain.

  541. hey steve was wondering how to do this exercise i googled it but it looks like ill need some kind of equipment that football players use.. we dont’ have that equipment at my gym.

    Toe push on sled – 3 sets x 12 reps

    I see it says you can also do wall sprints i don’t know if thats similar to that exercise, or if you could tell me a way to do it without that a sled type device.

    also was wondering what this means:

    Barbell deadlift – 5 sets x 5,2,1,1,1 reps
    Donkey calf raises – 2 sets x 8 reps
    Barbell squats – 5 sets x 5,2,1,1,1 reps

    how come it says 5 sets rep count is 5,2,1,1,1?


    • The sled is a leg press. Anything that would normally be used as a leg press, can be used for toe pushes. There will be a machine at your gym that you can use for this.

      For 5 sets x 5,2,1,1,1 reps; that means you are doing 5 total sets. For the first set your goal is 5 reps. For the second set your goal is 2 reps. For the third through fifth sets, your goal is a single rep, which should be a PR max. What is a PR max? PR = personal record. Max = the maximum amount of weight you can lift. For deadlifts, that might look like: 225 lbs x 5, 275 lbs x 2, 300 lbs x 1, 310 lbs x 1, 315 lbs x 1

  542. hey steve i just wanted to say that i have been on your program for one whole cycle now and although i do feel like i’ve been run over by a train i have to say you did a phenomenal job with this workout. i do have one question however i have recently come across another program known as the p90x workout, i’ve reviewed it, but i haven’t tired it and to be honest it looks a bit like your fatloss workout. To be honest i don’t want to get too bulky but at the same time i don’t want to be a skinny guy with just a bit of muscle, the closest match i can think of is tayler launter. anyways my question is which plan, after werewolf workout, do you recommend will be the best to achieve launter’s look?

    • I highly recommend you spend a month or two using the Werewolf Training for Strength Gains, but you feel like you need to move straight to fat loss, you can, I’m just afraid you might lose some of your new muscle mass by focusing on fat loss right away.

  543. Sorry Steve, basically had a repost of my original dilemma with a slight change, due to not seeing your original response.

    Fortunately, I put everything I have into each set, but I realize everyone is different. I added in shrugs on weeks 1 and the beginning of 2 at key points, and noticed no decline in mass there as a result. I love the core this routine produces, so I’ll be sticking to it. It simply seems as though I will have to find points at which to add in front and side raises, and an additional row/press on whichever muscle does the 4×5 set that day (which seems to have no effect on my frustrating body whatsoever. Maybe I should simply swap it for a 3×8?)

    • You can try swapping it for 4×8 if you want. Try increasing the intensity on all 4 sets. Use heavier weight right away and make all 4 sets heavy work sets. Vary your form a little bit on all 4 sets. For example, when benching 4×5 feel free to start with a wider grip and move your hands in 1-2 inches on each subsequent set. Just make sure to accelerate through each rep and use maximum intensity.

      • Thanks for the tip. I always wondered whether varying my grip would be a bad thing, but it always naturally felt like it might work the muscle a little better by varying it up just slightly.

        I benched 4×5 yesterday. 185 all 4 sets. The first set was the only one that felt like I might have been able to push out 1 or 2 more. After that, I was throwing in everything I had to hit the 5th rep. I found a few issues that I corrected. 1 being my rest time, which was way too long. The other was acceleration, like you said. I will probably still use 4×8 to suit me for another cycle, but this should make a difference. Thanks again.

  544. Hi I haven’t started this program yet but I been looking over it and reviewing you know where you mention:

    a) Barbell standing bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps
    b) Dips – 2 sets x 8 reps

    I don’t know how tired I will be after super setting the bicep curls but I often do weighted dips with 45 lbs on a belt, what if im not fatigued by just using my body weight should I add weight?

    also on the rest days is it okay to do some low intensity cardio?

    • Always add weight when possible. You thought I meant bodyweight dips? haha…. no no – add weight! 45 lbs? That’s it? I want to see 55 lbs this week!

  545. heyyy i want to know if I can do this orutine whithout hurting my back cause I wan to gain weight an I have a back broblem a discus bad and im 17 years old like jacob
    can I take these routine easyly?

  546. I can’t believe it. This workout routine actually work. I was at a plateau of weighing about 150 lbs. Now Im 154 and i just got done the 3rd cycle. I followed everything and at times, skipped the abs and put more weight and did less reps on certain exercises. In due time, I noticed I got stronger and my chest got bigger with this program. My calfs also grew. Im so happy because I was stuck at a plateau for the longest.

    Hear it from me. It can be done.
    Dedication is all it takes.

  547. Hey im unsure of this part of the routine can someone clarify this please?

    Dumbbell standing alternating shoulder press – 2 sets x 20 reps
    a) Dumbbell standing alternating bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps

    it says alternating shoulder press 20 reps does that mean 10 per arm or 20 reps per arm? im thinking 10 reps per arm?

    also with the alternating bicep curl it says 8 reps is that only 4 reps per arm or 8 reps per arm? im thinking it means 4 reps per arm but that’s so little.. i guess because im super setting with triceps?


  548. Hey, I’m not real clear on how the resistance bands come into play? I only have free weights, do I use the bands with weights or substitute them out?

    • You would add the bands to the weights. They are not necessary but will help tremendously with increasing your acceleration.

  549. I’m up to day 7 on my first time through this and it all seems to be going ok so far but I’ve recently read up more on weight training for hard gainers (which I can assure you I certainly am) and that seems to favour 2 full body workouts a week to maximize recovery time.

    I’m keen to continue and at least complete one cycle of this and then perhaps reassess after that but what’s your opinion on the matter? Basically I’m curious about whether or not this is the right workout for me because of the vast difference between the number of training days in this program compared with a more typical “hard-gainer” program.


  550. Congrats on an awesome website, Steve!

    I’m a senior in high school, and have been using this program (with slight day to day alterations as I see fit) for about three months. Today at a baseball game somebody mentioned something about how I’m looking bigger. This started an entire conversation about how much stronger and more ripped I have been looking. I’ve now given three people this website’s name!

    So thank you for your hard work ad dedication, it has helped me!

  551. Also I was wondering what you meant by (120% of 5 rep Max) and in doing the reps should you be choosing the weight in which you know you’ll be able to accomplish the recommended amount of reps/sets with.

    Sorry for all the questions I just don’t want to be doing any of this wrong. And this is a wonderful site you’ve got here thank you.

    • With the overload negatives, you shouldn’t be able to complete 5 reps because it should be 20% more than you can handle. It’s all about getting under the load to expose yourself to heavier weights. A partner should help you lift the weight up on each rep. You lower it slowly.

  552. Hey Steve, I’m 19 years old 5’8 and weight 130 pounds. I’m about to Start this workout starting April 21st. and I’m hoping to put on 20 pounds of muscle or atleast somewhere in that range. I will be doing the 18 day workout but I’m still somewhat curious as to how I would go about doing this per say….

    Barbell bench press – 4 sets x 5 reps
    Dumbbell one arm rows – 3 sets x 8 reps
    Dumbbell incline bench press – 2 sets x 10 reps
    Body weight or assisted pull ups – 2 sets x as many as possible (amap)
    Dumbbell standing alternating shoulder press – 2 sets x 20 reps
    a) Dumbbell standing alternating bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps
    b) Dumbbell standing two hand overhead tricep press – 2 sets x 8 reps

    —–By This do you mean use the barbell bench press and do 5 reps. then give yourself a short rest and do another 5 reps. And continually do this until you are done the 4 sets, after which you move on the the dumbbell incline do 10 reps give yourself a short break and do another 10 reps?

  553. I finished 3 cycles of this workout program with the use of any supplements. I’m 17 years old and I’ve gained 6 pounds of muscle from this. IT KICKS ASS!! Thanks for the help Steve!

  554. i heard that optimum whey has a new formula and everyone is sayin it taste horrible so i dont know if i shud risk buyin it …. i wonderred if anyone has heard or sci mentor aparently it is the best tasteing out there atm and 25g of protein perseving more than optimumnutrition its cheaper and there more seving in the same size tub ? steve wat do u think

  555. Hey Steve, this might be rather lame, but whats the difference between a back squat and a normal squat? and is there anything i can substitute for ab rollout?

    • No difference between the squats. You should really do the ab rollouts. Substitute with weighted sit ups if you must.

  556. have just completed my 2nd 21 day cycle. had more rest days than advised due to commitments but have had great results. roughly 8kg of weight/muscle gain and massive strength improvements. thankyou

  557. First, thanks for answering all my previous questions so quickly. I have found your site extremely helpful. My question now is about the BB deadlifts. I’ve read in several places about how to do these properly, but I’ve never actually had someone there to show me. How much am I supposed to feel these in my lower back. I keep my head up, do not round my back, and keep the bar as close to my body as possible, but I still definitely feel it in my lower back. My legs are still getting a good workout, but I wanted to make sure I am doing this correctly. I may just need to go down in weight some. Thanks.

    • You should go light enough to master the form. You will feel it in your lower back a little, as well as everywhere else on your body. Ask someone who’s been lifting for a while and looks moderately thick. He will be able to show you good form… maybe…

    • Hey bro, as someone that’s been lifting a while and talks to a few pro natural lifters I’ll put in my 2cents. when you do deads don’t ever go all the way down to wherethe plates touchthe ground, go down with the bar to mid shin level and come back up. You’ll def feel it but make sure you start light and stretch those hams. Also FYI deads are mainly for upper back but work alot of lower back and the spinal erectors. Good luck!!

      • That is horrible advice Mike. I would say that form is true of stiff leg deadlifts, but for regular deadlifts you ALWAYS want to the bar to touch the ground. If not, you risk injuring your back. Also FYI deads are not mainly for upper back. they target your hamstrings and posterior chain. Upper back benefits are a side effect of heavy deadlifts. It sounds like maybe you’ve been talking to bodybuilders.

        • I wouldn’t say it’s horrible advice, that’s a slight exaggeration lol.Yes I speak with bodybuilders and that form was taught by none other than Dorian Yates, the baddest back in bodybuilding for an era. With stiff legs I like to stand on a 6in box and get a good stretch on bottom with light weight. Thanx for the additional info as well though

  558. Just started 2 days ago! little sore but im glad im feeling it. 5’9″ 150lbs hoping to get up to 170. lets see how many cycles it takes!!!

  559. I’m a wrestler. my weight class was 152 this previous season, i’m looking to hit 171 weight class for next season. I started this a week ago and i gained about 2 lbs. already. I think i’m heading in the right direction with this. Thanks!

  560. If Im Dong 2 days worht of working out in one day should I
    workout, rest, workout, rest, etc….
    or should I
    workout, workout, rest, workout, workout, rest,etc….?

    • Are you asking if you should do 4 workouts within a 2 day time span before resting? If so, then probably not… maybe you could withstand that for a couple months but you’ll get sick and injured pretty quick doing 2-a-days consistently.

  561. Hi, I have an alright body but hardly any, muscle, I just did day 1 of the “werewolf training to gain muscle” but I don’t feel like I accomplished a whole lot. Should I add more Weight?

      • Thanks for the Advice, I feel like a train hit me after adding weight and intensity to your workout. I’m on day 11, and I’ve already Gained about 4-5 lbs of muscle. Just a quick question is Whey protein okay for this workout? and should I add in any cardio?

        • I don’t think you gained 4-5 lbs of muscle after 11 days, but good job anyway. Whey protein is great for this workout. You should not add cardio if you want to maximize muscle gains. Do add cardio if you don’t care as much about muscle gains but would rather stay lean.

  562. im a skinny guy and i’ve been doing the first 18 workouts and i’ve gained 8 pounds but i’ve also been taking a lot of protein and eating a lot.

  563. Hey im just starting this program and I would like to clarify one thing. For standing alternating shoulder press it is 2 sets x20. Do you mean 10x for each shoulder or is it 20 for each meaning 40 overall per set?

  564. Do you have videos on Youtube so I can see how you do the exercises? I totally have no idea what some of the exercises are.

  565. Starting the training tomorrow, wish me luck.
    Height: 5’7
    Weight: 125lbs
    Target Weight: 150lbs

    Ditching all my previous workouts and doing the 18-Day for 3 Cycles. Will post back soon.

  566. This workout looks awesome I can’t wait to try it. I was just wondering what tempo I should use. In my opinion, I would go for something like 3-1-2-1. What do you think?

    • All I can tell you about tempo, is that the concentric (up/push) portion of the exercise should move as fast as possible while attempting to maximize acceleration. Also, I would rather see a quick reversal than a 1 second pause at the bottom.

      • Steve!

        First of all, thank you so much for your program we got delivered here!
        I have been working with it for about 4 cycles, gained probably about 10 pounds of muscle, and am reading about this tempo post now.

        I found out in several videos, that in order to get the maximum muscle growth, I am supposed to make slow movements (about 3 seconds up/ 3 seconds down). In fact, this makes more sense to me since my knowledge tells me that less muscle fibers are getting used within a quick movement.

        Can you clarify that missunderstanding?


          • It has been my experience that lifting the weight as fast as possible produces the best strength and power gains. Strength and power gains translate directly into muscle gains since you build bigger muscles when you use heavier weights. The most growth you experience will be from using a weight that you can accelerate through each rep. In this way you will stimulate the fast-twitch muscle fibers to the greatest degree, which means maximum hypertrophy. Read more by people who agree with me at T-Muscle’s Perfect Rep.

            By lifting with a slow tempo you are training yourself to lift slowly, which does not stimulate the CNS; does not potentiate strength, speed, or power gains; and is not optimal for maximum hypertrophy.

  567. steve i got preparations for the next 10 weeks for exams in june and dont hav much time for this routine, or any type of training at the moment because of studying, as a result ive gained alot of unwanted weight and im not happy about it! i plan on hitting the gym with this routine the second i finish up de exams, im goin to crete in august though and i stand at 5ft 10″ weighing 183lbs, i already have a bit of muscle on me from sports but just want gain more and lose the fat to show it, its(fat) kinda making me insecure. im determined to follow this program in all respects religiously right up until im going away and then after. can u tell me what type of gains, if any, should i expect to see in that time? or should i just focus on loosing the fat and is it a realistic goal of getting low enough body fat to see my muscles in that short space of time? thanks for all these articles, i hope u take time to respond, cheers

    • I really think you should continue to train at least 30 minutes, 3 days a week, while prepping for exams. In this way you at least won’t be starting from scratch in June. You can probably lose 16 pounds of fat in two months with serious training and dieting.

  568. Three months ago I was 124 lbs. Now I’m 135 lbs. I’m 5’7″. My body fat was 10.5 when I checked 2 weeks ago.
    The work out routine that I followed was
    mon- chest, triceps, and shoulders
    tue- back, bi ceps
    wed- legs, abs
    Thurs- chest, triceps, shoulders
    fri- back, biceps, abs.
    These work outs would last for atleast an hour and thirty minutes.
    I rest on the weekends. What would you recommend I change in my work out so that I can gain another ten lbs in 2 months instead of three months.

  569. Hey Steve, I’ve started your workout routine, and man does it get me sweating, but I’m worried about the drop in upper body activity the program presents compared to my usual.

    My old routine focused about 75% upper body and 25% lower, so needless to say I will gain substantial leg strength/size and some better core muscle… but this leaves me wondering how my body is going to react to switching from 4-5 chest excercises one day a week, to that spread out over a few days. So far (I’m a week and a half in) I’ve noticed a slight decline in upper body mass, even if I have been gaining (which i would say is solely legs).

    I realize it would be unwise to measure the intensity of a workout based on how much you feel it the next day, but this seems beyond just the endurance conditioning that a sole muscle group per day workout plan creates.

    Your thoughts?

    • I tend to think you have not made the proper transition from relying on volume to produce gains, to relying on intensity and frequency to produce gains. Clearly you are not lifting heavy enough or with enough intensity if you are experiencing a decrease in upper body muscle mass. I would have to see you in action to prescribe a fix, but basically you need to put everything you have into each exercise each day.

  570. Steve, love your website… Its helped me put on 10+ pounds of muscle and counting. I started with your full body routine for 3 months and that was great. I used a split workout after that for another 3 months and now I’ve manned up and I’m doing this 5 day a week program and loving it so far. I’ve been seeing some pretty good gains already and I haven’t even finished the first cycle. Before I found this website I was 6’0 163, now I am 175 with a lower body fat percentage.

    I had a couple of questions though:
    1) I was doing the 3×5 120% bench today and was able to do it with just a little help from a spotter. Should I have bumped up the weight?

    2) The program includes windshield wipers, are those hanging windshield wipers or do I do those just lying on the floor?

    3) I’ve found my core in general to be a little weaker than I’d like, for example I couldn’t even do hanging windshield wipers when I tried. Is there anyway to include more of a core workout in this program instead of just abs?

    • 1) Yes, bump up the weight. Good job.
      2) Hanging.
      3) The complexity of the ab exercises in this routine should really improve your core. It’s not like I have you doing crunches. I don’t recommend adding or changing the ab exercises, but I do recommend using maximum intensity, which means adding weight and pushing out extra reps when possible.

  571. Thanks it looks good i’ll give it a try. By the way this workout routine sounds brilliant. Great work.

  572. I was wondering if u could help me … i have been going to the gym for half a year now and i have gained a considerable amount of muscle however i have retained some of the fat from before i started even though i am strict on my diet and my workout … do u have any suggestions how i can get rid of this excess fat while still keeping up my routine?

    • Switch to the full body fat loss for men routine for a couple months and keep your overall calories down (but protein up). You should be able to maintain your muscle and lose the excess fat.

  573. So I’m very eager to try this, but I’m having trouble fully understanding everything. Especially when it gets really technical with the nutrition, the metabolic co-efficient, the supplements. Hell even some of the workout routines. I’m fairly new to this stuff and really wanna bulk up. I guess I’m more of a visual learner. Maybe a few youtube video’s or something would help.

    Just a thought. Worst case scenario I can always ask a personal trainer or something, granted they don’t charge me for talking and call it a “consultation”

    Either way I love what you’ve done and enjoy reading it. Looking forward to starting it as soon as I fully understand it all. >.<

    • Ignore most of the complicated stuff and just start training. The most important thing is to eat enough to grow and to use a post workout recovery drink like Biotest Surge Recovery. Now go lift!

  574. LOlz i agree with steve im now gonna be 17 i wieghed 120 a year ago and i started wieght training because i used to be picked on somtimes and felt skinny and pushed around so it pushed me to wieght train and withing the first 5 months i gained 30 pounds like him with no supplements and no protein stuff i used the old fashion way of making peanut butter etc to make shakes and i gained 30 pounds of musicle and i look like he does its not that hard and u dont need all the supplements and stuff that they claim you do its all about determination not all the bs they talk about. And after the movie he did not look anything like that and plus during the movie im pretty sure he pumped up for like an hour before doing the rolls he did.

  575. Ok Steve, I am football player and i gained 50lbs in one year just from regular lifting and growing. I now weight 195 and i am 5’10”. I want to start losing my fat and looking jacked so what could i do to burn the fat off of me. and is there are recommendations for how much of what food group I should eat? Thanks

    • You should consult my posts on how much protein/fat/carbs to eat in a day. Switch to a diet high in protein and healthy fats, and low in carbs (70-120 grams a day).

  576. Hey, I am 5’10 and 169 pounds i was over 190 a couple of months ago so i have had good success, but i still have some fat left to burn. But, i also would like to gain muscle mass while i lose the remaining fat. would this be a acceptable routine to trim the fat and gain muscle at one time?

    • This is probably not the routine you are looking for, if you want to lose fat. It’s hard to lose fat and build muscle at the same time, so if I were you I would choose a priority. For gaining muscle, Werewolf Training is ideal. For losing fat, full body fat loss for men would be best.

    • Anywhere you can incorporate bands will lead to increased speed, acceleration, power, and strength, as long as you use them properly. Using bands on something like biceps curls would be a waste of time in my opinion unless you want to develop the acceleration on your curling motion, but the only way that could be useful is to shorten the time it takes to get a beer from the table to your mouth.

  577. On the alternating shoulder press listed on day 1 you say 2 sets of 20 reps. I assume this means 20 reps per arm. The only reason I ask is that it seems like a lot of reps compared to the other exercises. Is this correct?

  578. On number 5 what ab exercise can be used instead of ab wheel roll outs, the gym i go to tends to never carry one.

  579. (sorry for the novel) Also I have the worst time trying to keep on weight, I used to take creatine and went from 145-160 stopped and back down to 140… I have been trying to pack on more protein than anything, but could use some more calories now that im reading I should eat more…Any supplements besides protein? Also I read on a website that to get bigger more volume than weight ex…5x20reps with 20 lbs = 2000lbs volume weight lifted…rather than 5×10 with 30lbs= 1500lbs volume weight lifted… so doing more sets tears more therefore builds bigger? Ive been doing sets of 30 with super sets alot lately… More vainey but no mass lol..btw your site is enlightening, refreshing, and motivating.

    • Well Erik (I’m assuming you are the same Erik as the previous commenter), I think you need to change your training style. I think you need to eat more food, drink pre and post workout shakes, and use a program like Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains. There is some truth to what you said about training to gain, but regularly using 20-30 rep sets is not what you need. You need a program that varies the rep ranges mostly between 5 and 12 reps, but occasionally as low as 1 and as high as 20 (there is really no reason to do more than 20 reps when trying to build muscle). The 8-12 rep range seems to be the sweet spot for most people to gain muscle, but please remember that you need to eat and recover if you want to grow.

      • I am done with day 4 with your workout….I feel like I got hit by a train…And it feels great, I have moved weight up to where even at 2 sets, my last set I can barely do, and have also added a super-set to each day(just to satisfy my excess energy). Also I have increased my calorie/protein intake significantly since the 1st day I read your article.. I will keep in touch and let you know my progress, things feel good so far..
        P.S.- After class I was driving to the gym to start your work out the first day, and the moon was full! Its a sign….I just know it… 🙂

  580. One of the biggest mistakes I do is when im doing a set with only 2×8 I feel like that didnt do it for me.. Im very slim small built with bigger arms but want the rest of me that way to.. Every time i go in the gym I feel like I need to do super sets to feel like I have accomplished something, I want to feel the hurt. But then again I have hit a road block and feel like im not gaining any progress.. I dont think Im over working myself. But should I just stick to the plan or if i feel like i could do more to do more..

    • I don’t think you are putting in the necessary intensity. You either aren’t lifting heavy enough, you are taking too much rest between sets, or maybe you really do need to use superset with each workout. I often feel that way with smaller exercises. Squats, deads, and bench I can do without needing a super-set exercise, but with everything else I end up doing extra calf, ab, or shoulder work as a superset. Maybe you just aren’t using the right style of training for the way you want to train right now. Consider adding a ton of HIIT and HIRT work into your routines to really push your conditioning.

    • I’d recommend lots of healthy eating, a bit of HIIT training to burn fat, and a bit of strength training to build muscle and elevate the metabolism.

  581. can i do this routine in 3-day split?like

    monday- no.1 # Barbell bench press – 4 sets x 5 reps
    Dumbbell one arm rows – 3 sets x 8 reps
    Dumbbell incline bench press – 2 sets x 10 reps
    Body weight or assisted pull ups – 2 sets x as many as possible (amap)
    Dumbbell standing alternating shoulder press – 2 sets x 20 reps
    a) Dumbbell standing alternating bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps
    b) Dumbbell standing two hand overhead tricep press – 2 sets x 8 reps

    wednesday- no.2 Barbell back squats – 4 sets x 5 reps
    Seated calf raises – 3 sets x 8 reps
    Barbell alternating lunges (step forward, step backward) – 2 sets x 10 reps
    Standing calf raises – 2 sets x 12 reps
    Barbell good mornings – 2 sets x 20 reps
    a) Reverse crunch – 3 sets x amap
    b) Fold ups – 3 sets x amap
    c) Russian twist with medicine ball or plate – 3 sets x 15 reps

    thursday no.4 Barbell bent over rows – 4 sets x 5 reps
    Dumbbell bench press – 3 sets x 8 reps
    Weighted (add weight using a belt) or assisted chin ups – 2 sets x 8 reps
    Dumbbell incline flyes – 2 sets x 12 reps
    a) Dumbbell alternating front raise – 2 sets x 10 reps
    b) Dumbbell side raise – 2 sets x 10 reps
    a) Barbell standing bicep curl – 2 sets x 8 reps
    b) Dips – 2 sets x 8 reps

    ,and no.5 will be on monday next week.is that ok?but i will follow it according to what you have written.

  582. Hey steve i got a question, im trying to gain weight and get my six pack but my lower belly seems to have more fat and im trying to get rid of it, so how do i lose that fat without risking muscle gain?

    • You will have to choose to prioritize either fat loss or muscle gain. I’d say focus on losing the fat first, then gain muscle later. Use diet to lose fat and strength training to maintain muscle, but use HIIT training in addition to strength training to lose fat quicker.

  583. Hey Steve,

    I am not able to make it to the gym 4 days a week because of my hectic school schedule. but i am able to make it 3 days a week and i have like a two hour time slot to fit a workout in. Is this going to be okay to do this?? I just completed teh first week, i varied it a little bit and i feel great. Will i still see the gains that you mentioned above if i keep this up? Thanks man, great workout program.

  584. let me just ask you something here steve i have just barely started your workout and i must say it is absolutely incredible, but im just asking after you bulk up using this program how do you go about cutting? when you cut do you use a different workout entirely or do can you still use this one from time to time. Im just asking so that way i’ll know in advance, thank you for your time.

  585. Has this routine been used on a trained person before? Not taking anything away, but anything will give an untrained person quick results.

    • Several experienced athletes have used this program to gain some size and strength in a short period of time. This is the workout I would use, as a trained lifter, if I wanted to focus on gaining mass for a couple months.

  586. One day left in my fourth cycle… I have gained 14 pounds, and am pretty pleased with my results so far. I am going to take a week off like you suggest, but when you say “Active Week” what do you mean? Should I still be eating the same amount and taking the same supplements during the active week off? (I am taking all 4 of the supplements you recommended plus the BioTest Surge after workout). Should I be running or doing light lifting, or just chilling?

    I am 6’0″, and now weigh 190. Bench 260, incline 230, deadlift 235, squat 305. During my first cycle, bench was 200, incline 140, deadlift 135, squat 185.

    The size gains are definitely visible, people have commented about it even through my shirt and tie at work! I am probably going to do a couple more cycles then try to cut a little for summer. Thanks Steve.

    • An active recovery week should involve exercise, just none of the heavy lifting you usually do. You could ride a bike, go hiking, row around a lake, play some b-ball, or even do some short HIIT or HIRT workouts that you don’t normally do. It is tough to take an active recovery week when you’re used to lifting balls to the wall 5 days a week, but your body will thank you for it. Congrats on the killer gains.

        • You could probably stand to eat a little less during an active recovery week, but remember this is a time for your body to rebuild so you’ll want to supply it with enough nutrients to recover and grow. There’s probably not much need to take all those supplements during the active recovery week, mostly because those supplements should be taken before or after your training sessions, although protein powder should be used and it’s up to you if you want to stay on the creatine or maybe take a couple weeks off from that too.

  587. I live on a Christian campus, so the gym is closed on Sundays. Does it matter if I adjust my work out days to fit this schedule? For example, workout on day 6 and rest on day 7.

  588. One last question, would you recommend doing this full workout 3 times then switching to second guide similar to this

  589. Hi, i just worked out for the first time yesterday and am EXTREMELY sore, do you think i should keep working out reguardless of my sore pain or should i stop untill it goes away? Monday was chest and bi’s, tuesday was tri’s and back, and wednesday was shoulders and legs, …Thanks

    • If a certain muscle is “EXTREMELY sore” you should probably give it a day to recover, although light stimulation via a HIRT workout or just really light circuit training, will help you recover faster.

  590. What type of cardio would you recommend on off days? sprints/jog intervals? or just any 20 to 30 min. type?

    • On off days 3, 9, and 15 I would probably recommend 20-30 mins of HIRT training or even 45 minutes of endurance cardio. HIIT won’t work quite as well since we usually to run sprints for HIIT sessions, which tend to break down muscle tissue due to the high intensity demands on fast twitch fibers. On off days 6, 12, and 18 I think HIIT would be OK since there is no squatting either the day before or the day after.

      If you do extra cardio you might be sacrificing muscle gains, but that’s OK as long as you are OK with it.

  591. Also can I do days worth of workout in one day. For example can I do day one’s workout in the morning then do day two’s workout in the afternoon?

    • I suppose that could work for a short period of time. Make sure you get plenty of rest and eat plenty of food if you are going to try that.

  592. hi steve i do have just a few questions
    1. i do have a home gym but i don’t quite have all the equipment that is necessary for some parts of the routine so would it be acceptable to add in a different exercise that worked out the same muscle group?

    and 2. do you estimate that doing this routine as well as eating right could help you gain 20 pounds of muscle?

  593. im starting this workout tommorrow im trying to get cut though and im tired of split training its to boring so you guys think this will help me get cut and also how much cardio should i do

    • As per there Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains recommendations, cardio should be limited while on this routine in order to maximize muscle gains.

  594. staring work out routine today.. I’m at 185 pounds whit 20% body fat..take the first picture today, I will take a pic everyday for a month, then I will post the results.. promise i will follow the routines.. and i will take the protein ans supplements.be back in a month with the results..

    sorry for the bad English.. not my first language.

    • Can’t wait to read about your progress. I’m starting to think about making a forum or a Ning.com community for people to post reviews and progress details about their Werewolf or other Project Swole training. What does everyone think about that?

      • just one question!!
        I work construction (state work, cement) that’s a hard work, and i work like 12 14 hours a day some times.. will you recommend to train those days? and also,, should I take protein right before bed?

        • and that’s a good idea, when people see the progress on other people, gives u more more motivation to keep going.. so go ahead and make that forum… I want to be there lol

        • Construction is hard work. I might recommend brief workouts on those days as long as you have the energy to do it. If you start to feel run down you will know you are overtraining and should back off. Protein is fine before bed, especially casein protein.

  595. Hi Steve, thanks for taking the time to put together this routine. It would be good if you could have some success stories section. I will be trying this out my self in three weeks (starting a new gym) and will post my final outcome and log after three cycles. Once again thanks 🙂

  596. Hey Steve, just finished three cycles of this routine and it works, gained lots of strength and gained in size. Very effective routine, am 5’7 and started it weighing in at 142lbs. Am now 154lbs after 3 cycles which is pretty good. Only advice I can give is ALWAYS push yourself while maintaining good form and you will get bigger. Will mix your Werewolf Strength training with some crossfit for the HIRT routines now. Cheers.

  597. A quick question:

    I was interested in starting this routine, but I currently do bikram yoga once a week. Will this severely hinder my potential gains, since the yoga is 90 minutes in a 110 degree room? Most of the poses are only held for about 20 second, then rest, so it seems like it may be similar to a HIIT routine. Any thoughts?

  598. I have always had a hard time drinking milk or shakes anything else you recommend I take besides food of course.

  599. I personally think this is great! And I agree with Ally, if you don’t like it don’t do it! Steve’s the man

    • I just had a flashback to an episode of South Park where Cartman is having a tea party with his stuffed animals, and he’s making them all say positive things about him.

      Update: here it is on YouTube – Polly Prissy Pants

  600. i say fuck all your negative comments if you dont like this website dont come on it or comment on it all the guy is trying to do is help and if you guys dont like it shove it up yours arse i can say tht from my second week doing this i have seen major improvements 5 lbs already thanks steve keep up the good work

  601. Hi Steve!

    1: I was just wondering if i can do some extra excercises each day, or would that kinda mess up the work-out routine?

    2: And I see that you only got 2 sets on many of the exercices, but can I do one or two extra set without messing up the work-out routine?

    • If you are experienced enough to know how much volume your body can handle, then please train according to your own limitations.

  602. One more question
    According to this guide i need about 1700 cals, 110gms protein and 55gms fat.
    But my BMR according to the calculator is itself 1454cals, without multiplying by 1.55 to get my daily caloric needs( which according to the calculator is 2200cals)
    So how should i go about eating to optimize muscle gains? :S

    • How are you calculating your BMR? Where did 1.55 come from? If your BMR is 1450 and your Werewolf nutrition calorie requirements are 1700, then I would stay somewhere around 1600 – 1700. If you are not gaining muscle within two weeks, then you should increase that number by 100-200 calories for a week and see if you make gains. Repeat until jacked.

  603. This website is a bunch of bullshit old school workouts blow this away and if you have a negative comment about this losers man crush on that flameout taylor lautner he removes the comment

    • I never removed any comments. Negative comments are just part of the game. I welcome them just as I welcome positive comments. The truth is that some old school routines work and some don’t. Werewolf Training will work for some, but not for others. This is just an opportunity to try something different than a plain old 5×5 routine or a one-muscle-group-per-day routine. If you don’t want to try it, don’t. Fortunately some people are getting results from Werewolf Training and that’s all I really care about.

    • Hey, can I see a workout plan that you posted on the internet … oh wait you didn’t. And if you think old school workouts(bench press, squats,deadlifts) are bullshit. You can go play some p90x videos and get a bit more toned.

  604. I find it interesting and actually pretty pathetic that you give taylor lautner and his workout so much credibility. One you don’t know what he was taking, celebrities do whatever it takes to extend their careers and the bodies these people have especially at advanced ages are not because they work out all the time you are shallow if you believe that. Two taylor lautner is 18 years old. When i was 18 i would walk into the gym throw up a couple sets of curls play a game of basketball and go to mcdonals and i looked better than taylor lautner. I like a lot of what you have to say but i’m baffled by your fascination with taylor lautner he could have been on anything to get that part i would have and so would you

    • Taylor and Twilight are popular, his 30 lbs muscle gain is nothing to scoff at, I needed a platform for my workout routine, people are gaining size and strength on this routine, and there are over 350 comments on this post in 3 months. Hmmmm… I wonder why I gave Taylor so much credibility… Is it really all that baffling?

  605. I am of skiinny build and trying to get a 6 pack u can see the top foour but a little bit of fat covering the bottom abs what would you recommend for me to do to get a 6 pack

  606. Is it better to do cardio before lifting weights after lifting weights or on your days off of weight lifting

    • Not that good – cardio before lifting.
      Better – cardio after lifting.
      Slightly better – cardio at night, lifting in the morning.
      Better still – cardio in the morning, lifting at night.
      Best – cardio on days off.

  607. i have been on his werewolf training regime for nearly 4 weeks now, i started at 151 lbs at a height of 5ft 11″ so i was skinny and always had been, i know weigh 172 lbs! i have very little body fat and monsterous shoulders ,the only supplement i have is a lean mass protein shake 3 times a day, i was at a loss of what to do b4 i found this website,i highly recommend the workout

  608. Hey Steve,
    I have a question.
    Should i be eating the way its given on this workout for even the rest days. Or should i cut on the carbs on rest days? Will cutting on carbs on rest days hinder my gains?
    Thanks 🙂

    • If priority is leanness, cut carbs on rest gains. If priority is muscle gain, don’t cut carbs on off days.

  609. Steve, thank you so much.. you are honestly one of my heroes, i love how you tell the truth about everything and not just some scammer, you truly are amazing, to take the time and put all this effort for people. Much appreciated.

    Your blog makes me keep going, i acutaly have been eating very healthy for the past two weeks which i havnt done that all of my life. i hope i continue and get better results! btw 4 more days till i finish the first routine!:)

  610. Steve, the workout’s great, just finished one cycle and liking what I see.

    One question however: I was born with a club foot (I’m 20 now), and I now have a huge imbalance between left and right legs, especially the calves. What would be a good way to start correcting this?

  611. O thanks alot steve just one other question did Taylor lautner do HIIT to get his abs in? Or just all diet or his workouts? thanks alot

    • I don’t think he did all that much cardio actually. His metabolism is so fast that he has to eat like a hog just to gain any weight, and very little of that weight is fat, if any. He did eat a really healthy, lean diet though – egg whites for breakfast and such.

  612. Hey. I am 14 years old and want to do this routine. My goal is to gain 35-45 pounds of muscle by April 2012. Do you think this is possible?

    • I think a 30 lb weight gain in 13 months is reasonable, but it won’t likely be 100% muscle. Also, you are going to have to work your tail off for it, eat right, and get proper rest. You can accomplish this if you put your mind to it, but you’ve gotta do everything right.

  613. Hey Steve, any advice as to how I could improving the strength my shoulders? I’ve been stuck on the same numbers (for front raise, side raise, shoulder press) for quite a while now. I don’t know why my shoulders aren’t getting any stronger, would you recommend I substitute the shoulder exercises in your werewolf routine with the same exercises, except lower reps?

  614. Is this routine going to show results on someone currently on a 5×5 program?

    I’ve been training for sometime and have so far achived a BW Squat for 5×5, 1.2x BW Deadlift 1×5, BW Bench Press 5×5.

    Would this program be good for a few cycles? Because I have been led to believe that a fullbody regimen 3x a week focused on 5 sets of 5 is the best way to build muscle for someone who can’t move heavy weights in the first place.

    • Haha! Good question. I have done this workout, but only once. I do not look like Taylor at this point in my life as I am more focused on working, maintaining the blog, and taking care of my family. You can see some pictures of me here and here. However, I have trained in a similar manner as this routine for a good portion of the years 2000-2010, but it was time to get everything I’ve known and experienced into a single routine that can be used to gain muscle. I recently started AM HIIT and HIRT sessions, which I publish on my Facebook page, and I suppose I could publish them here too.

  615. thanks steve you are right..but like i dont do lots of reps, i do around 8- 10 reps with 20’s. and i do feeel it is working with good form. and btw i only use 20s for like curls and things like that

  616. hey steve i have a serious question. Im been working out fallowing all this and such but the question is should i do cardio as well while trying to gain muscle as well like HIIT like 2 days a week so i can lower my Body fat and my lower abs come in? a limit and etc. and the diet i pretty much know about just that question

    • If your goal is to gain muscle at all costs, then you should minimize cardio. If your main concern is ripped abs, then go ahead and add some HIIT sessions throughout the week, but don’t expect to gain 30 pounds of muscle in a year, as the cardio will take away from the muscle gains somewhat.

  617. Hi steve, your workout plan seems amazing.

    but i have a question, do i need to use very heavy weights to still get the same results? or can i use lower weights just as 15’s and 20’s and achieve some bulk still? I am only 14 but i have been working out for about a year now and in really good shape with muscle.

    Thank you

    • You really need to use heavy weights in order to build yourself a foundation. If you just use low weights and high reps, you will never achieve the size, strength, or muscle density that you are looking for. Unless you are looking to be really skinny and ripped, then I guess you can just do light weight and high reps, but don’t ever expect to look like you actually workout when you have a shirt on.

  618. hi steve i would like to know what the best excersise and tips are for gaining mass in the full arms ?…thanks

  619. Steve,

    I have been looking for a workout just like this one! I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to see the results. I officially started it yesterday. I currently 6’2 and weigh 185. I’ll keep you updated about my progress. I do have a question for you though:

    When doing the different a) b) c) lifts I read that there should be no rest between them. But I’m confused. Do I do the first set of a, then b, then c, or do I do first set of a, then second set of a, then first set of b, second set of b, etc etc. I’m just confused by the supersets.

    Thanks so much! Your website is amazing.

  620. Hi steve
    After one cycle ive gained Around 7 Pounds 😀
    i see great improvement but i got sick before the last day of the first cycle so i still havent done the last day of the first cycle and since im sick, ive lost 1 day of the 2nd cycle, should i just skip these days and go to the routine of the day i gey better or should i do those days i missed?

    • Probably just do the routine in the right order. Exercises are placed on certain days with certain rep schemes for a specific reason.

      • Even when sick?
        So i should do the last day of the other cycle and then just keep going?
        Im asking this because i have no gym avail for sat and sun so if i keep going and its not on a monday, rest days would be completely off schedule

        • Let me clarify. When you are no longer sick, you should start from day 1 of the 2nd cycle, no matter which day you start on. That’s my opinion. Don’t train too hard when you are sick though, as your body needs those resources to fight disease, not to build muscle.

  621. Is creatine bad for me? I’ve seen and heard a lot of stuff about it like how it can destroy your liver but I was intrested in taking it. Should I take it?

    • You could try it I suppose. I can’t make your mind up for you. It can make you feel nasty if you don’t drink enough water, and I suppose it could be bad for your liver in certain situations, but you should probably be fine. Talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.

  622. Hey steve, i really am loving your workout. i hope i see some good results, right now i am 5’10, 155 pounds.

    my question is how many times should i drink my protein shake? once after my workout. just once a day or more?

    • You should use a post workout drink like Biotest Surge Recovery after your workout, and drink one or two regular protein shakes throughout the day to meet your protein requirements.

  623. hey steve i was wondering if i should lose weight first because i have kind of a chub at the bottom of my stomach its not that big it flat but jiggles a little how would i seem to get rid of that while doing your work out im 16 160 pounds and 6’1 thanks 🙂

    • You should lose fat first, then bulk up. Studies have shown that your body stores more fat when it is already too fat. The body is better at processing fat when you have a lower body fat. So lose that fat first, then bulk up. Either add HIIT cardio to Werewolf Training, or do a couple cycles of Full Body Training for Fat Loss first.

  624. Iv been following your workout but i havent been doing any cardio is it gd to do cardio on my days off of weight lifting

  625. Hey Steve, great workout routine! I’ve been following it for 2 weeks now and its been going pretty awesome, I’m definitely seeing results and putting on some mass. However, I’m not seeing any significant improvements when I perform (bodyweight) pull-ups. Do you have any advice as to how I could improve at doing pull-ups?

    • Sure! Do like 3 sets of pull ups every other day, first thing in the morning, and try to do at least one additional pull-up every day. After about a month you’ll probably go from sets of 10, 8, 6 – to something like 12, 10, 8. Sounds like progress to me.

  626. Hey Steve, I am a 16 year old boy who has been struggling to gain weight for quite some time now. I am definately an ectomorph as I am skinny as can be and have trouble putting on muscle mass. I am about 6’2″ and weigh around 152lb’s. Would you be able to suggest some things for me to get started with? Like which supplements, calories and carbs to consume, which foods to eat, etc… PLEASE HELP!

    • Since you struggle gaining weight, you can try drinking protein shakes made with whole milk all day long. Try Optimum Nutrition protein powder to mix with your milk. As long as you can eat enough calories, you can gain weight. I feel that within a year you could get up to 180 lbs if you will eat at least 3000 calories a day. Probably more. For carbs, you should munch on fruit and whole grain foods like oatmeal. Read Project Swole and figure out what else you need to do. You can do it!

      • Thanks for the tips! Okay I still ave a question or two. Since I am 16 and don’t have immediate transportation (to get to the gym), is there a certain workout routine that you would be able to suggest for me? The only things that I really have are dumbbells, and a pull up bar. Also, is it a bad thing to workout before I go to bed at night??

        • I guess I should write a dumbbells-only workout routine, but for now you’ll just have to replace barbell exercises with dumbbell equivalents. It’s not bad to workout before bed, but I wish you luck with falling asleep.

  627. If I’m still sore 72 hours after the leg workout should I still do the next leg workout or take an extra day off?

  628. Hey steve

    After 3 cycles of this i managed to finish with 5 pounds, although im looking to put on aprrox another 10. im begging a 4th cycle of this but it would appear that im not gaining anymore weight, am i at a plateu? and i want to gain more instead of doing the strength because im striving for hyptrophy. what would you recommend i do>?

    • I recommend you push yourself harder with this routine. Take your work sets to failure. Are you eating enough? If not, eat more food in general, especially more protein. This program should be sufficient to eliminate plateaus due to muscular or CNS adaptations in a 4 month period, so that can’t be your problem. I’d have to know more about your lifestyle and training to make more specific recommendations.

  629. Is it possible during summer to do arm workout in the moring then legs in the afternoon? And so far I’m on my 3rd cycle and I’ve gained 7lbs and bench has gone up by 30pts. thanks steve

  630. hey, thanks for the great program. i have a big chest, but smaller shoulders and traps, and i honestly think it looks kinda goofy. that’s the only part of me i see out of proportion. will this routine bring it all together or should i add a little extra shoulder and trap work?

    • I think you should add some shrugs at the end of every workout. Alternation dumbbell shrugs and barbell shrugs. Add weight every workout and use proper form to really blast your traps.

      As for shoulders, that’s a little more complicated, but consider replacing something with an extra set of cable or dumbbell side raises at least twice a week. Combined with the compound shoulder exercises used in Werewolf Training, you should be able to put some caps on those medial delts.

  631. Help Steve: I have just started drinking the Surge Recovery after workout… it is extremely filling. I am finding it very hard to eat until probably 3 hours after drinking that (I drink that plus the XTend right after workout in the evening). The Surge tastes like I’m straight up drinking 16 ounces of liquid fudge, but the problem is I’m so full after it that 3 hours later when I am able to eat it’s already 10pm and I need to get to bed soon. I know I need carbs and protein after a workout, and I have been forcing down food for protein, but is there a carb shake or something that you recommend I drink after the Surge?

    I’m on Day 1 of third cycle – have gained 8 pounds. Bench = 4×5 @ 250, up from 200. Deadlift = 4×5 @ 245, up from 145. Squat = 4×5 @ 275 up from 185. Incline = 2×10 @ 230, up from 140.

    Thanks Steve

  632. Greetings from mexico here!
    Ive a question for you Steve.. Ive been following your routine up to day 4 and it has been great, but i have a doubt. Can i leave the leg excercises out? or should i be doing them all? I run with inclination, and do some scalator (dont know what the name for that is) all of which, make my legs stronger, i dont really see the need for that amount of excercise (haha i know it is needed to stay in proportion) but.. can i skip them?
    which leads to my next question: How important is the day spacing between excercises? can i do tuesdays and thursdays, and then saturdays and sundays?
    Also.. no glute ham machine in my gym :/ any alternatives?
    i am 18, and new to weights, but your guide has been very useful, thank you! 😀

    • You should do the leg exercises. The “day spacing” is up to you. You can do glute ham raises with just about anything that will anchor your feet, including a partner.

  633. I was juss wondering what fold ups are iv researched on the internet but still cant find out what they are could you explain please

  634. Hey Steve, great workout routine! I’ve been following it for 2 weeks now and its been going pretty awesome, I’m definitely seeing results and putting on some mass. However, I’m not seeing any significant improvements when I perform (bodyweight) pull-ups. Do you have any advice as to how I could improve at doing pull-ups?

    • Sure! Do like 3 sets of pull ups every other day, first thing in the morning, and try to do at least one additional pull-up every day. After about a month you’ll probably go from sets of 10, 8, 6 – to something like 12, 10, 8. Sounds like progress to me.

  635. steve, im doing abs three times a week for about 30min each time .im not sure if the excerises im doing is working my whole core this is what im doing is this able to get me a even six pack ?

    2 x amap crunches with 15kg dumbells on chest
    1 x amap with the ab roller (not the wheel)
    1 x 15 lying leg raises(with angle weights
    side plank 45 secs each side

    can you tell me if these are ok if not can you possibly make me a new 1 plzz thanks 😉

  636. 10 pounds of muscle in half a year? Not bad but how about letting us in on how he really worked out. He said he gained 40 pounds of muscle in the months leading up to shooting for New Moon. HOW ?!?!?!

    • He gained 30 pounds in the year leading up to New Moon. It’s because he was so skinny but had a great athletic foundation, that when it came time to really try to build muscle, it went on pretty easily. But he also has the freedom to structure his life around gaining muscle, as well as a personal trainer who tells him what and when to eat.

  637. Hey Steve. I’m almost done my first cycle and it’s realyl working good. My strength has improved drastically and ive gotten a bit bigger too. I was wondering… is there a way to specialize the workout so I can build bigger traps? What exercises would I add in and what would I replace?

    • Get thick traps by doing heavy barbell shrugs, or dumbbell shrugs if that’s your only option. Try adding 2 sets of 10 on back day or on leg day, towards the end of the workout. Go as heavy as possible and HEAVE the weight up when you shrug. Use straps or chalk to hold the bar if it’s too heavy. DO NOT roll your shoulders – the motion should be straight up and down, and I sometimes thrust my head forward an inch or so in order to get the traps higher.

  638. hi..i was trying to find this routine but other websites were just wasting my time..i guess i hv made my choice n start ur training schedule as soon as possible..thank u vry much..n u’ll b seeing me as a werewolf soon..haha..:)

  639. Hey Steve , i am taking SizeOn during my workouts , optimum 100% whey protein after my workouts and black magic for my pre workout . And right now I am doing 1 body part a day for 3 days then take an off day and then on for three more (repeat) it seems to be a pretty decent plan… I was just wondering if you think the werewolf training plan would be better for me ?

    • Of course I think my program is better Rob. But that doesn’t mean you have to use it. If you are getting results from your program, stick with it until you plateau, then try Werewolf Training.

      • Alright Steve! Thanks for the reply. I’m going to try this program till after april 1st I’ll comment again later and let people know my results.

  640. steve i relised that taylor guy has really wide trap muscles, and i find that is what makes him look so built is it possible to get them like that or is that just his body shape ? because my traps seems more triangaler also wondering if he done any toning in his routine thanks 😉

  641. Hey Steve,
    I’m 16 this year and have been doing basic workouts (full body) for like 3 months now.
    I am pretty skinny (103lbs 5’5″ 12%bf) although im not sure i am an ectomorph :S, cause i used to be pretty chubby and decided to get thin and active last to last year. Pretty sure i lost a lot of muscle, although i was never really muscular. Now i pretty much remain the same weight. Is it possible to switch bodtypes?

    I just started this workout like a week back, just finished the 7th day. But i dont seem to be very sore after the workout even though i pretty much push myself to lift my maximum and sometimes until failure.
    Am i doing something wrong? Any other advice for gains?
    BTW Love the routine 🙂

    P.S the only supplement i take is whey powder

    • Being sore means nothing. The important thing is to make progress on the scale and/or with the weights you lift.

      Also, it’s not really possible to switch body types once you reach a certain age, but I think at 16 you are still in the stage where you can teach your body how you want it to look for the rest of your life. If you were fat and now you are lean, try to maintain that leanness up to adulthood. If you want to be muscular as an adult, try to train your body to be muscular now and you will hold at least some of that muscle mass forever, or you will at least make it easier to maintain some level of “muscle tone” and strength even if you aren’t lifting 4 times a week for the rest of your life.

  642. Hey Steve thanks for taking the time to read this okay so right now im a 190 pounds 5?11 and 12% BF. too be honest i would like to stay about the same weight but lose fat and replace it with muscle. probably would like to add 5-10 pounds of muscle. do you have any tips or ideas on this? i would like to put HIIT in my routine cause i know its great for adding mass but not adding alot of fat or none at all just wondering thoughts?
    MY goal for BF% would be to get it down to below 10% but really want around 8-9BF%. i would like to achieve that bu May or early June. any ideas or tips would help. Also i currently eat around 2700-2900 calories a day with about 200-210g protein and about 200-280g of carbs. anyway well thanks again

    • I have you down for about 2300 calories to lose fat. Protein is about right, carbs should be reduced by about 100 to maximize fat loss. It is good to add a couple HIIT routines to your training.

  643. i would probably like to add around 5-10 pounds of muscle and cut my body fat 10 or lower goal though is 8%. any ideas on how to do this and what should i start. im already a pretty decent size as far as muscle but 5-10 pounds would be nice and also i would like to get my BF% to under 10 for around May 15th

  644. steve is it ok to do cardio after work-out?,if not when is the best time to do cardio/HIIT to lose fat?

    and where can we get a diet program that we can follow here?

    • Cardio after the workout is fine, but not more than 30 minutes. I’d prefer you to do cardio in the am if you lift at night, or cardio in the pm if you lift in the morning, or better yet do your cardio on days you are not lifting.

      Regarding diet: I’ve been trying to pump out my Project Shred ideas for over a year but I can’t find time to finish it. There are other diet plans and nutritional advice on this site that are still pretty useful. Search around. Check the Diet menu at the top of the website.

  645. Hey Steve thanks for the workout looks great. okay so right now im a 190 pounds 5″11 and 12% BF. too be honest i would like to stay about the same weight but lose fat and replace it with muscle. do you have any tips or ideas on this? i would like to use this workout to do that but wanted to know if you think thats a good idea? and how much HIIT would i need to do with it. also how much food should i eat then most sites say for me to eat 2900 to maintain if im very active which with this workout i will

  646. Alright, I think that’s exactly what I’ll do then. I’ll just start doing HIIT workouts when I’m done gaining muscle and satisfied with my results. But what about my supplement situation that I mentioned earlier?

  647. Ray: To maximize muscle gains, you will get a little fatter. That is the only way to REALLY make sure you are gaining as much muscle as possible. You can make sure you gain only muscle by cutting down on carbs/calories and by doing extra cardio, but you won’t gain as much muscle as you would if you went all out.

    Also, stop drinking beer.

  648. Fred: that’s exactly right. Curls are one arm at a time, then skullcrushers are two arms together. It’s not as big of a problem as you might think.

  649. Adonis: You might need to follow a chest specialization program for a couple months to bring your chest up. My guess is that you use more triceps and shoulders when you bench with a barbell. Chances are if you do more dumbbell work for a while, your chest will grow. Consider replacing all barbell chest exercises with equivalent dumbbell exercises for 2 cycles of Werewolf training. To take your triceps out of the movement, don’t keep your elbows so close to your body when barbell benching. However, I prefer to bench with my elbows in – this is how powerlifters bench.

    • Steve,

      Yeah, I think I use more of my triceps and shoulders as i can feel them burning more, instead of my chest muscles. In fact after an upper body session, I almost feel not sore at all at my chest. Even if there is, its my upper-outer chest that is sore.

      Can you elaborate more about the chest specialization program? Is there any other routines specifically for the chest i can incorporate to the werewolf training routine?

  650. Anyone with questions about how many cycles of Werewolf Training you should do before changing up your routine, or why you haven’t reached your goal weight, this comment is for you.

    You can use up to 4 cycles of Werewolf Training I would say, before changing it up. Because Werewolf Training utilizes so many variables, there is far less of a need to switch your training so often. After about 3 months though, I should say it’s time to switch it up. You could try either full body training plus HIIT to drop some of your Werewolf fat, or you could attempt Werewolf Training for Strength Gains for a couple months.

    If you aren’t seeing the results you expected, then I predict you are experiencing at least one of the following problems:

    1) You aren’t training with enough intensity, not pushing each set to the limit.
    2) You aren’t eating enough food or protein. Increase your calories and supplement with a protein shake every day!
    3) You aren’t getting enough recovery. This could be either too much added cardio or extra workouts, or you are just not sleeping enough.

    Thanks everyone for your feedback!

  651. Also, I have trouble targeting Lower Abs, “Love Handles”, and since I’ve been in college I’m getting a somewhat beer belly.

  652. Hey steve, I’ve been doing your workout and have been definitely seeing results, now I’m running out of supplement, but I haven’t been using the supplement that you’ve posted. Before, the only supplement I was using Amplified Wheyabolic Extreme 60 Dietary Supplement, which I would only drink after a workout. I’m 17 and about 5’10 and weighing about 145. I’ve haven’t gained any significant weight after 2 cycles but I have gotten a lot stronger and bigger so I’m really happy with the results.

    But considering the supplement, should I get all four? Is it necessary? Is there a certain schedule to the supplements? I’m trying to get bigger and stronger but at the same time, I really don’t want to HAVE to do cardio or HIIT workouts to become cut, though I’ve done them before as well as running every now and then. Basically, I really just want to be gaining pure muscle if it possible, but I feel like that would be 10x harder rather than if I was just eating and getting fat 24/7 while working out. What’s your recommendation?

  653. How many cycles should I do of Werewolf Muscle Gain before I switch to another workout routine then switch back to the werewolf series workouts?

  654. This workout was just the thing I needed to get back into the swing. I was at the gym for like 6 months workin out hard. Seemed like I hit the wall and got really bored canceled my membership found this online and bam pull the weights back out and home and took off runnin with the program. Only going on the first day of the second cycle but, I can already see more cut.

  655. This may be a stupid question but i need to get it off my head. i want to get things straight, what are the exact supplements i need to use to gain 20 pounds of muscle like taylor lautner did for the movie? i saw the ones you listed but i just need you to narrow it down. what would you buy if you were in my shoes. im 19 and i weigh 145 lbs im an ectomorph. Also, i would like it if you gave me an example of a days nutrition from breakfast to dinner with supplements and the workout placed in there. lets just pretend i dont work and just go to school. what can a day look like? sorry steve but your the only one that i see that gives the best motivation and support/tips. thanks steve your the man.

  656. Hey Steve, great website.

    Im 5’11, 165lbs, but have always been very slender, most of my muscle mass is on legs, from years of soccer and squash. Ive always thought it impossible that i would have the body I wanted. This program has given me some hope.

    At the gym in my apt building, there are no barbells, no bar or anything of the sort. We have only dumbells. But most of these can in principle be done with dumbells instead of barbells. Will i get the same results?

  657. hey steve
    ive gained approximately 5 poundsa after 2 cycles, and im just wondering if i should cycle for a 4th time after the 3rd cycle to put on more mass, would you reccomend this?

  658. hey steve, youve realy done a good job with all these workouts, i just had one question, how would a day of eating look like? as in breakfast and then the snack or shake and then lunch etc…aldo would it be better to work out after or before lunch beacuse i dont know if it makes sense to work out when u have alot in your stomach. thanks and again keep up the good work!

  659. Steve,

    I’ve started following your werewolf training routine since January 1st, and I must say, I’m pretty impressed by the results I’m getting. I can’t really say how much weight I’ve gained (I didn’t weigh myself in the beginning. What I had done instead was took measurements (by circumference). I can see significant size increases in parts of my body:

    upper arms: +3.2cm

    The thing is, I am not really sure why there is not much difference in my chest measurements? Is it because chest muscles are harder to develop? I realize when I perform chest exercises such as bench pressing, I can feel much more load on my triceps, but less on my chest. Is it normal? Even the 0.5cm increase I’m not really sure about, because it might be an error in measurement.

    I guess what I’m really asking is, what can be causing my slow development in my chest, and what can i do to increase them?

  660. Hey there steve, I am on my 4th cycle of and just finished my 5th I believe on thursday, I think im the only one who was on this the longest period of time haha, but anyways I have stayed a constant 180lbs and im 5’10 5’11 around there, and during these cycles I have been eating right, been taking supplements, and also sleep the amount of hours that was posted. I havn’t gained any weight what so ever but I have increased in strength overall I don’t know why I am not gaining the weight desired I use to squat only a lousy 85 pounds and bench about the same as well and both have moved up to 145lbs on this program and I know it is not alot but that is a huge improvement for me, But like I said I’m not gaining any muscle what so ever so im thinking bout moving to your Werewolf Training for Strength Gains routine, I know its for strength gains but maybe I will gain muscle doing that instead? Idk what I’m doing wrong!

  661. Well i finally finished the first cycle on this workout and its been great so far. I have tried to stick to the routine as best i can but due to work and studies i have only managed to get to the gym 2-3 times a week. As for supplements i only used a protein powder an hour before my workout and before i got to sleep that night.

    This workout has been great. I have gone from 5’6 weighing 53kg to 56 kg. my bench press has gone up from 38kg to 48-50kg. ive noticed that the shoulders have gotten alot broader, the chest arms have gotten bigger but not to the same extent.

    Defiently gonna give this a second try and hopefully keep it to the 18 or at least 21 days =)

  662. hey steve, im about a bit halfway through 2nd cycle, ive gained about 5 pounds, altough i have question, after my 3rd cylcle if i havent gained my goal weight which is about 15-20 pounds, should i go for a 4th cycle? or what would you say?

  663. I just noticed that you recommend 10 minutes of stretching after workout. How important is this? I have not been stretching afterwards at all, just walking the 2 blocks back to my house from the gym. I guess I will start..

  664. I am on day 3 of my second cycle. I have gained about 7 pounds, am 6′ 182 lbs now. My goal is to gain another 13 or so. Size-wise I can definitely see a difference.

    My bench has gone up from 3 sets of 5 @ 200 to 4 of 5 @ 235. Incline is up from 140 to 190. I have not tried to max my squat yet, but I was repping at 185 in the beginning and now am doing 225.

    The routine is great, it definitely produces results. Thanks Steve, will keep updating my progress.

    • That’s great Slant Eye! I am psyched that most people are experiencing great results from this program. Great strength gains man. Keep up the good work.

  665. Hey steve real quick. I have my own ab exercise that ill be doing three times a week. How do i cancell out the ab workouts with this routine and what do i fill it with considering the ab workouts make up some of the supersets which is difficult to replace haha. and my other question is will this workout make my arms bigger as well because thats my main focus but i would also like to beef up everything else which this program does

  666. steve is it ok to do some jogging/cardio after work-out? if not when is the best to do it because we have so many BF..

  667. I have been doing the werewolf for muscle for about 2 cycles and had some pretty good results, can def see more muscle and strength, with some fat added as well, but I just injured my ankle, what would you suggest I modify my workouts to? I will have to cut most of the lower body workouts and some of the upper body, should I keep doing the same workout plan or something different?

  668. I am about the same size as Lautner was before the workout. I am 17years old and about 5’4. Do you still think I can gain the 20lbs.

    • Yes Adam, you can definitely gain 20 lbs. Don’t limit yourself, don’t let anyone else limit you, push the envelope and make serious gains.

  669. Are you recommending Biotest Surge instead of the Scivation Xtend or in addition to it?

    Also can you post a link to this Biotest Surge product please? You have mentioned it several times in the comments, but never in the actual article, and I can’t find it on bodybuilding.com. The closest thing on google is called Surge Recovery, made by BioTest Edge, but I don’t know if this is what you’re referring to.

  670. steve is it ok to do cardio after work-out?,if not when is the best time to do cardio/HIIT to lose fat?

    and where can we get a diet program that we can follow here?

    thanks steve.

  671. Hey steve real quick. I have my own ab exercise that ill be doing three times a week. How do i cancell out the ab workouts with this routine and what do i fill it with considering the ab workouts make up some of the supersets which is difficult to replace haha. and my other question is will this workout make my arms bigger as well because thats my main focus but i would also like to beef up everything else which this program does.

  672. Hi Steve,
    I’m currently on the final weekend before the last week of this program. It’s worked out great for me. I’ve been eating the number of grams per pound I want to weigh (160) and I’ve gone from 143 at the start to 153 so far, though it fluctuates up and down. I’m thinking I gained so much so quickly because I used to weigh 152 a few months ago. The next 10-20 pounds are going to be much harder I’m thinking. My final goal is 170-172, as I’ve figured that’s my ideal weight given my height, 5’10.5″ and body type. I’ve started to increase my protein intake to 165g/day as well.

    I also plan on doing the strength program once I finish the 3rd cycle of this one, and then plan on continuing until I reach my goal. I’ll let you know how soon it takes!

  673. well, i finished my first cycle on january 31,and iam 153.4, like i gained 3 ponds:D now im reading the comments and i havent done the exercises “a”,”b”,”c”etc like superset, now im starting cycle 2 and hopelly i would increase, at least iam lifting more than before:D i will let u know how iam after 2nd cycle.
    Thanks u so much steve.

  674. Adam: You can definitely gain 20 pounds by summer, but I can’t guarantee that it will be all muscle. In 4 months time you can probably gain 8-10 pounds of solid muscle if you hit it like crazy, eat right, sleep right, use supplements, etc… After that the gains will probably slow down and it will probably take you another 4 months just to gain another 4-5 pounds of muscle. Of course I have no idea how big you are now, or how much experience you have, so I’m not sure what your potential is.

  675. The hardest part in gaining weight is the eating part. Just like Lautner, the hardest part of gaining muscles/weight is eating! It’s like every 2 hours I should be eating something. Anyways, it is a good workout plan, I’ll start that right away.

  676. Hey Steve,

    two more question: Is it possible if i give it all I can, Do you think I can gain 20lbs by summer?

    And will muscle milk help?

  677. I have a question, but what happens when I finish the warewolf muscle gain, and strength gain, what kind of workout should i do to keep my muscle, and lose fat? will I have to change my workout every 2 months forever or is there a workout I could repeat for a very long time?

    • James: You should always be changing up your workout if you want to maximize progress. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. You can do 2 cycles of Werewolf for size, 2 cycles of Werewolf for strength, 2 months of Full Body Training plus HIIT for fat loss, then repeat the whole thing over again. Or you can choose entirely different programs and repeat them however you want. Ultimately though, you have to change your workouts or adaptations and progress will cease.

  678. Thanks steve ill take those supps into consideration. Just gotta get some more money. But nahh im not gunna take any NO supps just stickin to beef protein, creatine and then the methyl later on. And maybe some multi vitamins

    • Joe: I definitely recommend the Biotest Surge, if nothing else. If you aren’t using a proper post-workout drink within 20 minutes of intense training, you are missing out on your #1 top window for stopping catabolism, starting protein synthesis, and recovering from your workout. I can’t think of a single person who started using Surge and didn’t come to me a couple weeks later ranting and raving about how much better they recover from training.

  679. Yeah man its alot to ask for but i really think i can do it especially with some protein, creatine, and some methyle. But im ready for it and im gunna stick to this routine without stopping and taking “days off” thats my main problem. Ill get into a groove for a week then all the sudden i dont feel like going anymore and ill take like a week break then it goes back and forth. Hopefully with this routine, itl make me WANT to go considering its differnt exercises each day and not my boring routine. As for my supps and cycle, im gunna try and intake 1g of protein per pound along with creatine pills and after a week of that ill add in some methyle 1 d and use novadex for my pct. hopefully all of this will get me to my goal of 20 pounds of muscle by june. Ill be cycling through your 18 day program until my deadline. Thanks again steve

    • Joe: You should drink a gallon of water a day since you’re using creatine and methylated anabolics. I also suggest you pick up some Biotest Surge for post-workout nutrition, get some ZMA to help you sleep at night (and melatonin if you really have problems sleeping, which the methyl might cause). Consider using Xtend to get extra amino acids before and after the workout too. Are you also considering using an NO supplement? That might be overkill in this case and could very well make you feel nauseous at the end of the workout.

  680. In our local gym, we have very few equipments.
    The trainer told me to follow these workout,

    10 Mins – Cardio (Bike or Treadmill)
    Then 50 reps of four different stretches.

    3 x 12 of Machine Bench Press
    20 reps of Concentration Curls
    3 x 12 of Peck Deck Flys
    3 x 12 of A-t Pulley
    3 x 10 of Shoulder Press (machine)
    3 x 12 of Leg Extension
    3 x 12 of Leg Curl
    3 x 12 of Machine Crunch
    3 x 12 of Back Extension
    3 x 20 of Crunches
    3 x 20 of Overhead Crunches ( don’t know the name)

    Then 5 mins cardio cooldown

    I’m still 15, and I do the workout every weekdays. Can you please improve my workout for a werewolf training . Thanks.

  681. Steve,

    Id just like to thank you for putting this routine together. Since my GF of 2 years broke up with me on Jan 24th Ive been in really screwed up state of mind. Ive been hitting 24hr fitness, 2 hours a night with no real plan. I want my body to go from scrawny to ripped so that if we don’t end up together she’ll wish we were, and if we do (and I hope so) she’ll love my new physique.

    That said, I’m going to start your routine tomorrow.

    My biggest concern is that I would like to avoid supplements (mainly because of the costs). I know I’m not a very big eater, and gaining requires calories and nutrients.. Ill try and stick to your nutrition guidelines best I can.. Worst case, Ill have to supplement.

  682. Oh yeah i also wanted to add steve that it doesnt look like you have much tricep exercises. Maybe if you could tweek it a bit but its just a suggestion. Thanks man!

    • Joe: If you must, add some extra dips, skullcrushers, close grip bench, etc… in strategic places, like after a chest exercise or something.

  683. Hey steve. Just printed out your workout. Im gunna start it next week straight without being lazy (hopefully). Just wanted to say that this regime looks very impressive considering your covering every major muscle which is very important. My goal is to gain 20-30 pounds of muscle by june of this summer. I know i can do it especially cycling though the 18 day workout. Im also going to be stacking some beef protein, creatine, and methyle 1-D with this workout. I hope with all of this i will reach my goal of gaining 20-30 pounds of muscle by june 1st, 2010 (: i will post up results and stats after each cycle. Thanks alot steve this is what ive been looking for.

    • Joe: 20 pounds by June is alot to ask, but you can probably do it. The M 1-D will probably help a lot, but make sure you know how to put together the right PCT for that. How much will you be using, and what will your cycle look like? Good luck man.

    • SteveH: You are probably gaining muscle and losing fat, which is why the scale isn’t moving. If you want to focus on losing fat, your potential strength and size gains will be reduced, but I’m sure you will still be able to make some progress. If you are hell-bent on losing fat while Werewolf training, you can add a couple 20 minute HIIT or HIRT routines at the end of your workouts, or at the opposite end of the day (eg. AM – 20 mins of HIIT, PM – 45 minute Werewolf training). If that is not a good solution, simply decrease the number of carbs and calories in your daily diet.

  684. I am now on my second rotation of this exercise. Let me start out by saying I am a big fan of this particular workout. If anyone thinks these days are easy (especially the leg/lower days) they are not pushing themselves. I have not gained nor lost any weight. I have gained strength. I was able to put up 225 once, deadlift 335 once and squat 295 once. Those may not seem like a lot to some of you, but they are to me. I am 29 years old. I worked out off and on in college but just recently got back in the groove. I could not bench 185 three times before I started this workout. I can now put up 205 three times. I would like to see more progress. I wish I could lose weight on this but I have not budged from 195. I have a protein bar in the morning, a bowl of oatmeal for a snack, shake before working out, then another protein bar after workout, usually yogurt or fruit snack in the afternoon and then a sensible dinner. I do not eat a lot of red meat or carbs. I try to limit all sugar. I do not drink pop or eat sweets. Any suggestions on diet would be helpful.

  685. Jordan: A super-set should be consider a single entity. Execute a “b” exercise immediately after an “a” exercise, without any rest. Then take your 60-90 second rest after exercise “b” (or “c” or letter denotes the end of the super-set or giant-set) before starting over with exercise “a” again.

    As far as your sucky gym goes, I would try a different gym. But since you probably can’t, you can replace good mornings with stiff leg deadlifts holding dumbbells, or by anchoring a band to something and doing your good mornings with the band.

  686. Steve: My wife and I started the Werewolf training as a follow up the the Generic Full Body and 3×5 training, both of which we had excellent results. One question about the Werewolf Training, will it hurt if we just do it three days a week? That’s about all the time we have to workout. We do Sun, Tues, Thurs. With the other days as rest days.

    • John: It won’t ‘hurt’ but you would probably see better progress training 4 days a week. Don’t make it a big deal though. Just train thrice a week and let us know how it goes.

  687. i really like this routine but im looking for something a little more upper body oriented since thats where i am weakest. Im a basketball player and my legs are a lot stronger than my upper body which is what i want to focus on. Any recommendations/comments?
    Btw, loving the site ive been going on anabolicminds for quite some time and this is my new home =]

    • David: Thanks for coming. None of my routines, unless specified, are really lower-body intensive. You would do well to choose a muscle group, whether back or chest, and prioritize it for a month or two. To do this, you can take a routine like Werewolf Training or a Full Body Workout, and substitute one additional exercise for the target muscle group each day. If you are squatting really well maybe you can take a month off from deadlifting to focus on your chest and shoulders. Similarly, if you are at least doing lunges and deadlifts, you could take a month off from squatting to focus on your priority. There are also muscle specialization programs out there… there are a couple on Project Swole if you can find them.

    • Shawn: I don’t know man. I have some thoughts down on paper now, but I need to finish my research and write the program. Considering how busy I am, it might take several weeks.

  688. Steve,

    I found this article a few weeks ago and have decided to give it a try. I start today (February 1, 2010) and had a few questions. 1) How do the supersets work with your workouts? Am I doing them in between each exercise or in between only the exercise that the superset list is under? Where am I plugging those in? 2) I am on a very low budget right now, so I belong to a very basic gym. It doesn’t have everything required to do this program, but I really want to do it anyway. It has most of this stuff, but say the gym doesn’t have barbells (only a Smith machine), how would I go about doing say something like Good Mornings? Any help you could provide me prior to getting in there would be greatly appreciated. I’m excited to get started!

  689. magbabakal: Give the full body training plus HIIT routine a try. That should help you stay strong and lose some fat.

    KG: Good luck man. Go as heavy as possible to really make good muscle gains.

    Shawn: You can do this routine for a cycle or two, but I almost think Werewolf Training for strength gains would be a better choice for you since strength is more of what you are after. My Werewolf Training for Power will be right up your alley too, I just need to make time to write it up. Try doing Werewolf for Muscle for 1 cycle, then Werewolf for Strength for 2 cycles, then Werewolf for Power (not published yet) for 1 cycle, then it will be time for some cutting so you can try a full body routine plus HIIT for fat loss, or maybe integrate some additional HIRT training into the Werewolf for strength routine. You have many options, but training specifically for ‘muscle gains’ is not really one of them if you want to wrestle in a low weight class.

  690. Adam: Stick with Werewolf Training for 3 cycles, but make sure you are pushing it like I said before. Don’t leave any reps in the tank. Go heavier and decrease rest if you are unhappy with the results. Add an exercise or two as a last resort. It is always better to adjust routines based on the way your body feels, as long as you have enough experience training and can really understand what your body is telling you.

  691. Melvin: learn from this experiment and consider eating a bit less next time. In order to lose that belly fat you should try the Full Body Plus HIIT Routine for Men, for at least 4 weeks.

  692. David: Any exercise labeled with a, b, or c should be done as a super-set: consecutively without rest. As for squatting, definitely take it slow and easy. You want to keep the bar lower on your traps/rear delts to avoid bending forward. Keep your eyes, head, chin, and chest up at all times… constantly remind yourself ‘chin up’ ‘chest up and out’. It helps to stare at something on the wall or ceiling that is higher than your eyes. You should practice squatting to parallel or lower even from the start, do not sell yourself short by learning ‘proper form’ while only doing 3/4 squats, because that is not ‘proper form’.

  693. On Day 14, the sets that are 5, 2, 1, 1, 1… am I supposed to use a weight that I can only get 1 rep with for those last three sets?

    • Slant Eye: You are correct. However, the goal is to test your 1 rep max such that you should always succeed with your first 1 rep set. Add 5-10 lbs. You should almost always succeed with your second 1 rep set. Add 2-5 lbs. You will hopefully succeed with your third 1 rep set. If that still feels really easy you can even go for a forth 1 rep attempt.

      The goal is never to fail. Eventually you will hit a weight that you can’t get for 1 rep, and you will fail to complete the lift, but this is not ideal. What IS ideal is that you continually increase your 1 rep max on each attempt, each week, but you never actually fail to complete your attempt. Failing at an attempt is not good for the psyche or for the CNS. It can sometimes put up a mental barrier at a certain weight when you just can’t seem to complete the rep, although it feels smooth and fluid at 5 lbs less. That might be confusing, but if you can understand the reasoning behind it you will be able to continually increase your 1 rm and avoid plateaus.

      Let me summarize:
      You should continually increase your 1 rep max attempts, although not so much that you consistently fail on the last rep. You always want to hit your 1 rep max attempts, but you also want to continue to increase the weight as often as possible, even at the risk of failing. We must prepare for failure but strive only for success.

  694. Hey, i was just wondering how much muscle you should be expecting to gain with this routine? im a wrestler planning to do this on the off season, and i would like to get bigger, but not too big because i want to wrestle the same weight class.

  695. Hey Steve, I’ve been using your ‘best of’ workouts to train particular muscle groups, but have recently been interested in starting a workout regime, and I’m hoping this one works. 6’4″ – 160 lbs., trying to gain 10-20 lbs before the end of the semester. Just wanted to say thanks for providing such a thorough schedule to follow.

  696. After one 18 day cycle, and following this routine straight down the line(besides the supplements)my bench has increased by about 25-30 pounds. I weighed at 156 before I started and now I weigh around 164-168. I have gotten a little wider and more toned. I can definitely feel and see the results, my only concern is that I actually have gained a little belly from eating so much. How can I possibly get rid of this belly?

  697. also im new to squatting and im trying to perfect my form before i do any heavy weights, im 6’3 so my range is motion is long, any tips?

  698. magbabakal: I’m working on the cutting program buddy. My personal life is upside down right now thanks to criminal terrorism, but I’m trying my butt off to keep up with this site.

  699. Slant Eyed Pete: You should eat like 20-30 gram of carbs within an hour of your workout. Your post workout drink should have between 35-50 grams of carbs. The rest of the carbs should be scattered throughout the day. It is good to have some complex carbs with the meal following 1-2 hours after your post-workout drink. Try to avoid carbs right before bed.

  700. Adam: My guess is that you aren’t training with enough intensity or you aren’t eating enough. There’s no way this program won’t work if you are pushing it on nearly every set, and if you are eating to grow. Make sure you have all your training, nutrition, and lifestyle elements dialed in.

  701. I was going to try the supplements you recommended and I was clicking on the link you posted for the Mega Force NO supplement but it is sending me to page about an Acai Berry supplement. I have been researching and trying to look for “Mega Force” and it keeps on giving me the same page. Can you please let me know where find this supplement, I’ve read you can only order this product online.

  702. Ed: I can try to get to your dumbbells-only routine, but I have many tasks ahead of it. Your best bet is to be creative and find suitable replacements for each barbell exercise, which can usually done by just mimicking the movement.

  703. So what is the difference between the lifestyle of Taylor and me? I know he has money and the personal trainer, but what makes it so much easier? I know the big movie deal is huge factor.

    • Emir: The biggest difference is the personal trainer that follows him around all day long, cooks his food for him, tells him what and when to eat, tells him exactly how and when to train, and picks apart his lifestyle to maximize his progress. Taylor can also afford the best food and supplements. He doesn’t have anything to worry about except working out and studying his roles. You probably have to go to school, do homework, work, extracurricular activities, meal limitations, lifestyle constraints, etc…

  704. Can this routine be shifted to a segmented muscle group workout and still be effective at making gains, as long as the basic principles remain?

    Ex. Chest day, Back day, legs day…

    Essentially, Splitting up day 1 into 2 days, and making this a 4 day (3 on, 1 rest) cycle. I generally do 3 on, 1 off without feeling like I am overtraining, which is why I ask.

    I actually split my days up even more (chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms, abs), but its becoming a bit cumbersome.

  705. Hey Steve!

    I just got the 100% Whey Gold Standard. I was wondering what the best way is to use it? Take a shake when you wake up? Or before/after training? Or both?

    • Martijn: I like protein shakes in the morning, before a workout with carbs, and before bed. After training you should be using a high GI post-workout recovery formula like Biotest Surge.

  706. It took Taylor about a year to gain 30 pounds of muscle. How long do you think it would be for a small 16 year old with no fat to gain that much?

    • Josh: For a ‘small’ 16 year old to gain 30 pounds of muscle would depend on about 20 different factors. However, I can say that if you do everything right including eating, training, eating, lifestyle, rest & recovery, and eating, then perhaps you too can gain 30 pounds of muscle in one year. Since you do not have the lifestyle of Mr. Lautner, I would say you are better off aiming for 18 months to gain 30 lbs of muscle, but you still need to do everything right.

  707. Hello Steve, I was wondering if you could possibly post a modified version of this using exercises using only dumbbells because at this moment that is what I am limited to.

    Thank you

  708. Emir: Would there be a problem if you looked like Jackman or Lautner? I personally don’t have a problem either way. They were both jacked for their roles.

    Jeff: You are right in response to almien.

    Rosado: Sometimes you gotta gain a little fat if you wanna gain muscle. Either suck it up or add extra cardio and potentially sacrifice some muscle gains. Your choice.

    magbabakal: I do not recommend this silly waist trimmer device, and I have no idea about your chest, sorry. Usually the lower pec is bigger than the upper.

    alex: If you don’t have a spotter for the negative bench, you can set yourself up in such a way that you can lower the bar slowly and rest it on some bars or pins, like in a power rack. Otherwise, just go as heavy as you can safely. Isn’t there someone you can ask for a spot for a couple sets?

    Johnny: That is a loaded question. I suggest lots of HIIT and HIRT combined with a full body routine. I am just too busy right at the moment to go into it any further. You’ll have to do some research to find out more.

    Everyone else, I’ll try to get to your questions later.

    • Yes Michael H, it is also called a French press. Similarly, the skullcrusher or nosebreaker is a lying french press.

      For 2 x 20, it’s 20 reps per set, per arm, for a total of 80 reps.

      Fasting on a workout day is exactly the opposite of what you should do if you are trying to gain muscle. Even when dieting, it is smart to cycle your carbs and total calories higher on workout days.

  709. Steve,
    Thank you for the post! I love the way I feel right now (currently in the middle of workout-on break). I’m going to stick with this! What do you think about me fasting on the day I workout though? By the way, I love the diversity of the workout (high rep, low rep, 2 sets, 4 sets, ETC).
    I’ll keep in touch about how this works for me!

  710. Could someone please br awesome an hook me up with an example of a full days meals that meet the nutrition requirement? I am on day 4, but am struggling to get 300 Carb grams in a day. I’m easily getting 100 fat and 200 protien, but am having trouble getting enough carbs.

    Also, should I be eating the carbs during the day only, not after the workout, or does that matter?

    Thanks so much!

  711. hey man was sup i got a question . Eating every 2 hours lean meats veggies and stuff i understand and stuff. The question is im gaing muscle and such and i see my abs coming in well the mid section and stuff so shud i keep eating every 2 hours and doiong my workout sections the training here and more of my abs well keep coming in? Or do i have to do cardio to get more of my abs to come in? My diet is pretty strict. And if i have to do HITT just how long? o im 5’7 i was 125 now 142 with alots of gains been doing this for good 4months maybe around and ya thanks for reading and the help

  712. I was wanting to throw in 1 or 2 HIIT like you had suggested to me about a month ago to minimize my fat gain, can you give me a few suggestions on some interval cardio als for cardio, never done before, Thanks!

  713. Steve:

    Could you give some examples on how to use the resistance bands?

    Do you use them with free weights or instead of free weights? Searching resistance bands has only showed me band exercises without free weights, so I was slightly confused.

    Thanks for the great article!

    • Adam: You will find everything you need to know about resistance bands at the Elite Fitness Systems website. Here is their bands page: EFS Pro Bands. You can research and buy the right bands here. Find demo videos on the product pages. I need to take time to write a good article about bands but right now I don’t have the time.

  714. […] Smith is a freelance writers and loves writing on a broad range of topics including gain muscle and protein […]

  715. Hey Steve,

    I’m 6’1, 150 lbs, Ecto by nature, and I am currently at a mass and strength plateau after a 30 pound weight gain over the past 2 years. I have the time and the intensity for 5 hours or more a week, and have done so for several years now. I use a preworkout called m5, and have protein supplements whenever I am lucky enough to have the cash for it. So, all in all, my workout, diet, and weight seem very “maxed out” for my body type.

    I read the first 20 comments or so on here before scrolling through, and was wondering if you mapped out an updated program for the Werewolf Training yet (otherwise, I will simply begin on this routine posted here). I’ve been needing a new routine for months now so I can confuse my muscles a bit and keep things moving to break out of this plateau.

    I’m looking forward to something new, with a whole new intensity. This seems like it will deliver =)

  716. Hi Steve,

    im trying to loose weight in terms of fat and then put it on in muscle, then tone around my stomach and hopefully see abs, im dedicated and i will try this out if you can give me a basic idea of a routine i could follow, i don’t know what would be the best routine or what workout session would suit me. I used to play lot of rugby and i stopped because of injury but i want to get back up to fitness and get toned this time, i never did any serious workouts so i have no idea how to begin this.

    I’m 6ft 8, and 20 years old in July if that helps and 256 pounds, so pretty much werewolf size haha! I don’t drink or smoke either. Ive been doing 20-50 press ups every day for about 3 months now, i cycle a lot as-well so its just the stomach and chest i need to work on really hard, i have to lose some fat to show any muscle tone first though dont i?
    Also how do i boost my metabolism?

    If you can help me out in any way i would really appreciate it man.

    Many thanks Steve, Johnny

  717. i copy/paste this from google “Waist Trimmer is designed to preserve body heat and promote water loss. The waist trimmer’s quality neoprene construction makes it comfortable, lightweight, durable and easy to care for. Its Velcro closure allows for an easy and adjustable fit, with one size fitting most.”

    so steve do u recommend using it?

    and about the barbell backsquat and front squat, does it have the same effect on our body?

    and another thing is i observed that my upper chest is more developed than my lower chest? am i seeing it wrong or im just noob in body building? btw im doing every exercise on this program.

    thanks steve.

  718. also btw i have some questions:

    1. does it affect a lot drinking alcohol?

    2. if its not too bad, how often can you drink.?

    thank you (:

    • Marco: Drinking and weightlifting don’t have anything in common. If you want to maximize your progress, don’t drink. That being said, Arnold Schwarzenegger used to drink beer after every workout. Probably not when he was prepping for a contest though. For muscle gains, I don’t suppose it hurts THAT bad to have a couple brews after a hard workout, but honestly drinking has nothing to do with gaining muscle. Drink alcohol at your own risk.

  719. how has this worked for people?? all i see r questions and answers i would like to hear of someones gains. im returning from Iraq soon and want to start a cycle and this caught my eye.

  720. steve is it ok if were like overweight and doing this routine? but were not that fat it’s just like we have excess on our body but were not that obess. and if it’s ok could u attach some videos as an example on your 2nd WW training. thanks steve.

  721. steve does barbell backsquat and front squat have the same effect? cause i find it hard to do front squat than back squat… were on our 2nd cycle already and i observed that my lower chest isn’t developed as my upper chest. am i doing the routine wrong? thank steve…

  722. Hey Steve,

    I’ve got no spotter, should I just do the bench reps as normal? I think that I can do negative pullups but not Bench..

  723. Hi Steve, the workout hasn’t been the cause of any fat gain. My BF% I’d estimate has stayed the same, had a little side/stomach fat previous to starting. I may actually be dropping slightly as I can see more ab definition. Thanks again.

  724. hey steve this looks like a great routine!
    i come to really specific to achieving taylor lautners body so i start in february

    i already have the meal plan to achieve the calories, proteins etc.. and i got whey protein powder, i hope this routine helps me a lot and right now i weight just 142 pounds i hope i can achieve a lot =)

    thanks for the article

  725. hey man! thanks a lot for this routine!
    i already being with this one, today is my six day, im going to do it in 21 days, on january 31st ill be finishing, i have 150.4 pounds at this time.
    this is mi first week and i fell this routine would work but i use to do abs everyday, now i feel that im not working fine my abs, ive been eating alot and i feel that my stomatche is growing,is it normal?
    may i take some proteins? i have the six pack and i dont wanna lost it! but i want to gain muscle!help me steve!

  726. (Feel free to correct me on this, Steve.)

    almien: With the 5 repetitions on an exercise, you should choose enough weight so that you can only lift it 5 times. 6 times at the maximum. It’s so your muscles really work to lift the weight, but don’t become injured when doing so. Also, you should only do negative reps (if you follow the routine religiously) when Steve specifically lists it. They [negative reps] are used to both test your limits and make your muscles dig deep to complete the lift(s). As Steve said, you should always use a spotter, so you don’t injure, or potentially kill, yourself.
    Hope that helps.

  727. I’m almost done with my first cycle of this routine (planning on doing 3), and I gotta say that I am noticing some great difference. My body is starting to get hard. My back is getting amazing and my legs never looked better. I’ve have a couple questions. Is it possible to plateau with this routine after many cycles? Will this give me more of a Taylor Lautner appearance or a Hugh Jackman:Woleverine type of deal, cause I am noticing my body going that way?

  728. hmm, I kinda get what your saying about doing the exercise to fail. Pretty much just leave one rep open before you fail. I was just making sure if it was ok to do with any exercise without over doing it.

  729. Tlash:
    1. It is possible to be 6’3, 200 lbs, and ripped.

    2. You should decrease the running only if you want to prioritize muscle gains at the exclusion of all else. I recommend at least keeping your high intensity running but maybe dropping the crappy endurance running.

    3. Even if you switch to a higher calorie diet, due to your propensity for weight gain you should always make sure to keep your diet as healthy as possible. High protein, complex carbs, healthy fats, low sugars, lots of water.

    Good luck.

  730. almien: As you might have guessed, the negative reps are slowly lowered by you, but lifted quickly by your spotter. To select a weight for overloaded negatives, use 20% more than you would normally use for a 5 rep set.

  731. @almien
    It helped me alot by googling the exercise. I didn’t get all the exercises the first time, but if you use google you see a lot of photo’s and even movies on youtube etc. It helped me alot!

  732. Hey Steve,
    Do you maybe have another exercise for the Ab wheel roll outs? It seems that we don’t have them much in Holland. I can remember doing a exercise like that with a barbell and 2 light weights at the end. Does that have a smililar effect?

  733. If I’m not mistaking, that means that you have a partner to do the exercise with you. You slowly bring the barbell bar to your chest, and your partner lifts it up. And then again you slowly lower the bar to your chest, and your partner lifts it. So the only thing you actually do is lowering the bar, not pushing it back up. But you really need to lower it slowly, so you can feel it really good in your chest!

    • Martijn: You are correct about the negative reps. Ab wheel roll outs can be done with a barbell and plates. I know I need to attach videos of these exercises. I’m still trying to find a way to record my own vids.

  734. Hi Steve, I just finished Day 2 of the 3rd time around and I’m more motivated than ever. I’m strictly on the schedule and watching my diet (which is increasingly difficult).

    While I’ve gained ~10 lbs and my weights are higher than ever my BF % is to high and the 6 pack is barely showing, along with some love handles.

    I’m wondering if a cutting diet/routine is something you have in mind for your Werewolf Routine line. Specifically diet carb/protein/fat breakdown, how to retain muscle etc. Thanks for any steering in the right direction.

    • Tyler: Did the fat gain come on specifically as a result of decreased cardio and increased calorie consumption for Werewolf Training? I’m glad everything else feel good to you. And yes, future Werewolf Training articles will focus on 1) speed/power, and 2) fat loss. I just gotta find time to write them. =/

  735. thank you very much for the excel speadsheet workout, if it would be with some fotos to show how to do the moves would be FANTASTIC, can someone do that please and post it !
    merci beaucouuuup =)

  736. sorry an other question: can we consider the first exercise (Barbell bench press – 4 sets x 5 reps) as a negative repetition because there are only 5 repetition?
    and how should i select the weight to do those 5 repetitions, should it be too heavy so i just can push the barbell only 5 times not more?
    thanx a lot

  737. can you please explain what does it mean: “NEGATIVE repetition” and why is it used for
    thank you so much for your great detailed article ! but i can not unfortunately understand everything =)

  738. Today on jan 11th i will begin this routine, im gonna take it with extra day so on jan 31th ill be finishing hopefully it works!!ive being training for 1 1/2 year and since 9 moths of training i have not adavaced anything i think! i use to be skinny not im not so skinny but i want to look better with clothes cuz people just can notice the gym in my when im without shirt! so lets do it i will be updating every 3 days 😛

  739. Hey Steve!
    I’m from Holland and after a bit of surfing I came to this site. It looks like a great program! I will start soon with this program and hoping to gaing some muscle. At sometimes it was hard for me to read, but with google and translating a lot a came a long way haha! It’s very detailed and I’m sure it will help a lot of people. Thank you for creating all this!

  740. Hey steve, great article.
    Im really skinny, and when people tell me to just eat alot, i get weight in my stomach/abdominal area and it just makes me look like a have a beer belly. Im 5,7 and only weight 110 pounds… yes that skinny. Should i modify anything to help spead the weight gain to my arms and legs as compared to the main body? The reason i stay skinny is cuz i dont like it how the extra weight only goes to the stomach area. I would rather see my 6 pack, then fat. Currently i just started working out, but no definite plan. I just switch between legs and chest/arms on alternate days. Please advise.

  741. Ok, yea I meant to say on the last rep of the last set I worded it wrong, so it would be fine to just do that with every exercise? Or sometimes?

    • Andrew: In my opinion you can go to failure on the last rep of the last set of every exercise, for most workouts. Some exercises should not be taken to failure, such as the Olympic lifts. If you are in a recovery phase, you should not take any reps to failure.

      Some coaches say that it’s never good to take an exercise to failure, that you should always leave one rep in the bag. I think it’s good to push yourself. I don’t think you should actually FAIL on the sets that you take to failure. At the end of a set, if you know you will fail on the next rep, don’t do that rep. Actually failing on a rep is no good. So, take your last rep of your last set of every exercise to failure, meaning sometimes you will fail on the last rep, but ideally you will stop after completing the rep before you actually fail. Is that confusing?

  742. Hello,

    I have some questions and after reading these posts I think I’ve finally found a place I can ask some serious questions.

    First a little back round on me. Currently I weigh 215, about one and a half years ago I weighed over 325lbs. I’ve always focused on strength and conditioning my body to lose fat because lets face it, I had a crap ton.

    I still have some what of a gut, my waste is about 38 inches.

    1. I’d like to stay around 200lbs and be ripped, is that even possible at 6’3?

    2. I like to run, I limit it to about 3 days a week mixing it up with sprints, timed runs and distance running, Should I decrease the running?

    3. Eating, I’m really afraid to eat a lot of food, mainly because lets face it I’m addicted to it. So should I follow a meal plan such as what you recommended to gain muscle or stick to a low calorie intake?

    I know I’m asking some big questions and thanks in advance for any help.

  743. Hey i just like to say that this is they type of routine that i have been looking for. Hopefully i can start this routine next week Monday, and I will be happy to update you guys with results. I am currently working out at a community gym and they lack several equipment including the resistance bands. Since you recommended not to purchase those at Walmart and target i was wondering if you can point me towards a website that sells these types of resistance bands. Thank you.

  744. Hey steve quick question, When I’m ending my last set on any exercise should i be doing it till fail every time?

    • Andrew: In my opinion, you should fail on the last rep of the last set you do for any exercise. It’s good to push yourself as hard as you can, but you don’t want to overdo it, and pushing it to failure on every set of every exercise is counter-productive.

  745. Hey this is the type of routine i have been looking for and i think it’s perfect. I will be giving it a shot next week, thank you for sharing it. But, before i begin can you please tell me where i can buy one of those resistance bands. I have searched online but all i find are the tube resistance bands with handles. If you can, please give me a website that actually sells giant rubber bands that i can attach to a bar, thank you.

  746. I feel like this may be a dumb question but… should the muscles I worked be sore the next day? If they aren’t sore or tight, am I not working them hard enough? Or does sore mean overtraining?

    Thanks Steve!

    • person: You don’t have to be sore to make progress. In fact, some coaches believe that if you are sore, you’ve worked too hard, caused too much trauma to the muscle tissue, and that it will negatively impact recovery. I really believe that if you are a little sore it’s OK, but you shouldn’t feel like you HAVE to be in excruciating pain the next day. Sore doesn’t mean overtraining.

  747. Gotcha! I found better equipements for this regiment. And I stand corrected, I felt the soreness in my legs and some body parts 2 days after the 2nd session. I have an additional question about this workout, correct me if im wrong, the whole objective of the workout is to increase muscle growth and not to look ripped (shredded) at the end of the, letsay, 3 or 6 months??? Taylor L. looked ripped and massive in the movies and I know genetics play a big part on how your body will look like but I dont see myself gainining that way. Rather, I see myself gaining weight but not looking ripped. True or False???

  748. just wondering if creatine supplements such as size on, and NO supplements such as NO xplode and superpump are worth getting for this program

    • Ericrr: If you read the supplements section, you will see that I advocate using 4 products: an NO product, protein powder, creatine, and Xtend. I would also add Biotest Surge to that list.

  749. I recently had a minor shoulder injury and want to stay on track with my cycles, is there any variation to this workout that I can conduct?

  750. Steve, was just wondering, on day 13, you say to use 20%, or something like that, more on bench and chins. I saw the negative rep comment below and was wondering if I should do those exercises with negatives or were you just making a side note in case someone wanted to?

  751. I wanted to know the The Werewolf Training Workout Routine for Muscle Gains, its numbered 1-18, are those each day excercises

  752. I have a weak lower back due to some torn disks, so barbell squats are hard for me, What is the best option besides that, I have been using a standing machine that had a back pad to support it better or should I do some leg presses or dumbbell squats?

    Also, will it hurt anything if I jump in the hot tub for 15 min or so after I lift and drink my shake?


    • Chris: This is tough for me to answer. I should really direct you to consult your doctor. Of primary importance, is letting your back heal. It will take at least 2 months for that torn disc to heal enough for you to consider exercising, in my opinion. And even then you should avoid twisting and bending.

      Eventually you will need to strengthen that back. You can use Supermans to help with that, in addition to some other PT exercises, but NOT hyper-extensions… for crying out loud please don’t do those.

      For squatting, you should stick with hack squats and other machines so long as your back feels unstable. If I were you, when you are really ready, I would start by squatting with dumbbells, then the bar with no added weight for high reps, and slowly build up to light weighted squats. Once you feel like you have some stability, I recommend trying deadlifts with very light weight. Eventually you will be stable enough to try good mornings with a short range of motion and light weight. There’s no reason you can’t rehab your back to the point that you can squat decent weights, but please be careful. Don’t push it too hard or you will pay for it for the rest of your life!!

  753. to be honest, i haven’t done anything outside the workout to gain strength. but i kept adding pounds every time.( i think its all in the mind. if you think you can do it, you can do it)

  754. I’ve got to say this is a pretty sick routine. I finished day two today I’m I love it. My only concern is that I don’t walk out of the gym 100% percent exhausted. Now I know you might say that I’m not lifting heavy enough, I think I am. I struggle with the last rep or so every time. One more question, can the pull-ups and chin-ups be replaced with cables?
    Thanks much man, this is a great routine.

    • Emir: Firstly, I would say you need to train with more intensity. Less rest between sets, heavier weights, push each set to failure where appropriate. That being said, you don’t need to be exhausted when you leave the gym. All you have to do is stimulate the muscle tissue to grow. In fact, if you are exhausted at the end of each workout, you may find yourself overtraining before too long.

  755. Thanks for the feedback Steve. Mainly my concern is that will the results be the same or will the growth be slow by using the dumbells?

    Second question, I’ve been doing this for 2 days now and I dont feel any soreness. I also feel that after the sesssion my workout is not adequate. Am I doing anything wrong? Lacking intensity, perhaps?!

    • PJONG: You get out of a workout what you put into it. Using dumbbells instead of barbells will slow your growth because it will limit the quality of exercise you can use. No barbell back squats. No deadlifts. No standing military press. No bent over barbell rows. Sure, you can use dumbbells to sort of mimic some of those exercises, but you won’t get the same workout. Furthermore, you don’t NEED to be sore to make progress, you just need to stimulate growth. That being said, I think you need to train with more intensity. Less rest, heavier weight, pushing your sets to failure.

  756. Tom: Thanks for the feedback. As you may well know, the follow up to Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains is Werewolf Training for Strength Gains. Eventually there will be a Werewolf Training for Fat Loss, and who knows where we will go from there. The options are limitless.

  757. Also, Taylor says that he works out 2 hours everyday. Which is best? Does working out longer mean better results? I have followed your routine for two weeks now, and i’ve realized that for each day, i only work out either my upper body, or lower body (which will take an hour each); but never for each day, both (which will take 2 hours).

    does this mean that taylor works out both his upper body and lower body on the same day? it feels kinda impossible to do this 5 days a week, as he said, because time is needed for recovery as well.

    i am very determined to have a body like him, but i’m confused as of what exactly i should do to achieve that. can you help me?

    • Adonis: Taylor doesn’t workout 2 hours a day anymore. He was overtraining when he was doing that. There’s a chance he puts in some extra exercise on-set to stay pumped up when he’s on camera, but he doesn’t lift heavy for 2 straight hours. Working out longer does not mean better results. Taylor said that when he was working out too much, he started losing weight and strength. Growth happens during recovery, not during exercise.

      To have a body like him, you need to stick to a program like this for a solid year, while also eating properly and following a healthy lifestyle that focuses on recovery. Remember, all he does all day is workout, eat, sleep, and act. Taylor did gain nearly 30 pounds in about 9 months or so, but he had the benefit of advanced neurological and muscle maturity from all his martial arts training, so his body was ready for that muscle gain.

      Someone like you or I could feasibly gain 30 pounds of muscle in one year if we did exactly what Taylor did: devote 99% of his life for 365 days straight to gaining as much muscle as possible. Did I mention that he also has a personal trainer around 24×7 to keep him on track? Oh yeah he does.

  758. Steve, you’ve mentioned in your article that by following your routine, one can pack up to 10 lbs within 6 months.
    However, from what I know, Taylor Lautner gained 30 lbs in 9 months.
    What makes this difference? And what should i do to gain as much as him in the same amount of time?

  759. I was doing your full body routine with a blend of my own experiance but I rotated to this routine. I’ve already seen some rediculous gains. I’m not a very big guy and started this at about 160 lbs. I’ve been sticking to a pretty regimented eating, protein and creatine diet for a few weeks and I’ve already hit 168 lbs. when I weighed in today. This routine can probably take alot of the credit for that considering I’ve also gone up almost 15 lbs. in bench and another 10 lbs. in squating since I started. This shits intense and its definately the best workout routine I’ve had when approached with tons of intensity. I cannot wait to see where I’m at when I’m done.

  760. Steve,

    If working on a limited hardware (i.e. freeweights and machines) can I substitute Barbells with Dumbbells?

    • PJONG: You should be able to do that. You’ll have to make modifications to the program and will have trouble doing exercises like Squats and Good Mornings, but it’s doable.

  761. thanx so much for your routine, i have a small question: in the routine there are some muscle groups which are trained in consecutive days, for example the arms are trained in the first and second day of the routine.. is it not good for the recovery? because i heard that one muscle groups should only trained again after 72 hours or something
    thank you for help
    by the way, if someone could put some pictures or videos which help knowing the right moves of each exercises would be great, thank you very much

    • Almien: The arms are not trained directly on the second day. For the most part this is an upper/lower body split. If the same muscles are used on consecutive days, it will not be direct stimulation and will actually be better for recovery than no stimulation at all.

  762. I’m trying this kind of routine and diet as I’m not going back to school till august.

    For my 2 shakes a day I’m using muscle juice something.. anyway, for those 2 I have 1250 calories, 180 g of carbs and 55 g of proteins. I take 1 after my workout but for the other one can I use it as a meal or keep this as a supplements with my meals?

    • Vince: If you are skinny and trying to gain muscle at any cost, add the shake to a meal. If you are looking to minimize fat gain because you gain and retain fat easily, use the protein shake as its own meal.

  763. just wanted to say thanks for creating this and answering my questions. the routine has everything i was lookin for, varied volume, constantly changing workout so never gets stale, and the use of negative reps i love it. just got another quick question. i know it isn’t ideal but would this work with a monday wednesday friday schedule? i work tuesdays and thursdays and weekends so thats the only schedule i fit into.

    • Sean: If you have to turn this workout into a M/W/F routine, just ignore the schedule set out in the article and do one of the 4 workouts each day. You will end up doing something like: M-Upper, W-Lower, F-Upper, M-Lower, W-Upper, F-Lower, repeat. The routine will take you a month rather than 3 weeks and you probably won’t see quite as significant gains as you would if you trained 4 times a week.

  764. Hey Steve,

    Im a very slim ectomorph, 5 9″ dont go to the gym at all. how could I adjust the workout for the home?

    I’ve got this long chicken neck and wide shoulders..don’t wanna look even weirder once they start filling out
    any thoughts?

    • Shah: You need to do shoulder shrugs. If you can build up your traps tall and thick, it will fill in the gap between your shoulders and head. Unfortunately, in order to get your traps to really grow you will need to do HEAVY shrugs, like with a 400 lb barbell or 100+ lb dumbbells.

  765. Hey Steve;
    This is going to be a great routine! After three cycles and a rest week, what is next?
    Do I hear advanced Werewolf Training? I’d like to work up this program myself and let you know what I’ve developed. I’ve been pumpin’ iron for a long time and this seems to be a great routine for seniors, men and women. It takes into consideration all body parts. I am taking the two days rest on the weekends. This routine allows me to go heavier than I usually do and recovery is faster too. Best of both worlds here. I do cardio in the afternoons/evenings. Keep up the great work!!! Tom

    • Charlie: If possible I recommend just taking one rest day every third day like the original routine prescribed. If that doesn’t work for your schedule OR you feel like you might be overtraining, go ahead and add the extra rest day every 7th day. Can’t wait to hear your experience with Werewolf Training for Muscle Gains.

  766. At first I laughed a bit at the title of the article and everything but man did you put a lot of work into it and man am I ever glad!

    I’ve also tried Xtend before and I can vouch for how good it is. It WILL make a big difference in your routine.

    I’m going to give this a try in the new year, which is just in a few hours, and will update here in a few weeks if you don’t mind. 🙂

    Keep up the great work, man.

  767. Hey Steve, programme looks awesome, thanks a load for creating it and cannot wait to get started!

    Sent you an email with some comments/questions, hope you get time to read it.

    Thanks again!

  768. Hey
    I got a question I been working out for like a year am 20 for the first 5 moths I saw a great change in my body but now I stop seeing that change am stuck I think my problem is overwork my body my routing is base on 5 days per week mondays I do bicep and back tuesdays tricep and chest wednesday shoulders and legs thursdays bicep and back again friday tricep and chest I think I need to rest in between days I can’t traing on sunday cos I play football (soccer) so what would be the best thing to do ohh almost forgot I work my core 2 a week normally Mondays and thusrdays thnxz alot
    I promese I will be doing your workout routing soon and I will keep you info

    • Daniel: sounds like you are overtraining man. Try cutting it back to 3 full body workouts a week plus soccer on Sunday, perhaps training your abs on Tuesday and Thursday, but not much else. Do that for a couple months and see what happens. If you want to try Werewolf Training, you should definitely opt for this split: 2 on, 1 off, 2 on, 2 off, repeat.

  769. Hey steve,
    I’m on day 2 and just wondering what another name for the “fold up” exercise is, cause I’m not sure what to do for that one.

    • J: Try the V Sit Up or the Clothspin. Both mean similar things. Basically you want to be touching your toes with your feet and head in the air, and butt on the floor.

  770. Alright thanks Steve, I’m going to follow this routine exactly as its posted. Hopefully my cold goes away by tomorrow so I can start. Thanks for the info.

    • almien: I approved your comment but you are wrong in your recommended routine changes. In fact Taylor did a number of higher rep sets to induce hypertrophy. Sets of 5 reps were used with the compounds movements, but he also varied his reps from set to set and workout to workout.

    • Andrew: Protein can be used on off days too. I would limit it to 1 or 2 shakes a day. You should get the majority of your protein from whole foods when possible.

  771. Hey,
    I really like the fact that this routine is written with a lot of detail and not just the typical 8-10 reps stuff written on most routines. For the last 2 months I’ve been doing the 5 day (chest,back,shoulders,legs,arms) routine and am looking for something different. My only concern is that there are no forearm specific excercises, and little arm and trap exercises. I know that arms don’t need much and is quite easy to overtrain them but I’m wondering if any forearm excercises can be added as well as perhaps barbell shrugs along with the dumbbell shrugs for the traps. Thanks

    • J: You can alter this routine however you want, but I can’t guarantee the same results. There is plenty of forearm training in this workout, as you will constantly be doing deadlifts, rows, pull ups, hammer curls and other exercises that will hit your forearms hard. I never did any direct forearm training, but my forearms were pretty big at one point, due mostly to all the free weight compound exercises I was doing.

  772. Hey steve, i just recently started to take whey protien and i had a question about how i should take it, i am currently taking it once i wake up and again after i work out, or should i take it 1 hour before i workout then once again after i workout? what do you recommend? And i know you said to cut down on cardio but i combinded this with HIIT which i do twice a week and it has been working well. And im on my second cycle on this routine and im really seeing improvements on everything!

    • Andrew: That’s great man! I’m glad you are seeing progress. You should take your protein shake like an hour before your workout, with carbs. You should be using something like Biotest Surge for your post-workout nutrition. Protein shakes in the morning are great too.

  773. Thanks Steve!

    It would be awesome if there was a diagram of all of these exercises somewhere, I cannot seem to find how to do a Fold-Up or a Windshield Wiper… sorry I’m kinda new to this!

  774. my update.. day one im 5’11 & 178lbs.(around day 6 i got sick and went dwn to 175lbs) any ways, im on day 14 and im 182lbs.
    even though it was not a big gain, i improved my strength also i have more shape in my body.

    my squat was 225lbs, day 14 i put 275lbs
    my bench was 205lbs, day 13 225lbs( negative reps though)
    dead lift was 225, day 14 315lbs( but on the last set i kind of lost my balance)

    thanks again for the article.ill keep updating my status.

    p.s.supplement wise, i only use gold standard whey. ( i used use pro complex, but i switched)i take OPTI-MEN (by ON) as the vitamin. i would like to hear you opinion about my “stack”. thanks

    • Timmy: Good you have your feedback. It sounds like you made some gains in the last two weeks. Do you have any suggestions for improving the workout routine? Let us know!

  775. Can you clarify the weight per set for me please? Do you mean that I use the same weight for all 4 sets, like say I would bench 200lbs for 4 sets of 5?

    Thanks. Great article by the way, I have been trying to find something like this for about a month.

  776. i am a Ectomorphic Body Type, and i would like to ask how many days a week should i work out the best
    i have heared that the best is working out 3 days a week and just running 2 days a week, so the total is 5 days a week and keep eating a lot
    is that true? is that what did Taylor lautner did ?
    is the recommended 18 day routine the best ob the best way to gain muscles and mass in a short period of time?
    i am french and i dont understand the word “reps”, does it mean repetition?
    i thank you for all these informations!

    • almien: reps does mean repetitions. 3 resistance training workouts plus 2 high intensity cardio sessions will make for a great routine. Taylor Lautner did not run like you are thinking. He backed off on cardiovascular exercise in order to maximize muscle gains. The 18 day Werewolf Training routine does appear to be effective at gaining muscles in a short period of time.

    • magbabakal: Seated cable rows are the standard, but if you can find a more effective way to do them standing, by all means give it a shot.

  777. It seems to me that the supplement list for this program is LACKING!
    How do you expect to GAIN any weight taking a whey isolate protein? Whey is low in calories and is in and out of the body in about 45 minutes, resulting in a need for 6 to 8 shakes a day.

    You should re-do the list:
    Weight Gainer Protein (Higher calories)
    Glutamine (or stick with Xtend)
    CREATINE!!!! (either a blend or monohydrate then move to an ethyl ester or kre-alkyln)

    And the workout routine seems a little extensive. “Bulking lifts” should be emphasized: Deadlift, Bench, Squat
    There seems to be too much going on in each daily routine. After 45 minutes to 60 minutes of hard work, the human body has no choice but to move into an aerobic state, potentially allowing the body to enter a catabolic state.

    • Thanks for your feedback, Doc!

      Firstly, I would never recommend a Weight Gainer supplement as you say, because they are usually full of sugars and most athletes would do better by mixing plain protein powder with milk, juice, or some other higher calorie mixer. I also advocate blending up smoothies and shakes with added fruit and flax oil. Weight Gainer shakes are garbage, although some meal replacement powders such as Met-Rx are OK as long as they are low in sugar.

      Secondly, I don’t usually recommend creatine. For those who can tolerate it, I recommend using a micronized creatine or Creatine Kre-Alkalyn. I personally don’t like they way creatine makes me feel, so I usually don’t use it or recommend it. You are right though, some people enjoy it and it could make a useful addition to the Werewolf Training supplement list. I will add it.

      Thirdly, the workout routine is not excessive. As you can see, compound exercises are typically prioritized within the first 4 exercises of each workout. I prefer my clients to focus on bench, squat, deadlift, military press, and pull ups. For the smaller exercises I advocate limiting the number of sets to 2, which helps us to increase frequency as we are not trashing smaller muscle groups with 3-4 sets on a daily basis. This is a mass gaining routine after all, and I think I have provided a routine that will work for 95% of athletes who just want to bulk up.

      Every workout can be completed within 45 minutes. In fact, I would prefer my clients to quit at the 45 minute point and move directly into cooling down and stretching if they don’t finish the workout, which is why nearly every workout ends with a 2-set super-set of smaller exercises, which can be dumped if necessary.

      Of course, I encourage the 60 minute workout limitation not because the body will enter an ‘aerobic state’ as you say, but for other reasons such as neurological over-stimulation, scientifically proven decreased returns on time-investment after the 45 minute period, boredom, fatigue, and other similar reasons. In fact, by sipping a drink with carbohydrates during the workout, an athlete will not enter this so-called aerobic energy state because insulin blocks lypolysis.

      Please note that I did make changes today to days 9 and 16 to move away from isolation exercises like dumbbell flyes in favor of more effective exercises like standing military press, and I will add creatine to the recommended supplements.

  778. Just finished cycle one, I plan on doing atleast 2 more. My power has increased quite a bit, I’m lifting heavier weights in every category and I’ve gained 6 lbs. My core took a beating the first week but is noticeably stronger now.

    A few notes, I’m going to stick with the routine as written but it feels to heavily weighted on legs to me. Also I wouldn’t mind additional deltoid exercises. If you change the routine please note in the comments so I can re-print etc.

    I’m following the diet recommendation pretty well, up to 180g of protein a day etc. Having the Livestrong MyPlate application on my iPhone to keep track of diet has been invaluable.

    Thanks again Steve!

    • Craig: There are machines and other devices that can sort of replace the ab wheel. Why can’t you use an ab wheel?

      Toe push on sled: sit in a leg press machine (sled). Put your toes on the platform rather than your entire foot. Now just do use the same movement you would use for calf raises by pushing with your toes. Point your toes more toward you to stretch the calf and push the toes away from you to flex the calf.

  779. Will do deadlift i have increased by 65 pounds same with squat and bench has gone up by 40 pounds. And i now eat like a mad man im hungry all the time.

  780. i was wondering is it okey to finish the workout under 30 min.?? because i finish the workout under 30 min every time i hit the gym..and if its not okey what should i do??

  781. ok so we’ll be substituting windshield wipers with russian twist while we cant do pull and chin-ups. but does russian twist have the same effect of doing windshield wipers?

    and for the pull ups, we dont have a machine that can assist us doing it,so i guess we’ll be doing lat pulldowns while we can do pull ups. um can you give us the reps and set for doing those alternatives? thanks steve. sorry im just a noob im body building.

    • magbabakal: an alternative to windshield wipers would be any sort of rotation. Russian twists are good. You could also lay on the floor with your feet pointing to the ceiling, holding a medicine ball between your feet or knees, and rotate your hips side-to-side. Not sure if that would do the trick or not but you can experiment.

  782. great stuff as usual, Steve. I like how you have upper and lower body split up every other training day. that way it doesn’t matter what day you take off, as long as you don’t lift more than 2 days in a row. not all of us can do the M/T-Th/F split. I hope you keep that aspect in the routine if you decide to modify it.

    keep up the good work!

    • RJ: I do enjoy the upper/lower body split for this routine. I won’t be sacrificing that aspect of the program, as it helps to increase training frequency by not limiting your training to full body workouts on m/w/f.

  783. thanks for you answer steve. well i want to have muscles too but my first goal for now is to have a flat belly cause i have this big belly because of drinking beer too often.

    im just new in body building and im doing your werewolf training. me and my buddy are doing it, and i think your guide is great. we are currently on day 5 and we can do all your exercises but the only one that we cant do is the pull-ups and chin-ups. is there a sub or alternative for pull-ups or chin-ups so that we’ll be doing that alternative while we cant perform chin and pull-up.s

    thanks again steve.

    • magbabakal: You should find a way to do pull ups or chin ups, even if it’s on an assisted machine. If you absolutely must, you can swap pull ups and chin ups for lat pulldowns, but I won’t like it one bit.

  784. Steve, I was wondering how i would go about changing up reps and such to keep my muscles “guessing” I am just wondering the time frame of changing things to keep this rountine fresh and not have muscles updapt to it, thats what I meant but my earlier post sorry if i wasn’t clear enough but if you can get back to me asap it would be much appreciated! Thanks!

    • Andrew: I have already included changing rep schemes in the routine. You don’t really have to worry about it. In future updates to this post, I will expand the routine even further to include even greater changes in set and rep goals. Stick with the current plan for now.

  785. I posted my enthusiasm after the first day in this workout.
    Updates? Just finished day 13. All of my lifting has gone up AT LEAST 10lbs per exercise. 20 unweighted pull ups no problem, up from 10. I am almost comfortable doing 3×5 bench press of 135lbs (up from 95 lbs).
    As for body weight, I have increased from 152-155 up to 162.
    As mentioned, diet is about 75%. I’m doing a 12″ double meat sub and two 1000 cal+72g protein shakes a day on top of my typical food schedule.
    Anyways as far as the workout schedule goes, I feel the deltoids are rather neglected. Every upper body day I feel I need do a couple sets of Arnolds’ and/or flyes. Of course, to meet any one individual’s needs you may need to add/subtract from this list.
    Thank again! will post additional updates as they come.

    • Awesome feedback Brett G. I made a few updates today, although not much in the routine section. After some more feedback rolls in, I’ll be sure to update the whole routine. I’m starting to think of having a 5 day Werewolf Training routine the way it stands now, and a 4 day Werewolf Training routine for those who only want to train Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri. Keep it coming guys!

  786. well the only fat that i want to lose is my beer belly. is it possible for me to have a flat belly with this program steve?

    • magbabakal: You could end up with a flat belly from this program, but that’s not what it’s designed for. You should really read the HIIT and HIRT posts, then combine those routines with a full body workout and eat to lose fat. Werewolf Training is specifically for people who want to gain muscle.

  787. Andrew: I varied the exercises, sets, and reps according to how I would organize them in a workout designed to gain muscle. You can change the program around if you think you have a better idea of how to design it. Modifying any workout for your personal preferences is something that all experienced athletes should be able to.

  788. steve can i ask if this program alone can help me loose my big belly? or can u give me an advice how can i loose this big belly of mine and get an abs, cause i dont know if i really need to do some cardio or jog every week. thanks man. i hope u’ll answer my question.

    • magbabkal: This isn’t the best program for you to lose fat. I would prefer to see some heavy strength training in conjunction with HIIT and HIRT workouts, if you want to lose fat.

  789. PhitZone: Glad you could stop by. I do write occasional fluff, but I think Werewolf Training is a legit training article, and it will be even better once we keep improving it. I’m almost ready to expand it to a 4 week program with the notes I’ve made and the comments I’ve received. Thanks for writing, and let me know your feedback.

  790. I’ve been consistently lifting for just over 3 years now, and gone through a few different styles of routine, but only on day #5 of this plan I can tell that my body is being worked in a totally new way. Can’t wait to see the results after a full cycle.

    My biggest piece of advice is to drink plenty of water, b/c I’ve been fighting soreness that never gave me trouble before.

  791. Hey steve, awesome routine by the way, I just had a question about the sets you put, and I did read your reply about not having to be exhausted after a workout but im guessing the sets can be played around to fit your own personal perference correct? Because it was stated that Taylor launter varied his sets from time to time, and it brings me to my other question, How many times did he vary his sets and reps, or does it depend on the person for him to decrease and increase the weight he is lifting and also how many reps he does with each?

  792. hey man, i am 140lbs, hard to gain muscle , i am very lean but i am very athletic. i play soccer and swim, that explains why i am so lean, i need to try and be at around 165-170. thats my goal.

    would this routine do it?

  793. I’m a seventeen year old male about 5’7” weighing in at a puny 143 and am hoping this will help me add on the pounds. I will post my truimph (got to start out positive!) in a few weeks. To those thinking about doing this or those who have started please email me with advice or if you would like someone to help motivate you!!!

    (Note from admin: Mikeal, I had to remove your e-mail address from the comment because I didn’t want you to end up on e-mail spammer lists.)

  794. I’ve skipped over this article a number of times because I thought that it might be a cheesy Twilight post. I’m glad that I stopped to read it this time.

    Aside from the whole werewolf thing, this workout looks very interesting. I’ll give it a go, and post updates on my blog.

  795. I really like the way you presented out all of the info in this post. The bottom line here is that you need to keep your body moving forward by changing things up. Your body is smart and can adapt pretty quickly. If you make it a habit to switch up your routine each week or even each workout, then you’ll be progressing towards your goals over time.

  796. Hey Steve!
    Thanks a mill for posting this article. My girlfriend is a huge twilight fan and thanks to this routine I may be able to bulk up a bit.
    I’m 5″9 and 162 lbs. I don’t know whether I’m ectomorph or not, but could you give me and others some advice on whats the best start of the day, breakfast-wise, and whats best to eat before and after workouts?

    • Victor: A good breakfast can be made up of many things including eggs, milk, whole grain toast, 100% fruit juice, yogurt, or even leftover pot roast. Just try to limit the junk food like french toast, pancakes, sugary cereal, donuts, and fast food. Try a protein shake or protein bar if you are in a rush.

      Before workouts: complex carbs and protein. After workouts: Biotest Surge.

    • Sean: The most important exercises are squat, bench, deadlift, pull up/chin up, and military press. I don’t want to kill anyone by recommending overload sets for squats. That could be dangerous if not done correctly. For deadlifts I would recommend rack pulls rather than an overload. Rack pulls are when you pull the weight off power rack pins or off boxes, which allows you to use more weight than if you had to pull from the floor. For military presses I would recommend the push press, which allows you to use your whole body to press the weight, rather than just your shoulders, which of course allows you to use more weight.

      I have actually thought about making a couple changes to this program so far, including integrating rack pulls and push press. Werewolf Training might be getting a small overhaul and possibly an expansion pretty soon.

  797. Steve,

    I felt like trying something new as I was reaching a plateau and thought this looked interesting. I just did the first workout yesterday. My question is, as I’ve been working out for a while now, would adding in additional exercises to this workout be beneficial, or do you recommend sticking to the plan more strictly? Also, normal rest between exercises or is this meant to be a bit more uptempo as the exercises jump from different muscle groups?

    Thanks and I enjoy your website

    Oh, one last thing. What are your thoughts on creatine?

    • Elliot: You should only use as much rest as you need between sets. I recommend 60-90 seconds.

      Some people have stated that the workouts seem a little short or perhaps under-taxing. You don’t have to be exhausted at the end of the workout in order to get a good workout. Stick to the plan for now and if you absolutely need to add an extra exercise, do so at your own risk.

      And finally, I dislike creatine for myself, but I do recommend it to people for whom it does not make sick. When I use creatine I get really annoying cramps in my legs no matter how much water I drink.

  798. I am a great runner and would like to do track and cross country for my highschool. My issue is that I really dont want to be skinny. Can I still be a good runner with more muscle mass then other runners?

    • Sean: I wrote 20% of your 5 rep max, whereas the Taylor Lautner part said 40% of a 10 rep max. I updated the program so that you can either use 40% of 10 reps or 20% of 5 reps. Which ever number you know best will be used to derive your overload weight.

  799. Hey, I have a home gym in my basement and I’m really looking forward to starting this routine! Ive been finding myself constantly changing routines but this one looks really legitimate. My only problem i think i’m going to have is finding the right weight for every exercise that will allow me to fail within those prescribed reps… i guess ill find out soon!

    • Ryan: You may have to go through the whole 18-21 day program once to know all the weights you need for each exercise. I really hope you like the routine. Let us know how it goes.

  800. I had a question about part of the lifting, I have a really bad knee, and two torn disks in my lower spine, so I can do a majority of lifts, but I cannot do Squats, What would you suggest for a sub? i was thinking leg press, but I know I would not get the rest of the full body workout squats provide? any suggestions?

    • Chris: That’s tough. I would recommend definitely sticking with the leg press until you can fix your knee. If your knee doesn’t bother you, I suggest trying one leg presses for each side. Is there a chance you can do step-ups? Can you hack squat? Without really knowing your history or working with you one-on-one, I can’t really give you great advice. You might considering working with a physical therapist to fix your knee. What are you doing about your back? See, I just can’t give you good advise at this time. Please talk to licensed professionals for advice about fixing your injuries. Best of luck!

  801. If you have ever tried gaining weight without success, you may not be eating enough to put on extra muscle tissue. If this is the case, try to adding more calories to your diet. Having a diet rich in calories and nutrients can help you gain more muscle and even lose fat. A diet high in protein does just this and helps to repair the body, so it is pertinent to maintain a high protein level. Protein sources such as meat, fish and eggs are great sources of protein. When eating protein, it is better to choose meats that are low in fat.

    • Thanks Ronald, I agree. Not sure if your message was actually spam or if you are serious, but what you write is definitely true.

  802. it’s the offseason for football and i also have to stay in good running shape, so will i not get any stronger if i lose weight because im running 3 miles a day?

    • Omar: Everyone seems to misunderstand what I am saying about cardio. You can do as much cardio as you want, but if you want to MAXIMIZE muscle gains, you should LIMIT cardio. I never said avoid cardio altogether. I also never said ‘if you do cardio you will not make gains’. You can make gains if you do cardio with Werewolf Training, but you will MAXIMIZE those gains by limiting cardio to once a week, or to short sessions… maybe 25 minute sessions rather than an hour or more.

  803. Tyler: Sounds good man, let me know.

    Joe: You should follow the nutrition plans outlined in the workout.

    Chris: Go ahead and do some cardio, but remember that endurance cardio is not that great for gaining muscle. HIIT cardio would be tight though. Let me know how you fare.

  804. This looks like a great workout, I am gonna put together a training and food log and log my stats and see were it takes me. Tho how much do you think cardio will offset the results, I will obviously log if I do cardio ect. but I play ball a few nights a week cause I put fat on real easy, Thanks for the workout!

  805. Hi Steve, I’m on this plan as well. Thanks for the detailed walk through, Ive been contemplating bulking up for a while and now’s the right time. I’ll report back after a few run throughs.

  806. Ok I am currently on the 3rd day of training which just so happens to be a much needed off day for me. Day 1 went good but I think you should add an extra set on the pullups. The reason for this is because I think we should all hit our backs hard. Day 2 was pretty intense so I think no changes are needed. Any ways, so far so good

    • Thanks Devin. I find that 3 sets are sometimes in order for exercises that I really like. However, if 2 sets of pull ups isn’t enough, you are not training with enough intensity. You should not leave any reps in the bag on the first set, and you should be pushing the last set to failure at least, maybe even jump up and get a negative rep. Great feedback!

  807. some excellant tips there.like how as a novice he noticed quite quickly that he was losing weight overtraining.

    hit my blog for some caveman training techniques.

  808. Thanks for the advice Steve, but as of right now my cardio is in the best it could be! I was wanting to focus on my size actually. I have more power then most of our seniors at most other schools when we go to the school meets. I kick furthur, run faster, push harder then just about anyone out there. I wanted to get bigger to have an even bigger advantage over most players. I have been through many HIIT routines and wanted something to bulk me up. These are my thoughts though. If you have any more advice Ill gladly take it

    • Kyle: It sounds as though you know what you need to do. Go ahead and tackle Werewolf Training in the off season and try to put on some serious strength and size. I highly recommend you work on your strengths. If you are good at sprinting and jumping, maximize those skills. If you think about it, superior strength and power will be more useful on the field than plain old mass. Fortunately, I know Werewolf Training will make you stronger, so go for it.

  809. Hey steve i just finished day 2 of the program and will do the whole thing for a few cycles. I have been working out for a year and mainly that has been to lose the fat weight i had, now i am trying to gain some muscle. Ill tell you how the results are when i can. Day one was fairly easy and day 2 was a fair bit more difficult.

  810. Best article I’ve ever read. Thanks alot. My friend and I are ectomorph type and started going to the gym just over a month ago. Using all the information on this site I created a 3set x 12rep schedule of every exercise for that muscle ‘day’. Workouts were taking up to an hour and a half, DOMS was inevitable due to over working, and progress was reduced due to lack of recovery. We did days based on bicep/back, tricep/chest, shoulder/anything that wasn’t tired, and began every workout with extensive ab work.

    I find that for ectomorph beginners who are serious about it, these are common mistakes. As outline in this article and workout schedule, you don’t need to DESTROY that muscle group every second day.

    Thanks so much for sharing this information.
    Don’t forget to eat.

  811. Steve,
    I have been looking for a routine this specific for awhile and im glad to find it. But i was wondering I play soccer for my school and we are in the somewhat beginning of our season. Would the running during games and practice counter act the muscle I gain like you said above? Im 6’2″ and around 160-165 and ectomorph catagory.

    • Kyle: The running will offset some of your muscle gains, but the strength gains should still help you out on the field. You don’t want to gain too much mass for soccer anyway, so a lower rep routine with more cardio is better for you, since it will focus on strength and endurance rather than size.

      • Hey Steve, not sure if you’re still replying to comments in 2021 but I just had a couple questions –

        1. You said that Taylor takes every 3rd day off but in the muscle gain plan not every 3rd day is given as a rest day.. is this something I am to implement myself?

        2. Sort of the same for abs, it was mentioned that Taylor trained them 3 days a week but ab workouts are only given twice a week maximum

        Just looking for some guidance on how I should go about it 🙂

        • Hi Bailey. Sorry for the delayed response. You’re right, it has been quite a while since I published this, but if folks are using it, I’m always happy to respond.

          1. The NAT workouts – Days 3, 6, etc… are meant to be lower intensity with a focus on neural activation and core training. You can optionally take one or both of these days off if you are too fatigued from the rest of the week, but don’t forget to do your core training.
          2. You can repeat the core workouts as often as you’d like. Feel free to add some core to the other days – perhaps toss in some ab wheel roll-outs in between sets. You could repeat the core training from days 3 or 6 after your other training on other days, or add a core workout on Sunday.

          What’s nice is you are in total control over your own workout. Do what works best for you, using this routine as just a guide.

  812. Marlon:
    2 eggs, 1 slice of whole grain toast, 4 oz of Canadian bacon, 8 oz of skim milk. That’s about 400 calories.

    Low fat protein shake made with milk plus 30 grams of protein powder, and a piece of fruit. That’s about 300 calories.

    A turkey sandwich on whole grain with light Miracle Whip is just under 300 calories. Add a glass of 1% milk and you’re at about 420.

  813. David G: Please give the workout a try and let me know what you think. I’m dying to read feedback. Initial stats and post-Werewolf stats would be key. Good luck!

  814. Devin: I am actually excited to try this workout too. I’ve been lifting sporadically at best the last couple months, but I want to at least hit up one cycle of Werewolf Training. Let me know all of your criticisms, both good and bad, so that we can make this a top notch mass gain plan.

  815. Hey man, I was looking forward to see this article being posted. I check your blog on a daily bases and I read all of your articles from beginning to end. I really appreciate what you have offered to people and I wanted to thank you because I have definitely learned alot. I have also taken advantage of everything you post and have used them in my everyday workouts.

    As for this routine, I am willing to try it and see the results. I just finished a routine I did for 20 days and I feel the need to try something new.

    I will post results and give you feedback if you want it.

    Thanks again,
    David G

  816. I am excited to try this workout as I always been a small guy who never really packed on serious muscle mass. I will try to keep to this workout as strictly as possible so that the most accurate results can be seen from this work out plan. I am 5ft 8in and 152 pounds and I will post my results in the months to come.

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